Hampton Harrisonburg Haymarket Herndon Highland Springs Hillsville

Hampton Harrisonburg Haymarket Herndon Highland Springs Hillsville

Virginia Radio Highland Springs Lexington 'WLUR(FM )-Feb 27, 1967: 91.5 mhz; 225 w. Ant WCLM(AM) -May 18, 1959: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N, DA-1. 4719 Nine Mile Rd., Richmond (23223). minus 75 ft. Stereo. Washington and Lee U. (24450). (804) 222 -7000. Momentum Broadcasting Inc. Net: (703) 463-8443, 8444, 8445. Washington & Lee U. Robert J. Hampton Sheridan, CNN. Format: All news. Tyrone Dickerson, Format: Div. John D. Wilson, pres; de pres & gen mgr; Jackie Williams, bus mgr; Ed Maria, gen mgr; Thomas Tinsley, chief engr. WHOV(FM) -March 5, 1964: 88.3 mhz; 1.25 kw. Ant 25; Burkhardt, chief engr. Rates: $27; 25; 23. WREL(AM) -Nov 14, 1948: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. Drawer 200 ft. Stereo. Hampton Institute (23668). (804) 902 (24450). (703) 463 -2161. Equus Communications Institute. Format: Black, jazz. *WHCE(FM) -Sep 29, 1980: 91.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 103 727 -5407. Hampton Inc. (acq 11.85). Net: MBS, AP, Agrinet Farm. Rep: Henrico County Spec prog: Class 4 hrs, Sp 4 hrs wkly. Lucious ft. Box 99 (23075). (804) 737-3691. Keystone. Format: Modern country. Spec prog: Farm Format: Div. Adam gen mgr; Ed Wyatt, pres; Frank Sheffield, gen mgr; Audrey Jordan, Schools. Stubbs, 3 hrs wkly. Jim Putbrese, pres; Jim Pounds, gen Matthews, chief engr. prog dir; Robert Graul, chief engr. mgr; Jim Bresnahan, news dir; Earl Ray, chief engr. Rates: $15; 13; 15; 12. WPEX(AM) -July 1, 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U, DA-1. 32 E. Mellen St. (23663). (804) 728 -1490. Hampton Hillsville Radio Inc. (acq 12-9-86). Net: CNN. Format: Oldies. Lorton News staff one; news progmg 14 hrs wkly. Target WHHV(AM)-Sep 16, 1961: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. Box audience: 25 -54. Joe Moore, pres & gen mgr; Martie 648, 343 Virginia St. (24343). (703) 728 -9114. Magnum 'WDCJ(FM) Not on air, target date unknown: 88.1 King, gen sls mgr; Doug Barrett, prog dir; Jerry Lee Communications Inc. (acq 7- 1 -83). Net: MBS, VNN. mhz; 30 w. Ant 145 ft. Box 2903, Washington (20013). Scott, mus dir; Harry Doggette, news dir; John Rep: Keystone. Format: Modern country. Spec prog: Ethnic Public Broadcasting Foundation. Format: Ed. Rodman, chief engr. Farm 2 hrs, bluegrass 7 hrs, gospel 15 hrs wkly. Morgan Hodges, pres. Howard E. Espravnik, pres, gen mgr; Herb Gardner, 1, 1962: 101.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 505 WWDE-FM--June sis mgr; Jay A. Bough, prog & mus & news dir; Joyce Dr. (23666). ft. (CP: Ant 525 ft.). Stereo. 2101 Executive Gardner, prom mgr; Elbert Marshall, chief engr. Louisa (804) 838-4295. Edens Broadcasting Inc. (acq 10 -86). Rates: $4; 4; 4; 4. Net: CBS R /R. Format: Adult contemp. WLSA(FM )-July 10, 1980: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 325 ft. Stereo. Box 277, Rt 22/33 West (23093). (703) Hopewell 967 -1142. Mid - Virginia Broadcasting Corp. (acq 5 -84). Harrisonburg Net: ABC /E. Format: C &W. News progm 2 hrs wkly. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs, bluegrass 4 hrs, relg 3 hrs, WHAP(AM) -May 31, 1949: 1340 khz; 1 kw -U. Box WEMC(FM) -1955: 91.7 mhz; 100 w. Ant 205 ft. gospel 3 hrs wkly. J. David Watt, pres & gen mgr; 621 (23860). (804) 458 -8518. WHAP Inc. (acq 7 -80). Stereo. Eastern Mennonite College (22801). (703) Nicole Audibert, gen sls coord, Marc "Skip' Ramsey, Group owner: Great Lakes Broadcasting Co. Net: 433 -2771 ext 287. Eastern Mennonite College Inc. prog, mus & news dir. Rates: $12; 8.50; 12; 4.80. CBS, MBS, VNN. Format: C &W, news /info & sports. is Net: ABC /I. Format: Relg, ed, class. Spec prog: Folk Bruce J. Connon, VP & gen mgr; W. Steve Wooten, 4 hrs, children 2 hrs wkly. Curtis Holsopple, gen prog dir; Ed Burkhardt, chief engr. Rates: $24; 24; mgr; Harold D. Kuhns, chief engr. Luray 24; 24. 1330 khz; 1 kw -D. Box WHBG(AM)- August 1956: 1360 khz; 5 kw -D. (CP: WRAA(AM) -October 1962: 743 Audio change city of license to Bridgewater). Stereo. Box 387 (22835). (703) -5167. Commonwealth Visual 2 -88). Net: VNN, Agrinet, 392 (22801). (703) 434 -9424. Great Scott Broadcast- Hot Springs Enterprises. (acq 6- Ray Rep: T N. Format: Country. ing (acq 12- 19 -86). Net: US2. Format: C &W Robert Sports. Keystone, 20, 1982: 1270 khz; 1 news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target L. Dean, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; Ronald G. Reedy, WWES(AM)-Dec kw -D. Box News staff one; Koinonia 18 middle to income, mobile. gen sls mgr; Carol H. Lee, prog & news dir. Rates: 894 (24445). (703) 839 -5378. Broadcasting. audience: -49; upper Relg 15 pres, gen $10; 10; 10; 10. (acq 11- 10 -86). Net: UPI, VNN. Format: C &W. Clay Spec prog: hrs wkly. J.D. Cave, Shelton Jr., pres, gen & gen sls mgr; Chip Tyler, prog & gen sls mgr; Max Hoecker, prog dir; Robert WKCY(AM )-May 11, 1967: 1300 khz; 5 kw -D. Box & mus dir; Jon Paul Shelton, prom mgr; Billie Shelton, Ferguson, mus dir; Kip Heinzmann, prom mgr; Tracy 1107 (22801). (703) 434-1777. Radio Blue Ridge Inc. news dir; Nate Axel, chief engr. Rates: $4.30; 4.30; Black, off mgr; Bill Fawcett, chief engr. Rates: Net: NBC, Agrinet Farm. Format: C &W. Spec prog: 4.30; -. $12.75; 12.75; 12.75, 12.75. Farm 12 hrs wkly. Donald W. Miller, pres; Tom WLCC(FM)-Co -owned with WRAA(AM). Oct 16, Manley, mgr; John Sebastian, prog & mus dir; Owen 1979: 106.3 mhz; 238 w. Ant 2,980 ft. Stereo. Prog sep M. Voigt, news dir & chief engr. Rates: $15.90; 11.20; Jamesville from AM. Rep: T N. Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: 15.90; 11.20. 1 9.50; WKRE(AM)-Licensed to Jamesville. See Exmore. Farm hr wkly. Rates: $9.50; 8.50; 8.50. WKCY-FM- November 1980: 104.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant WYFT(FM) - October 1980: 103.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 299 359 ft. (CP: Ant 489 ft.). Stereo. Prog sep from AM. ft. Stereo. 598 5th St. (22835). (703) 743 -7602. Bible Net: CBS R /R. Format: Adult contemp. Bob Trent, Kilmarnock Broadcasting Network Inc. (acq 12- 22 -86). Format: mgr. Rates: $10.85; 8.25; 10.85; 5.85. Relg. Target audience: General. Lowell Davey, pres; WKWI(FM )-Sep 1, 1975: 101.7 mhz; 1.9 kw. Ant 235 Jeff Ward, gen mgr; Harold Richards, prog & mus dir; 'WMRA(FM)-June 18, 1969: 90.7 mhz: 24.5 kw. Ant ft. Stereo. Box 819 (22482). (804) 435 -1414. Kilmamock Tom Hall, chief engr. 710 ft. Stereo. (22807). Board of Visitors of James Broadcasters. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs Madison University. Net: NPR. Format: Class, jazz. wkly. Dean Loudy, gen & coml mgr & chief engr; Spec prog: Black 4 hrs, bluegrass 13 hrs, big band 5 Mildred Loudy, prog dir; Tom Davis, mus & news dir. hrs, folk 2 hrs wkly. Jim Miskimen, gen mgr; Bob Lynchburg Howerton, dev dir; Bill Miller, prog dir; Bev Larison, 1 100 mus dir; Ken Miller, news dir; Beth Steventon, trait dir; Lawrenceville WBRG(AM) -Sep 6, 1956: 1050 khz; kw-D, C. Ellsworth Neff, chief engr. w -N. Box 1079 (24505); 520 Ragland Rd., (24572). WLES(AM) -September 1959: 580 khz; 500 w -D. Rte. (804) 845-5916. Tri -County Broadcasting Inc. (acq WQPO(FM)-Listing follows WSVA(AM). One, Box 16, Hwy 58 E. (23868). (804) 848 -2600. 7- 1 -67). Format: Contemp Christian, talk. News progmg Brunswick Broadcasting Co. (acq 1 -66). Net: AP 10 hrs wkly. Target audience: 25-49. Lucy Bowman, WSVA(AM) -June 9, 1935: 550 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N, pres; Brent Epperson, gen & gen sls mgr, prog dir; DA-N. Box 752, Rawley Pike (22801). (703) 434 -0331. Format: Div William Carlton Link, gen mgr; Linda Link, mus Rich Clary, news dir; Tommy John Sweat & Eric Parker, mus Ron Heider, prom M. Belmont Ver Standig Inc. (acq 4- 17 -87). Net: AP, dir; Baldwin, dirs; NBC Talknet. Format: News, talk. Spec prog: Farm 8 chief engr. mgr & news dir; Wayne Dorsett, chief engr. Rates: hrs wkly. John D. Ver Standig, pres; R. David $10; 8; 10; 5. Ridgeway, VP & gen mgr; Tom Manley, VP sls; Robert Lebanon WGOL(FM) follows WLLL(AM). MacNeil, opns mgr; Cyndi Smith, nati sls mgr. -Listing WOPO(FM) -Co -owned with WSVA(AM). Dec 3, 1946: WLRV(AM )-Oct 28, 1974: 1380 khz; 1 kw -D. Box WJJS(AM) -Feb 22, 1962: 1320 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 100.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. (CP: Ant 491 ft.). Stereo. 1380 (24266). (703) 889 -1380. J.T. Parker Broadcast- 6440 (24505). (804) 847 -1266. CRS Communications Prog sep from AM. Format: CHR ing Corp. Net: NBC. Format: C &W. J.T. Parker Jr., Inc. (acq 11 -85). Net: ABC/FM. Format: Urban con- pres; Mitch Sandidge, gen mgr & chief engr; Anthony temp. Spec prog: Gospel 7 hrs wkly. Douglas E. Stevens, opns mgr; Mile Lowe, prog dir. Rates: $7; Catan, pres; Denny Dee Royer, gen mgr; Phillip C. Haymarket 7; 7; 7. Showers, gen sls mgr; Lad Goins, prog & mus dir; Mary Tinsley, prom mgr; Marie Keane, news dir: Don WD/WV(AM )-Not on air, target date unknown: 1530 O'Brien, chief engr. Rates: $18; 16; 18; -. khz. 567 W. Diamond Ave., Gaithersburg, Md. (20877). Leesburg Daniel S. Lee. Robert M. Lund, engr. WXYU(FM)-Co-owned with WJJS(AM). Aug 1, 1964: WAGE(AM) -March 6. 1958: 1200 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 101.7 mhz; 3 kw.

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