C^Tubtiskel KORUJV By 'Qtuli Driers CJub' Of La.Grangi- College Volume VIII LaGrange, Georgia., February, 1929 Number 5 Miss Estes And Miss Plays That Are Coming A Valentine Tea Given Graduation Recital of Curtain Raisers Johnson Report As Soon In College Parlors Miss Julia Marlin Responsible For Delegates to the Stud- Among lite most brilliant so- The L. C. student body always Loud Speaker On Saturday evening, Febru- cial events 0f the month was the looks forward to the Senior re- ent Volunteer Confer- ary 23 at 8:00 o'clock, the L. C. Valentine Tea, given on Febru- ' jt. i -p] fj t this year "When you give them a finger c v s le rs one they want the whole hand"— students and citizens of La- ary 12 in the college Parlors, J ffraduation recital' ence at Brenau Col- i m Grange may look forward to a *rom foui U"V- S1\, The h0S" that is, some people do, but when lege. , . ,, „u„ tesses were Miss Alary Mar- piano of Miss Julia Marlin, of Al- real■ treat, because the members any is given to L. C. students garet Chester, Miss Belle K. pharetta, given in the college au- U work and ut more tQ jt "You lucky girls! You must of the French and Spanish clubs Stewart, and Miss 1-ranees, ditonum Monday evening, l<eb- T. ao ., nrnvart . ., , , have found a four leaf clover or of L. C. are to give their an-1 Dough man. The rooms were at- . ig 1929 She was assist- This is easily proven by the fact rUal v that Dr. Dobbs gave the L. C. a horse shoe." ing program: a French play and ! tractively decorated with carna- j '. 'm " E , ' p „ Well, we were lucky but we tions and daffodils, and the soft- girls an expensive Mohawk- wished for every single L. C.,a SPanish Plav- ly shaded lights gave a festive leader, American, electric radiola for a girl while we were at Georgia Now, nearly everyone "on the air to the stately old rooms. The Baskets of flowers and ferns Christmus gift, and to show Dr. Student Volunteer Conference hill" knows, from preceding pro- music rendered by Miss Helen attractively decorated the 2JS.SSJH& 'Ml SEX held at Brenau. which ate his generosity, the Curatin of th these "Say, when arc you leaving.- f»»J %^\ ** ffSle'and Tab'el"HSSh^' expressed the numerous Raisers, the Dramatic club of Don't you want my pink bonnetfee^SST^S^SiS^ wS vSunftonished delightful j*°°d. rfe?w«flov.lv in , the college, because they had a few extra "jeans" in their treas- ury thought to buy a loud speak- er to go in the dining room. I just want to remark that everyone stood in amazement when she came down to dinner lowing Monday. My: just think gj»SS^SS^S^ ^Sita Lou Smith then sang, Adagio sostenuto-AUegretto-; on the evening of February 13 wasn't it exciting, leaving school " "• ^^ffi? ,^ £. "At Dawning" and "1 Love You Presto Agitato , to the accompaniment of the soft on Friday, something that's nev ^MSJDjncan then able teacher ^ ^ ^^ Miss Marlin strains from a great London or- er happened to us before. "rhfwUh nlav to be <xiven I was given by Miss Mildred Stipe, Bargain Day at a Ribbon Coun- chest,ra. "My, what a nice Val- An Atlanta Journal and Con- . ^SS^TTnf T^JSif S' as Mrs. Russel; Miss Gordo Da- ter-Carthew. , e gift and what a lovely l led ra entin stitution kept us company on f^ A £™ Z f *J*f vis, as Mrs. Puff; and Miss Vir- _ ,. Miss Powell igreeting for Dr. Dobbs and his Ji dins sousla our Bus trip to Atlanta. Uponf™ ^J^B^Jf f{££^ ginia Moseley, as Mrs. Thome. "' Pl«ie-Debuss excellent board of tructees that arriving at the "Gate City." We|f°' °f.??U^f „L™" wKjtf Following this a delightful sal- L'Alouette—Glinka Balakirew. jare coming to visit us tomorrow u TA V « -pX^ni tX all of us. This one act play Miss Marlin night," were the remarks heard rushed down to the ieiminal to humorous fin „,ad1 i-vrse was sened by MissesL_ „ inquire about train schedules ^ n d ^ Louise rvent, Virg.nia Pugh, bellow Butterflies-Andrews. just after President Thompson M Pow u announced that the Curtain and etc., to Gainesville. Undei- - pathos and sentiment- Fau .ie Huberts, »*.d Evelyn! A iss | - 1 -,..N ell. '! heir hearts costumes , Concerto A Minor—Schumann. Raisers had given the loud standing that we had 35 minutes alism. One of the outstanding- to wait we calmly sat down on helped to carry out the Valen- t First Momevent speaker to the college. features of this play is the tine scheme. About fifty guests. (with second piano) Other remarks as this were the very front seat in the wait- nightly colored. attractive ing room and co.nn.eiited on t e ^ Costumes worn by all I during the afternoon. MissMarun heard—"Oh, how it breaks the ihe ushers were Miss Gata- monotony of eating!" crowds as they passed. Every- |t£ eharacters Thft Smnish : time we saw a hat-box with the characters. The Spanish erine Chesnutt, Miss Mary 'Now we can eat our soup to mantilla worn by the graceful, Do You Know? 1 Grimes, Miss Margaret Dallis, the accompainment of the radio college sticker on it we stretched little queen will attract every- our necks to see where he or she „, Miss Kathryn Gudger, Miss Vir- —I really believe that at times one's attention. The characters Do you know why so many 1^ pugh and mss j^sa Les- was from and wondered if they we try to drown out those sooth- are. large flat packages marked Dog ing, melodic tones tho'." too could be going to the Stud- El Rev—La Senorita Mildred not bend," have been coming to ent Volunteer Conference. Glanc- "How well the small loud Stipe ■ the annual staff recently ! Recital Makes Hit at speaker, that wonderful inven- ing at the clock it suddenly4.1 La Reina—La Senorita Mil- Well they are proofs from the dawned on us that our tiain ielt' died Mooty engraver. And you would be tion, fits that place on the din- College ing room post!" at twelve five and we had _ no; E] Pastor'_LH Senorita Ruth! surprised to see how flattering time to loose. Up came n««.jjhat; The Student recital given in "And how it adds to the room! your picture is. So attractive! Why, it looks like boxes and two girls gomgUcketyj La Pastora _ . La Senorita | Do*you know whose pictureI the auditorium February 6, was split headed for Gate No. 3. Do, j Carley makes her look like an angel? quite unique and interesting in a dainty, well-made, and well de- Crysta l ll you reckon we will make it?" ~ Dog Muchachas_Las Senori-I Just wait and see. ! that the first, numbers were play-! ° S?S. gg1{"2?"P Do you know why all these led by the son of Mr. W. E. •»«« think—we-we canc all hear "Sure we have two more mm- virgimaB Pugh and Alice utes.' What a sign of relief | r,„u „_ proofs are so exciting? Thompson, president of the col-ithe radio now three times a day Cohen. 1 when we stepped on the Gaines- Like the one given last year Because it means that the an-'lege, the daughter of Mr. E. A Z*™™*" HoTrefreshing"" ville bound train. the French play will be one of nual will soon be off the press.. Lailey.. Dean of.the college, and ^^e &plk^ Sh As the train pulled out from Molier^s fam^s dramas. This Do you know why Virginia the daughter of Mr. G. IX Lin-, ««n lorxne «™»V£™ ■ «£ Atlanta, a young man came up one is considered his best-Lej Smith stayed in Atlanta from' denmayer, professor of Histoiv., w tne aoio ,taLj xv 1 r. _,.„.., ^„„*-;iu ™„ TUJ, Sntnrdav to Wednesday? The entire Diogram was as fol-1 jam uaibeit. 01 -^-- *" *"* to us and introduced himself as, Bourgeois Gentilhomme. This Saturday to Wednesday? The entire progi I.. C! And three big cheers for Marshal Lovell, from Emory. play has been rearranged and Yes, she said she was sick.|lows: our Dr. Dobbs! ! ! (We later found out he was Pres- ab^d«^somTbvaOsrDuncan*'" But confidentially, she was pay- Piano— (a) March of the Ele ident of the conference.) He told:' j^o^people rise from the class ing part of the Quadrangle billjphants. (b) Hear the Lions International Relations us about the people from the dif-, of the bourgeoisie to the nobility and making it possible for you to (Roar, (c) Circus Stunts.—Mae f erent colleges who were to be , comjng mt0 possession of I get your books sooner. : Aileen Erb—Hal Thompson, Club Meets there. And also of the main ' . lth ' Come to this play Do you know how many girls! Piano—The First Recital eat wea [ speakers of the conference. , | ^.ld gee have paid for their annuals ? Bilbro—Mary Nell Bailey. On February 6, the Intema- •'All out for Norcross. Oh, j Wg aJ.e gul.e that everyone wiH < Almost everyone. Have you ? \ Piano—The Cuckoo. The Vil-1 tional Relations club held its first Julia Alice, do you see that whit tractive scenes ana. Do you know what the theme lage Chimes.—Virgil- Dorothy meeting in the new club room. house over there? I bet any- the witty sayings of the cleveri of the annual is this year and Lindenmayer.
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