RENOVATIONAFTER FIRES Fire d,estruction in cello-bass storage room Cello-bassroom after renauati,on Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center was the locationof two arson-suspectedfires last Spring. The first fire was started in four rooms on the top floor of the structure where the art department is housed.All four art studiosreceived major damage,- ' the roof of the building was severely damaged,and water damage to thiid floor carpet and pianoswas significant. Several nights later a secondfire was HOWARDCARPENTER WesternK' started in the cello and string bassstorage RETIRES room and on severalbulletin boards in t[e Uniuers'ity music department. All contentsof the April 28th was the date for an alumni- Department room were destroyed,and smokedamage sponsoredbanquet honoring Dr. Howard was of Musi,c substantial on the third floor. Classes Carpenter, former head of the music were suspended for severaldays. Some department and professor at Western for NEWSLETTER applied lessonswere taught in homesand 30 years.Carolyn and Joe Lippo of churchesfor several for Alumn'i, weeksuntil breathing Jacksonville,Florida, weie r-esponsiblefor becameeasier. A monitoring systemwas organizing the affair and soliciling Students, establishedto check personsentering the contributions for a string/piano Colleagues,and building after p.m. 5:00 and on weekends. scholarshipfund to be establishedin Dr. This monitoring Friends system is still in existence Carpenter'shonor. (Thosealumni wishing and requires that all personsentering the to make a contribution to this scholarshiJ building use the outside door by the dean's fund should send a check to the music office. office marked "Howard Carpenter The summer of 1984became the focus ScholarshipFund.") for putting the arts center back into Many good memories were shared in a condition for the fall semesteractivities filled-to-capacitybanquet room at the Iron and the returning student body. Many Skillet Restaurant.Both Howard and Jean rooms on the third floor were painted or were most radiant about a recently-born scrubbed, carpets and bulletin boards first grandson and the plans they were replaced,new ceiling tiles installed and making to visit John and Adrienne pianos in and strings ordered to replace the California to spoil the new heir to lost instruments. Carpenter charm, talent, dedication and intelligence. Dr. Carpenter is missedin the musie halls, but sources report that he has been seenpicking up mail, visiting with faculty and.students, and in generallooking healthy, happy and relaxed. We ex6nd our best wishesto Howard in his retirement. voL.1 NO.1 FALLSEMESTER, 1984 Electedto StateOffices WesternStudent Music Educators Welcometo the'i,naugural'issue of the Representatives of an active and aggressive chapter of student mlsie Western Mi,nstrel! The faculty and statf of the educators traveled to Cumberland Falls State Park September 30th to Department of Musi,c haue shoum gteat interest attend the annual Kentucky Student Music Educators State Fall and enthusiasm in putting together thi's long- Confdrence. While there David Swift, a Leitchfield senior saxophonist, needed medtium of communication with took office as KSMENC state president. Also elected to state offices alumn'i, students,friends ond' col\eagwes. were vice-presidentValerie Hale, a Bowling Green senior soprano,and Through the generous gi'fts of many of you, 'it secretary Chandler Fowler, a senior sopranofrom Nashville. These has becomepossible us to purchase an IBM the 1985 Fall conference. for students will serve as state officers until PC XT Microcomputer with printers. This has the local Chapter 8 are John Leffert, president, Mike Officers of rnade the creation of this newsletter, os well as Clark and Teresa Saylor, vice-presidents,and Chandler Fowler secretary-treasurer. The sponsor for the group is Dr. Christine Hobbs. rnanA other administratiue funct'ions and Mr. Stephen Grugin has agreed to assist in sponsoring the group this faculty projects poss'ible,wen w'ith our uerA year. Both sponsorsand thirteen members attended the Cumberland small cleri,cal staff. Thank aou so much for Falls Conference,where Dr. Emery Alford presented a workshop for Aour cont'i,nuedi,nterest and support! participants on 20th Century Notation Techniques. - Th.prc i.s on,nfhpr iq.fortant wautAou ean' ---- - help!Please let us know of talentedhi,gh school juniors or sm'iors who utould,cons'ider com'ing WesternMusicians Tour Spain to Western.Nothi'ng is more cruc'ial to the building of a ry,ality reputationthan Three WKU Music Departmentfaculty membersspent part of the attractins thebest students. You can haaean summerin Spainperforming with the AmericanOrchestra of the important, posit'iaeinflu,ence on Western's Costadel Sol Festival.Gary Dilworth wastrumpet soloistand associate Peaseserved as concertmaster,and Edward Pease fuhtre. conductor,Betty wags we can improue playedprincipal horn. Also involvedin the tour were Beth Blackerby, Please let me knms violin;Wilma Benson,viola; Dana Ballard, cello; and Paul Reiss, and seraeEou better. We alwaEs welcorne horn-all current or former membersof the Bowling Green-Western Ietters ond telephonecalls from friend's and SymphonyOrchestra. alumni. The American Orchestrawas composed of both professionaland Dr. Wayne Hobbs studentmusicians from all over the United States.The group assembledon June 19 near Malaga for rehearsalsbefore beginning a sevenconcert tour of cities in the southof Spainincluding Sevilleand surroundingarea, Ronda, and in severalcities alongthe Mediterraneancoast. For Mr. Dilworth the tour of Spainwas his secondexperience with the American Orchestra.He later traveledto Greecewith the HelenophileOrchestra performing the Haydn TratrnpetConcerto in suchcilies as Athens,Patrai, Pyrgosand Chaneaon the Island of Crete.Other stops on Mr. Dilworth'strip includedFrance, Africa and Italy. BarteredBride to be Producedin EarlySpring This year's major productiQn for the Music and Theatre Departments will be Smetana's The Bartered Brid,e. Performances will be on February 28th, March 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The following faculty are assigned to the opera this year: Dr. Wayne Hobbs and Mr. James Brown, co-producers;Ms. Elizabeth Volkman, stagedirector; Dr. Virgil Hale, music director; Dr. Kenneth Davis, chorusmaster;Mr. Gary Dilworth, conductor;Dr. JacksonKesler, costumer;Mrs. Beverly Veenker, choreographer;Mr. SteveProbus, set designer. Students chosen in auditions for major roles in order of appearance are: Stephen Pierce as Krusina, Mary Beth Hancock as Ludmila, Jennifer Drury as Hata, Paul Brown as the Circus Barker, Alicia Beckham and Sherri Phelps as Marenka, Stan Paschal as Vasek, Jerry Williams as Jenick, and Teresa Saylor as Esmerelda. Basically an enjoyable, folk-like opera, The Bartered Brzde should be a fine experience for both adult and student groups. It will be performed in English. For further information contact the Music Department, (502) 7 45-3751. Soprano Elizabeth Volkman portrays Marenka in The Bartered' Bri'd,e atthe Gartnerplatz Theater in Muni'ch, Gertnon^ lHkq ltr .tt ti -/ lii+T GRUGIN MARC lTlTe The looks and soundsof the Big Red Band are changing this year! A new position of AssociateDirector of Bands was created last Spring, and Western's choicefor this new positionwas Mr. StephenGrugin, a Frankfort, Kentucky, native. Mr. Grugin receivedhis Bachelor of Music Education and Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies from Ohio State University and completeda Master of Music in Conducting from Northwestern University. He was the band director of Talawanda High Schoolin Oxford, Ohio for four very successfulyears. Steve has studied trombone with Frank Crisafulli of the ChicagoSymphony and conducting with John Paynter and Donald McGinnis. Mr. Grugin was lead trombonist with the Ohio State University Jazz Ensemble for three years. This outstanding group performed at the Nice and Montreux International Jazz Festivals and recorded MID-WINTERBAND CLINIC the album chosenby Doumbeat magazine TOBE HELD as the Performance "Best by a Big Band" Selectedhigh schoolinstrumentalists in 1978. will be attending the Mid-Winter Band ,tu, In charge of the marching band and Clinic to be held on campus on January jazz ensemblethis Fall, Mr. Grugin will 24th,concluding with a 1:00p.m. be directing the basketball band in the concert on Saturday, January the 26th. FacultyPlay in VariedGroups Spring. In addition, he will teach Nominated studentswill be divided marching band techniques, There is an abundanceof participation trombone, and into two honorsbands which will other brass technique in faculty chamber groups this year. A classes.Dr. Kent rehearseand perform under the Campbell continues few professorshave dusted off their to direct the concert direction of nationally-known band and supervisethe band program. instruments to be able to fill important conductors.Conductors at past clinics When askedabout his plans small ensemblesin the department. for the Big have included John Paynter, Red Marching Band, Mr. Faculty playing in the departmental Grugin stated Northwestern University; Howard that combining progressive Faculty Woodwind Quintet are: William "by marching "Zeke" Nicar, Vanderbilt; John Savage, techniqueswith musical playing, Sneddon,oboe; Ann Hale. flute: Christine Western Virginia Commonwealth;Gary Smith, has the potential to have Hobbs, clarinet; Edward Pease,horn; and the leading University of Illinois; Wayne Tipps, collegemarching band in the state." Larry Long, bassoon.This group also University of Tennessee;James participates
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