Smart decision? Big time basketball A virtual world Point-coujiterpoint discussion Homestand will he pivotal forStudents take time out from on reopening of investigation Mustangs to make tourney reality to play video garnes Opinion, page 4 Sports, back page Arts & Entertainment, page 5 Thursday H igher Low 29” M u s iM G D a il y February 11,1999 CALIFO RNIA POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY SAN LUIS OBISPO t ' Outspoken Prof hasn’t I missed class Poly student in 30 years wins honor By F. Xavier Lanier II Mustang Daily Despite a>Uls, tins anJ tcvers, a C'al from ECOSLO Poly professor has not missed a class — in 10 years. By April Charlton Tim Barnes is weII-respected in the his­ Mustang Daily tory field and is a past recipient of the nixtintriiished Teacher Award. An environmentally “active tnouth" may have helped “I’m pretty healthy," Barnes said, a S7- Alisoti Pernell, a city and rejitonal planning junior, win year-old history professor. “1 ride a hike an award and recoj>nition from the Hnvironmental every day atid put m 120 to 1 SO miles per C'enter of San Luis C^hispo. week. On weekends 1 t>n 40- or SO-mile In January-, Pernell was presented with a $100 award for trainin« rides." her “environtiiental excellence." Baines also stays healthy hy eating lo ts hdeven tiomin.itions for the aw.ird were received from of fish and \eyetahles. C>.il Poly st.iff, faculty .ind students, said .Allysim “I've Been this way since 1 was 1 1 or IS N.ik.isone, coordin.itor for the .iw.ird. This w.is the first veais oLI.’’ B.irnes said. time the award w.is offered. It was p.irt of the first .intiu.il I le he^an working out wheti he w.is on Cal Poly Hnvironmetii.ll .Aw.ireness Week, which took his hi|ih school foothall te.im. lie then place Nov. 16 to 20. wetit to the Uim ersity of New Mexico oti HCX'fSLO pl.iiis to offer the .iw.ird .in.iin this year, a track scholarship. Nak.isone said. However, Barnes s till t^ets su.k, Accordint; to N.ikasime, the aw.ird isn’t ,is much as she “Hark this i|uaitei I t:ot the flu oti would like, hut the ort:.ini:ation is working to huiKl a fund Sund.iv and h.ul slass on Mondav, hut I to increase the tnonetary .imoiitit of the .iward. didti’t w.int to break mv streak," Barnes The reason HCX^SLO w.is able ti' offer the .iw.ird this said. ye.ir is hec.iuse of donations, s.iid .Amy Shore, .i cinirdina- “A few years ,iyo 1 had an unidentified tor for the non-profit environtiiental orj:atii:ation. fevet for three months. 1 wetit to class S'lore s.iid the or^;ani:ation received donations from ,i with 104-deyree fevers," B.irnes s.iid. couple of C'.il Poly professors, who asked for the money to “They thoiitiht 1 h.id cancer for .i while, to an environtnetitally .ictive nroup or itidividu.il on hut It didn’t turn to K‘ th.it. It )ust went campus. The donations were received just prior to .iw.iy »>11 Its own ” Hnvironnieiital Awareness Week, Shore added. Oolle.imies kin)w B.irnes will teach, no Students aren’t the only ones elinihle tor the award. W '„ ......It Tj m.itter wh.it. Nakasone siiid. Dawn Katmar/Mustang Daity “He was liackinn away, and you could “The award is avail.ihle to faculty and staff ... as lonj* as hear him down the hall. .And he’s still Cal Poly professor Tim Barnes, a past recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, (their activism) nocs beyond the classriHun environ­ has not missed a class in 30 years."I plan on teaching as long as I'm physically able. I ment," Nakasone said. see CLASS, page 2 love to teach," Barnes said. see ECOSLO, page 2 Be prepared: Girl Scout cookies on sale soon By Andrea Parker C'outities, .imontj other .ire.is in the countrv. SCOUTING Mustang Daily N.itur.illv the youtitter Brownie Scouts tetid A SALE: to sell more cookies th.in Seniors or juniors, Mandi IV prepared. because they’re cute. Rowlee, with Girl Scout tiirl Scouts .irmed with their simple motto But more lioes into sellinc cinikies thati liM>k- Junior Troop will he sellin«i their well-ktiown cookies diHir- inti cute, j.inelle Holcombe, a business sopho­ 654 in San to-door he|,'inninc Feb. 26. more, w.is .1 Brownie for .iKnit three ye.irs. She Luis Obispo, Hverv Curl .^cout cookie lover shouUI know retiiembers the aspects of the life of .i Brownie makes her the history of this cookie, so here are some f.icts \ ISi that m.itiy don’t re.ilire. sales pitch to .md itisi^ihts into the once-a-year fundr.iisinc “HveryKidy loves Cirl Scout cinikies, but^ resident phenomenon. they have no idea how much work it actually adviser Though they .ire not “m.ide with re.il Ciri t.ikes to net them to their diHir," Holcombe said. Cuong Scouts,” as Wedtiesday put it iti the .Addatiis She described the frustr.ition of “walkinn o Nguyen. H.imily, Ctrl Scout cookies are baked hy aroutid, nettinn doors slammed in your face, ’v America’s Best Camkies and have been for more Eric McClurt/ people makinn excuses, people say inn that Mustang Daily th in 60 years. .ABC^ aiiv.1 Little Brownie B.ikers someone else already came to their dixir or peo­ are two of the three official Ciirl Scout cookie ple not beinn home.” b.ikers, accordiii|.j to www.girlscoutcook- “.And for all that work, you nt-'t ^ small piece iesabc.com , the Ciri Scout cookie web pa^e. ,M^(' bakes the cookies sold in the Tri- see COOKIES, page 3 WWW musta ngdaily y . e d u 2 Thursday, February 11,1999 N e w s Mustang Daily ECOSLO withdrew its support, and the farm isn’t Goodbye, ‘Animal House’: operaliirg anymore, she said. continued from page 1 Pernell Npeni last Mimmer doing an internship .it Real (ioods in A staff memher who starts a cam­ Mendocino Cauiniy. She liter.illy pus wide recycling program that Dartmouth to end single* lives off the land with seven other reduces tons of waste would he eligi­ people for the summer. ble to win the award, she said. "We practiced sustainable living sex frats, sorority houses According to Pernell, she was skills,” Pernell said. "We cooked in a nominated by her professors — Amer solar oven and rigged up a really cool IIANOVHR, Nil. (AP) —tation that sometimes accompanies 22, ,i memhcr ol Alpiiu Dcdta. “If Moustafa. outdoor shower." l^irtinoiith Clollom-', the >.eluH'l that the Greek system. there wa.s a city or a higger town with “1 think he nominated me without According to the environmentally The college did not say specifically more things ro do, maybe it wouldn’t in>pired “Animal House," plans to really knowing what I was active in,” active student, they didn’t have elec­ put an end to sinule-sex fraternities when the changes would be put into he so important.” Pernell said. “Other than knowing 1 tricity or running w.tter for the entire and sororities to foster more “respeet- effect. Cdiris Miller, a member of Alpha have an active mouth. I’m quite well- summer. The group also tended the ful relations" hetueen the sexes. The details are to be worked out in Delta when he was a Dartmouth stu­ known in my department for being organic garden on the 12 acres of the Hartmouth students were in an consultation with students and dent, co-wrote “Animal House," the solar living center owned by Real uproar Wednesday over rhe plait. backed with tens of millions of dollars 1978 comedy about frat-house outspoken about the environment.” Goods, and they worked in a 5,000 "This was like a homh,” said Misha for construction of new housing, din­ debauchery. However, the 22-year-old from square foot .straw-haled building that Rosoff, 2T rush ehairman at Siyma ing and social areas to replace the “Every time they plant a tree or Redding, who has attended C'al Poly the comp.my uses to sell its catalog .Alldia Hpsilon. “Hveryone sort of Greek houses. modify the curriculum they constant­ since 1995, has more than just an active items. assumed that the trustees would try to In the end, the Greek system “as ly have student meetings and discus­ mouth. Pernell is co-founder of the sions,” complained C'arherine “1 learned so much about different tjet rid of the Greek system, hut this we know it today will not continue," Permaculture Cduh on campus — the came with tto warnin^t ” Wright said in an interview Curran, 19, a .sophomore and sorority ways of natural building ... like straw- first student-run organic farm at Cal t.'ifficials at the Ivy League schoitl Wednesday. member from Las Vegas. “For .some­ baled construction and different Poly. refused to say whether rhe plan means Dartmouth, founded in 1769, has thing this drastic, they should have kinds of earthen construction," Tlie club isn’t actually functioning at requiring fraternities and sororities to had fraternities for more than 158 gotten student input.” Pernell said. go Cited or phasing them out alto­ years, and they are a major part of the The national organizations of some this time, because of .some controversy Pernell might be headed in the gether, hut citllege President James school’s image and the social life in fraternities and sororities do not per­ surrounding the land used for the famt, direction of natural building after Wright said it will he rhe biggest Hanover, a snowy town of about mit coed membership, and that could Pernell said.
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