GHANA GAZETTE REPUBLIC OF GHANA Published by Authority 120 FRIDAY, 14TH AUGUSTNo. 2020 CONTENTS Page Notice of Publication of Executive Instruments 2646 Notice of Publication of Official Bulletins 2646 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (International Royal Centre, Nungua) 2646 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Assemblies of God, Ghana, End-Time Revival Centre, Adentan Estate) 2647 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Meadows Chapel International- Mataheko, New Abossey Okai) 2647 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Dodowa) 2647 Appointment of Marriage Officers (Church of Christ-Ghana, New Edubiase) 2648 Appointment of a Marriage Officer (Christ Revival Power Ministry) 2648 Appointment of a Marriage Officer (Word Based Chapel International) .. 2648 Gazette Notice—NPA-Indicative Ex-Pump Prices (16th-31st July, 2020) .. 2649 Change of Names 2651 Change of Dates of Birth 2658 Change of Place of Birth 2660 2646 GHANA GAZETTE, 14TH AUGUST, 2020 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF EXECUTIVE INSTRUMENTS The following Executive Instruments are published today: Curfew (Kandiga ar»d Poba Township of the Upper East Region) Instrument, 2020 (E.I. 231) Curfew (Bunkpurugu Township and its Environs in the North East Region) Instrument, 2020 (E.I. 232) Curfew (Chereponi Township and its Environs in the North East Region) Instrument, 2020 (E.1.233) Curfew (Saboba Township and its Environs in the Northern Region) Instrument, 2020 (E.1.234) Curfew (Drobo, Japekrom, Babianiha, Kwasibourkrom, Mpuasu, Basakrom, Kojokesekrom and Katakyiekrom in the Jaman South Municipality of the Bono Region) Instrument, 2020 (E.I. 235) Curfew (Kpatinga Township and its Environs in the Northern Region) Instrument, 2020 (E.I. 236) Curfew (Bimbilla Township and its Environs in the Northern Region) Instrument, 2020 (E.I. 237) Curfew (Alavanyo and Nkonya Townships and their Environs in the Oti Region) Instrument, 2020 (E.I. 238) \ \ NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL BULLETINS LOCAL GOVERNMENT BULLETIN No. 81 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS General Page Imposition of Rates and Fee-Fixing Resolution, 2020 — Kassena Nankana Municipal Assembly 3100 Imposition of Rates and Fee-Fixing Resolution, 2020 —Abuakwa South Municipal Assembly 3121 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BULLETIN No. 28 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS Companies Page Notice of Intention to Strike the name of a Company off the Register (IPC Petroleum Ghana Limited) 225 Notice of Dissolution of a Company (Sea Zeal Cleaning Solutions Limited) 226 Notice of Dissolution of a Company (Tower Marketco Limited).. 226 Notice of Cessation of Business of an External Company (Authcntix, Inc) 227 Notice of Winding Up of a Company (Harborough Limited) 228 PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of Section 8, sub-section 1 of the Marriage Ordinance Act (Cap. 127) as amended, I> RICHMOND ANTWIBOATENG, Municipal Co-ordinating Director, Office of the Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly, Accra, do hereby license the underneath public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: International Royal Centre, Nungua. Given under my hand at the Office of. the Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly, Accra, this 12th day of August, 2020. RICHMOND ANTWI BOATENG Municipal Co-ordinating Directs For: Municipal Chief Executive GHANA GAZETTE, 14TH AUGUST, 2020 2647 PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of Section 40, sub-section (1) of the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (Cap. 127), I, JEMIMA APEDO, Municipal Co-ordinating Director, Office of the Adentan Municipal Assembly, Accra, do hereby license the underneath public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: Assemblies of God, Ghana, End-Time Revival Centre, Adentan Estate. Given under my hand at the Office of the Adentan Municipal Assembly, Accra, this 3rd day of August, 2020. JEMIMA APEDO(MS.) Municipal Co-ordinating Director For: Municipal Chief Executive PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of Section 40, sub section (1) of the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (Cap. 127), I, ABDULAI ALHASSAN ISSIFU, Municipal Co-ordinating Director, Office of the Ablekuma Central Municipal Assembly, Larlebiokorshie, do hereby license the underneath public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: Meadows Chapel Intcrnational-Matahcko, New Abossey Okai. Given under my hand at the Office of the Ablekuma Central Municipal Assembly, Lartebiokprshie, this 10th day of August, 2020. ABDULAI ALHASSAN ISSIFU Municipal Co-ordinating Director For: Municipal Chief Executive PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of Section 8, sub-section 1 of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended I, FELICIA DA PA AH, Ag. Regional Co-ordinating Director, Office of the Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council, Accra, do hereby license the underneath public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Dodowa. Given under my hand at the Office of the Greater Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council, Accra, this 10th day of August, 2020. FELICIA DAPAAH(MS.) Ag. Regional Co-ordinating Director For: Regional Minister 2648 GHANA GAZETTE, 14TH AUGUST, 2020 APPOINTMENT OF MARRIAGE OFFICERS Under the provisions of Section 38 of the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (Cap. 127) and the Ministers’ Functions Instrument, 1971 (L.I. 707), these Ministers of Religion are hereby appointed as Marriage Officers for Church of Christ-Ghana, New Edubiase: 1. Preacher Paul Owusu-Nkrumah 4. Preacher Emmanuel Okrah Debrah 2. Preacher Akwasi Amoah 5. Preacher Eric Ofosu Darkwa 3. Preacher Charles Teye Wayo Made this 25th day of February, 2020. GLORIAAFUAAKUFFO (MISS) Attorney General and Minister for Justice APPOINTMENT OF A MARRIAGE OFFICER Under the provisions of Section 38 of the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (Cap. 127) and the Ministers’ Functions Instrument, 1971 (L.I. 707), this Minister of Religion is hereby appointed as a Marriage Officer for Christ Revival Power Ministry, Apowa: Kenneth Koomson Made this 14th day of May, 2020. GLORIA AFUAAKUFFO (MISS) Attorney General and Minister for Justice APPOINTMENT OFA MARRIAGE OFFICER Under the provisions of section 38 of the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (Cap. 127) and the Ministers’ Functions Instrument, 1971 (L.I. 707), this Minister of Religion is hereby appointed as a Marriage Officer for Word Based Chapel International: Alex Mensah Andoh Made this 19th day of June, 2020 GLORIA AFUAAKUFFO (MISS) Attorney General and Minister for Justice GHANA GAZETTE, 14TH AUGUST. 2020 2649 NATIONAL PETROLEUM AUTHORITY INDICATIVE EX-PUMP PRICES (16th - 31st July 2020) I KEROSENE' TMCO Local * US'l^ltD (GHp/ pmnx(Gnp/i NO. COMPANY IPG (GMp/Kg) U) M> '(GHp/U)___ (GHp/U) U) I —J aQJCD— 50103 I * I ~~i AlJNCO <77.00 Sib - I AKaSSET saw c IASPfcY 314-64 l TXSFHJJnAuT i 'aP'OIOTCaS «o.w ias--------- §S£ 7-------- iBAFfOOat^S- - 3U.91 V "TiWP'ESEECY 496.55 WmV 547.40 331.1J 55*13 554.11 RI 10 30IA8 410.65 MWS 334,16 I 407.61 m ~ laaCIXTRALswr ERECT T---- TT " 'OUSWCtl <vaio <w,io 2S 7i V. >07,74 14 411.74 1L liU^ WJi 547,40 i LNGEN J-2JL 523.10 515.13 437.41 17 hVOlL 474/0 I « wear 4WM r ium----- ft----- FWEST 4*1X0 49000 r 1 20 rosycAr 314.12 I IRAGA Tttm 47700 IT j GAB ENERGY 45500 4SSXJ0 23 galaxy oa WUI 24 'Caso---------- 511.10 SBF 37061 GLOBAL STAN- 33 DARD5 539.93 54432 sun 417/3 26--------------- GC5X5 516.92 Tr--------------- TOIL______ 466J5 TwiT 33552 <jOOONiaS ENERGY 460.00 4KLOO 31 nmr sxTsT M IBM 46356 49156 2L wnsrcirac 4AA.Q7 46107 LINKS 496.10 J94.10 >0411 IS--------- VS fltlU 43116 4WI6~ 34 lU5HftO 467,16 <90,16 466.13 15 KARELA 477X0 477/6 M KAYiQS" 314.74 13 ENERGY 459.74 >S UKCS ENERGY >5000 TEST 4WOO Tg2M~ 5*2__ F= TlamBARKgas 0371 4l~ [D5CKIBEE 42 nxKxrcns 454-00 43630 461 SO 43 MASBAirCAS 417.00 44 MaXXEN&iGY/GaS 472.00 47200 4*000 466.10" 45 i MERCY OIL 491.10 J43XO ! 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V) urtAifGteisr 467.14 171.46 75 ECGIES 52U.II 523.14 "43644 74 YECTSUCCr- >31.76 a 460.00__________ 46900 41300 TRosmcnr n U9.41 iV~ 1 TOTAL 4/7 00 " 49700 54500 76 “TTRAbECROsr 31572 rl TRINITY OIC 'STSii 'I’TRlI'PLf.AnB 10226 "TCNinKDii: larr 47511 4*6:04 461.W~ 11 UStTY TilM--------- 30673 V . 43000" 64 ----- IvKr------ 321.00 ----------- 1VHR»------------ 463.11 494.13 4M266 2 ;;ii_:>S5SSP=:XPRESSGAS lR5f pi~!• "____ -prowAs 41111 'Piiuioi* 2650 GHANA GAZETTE, 14TH AUGUST, 2020 NATIONAL PETROLEUM AUTHORITY INDICATIVE EX-REFINERY PRICES* (16th - 31st July 2020) BDOREFIN PETROL j DIESEL LPGICHp/ j KEROSENE MGOLOCAL • UNIFIED " [KEROMINES i NO. FRY J (GHp/L0 (GHp.'Ll) Kfc) j (GHp/Lt) (GHp/L0 ! 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