BRINGING UP FATHER By M^Manu* MOT TUE mo*/ usten-boys-to WE MO»T LET ft errs-what we OPOM'TW TMtMK WE VMNT MOST SOME FOOO WtM TVtlS CAMPAIGN! ARE A LOT OF UOW LIKE THAT most pRCWS ) RiCHT NOW IS- FER MAYOR-WE W* MOST ACT UKB EM-A-y kl M «/ 17 JM HANDLE IT IN Ay MOST TALK UKE'EM- EAT J -ff Meters ” Kilocycles DlCMIFIED MANNER-V*E MUST uke'em- 00R WEAF Kilocycle* New York NOT BE SEEM HANCIN' SLOGAN MOST New York '* AROUND CHEAP PLACES|| ©E NO MORE orcheatra. { 5:00—Parenteau’s WE MOST MINGLE EKPTT 0*NNER. Diseuoe. 6:15—Stoess orcheatra; CORNED COS—Ivy Scott, Ralph IN SOCIETY- FAILS- CIS—Rhythem Boy* trio. Simpson, tenor; Walter /-— SEEP AMO Silt—Swanee Serenaders. Maher, narrator. Jt CABBAGE • 6:45—Heywood Broun, John Er- 5: JO—The Singing Lady. I Il'Jti sklne. apeakers; Theodor* 5:45—Little Orphan Annie- Webb, baritone; Eddir 6:00—Everett orchestra. Dunham, organ. 6:25—J. B. Kennedy—Talk. 6:00—Concert Ensemble. 6:30—Song ot the Church; Paula CIO—J. D’Avrey, songs. Hemlnghaus, contralto; Ar- Rfc 6:46—June Purse!!, songs. thur Billings Hunt, bari- 7:00—Rollickers quartet- tone; Lowell Patton, organ. 7:IS—Dramatic program. 6:45—Lowell Thomas—To-day’a 7:10—Ray Perkins; songs; Van news. Steeden's orchestra. 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. 7:4S—The Goldbergs—Sketch. 7:15—Arts orchestra; Ward Wil- g;p0—Vallee orchestra; Olsen and son, Impersonations. Johnson, comedians. 7:30—Stebblns Boys—Sketch. 0:00—The Universe and the Atom 7:45—Red andRamona, songs. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Yeah? By Martin —Sir Arthur Eddington, 8:00—Reglmentalist Chorus. i plumlan Professor of As- 8:15—The Song Sleuth—Sigmund tronomy, Cambridge Uni- Spaeth. versity, England. '8:30—Rln Tin Tin Thriller. \Y AiKNDWt OP XtttUE variety 0:10—America in Revue; 8:45—National Oratorio society. WMb V-bfcE H* program. 0:30—Thompkins Corners—Rural ,^EU_ Jack J0:00—Orofe orche.stra; sketch. WVJtKi /EVA YcotAE comedian; Walter to Michael Far- %iVSO, Pearl, 10:15—Tributes DOWN O’Keefe. aday — O. H. Caldwell, WHJ&. 11:00—Whiteman's orchestra. Frank J. Sprague. PWbOVJ NOt. * 11:80—Dance orchestra. 10:30—Three Keyes, eongs. 12:00—Ralph Klrbery, songs. 10:45—Jane Froman, songs. tXPflWb£<3 a. m.—Bestor orchestra. 11:00—John Brewster, poetry 12:06 K \rt\bY\ 12:30—Gasperrc’s orchestra. reading; Incidental music. , direction 11:15—Concert orchestra, \V<> \.NW, I 84# Cesare Sodero. vhsjsw vwwrr WARC“ADV' 880. 12:00—Hollywood on the Air. OROttt Meter* Kilocycles MB T'CUMB New tork /^O UP THAT p 220 WDRC 1330 TWLU :30—Skippy—Sketch. Meter* Kilocycle* BUT Karn. Hertford :45—Bridge Talk—Willard ‘bOWE I ;00—Current Events—H. V. Kal- C^tt'T <- tenborn. 5:30—Skippy. 1___) :16—Program Resume. 5:45—Willard Karn, bridge talk. n?WL NNTV'Jt cww tXPftt'bbt.O A 6:00—Current Event*, H. V. Kal- :20—Martin's orchestra. To 6tt TWL VMWT. CRfcKtt&tl :30—Sid Gary, baritone; Rich’s tenborn. orchestra. 6:15—Freddie Martin's Bossert Wo KLK> W'0.'BR006WT \N 45—Just Plain Bill—Sketch. orchestra. _J llV. .00—Myrt and Marge. 6:30—Baseball scores. :15—Stern orchestra. 6:35—Mary Leathe, soprano; Al- Wood Cowan ; 2 5—Road Reporter. bert White, pianist. THE NEW FANGLES (Mom’n Pop) Up Till Now By :30—Playboys music. 6:45—Chandu the Magician. :45—Georgie Price, songs; Kreu- 7:00—Myrt and Marge. ger’s orchestra. 7:16—Harold Stern's orchestra. C. Hill- 7:49—Dave Burroughs and his HE TO 8 00—News—Edwin f VOO WANT TO \ THIS LOOKS HAWK. REMEMBERING AND THEN TR\ED and Braggiotti, piano Serenaders. D. SCt?GD_ [s)0 15—Fray LOCATE A CERTAIN UKE DIG ITHAT MAIDEN CHISEL A CUT OUT OF \T team. 8:00—Edwin C. Hill. ( } exactly! the GLADYS' SOME. WAV, AND THAT 30—Meyer the Buyer—Comic 8:15—Fray and Bragglotti, piano \ GVKOYS rmVJECAN REASON,\ MUST DOUGH TO ME NAME WAS FINNEGAN, sketch. duo. J HOT DWULGE-NOT SEEKS HER OUT VOU MCANYv SOUNDS CROOKED ; 4 6—Modern Male chorus. 8:30—"Meyer the Buyer.” £ EVEN TO 1 N\\GHT ) V TO ME1.! 00—Boswell Sisters, songs; Shil- 8:45—Modern Male Chorus. YOU.W? NOW,I CAN ARRANGE’ 9:00—Boswell Sisters. YlAVJK~t>OT IT DC AN / kret’s orchestra. THIS MEETING AND MY 8 15—Mills Brothers, songs. 9:15—Mills Brothers. WILL *£ -to HE$ HEIRESS Hour. FEE COULD BE ON A 9 30—Love Story—Sketch. 9:30—Story ADVANTAGE / UT WHEN> orchestra, direc- 10:00—Andre Kostclanetz presents. V’ PERCENTAGE BASIS-SAY 10 00—Symphony M Andre Kostclanetz; 10:30—Eddie Duchin’s orchestra. CHICK tion AN ENGLISH *57. OF WHATEVER YOUj Helen Board, soprano; 11:00—Columbia Symphonic or- HEMJS OF TV SOLICITOR, ON A. male chorus. chestra. £2^ ■^RECEIVE HE BEARDS H# 10 30—Duchin orchestra. 11:30—Little Jack Little. MVSTERIOUS orchestra, direc- Nelson’s orchestra. \N H\S OFF\CE 11 00—Symphony 11:45—Ozzie MISSION, CALLS sees an tion Howard Barlow. 600k—WICC. Bridgeport—4»».7m ON OUR OLD 'iTIanmk WO EXPOSES Little, songs. 5:00—The Dance Parade. OPPORTUNITY -TO 11 :30—Jack FRIEND AND JHE TRICK :45—Nelson's orchestra. 5:15—Musical Sketchbook. TORN A TPICK AVID 11 SCALAWAG, 12 :00—Sisele orchestra. 5:30—News flashes. PROFIT THEREBY, FOP a- m.—Dance orchestra. 5:45—Rhythm Ramblers orches- LAWVER HAWK," 12 •30 IT LOOKS UKE SCRQD \S 1 ; 00—Kardo's orchestra. tra. FOR LEGAL Mcm'rlcs ot FOP AN 1 •30—Dance orchestra. 6:00—Joseph Lopez, ADVICE <&-♦ SEARCHING 710k—WOK, Newark Yesteryear! L heiress to a fortune Resume- blues 6:15—Edith JoScphson, —•**** 0#—Program *. — •05—Dixie Nightingales. singer. niW © ■Air— Ukulele Bob MacDonald 6:30—“Big Brother" Bob Emery. :30—Marine Division of Boys 6:64—Roger Smith's orchestra. Club. 7:00—News. By Crane Skit.a, i. WASH TUBBS for Dawson 45-_Tony and Angelo 7:15—"Big Brother” Bob Emery. Ready :00—Uncle Don. 7:30—Polish Folk Music- ■ 30—Osborne orchestra. 8:00—The Gosslpers. ^ Frick. Dance Mar- ARE NOO LADDIE? Boy, wow i slay 'em! GOOD WORK, NAPOLEON. 00—Sports—Ford 8:15—Golden Slipper LOOK, Ml CAPITA.N! the take char&e, corporal, tend O.K., ) athon. SO SETTLE A FEW 1U—To bo announced- HAF TO HEY, W FEDS ARE PILED NOW, LET'S Moods. FEDERAL^ SURRENDER.. WOUNDED AND PRISONERS, TOPNEg! 35—Jack Arthur, baritone. 8:30—Piuno ^ >.k? at say H\Cm POVJN THERE THEY SCORES WITH DAWSON. trio; George 8:45—American Chemical Society TrtE\R BOAT EES SEENK. l-l GOT TO SEE WHAT'S BECOME oee wiz, 45—Moonbeams, O.K. I FALL IN TH' organ. Lecture. O' MW BUD PIC. FEU*'. »T'S A ALMOST Shackley, WIPED OOT A 00—Chandu the Magician. 9:00—Mystery drama. goop thing SMOKESTACK. A1 Blew- 115_Brad Browne and 9:30—Organ recital. vou Ntueo- WHOLE ARMV cllyn, songs. 10:00—News flashes. VOl) ALMOST ALMOST SIN 6 IE Numb. 8 ;30—Radio Forum. 10:15—Senator HANDED, ENGINE songs. recital. GOT SHOT. / 9 00—Frank and Flo, 10:30—Organ ROOM 9 ;15—Dance orchestra. 11:00—Orchestra. Starlta and Ills music. 9 '30—Minstrel Show- 11:15—AI Moore and orchestra. 10 ;0o—Percy Hemus, song*. 11:30—Carl Bowl Basil Schenectady—700k 10 15—The Beggars WGY, Ruysdael, narrator. 6:30—Studio music. songs. Reporter. 10 45—Mildred Hunt, 6:40—Sports report. the Magician. 11 ^05_Time; weather 6:45—Chandu 7:00-11:30—Same as WEAF. 11 0*_Seoul's orchestra. ■ Walter, organ. 11 3o—Bellew's orchestra. 11:30—Floyd 12:00—Same as WEAF. KPKA, Pittsburgh—980k 6:15—Kiddles Club. 6:30—Musical Maids. Radio Notes 6:45-10:45—Same as WJ55. • 10:45—Contract Bridge—E. Hall Lord’s fan Among Phillips H. Downes. "Country IJoc- review. mail fo* the NBC 11:00—Sport requests as. flashes. tar” comes such urgent 11:15—News sleep walking. Laval, songs. By Blosser •‘HowHow can t stop 11:30—Diane FRECKLES High in the Air is the cure for pto- 11:30—Pettis orchestra. , “hat them 1 I've got two of 12:00—Bronco BusterB. maine pain? ^ as WJ55. lnerowinK toe na.il*4** 12:15 a. m.—Same sheep from becom- r can I stop my OW Boy... THE RlLEy... X READS rubbed all the JJOM, YEP... SHE ing bald? They ROAR OF HAMS VWE' the bars of the gate. THAT BELIEVE I'VE HUNDRED wool off from EFF1E SHANNON IN ■ SEVENT/-EISHT (&ILEV EWSItJE IS CLIMBED THAT re- DROPPED A PEARL FAST, UP HERE VNE'LL Munn, NBC tenor, AND Frank from “ROSES AND DRUMS” of flowers _ SWEET.'.' BOTTOM OFF AAV ALREADY ? UfliveB a large box FRECKLES HAVE CLEAR. three times each ■/,() « IUinoiB fan COAT... I CAM SEE delivery men who has A SAILING week It takes two Kf fie Shannon, played MAKE stage IT it in his automobile. more than 100 important SLISTEWIWS to pack ‘Uncle PERFECT roles since her dehut in OM THE and Johnson rile Olsen of Olsen Tom’s Cabin” at the age of seven, “TAKE-OFF Vallee, be- GROUND: over NBC with Budy will make her first nppearance Hi card wherehe from Wabash, Ind, fore the nationwide radio audience AND, AFTER. iaUs at the Saks “Roses to cut capers September 25, in used townsfolk Sunday, CIRCLING Minstrel shows.
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