
Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2016-10-26 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2016). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 780. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/780 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CII Issue 10 October 26, 2016 Racial images spark outrage on campus BY JESSICA GRIGGS troubled by recent racist images who is an ally. If we have time, involved students are facing have WRµ 3HQQHEDNHU VDLG ´%XW RQH Editor-in-Chief connected to Xavier students,” depending on where people are not been disclosed. WKLQJWKDWWKDW,DV%ODFN6WXGHQW Students and administration *UDKDPVDLGLQWKHHPDLO´5DFLVW at with that process, we hope to “As a university we are al- $VVRFLDWLRQ3UHVLGHQWZRXOGOLNH have expressed outrage over re- actions are unacceptable on our begin a conversation about what UHDG\ ZRUNLQJ DFURVV FDPSXV to communicate is that my per- cent racist images that have sur- campus, and we have mecha- can we do to improve our climate to respond to the incidents,” sonal intent and that of my or- faced in the Xavier community. nisms to respond in a responsible and community.” $VVRFLDWH 3URYRVW DQG &KLHI ganization is not to simply con- Two images went viral Oct. 24 and thoughtful manner. When The administration was made 6WXGHQW $IIDLUV 2IÀFHU 'DYH demn the student involved. We and 25 that appear to many to de- one of us falls short, we all fall DZDUHRI WKHLPDJHVODVWZHHNHQG Johnson said, “and it’s import- would hope that she learns the pict graphic examples of racism. short.” DQGZHUHZRUNLQJRQDUHVSRQVH ant to us that we hold students error of her ways and hope that One of the images was posted As a result of the incidents, when the images went viral. Smith accountable for these actions and this will be a growth experience. RQ6QDSFKDWE\ÀUVW\HDU0HODQLH WKH %LDV $GYLVRU\ 5HVSRQVH VD\V%$57·VSURFHVVLVWRJDWKHU that we support all of the stu- We do not condemn the univer- Barton. The photo appears to 7HDP %$57 LVKROGLQJDPHHW- all of the information from the dents who have been impacted. sity… We do, however, condemn VKRZ%DUWRQDSSO\LQJEODFNIDFH ing Oct. 26 at 4:30 p.m. in the involved parties and then decide Every case is assessed on a case the society, the institutions and and is captioned “Who needs $UUXSH 2YHUORRN RI *DOODJKHU how to proceed from there. by case basis, and our integrity the culture that ultimately pro- ZKLWHZKHQEODFNOLYHVPDWWHUµ 6WXGHQW&HQWHU *6& WRVXSSRUW “We need to collect informa- and conduct processes are, by PRWHWKLQJVOLNHWKLVµ 7KH RWKHU ZDV D SKRWR WDN- students who have been affected WLRQ VR WKDW·V ZK\ LW WRRN XV D ODZ FRQÀGHQWLDO :H GRQ·W UH- “Our hope is not that this just en of a dorm room window in by these images and discuss what OLWWOH LQWR 0RQGD\ WR PDNH VXUH OHDVHZKDWDFWLRQVZHWDNHWRWKH goes away,” Johnson said. “Our ZKLFKDVNHOHWRQLVYLVLEOHZHDU- can be done to improve Xavier’s that we had all the data correct broader community because of KRSHLVWKDWZHWDNHWKLVRSSRUWX- LQJDGDVKLNLDJDUPHQWQDWLYHWR climate. because we don’t want to sort of those laws and guidelines that are nity to asses our own community West Africa, and appears to be ´7KHPHHWLQJLVÀUVWDQGSUL- jump the gun and just respond in place.” and climate, to have hard and se- KDQJLQJE\WKHQHFNDOOHJHGO\E\ marily to support the people who to what we see on social media,” %ODFN 6WXGHQW $VVRFLDWLRQ rious conversations about where a noose. have been impacted by this,” Taj 6PLWK VDLG ´:HQHHG WR WDON WR (BSA) President Jeremiah ZH·UHDWDQGWRDVNFRUUHVSRQGLQJ Xavier’s president, Father 6PLWKFRFKDLURI %$57DQGGL- people face to face, and our next 3HQQHEDNHU VDLG WKDW WKH RYHU- questions about how we grow, 0LFKDHO *UDKDP VHQW RXW DQ UHFWRURI WKH&HQWHUIRU'LYHUVLW\ VWDJHZKLFKWKLVLVUHDOO\WKHÀUVW DUFKLQJ FXOSULW LQ LQFLGHQWV OLNH get better and heal our commu- email addressed to the Xavier and Inclusion, said. “That is not time we’re trying this stage out these is a society that promotes nity. This is a very hard opportu- community just before noon on limited to just African American this year, is having an open fo- White supremacy and racism. nity, but it is an opportunity.” Oct. 25 in which he condemned VWXGHQWV RU %ODFN VWXGHQWV HYHQ rum. We felt that there was a need “Of course there has been Barton did not respond to the the incidents and promised to though this recent example was for that just given the climate, not outrage, of course there has Newswire’s requests for comment, NHHSWKHFRPPXQLW\XSGDWHGRQ directed toward that community. only with this particular issue but been action and mobilization and the names of those involved the situation. It’s really open to anybody who many issues across the country.” and of course the university will LQKDQJLQJWKHVNHOHWRQKDYHQRW “I am outraged and deeply LV KXUW LQ VRPH NLQG RI ZD\ RU The exact repercussions the WDNHDFWLRQDVWKH\DUHVXSSRVHG been disclosed. Political clubs collaborate for ‘Plat-forum’ BY LUKE BYERLY XQRIÀFLDOO\ IRU WKH 'HPRFUDWLF recent presidential debates, the (OL]DEHWK *UHHQ SUHVLGHQW RI come out and learn about what Managing Editor Party. collaboration was designed by ;DYLHU&ROOHJH'HPRFUDWVVDLG each candidate wants to do, what In light of the impending A certain amount of the dis- the club leaders as a way to in- With the debates recently they believe and how they want Election Day, the political clubs cussion will also be allotted to form student voters about each coming to a close, the event also the country to operate mov- of Xavier have collaborated the presidential candidates of party with a more controlled and serves as a way for the clubs to ing forward,” James Hogan, in an attempt to inform stu- each party, but will focus on the issue-oriented approach. inform students about the pres- vice-president of Xavier’s Young dents of each party’s platforms relationship of those platforms “This event is important to idential candidates’ and their Americans for Liberty said. ZLWKWKHÀUVWDQQXDO,QWHU&OXE WRWKHLUVSHFLÀFSDUW\·VSODWIRUP the Xavier Democrats, because respective party’s positions on The forum stresses a common Plat-Forum. Two people from each club, it promotes a feeling of unity in issues that may not have been point of each political club that The forum, which will be held who have yet to be determined, the midst of what has otherwise addressed in the presidential being informed about each issue at 8 p.m. on Nov. 1 in Kennedy will answer questions about is- been a divisive election. The fo- debates. from multiple perspectives is an Auditorium, will feature unof- sues directed by Political Science rum allows for a dialogue to arise ´$VZHZDWFKHGWKHÀUVWSUHV- important duty for every voter. ÀFLDO VSRNHVPHQ IRU WKH WKUHH &OXE·V 3UHVLGHQW *LO *XWKULH from different perspectives in an idential debate we realized that “It is imperative for college major parties of the upcoming DQGDGYLVRU'U0DFN0DULDQL environment that is civil and re- the information getting out to VWXGHQWVWRVHHNHYHU\RXQFHRI election. Young American’s for 7KH IRUXP PDUNV WKH ÀUVW spectful. Our goal is to educate people was incomplete, not only NQRZOHGJHWKH\FDQEHIRUHFDVW- /LEHUW\ <$/ ZLOOEHXQRIÀFLDO- time that all four of these clubs students on party issues and to was one candidate not on stage, ing a ballot. I am excited to use O\ VSHDNLQJ IRU WKH /LEHUWDULDQ have collaborated for a single get them motivated to vote. Our but the candidates weren’t ad- WKLVRSSRUWXQLW\WRVSHDNIRUFRQ- 3DUW\ &ROOHJH 5HSXEOLFDQV ZLOO event. Planning for the forum generation has the most import- dressing the issues that people servatives on campus and spread EH VSHDNLQJ XQRIÀFLDOO\ IRU WKH started in late September and ear- ant role in this election and we have to deal with every day. We the truth about our mission,” 5HSXEOLFDQ 3DUW\ DQG &ROOHJH ly October. FDQQRWVLWEDFNDQGOHW1RYHPEHU want this event to be a chance .HQQHG\&RSHODQGSUHVLGHQWRI 'HPRFUDWV ZLOO EH VSHDNLQJ After the controversy of the 8th pass us by without a say,” for the Xavier community to ;DYLHU&ROOHJH5HSXEOLFDQVVDLG Photos courtesy of Facebook.com An event aimed at informing students of the presidential candidates’ platforms will be hosted by Young Americans for Liberty, College Republicans, and Xavier Dems on Nov. 1 at 8 p.m. 2 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Henry J. Eden October 26, 2016 Campus News [email protected] Connect Club remembers, promotes Jesuit values with us: BY ERICA LAMPERT El Salvador, in addition to others ´,W ZDV LPSRUWDQW IRU XV WR GLVFXVVLRQV DQG FUHDWH DQ DZDUH- Staff Writer ZKRKDYHEHHQNLOOHGGXHWR86 NHHSWKLVWUDGLWLRQDOLYHDQGFUHDWH QHVVRQFDPSXV Find our WUDLQLQJRI /DWLQ$PHULFDQIRUFHV WKH ERUGHU >RQ FDPSXV@ EHFDXVH 7R NLFNRII WKHVH GLVFXVVLRQV 7KURXJKRXWWKLVZHHND0RFN 6LQFHWKHQWKHFOXEKDVEHHQD ZHEHOLHYHLWLVZKDWURRWVRXUFOXE 926 KHOG DQ RSHQLQJ UDOO\ RQ stories online: %RUGHU LV RQ GLVSOD\ RQ FDPSXV SDUWRI WKHSURWHVWDQQXDOO\KRZ- WRRXU-HVXLWPLVVLRQDQGKRZRXU 0RQGD\ 7KH UDOO\ FRQVLVWHG RI E\%HOODUPLQH&KDSHOFRXUWHV\RI HYHUWKLV\HDUZDVGLIIHUHQW7KH FOXEZDVIRXQGHG:HZDQWHGWR VWDWHPHQWV IURP VWXGHQWV UHS- xaviernewswire.com 9RLFHVRI 6ROLGDULW\ 926 DFOXE SURWHVW ZDV PRYHG WR 1RJDOH WDNH ZKDW ZH OHDUQHG IURP WKLV UHVHQWLQJ YDULRXV FOXEV DQG RU- RQ FDPSXV 926 FRSUHVLGHQW $UL]RQDDWWKH860H[LFDQERU- H[SHULHQFH DQG PDNH WKH PRFN JDQL]DWLRQV RQ FDPSXV 7KH $OH[DQGUD )DWK H[SODLQHG WKDW GHU7KHIRFXVRI WKLVSURWHVWZDV ERUGHU D YLVXDO UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ VWDWHPHQWV DFNQRZOHGJHG WKH WKHFOXELWVHOIIRUPHGDIWHUWUDYHO- RQLPPLJUDWLRQDQGPLOLWDUL]DWLRQ RI ZKDWZHWRRNDZD\IURPWKDW hardships of immigrants and the OLQJWRWKH6FKRRORI WKH$PHULFDV of the border.
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