DOCUMINT 11111SUNS EDon576 EC 003 1106 BrLunin. Lois F., Ed. Information Sources in Hearing, Speech. and Communication Disorders. Part L Publications. Developmental EcStion. Information Center for Hearing, Speech. and Disorders of Human Communication, Baltimore. Md. Pub Date 68 Note-311p. EDRS Price Mr-S125 HC-S15.65 Descriptors-Abstracts,*AnnotatedBibliographies.*AurauyHanckapped.Betliografhies.Dictionaries. Directories. *Exceptional Chid Services, FAms, Glossaries. Guides, Indexes (Locaters), Information Sources. *Language Hanckapped. Literature Reviews, Periockals, Publications. Research Reviews (Publications). *Speech Handicapped, Textbooks This guide to recent sources of published inforMation in hearincj, speech. and con yntrnication disorders lists 759 references.The items are arranged in nine major sections and are annotated- except when reasons of processing prevent. The section on reviews covers hearing. language. speech. andadditional reviews; the section on special serials contains review journals. annual and irregular review serials. status reports of laboratories, statistical survey series.i translation serials. and publishers' series. Indexing and abstracting publications litted indude" indexes, abstracts. research in progress. and meetings; gt tides and directories cover members and_ individuals, societies and associations: centers and services, professional training. and funding. Additional sections contain core and cognate journals; hearing. language. speech. and cognate Area bibliographies; English language. deaf language. and foreignlanguage/Englishlanguagedictionariesandglossaries;aucliolow. otolaryngology. and speech pa...thology handbooks; and_ films and other media lists. M appendix cites publications from meetings dealing with hearing. the vesfibular system. and language and speech. (JD) C:=1 C=i CZ= .1111 !MC 16.16.1 Immo. ce2 161m1 C=2 664 =IN Lima C=1 COD C=0 C=.2 C=)Lima L.16.1 4* =ENECe= WINK HIMIN,MOOR & U.S.IMMO Of OffICE OfMAW BM IICEMOROM 11§ SEMMOOD OWE DOCUMUll US MOM O.POINTS OfVIEW OR Pf11011 OR0101120011 RPMMil auOf MOON SUS DOROIIICISSMILY P021101 OtPOUCY. INFORMATION SOURCES IN HEARING SPEECH AND COMMUNICATION DISORDERS 1968 PARTI.PUBLICATIONS DEVELOPMENTAL EDITION INFORMATION CENTER FOR HEARING,SPEECH, AND DISORDERS OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Md. 21205 The Information Center is part of the NeurologkalInformation Network of the National Insti- tute of Neurological Diseases andBlindness and is supported by contract number PH 43-65-23. INFORMATION CENTER FOR HEARING,SPEECH, AND DISORDERS OF HUMANCOMMUNICATION John E. Bordley, Director Alfred N. Brandon, Assistant Director Francis I. Catlin, Scientific Director Lois F. Lunin, Program Director Information Sources in Hearing,Speech, and CommunicationDisorders Lois F. Lunin, Executive Editor Jean T. Boulware, Editor and Compiler Barbara Reeves, Production Editor This symbol was designed to representthe activities of the Information Center as well as thesubject areas it covers. represents INPUT ofinforthation to an individual(hearing) and to the Information Center. represents OUTPUT from theindividual (speech' and'language).aswell as from the Information Center. The lack of separation between the twoelements in the design symbolizes the free exchange of informationrequisite to orderly communication. 11° iii FOREWORD The growth of scientificresearch since World WarII'and the resulting "information explosion" havenecessitated the development of new methods of handling publishedmaterials and a new emphasis on the identification and use of existinginformation tools. An important developmentin information handling methodshas been the establishment by theNational Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness of the NeurologicalInformation Network. This Network consists of a group ofinterrelated information centers whichhelp scientists, physicians, andteachers keep up to date with devel- opments in neurologicaland sensory research. The Information Center for Hearing,Speech, and Disorders of HuMan Communication, one of the four centersin this Network, is located at the Johns HopkinsMedical Institutions. Its mission is to identify, locete, analyze, store, retrieve,repackage, synthesize, and disseminate information in hearing, speech,language, and communication disorders. The Information Center is staffedby a group of scientists in The Johns Hopkins University Schoolof Medicine and information specialists. The Center maintains closecooperation with the Welch Medical Librafy, the Medical Division of theUniversity's Computing Center, the National Library of Medicine, and the otherinformation centers in the Neurological Information 7747,twork. iv FOREWORD One function of an informationcenter is to identify and locate services and to provide aninventory of source materials. The rationale for Information Sources inHearing, Speedh, and CommunicationDisorders is the identification andcompilation of existing information sources in communication disordersfor the scientist, teacher, student, and librarian. Because this is a developmentaledition of Information Sources, we are particularly eager toreceive comments from users on the scope, coverage,organization, format, content of entries, and style Of writing.We also would like to hear about the uses to which this guide hasbeen put. Other products offered by theInformation Comter for Hearing, Speech, and Disorders of Human Communicationinclude Communication Disorders, a computer-based current awarenessservice; a state-of-the-art report on the AcousticNeurinoma; Ptogrammed Instruction on theDecibel in Clinical Amdiology; and anumber of bibliographies andtranslations. Although many of these materials were prepared asworking tools for the Information Center,their use by interested scientists, physicians, librarians, and informationspecialists is encouraged. This multiple application ofmaterials prepared by the Information Center, which is supported by pliblicfunds, earns for the public an increased return on itsinvestment in the National Institutes of Health programs. Additional information on products andservices may be obtained by writing the Information Center for Hearing,Speech, and Disorders of Human Communication, 310 Harriet Lane Home, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland 21205. CONTENTS !St Foreword vii Introduction xi Abbreviations used Item REVIEWS Introduction . 1:1 . Hearing . 1:63 Language . 1:100 . Speech . 1:136 Additional Reviews . SPECIAL SERIALS Introduction * 2:1 Review Journals . 2:7 Annual and IrregularReview Serials 2:25 Status Reports ofLaboratories . 2:30 Statistical Survey Series . 2:32 Translation Serials . 2:34 Publishers' Series . PRIMARY JOURNALS Introduction 3:1 Core Alo 3:49 Cognate INDEXING AND ABSTRACTINGPUBLICATIONS Introduction . 4:1 Indexes . 4:18 Abstracts . 4:42 Mutat& tn Progress . 4:45 Meetings . ANIMMM11. vi CO NTE NTS Item BIBLIOGRAPHIES Introduction . 5:1 Hearing . 5:13 Language . y. 5:17 Speech . .. 5:22 Cognate Areas . DICTIONARIES, GIDSSARIES Introduction 6:1 English Language . Special Language of the Deaf . 6:15 . 6:16 Foreign Language/EnglishLanguage . HA NDBOO KS Introduction 7:1 Audiology . 7:12 Otolaryngology . Speech Pathology . 7:21 CAJIDES, DIRECTORIES Introduction 8:1 Members and Individuals . Societies and Associations . 8:23 Centers and Services . 8:30 Professional Training . 8:41 . 8:46 Funding . FILMS, OTHER MENALISTS Introduction Films, Other Media Lists . 9:1 APPENDEKA:PUBLICATIONS RESULTINGFROM MEETIN(7,S A:1 Hearing . Vestibular System . A413 . A:17 Language and Speech . Pate Index Authors and. Corporate Authors I-1 Index to Titles . 1-7 1 vii INTRODUCTION Hearing, Speech, andCommunication Disorders. Information Sources in setwara-- Part I. PUblications is intended as aguide to recent iallshed information in the areascovered by thisInformation Center. works produced This developmentaledition lists 759 references to in the English language. is to display the lists The primary purposeof the present edition that they may better of sources that havebeen compiled thus far so meet the needs of theInformation Center and be giventrial use librarians, among thereseardhers, practitioners,teachers, students, health personnel information specialisn,administrators, and allied for whom the guide isintended. It I. hoped thatthis compilation activities in the will also serve as a steptoward identifying the many-faceted field ofhearing-lenguage-spesCh, thusenhancing its visibility and providing aperspective that will beuseful ill defin- ing its scope. Information !Sources can servethe user by providing: A handle on theliterature of communication The continuinggrowth ofthe literature in which it disorders and thewide range of publications comprehensive in- appears havepointed to the need for a ventory of the sourcesof pertinent informationand ref- erences.This guide begins to providesuch a list and to annotate the purpose, scope,and characteristics of such sources. A definition of thefield The field of communicativedisorders needs definition. It now contains a mosaicof unrelated parts'which many investigators believe shouldbe brought together into an integrateddesign. For this reason, theInformation Center has gathered data on sourcesand services in this area in thehope that awareness of such partswill demon- strate the existing patternof activities as well asil- lustrate the gaps. An information referralnetwork The day of insularity in biomedicalresearch and in infor-, nation centers is passing.Most
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