12/28/2017 LIST OF NODAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY VARIOUS MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS TO DEAL WITH LITIGATION/NOTICES RECEIVED LIST OF NODAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY VARIOUS MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS TO DEAL WITH LITIGATION/NOTICES RECEIVED UNDER SECTION 80 CPC SI. Name & Designation Address Telephone Nos. File No./ Telephone No. of the concerned No. S/Shri Section 1. Ministry of Agriculture, Ms. S. Rawla, Joint 23382354(0) A-44011/4/2009-Admn.l. dated 3rd August, Department of Animal Secretary (P&F), FAX: 23386674 2010, Shri A.K. Burua, Director (Admn.) Husbandry, Dairying & Krishi Bhawan, New Email: [email protected] Te1.23388534(0) Fisheries Delhi-110 001. [email protected] litigationcoord_dadf@ nic.in Coastal Aquaculture Shri Anil Kumar, Te1.044-28213785 A-44011/4/2009-Admn.1. dated 3rd August, Authority Senior Email: 2010, Shri A.K. Burua, Director (Admn.) Administrative anilkumarcwdb@gmail. Tel Officer, com. II Floor, Shastri Bhawan Annexe, [email protected] 26, Haddows Road, Chennai-600 006. 2. Ministry of Agro and "Shri Ashutosh 23794745 C-18019 (8)/2004-KVI Rural Industries Mishra, Director, FAX: 23010886 Room # 275D, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi. 3. Ministry of Agriculture, (a) Smt. Uma Goel, 233873384(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I dated 16th August, Department of Joint Secretary, Email: 2009 Agriculture & Room # 242A, [email protected] Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Cooperation Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001 (b) Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary, 23384280(0) Room # 247, Krishi Email: Bhawan, New Delhi [email protected] National Seeds Shri Ajit Kumar 25842143(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Corporation Samal, Company 09910491557(M) 2010 Secretary, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Beej Bhavan, PUSA [email protected] Complex, New Delhi-110 012. State Farms Mohd. Raquim, 26462067(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Corporation of India Company 22045180(R) 2010 Secretary, Farm 9868893666(M) Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Bhavan, 14-15, Email: Nehru Place, New [email protected] Delhi110019. Protection of Plant Shri D.S. Raj 25848127(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Varieties and Farmer's Ganesh, Legal 9350453380(M). 2010 Rights Authority Adviser, PPV&FRA, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary NASC Comples, [email protected] DPS Marg, Opposite Todapur Village, New Delhi- 110 012. National seed Dr. D.K. Srivastava, 0542-2370222(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Research and Training Sr. Seed Analyst, FAX: 2373098 2010 Centre G.T. Road, Collectry 09455505863(M). Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Farm, Varanasi-221 Email: 106. [email protected] Directorate of Cotton Dr. Anupam Barik, 22611964-66 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Development Director, FAX: 22611449 2010 14, R.B.K. Marg, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Ballard Estate, P.B. [email protected] # 1002, Mumbai- 400 038. Directorate of Jute Dr. S.K. Biswas, 22879443, 22879465 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Development Director, FAX: 033-22879521 2010 234/4, A.J. Bose Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Road, Nizam [email protected] ht p://lawmin.nic.in/la/liaison.htm 1i36 12/28/2017 LIST OF NODAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY VARIOUS MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS TO DEAL WITH LITIGATION/NOTICES RECEIVED Palace Campus, Kolkata-700 020. Directorate of Rice Dr. M.C. Diwakar, 2262843 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Development Director, FAX: 0612-2262720 2010 250-A, Patliputra Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Colony, Patna-800 [email protected] 001. Directorate of Millet Shri J.P. Singh, FAX: 0141-2235631 No.44015/9/2009-E.1, dated 23rd August, Development Director, Email: 2010 2nd Floor, Kendriya dmdrj00hub.nic.in Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Sadan Parisar, Block-A, Sector-10, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur-302 023. Directorate of Pulses Shri R.P. Singh, Jt. 2572313, 2550353 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Development Director, FAX: 0755-2571678 2010 Vindhyachal Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Bhavan, Bhopal- 462 004. Directorate of Oilseeds Shri G.R. 23225258, 23224381 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Development Gurumukhi, FAX: 040-23225259 2010 Director, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Telhan Bhavan, [email protected] Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad-500 029. Directorate of Wheat Dr. G.K. Chaudhry, 2752154, 2710879 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Development Director, FAX: 95-120-2711380 2010 C.G.O. Complex, 1, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary 3rd Floor, hapur [email protected] Road Chauraha, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad- 201 002. Directorate of Tobacco Dr. K. Manoharan, 28277422(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Development Directorate-in, FAX: 044-28270076 2010 Shastri Bhawan Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Annexe, 26, [email protected] Haddows Road, Chennai-600 006. Directorate of Dr. B.K. Yadav, 2324480(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Sugarcane Director, FAX: 0522-2323913 2010 Development C.G.O. Complex, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Hall # 3, Aliganj, [email protected] Lucknow-226 024. National Institute of Shri G. Shankar, 040-24015043 No.44015/9/2009-E.1, dated 23rd August, Plant Health Registrar Incharge Email: 2010 Management & Deputy Director [email protected] Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary (Engg.) Directorate of Plant Shri Binda Paswan, 0129-2413024(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Protection Quarantine Under Secretary 2424893(R) 2010 & Storage NH IV FAX: 2412125 Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Faridabad 9868143516(M) Email [email protected] Central Fertiliser Shri K.K. Dhingra, 0129-272190590) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Quality Control & Deputy Director 2420055® 2010 Training Institute NH Email Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary IV, Faridabad [email protected] National Centre of Shrh Hari Bhajan, 0120-2721905 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Organic Farming Cateloguer 2753844 2010 FAX:2721896 Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Email: [email protected] National Oilseeds and Shri Mangalagiri 124-2341884(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Vegetable Oils Gopi, Secretary, FAX: 2342884 2010 9899401239(M) http://lawmin.nic.in/la/liaison.htm 2/36 12/28/2017 LIST OF NODAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY VARIOUS MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS TO DEAL WITH LITIGATION/NOTICES RECEIVED development (NOVOD) 86, Sector018, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Board, Gurgaon Institutional Area, [email protected] Gurgaon-122 015. Oil Palm India Ltd., Shri Mathew M. 0481-2567103(0) No.44015/9/2009-E.1, dated 23rd August, Kottayam-686 039 Cheriyan, Senior 2301245(R) 2010 Managar (Finance 9946000920(M) Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary & Accounts), Email: P.B.V. No.1715, Old [email protected] Star Theatre Road, Kottyam South, P.O. Kottayam-686 039. National Horticulture Shri A.K. Mistry, 0124-2347441 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Board Additional 2342992 2010 Managing Director, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary 85, Institutional [email protected] Area, Sector 18, Gurgaon Coconut Development Shri A.K. Nandi, 0484-2377737 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Board Secretary, 2375216 2010 Kera Bhavan, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Cochin-682 011. [email protected] Directorate of Shri V.n. Hubbali, 0484-2377239 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Cashewnut and Cocoa Director, 8th Email: 2010 Development Bhavan, Kera [email protected] Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Bhavan, Cochin- 682 011. Directorate of Arecanut Shri Homi Cherian, 0495-2369877 No.44015/9/2009-E.1, dated 23rd August, and Species Deputy Director, 2765501 2010 Development Calicut-673 005 Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary (Kozhikode) [email protected] Directorate of Cashew Shri Venkatesh N. 0484-2377151 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, & Cocoa Development Hubballi, 2377239 2010 (DCCD) Director, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Kera Bhawan, [email protected] Kochi-682 011. Directorate of Arecanut Dr. M. Tamil Selvan, 0495-2765501 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, and Spices Director, 2765777 2010 Development (DASD) Kozhikode-673 005. Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary [email protected] Central Institute of Dr. Akali Sema 03862-247707 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Horticulture (CIH) Director, Email: 2010 Medzipherna, [email protected] Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary Dimapur, Nagaland. National Committee on Shri S.K. lyengar, 46511279 No.44015/9/2009-E.I, dated 23rd August, Plasticulture Application Joint Secretary, 46508501 2010 in Horticulture (NCPAH) DAC, 10th Floor, Email: Shri R.K. Gaba, Deputy Secretary International Trade [email protected] Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi 4. (a) Ministry of Shri G.R. 2573393 F.No.2-13/05-Law, dated 30.11.2009 Agriculture, Department Deshbandhu, CAO, Shri Rajiv Mehrishi, Additional Secretary, of Agricultural Indian Agricultural DARE and Secretary, ICR Research & Education Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi- 12. (b) Ministry of Shri P.S. Syal, Sr. 25846574 F.No.2-13/05-Law, dated 30.11.2009 Agriculture, Department AO, Indian Email: sao lasri.res.in Shri Rajiv Mehrishi, Additional Secretary, of Agricultural Agricultural DARE and Secretary, ICR Research & Education Statistics Research Institute, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi (c) Ministry of Ms. Sunita Sharma, 25841022 F.No.2-13/05-Law, dated 30.11.2009 Agriculture, Department SAP, National Email: [email protected] Shri Rajiv Mehrishi, Additional Secretary, Bureau of Plant DARE and Secretary, ICR ht p://lawmin.nic.in/la/liaison.htm 3/36 12/28/2017 LIST OF NODAL OFFICERS APPOINTED BY VARIOUS MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS TO DEAL WITH LITIGATION/NOTICES RECEIVED of Agricultural Genetic Resources, Research & Education Pusa Campus, New Delhi 5.
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