CORRELATION OF COAL SEAMS IN CHIRIMIRI COALFIELD, M.P., ON THE BASIS OF SPORAE DISPERSAE* D. C. BHARADWA} & S. C. SRIVASTAVA Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow ABSTRACT MA TERIAL AND METHODS Fifteen samples of coal collected from different 15 samples of coal in 72 B.S. mesh size parts of Chirimiri Coalfield, M.P., have been sporo• from all over the area were studied (Table 1). logically investigated. The qualitative and quanti• These samples were subjected to similar tative composition of the samples at generic level indicates that the general dominance is consti• maceration procedure in each case. Five tuted by Lophotriletes, Microbaculispora, Indotri• gms. of material from each sample was radites and Sulcatisporites. In addition to these, treated with HNOa (comm.) for 3 days Horriditriletes, Retusotriletes, Potonieisporites, Fauni• followed by digestion with 10 per cent pollenites and Ginkgocycadophytus are characteristi• cally associated with the dominants. The asso• KOH after thorough washing with water ciation of these genera has enabled segregation of as detailed by Bharadwaj (1962) and Bhara• the samples into three assemblages. Assemblage A dwaj and Salujha (1964). The macerates is dominated by Microbaculispora. Assemblage B were mounted on slides in glycerine jelly. 500 is dominated by Microbaculispora in association with Indotriradites and Assemblage C has the miospores were counted from each sample dominance of Microbaculispora associated with at the generic level. Retusotriletes and Potonieisporites. It is suggested From Table 1 it is apparent that samples that the samples represent three coal seams corres• CACl - (129), (126), (143)E, (145)E and ponding to Assemblages A, B & C. The succession of mioflora in Chirimiri coalfield (141)E are representatives of only parts of has been found to show general similarity with the seams while others represent overalls of full succession of the three older coal seams in the seams. northern part of Korba coalfield. The age of The interpretation of data for correla• Chirimiri coal deposits is suggested as Lower Barakar. tion of the samples has been based on the qualitative association of spore genera and INTRODUCTION its quantitative dominance in the spore assemblage of any sample. At the same time the trend of quantitative variation CHlRlMlRlabout 50 sq.coalfieldmiles haswhichanliesareaas ofa exhibited by individual genera vertically detached Barakar block south of the among all the samples has been kept in more extensive Sonhat coalfield. Chirimiri mind. To determine the dominance, a coalfield is bounded by latitudes 23°15' group of numerically most represented and 23°8' N and by longitudes 82°17' and genera with their combined percentages 82°25' E. totalling near about 70 per cent of the The topography of Chirimiri coalfield is mioflora have been taken for each sample. very rough. The whole area is broken by This method of determining the dominance hilly blocks of Barakars with steep sides is based on Chaney's (1924, 1925) method and escarpments. The general height of employed by him for the Tertiary floras the area is between 2300 and 2200 ft. above and this has been modified here to over• mean sea level. There are a few peaks. come the limitations of our knowledge The coal deposit of Chirimiri is entirely about such old miofloras as those of the of Barakar stage. These Barakars are Barakars. The basic idea made use of is completely isolated being entirely sur• the reliance on the similarity of overall rounded by Talchirs which lie almost hori• dominance of a group or association of zontally. There are two little outliers of genera rather than a single genus. This is Supra-Barakars on the high ground in the supposed to overcome any difference in the eastern part of the area. sporological composition of seams due to *Results of investigations carried out in the Scheme " Palaeobotanical Investigations of Indian Coals (C.S.I.R.)." 36 BHARADWA} & SRIVASTAVA - COAL SEAMS IN CHIRIMIRI COALFIELD 37 DWA] & TIWARI 1964b, TIWARI 1964) TABLE 1 - DETAILS OF SAMPLES FROM listed below together with their average SOME COLLIERIES IN CHIRIMIRI overall percentages taking the averages of COALFIELD full seams in the succession. Leiotriletes 1% NAME OF SAMPLE No. Punetatisporites 2% COLLIERY Retusotriletes 7% Cyelogranisporites 4% Chirimiri Colliery CACI/(130)E (No.1 seam) Verrueosisporites 1% do CACI/(127) (No.2 seam) do CACI/(128)E (No. 3 bottom Lophotriletes 9% seam) A eanthotriletes + do CACI/(129) (No.4 seam top H orriditriletes 4% portion only) Mieroretieulatisporites West Chirimiri CACI/(124) Main seam d. + Colliery Mierobaeulispora 22% Korea Colliery CACI/(125)E (Bijora seam) Cyelobaeulisporites 1% Duman Hill Colliery CACI/(131) (Kaparti scam Indotriradites 7% Bottom section) Dentatispora do CACI/(131) (Kaparti seam + Top Section) Calamospora 2% do CACI/(126) (Working Sec• Latosporites 1% tion Gorghela Punetatosporites 1% seam) Thymospora 2% Kurasia Colliery CACI-(143)E (Seam NO.2, Bottom por• Parasaeeites 2% tion only) Potonieisporites 5% do CACI-(144)E (Seam No.3) Plieatipollenites 1% do CACI-(145)E (Seam No. 3A. Cuneatisporites Bottom por- 1% tion only) Platysaeeus 1% Sonawani Colliery CACI-(147) (Sonawani Striatites 1% Seam) Rhizomaspora + North Chirimiri CACI-(136)/ (Bijora seam) Lahirites + Colliery Seam Overall New Chirimiri CACI-(141)E (Main Scam Lunatisporites 1% (Ponri Hill) Colliery Bottom ten Striatopodoearpites 1% feet only) Vertieipollenites + F aunipollenites 4% Vesieaspora 3% Suleatisporites 10% lateral variation within the basin. It is Welwitsehiapites + Vittatina + stipulated that even when the major, dyna• Ginkgoeyeadophytus 2% mic components of a vegetation within a M aeulatasporites 1% small area tend to vary from place to place, M onosuleate spore 2% the sum total of their representation tends A critical appraisal of the vertical distri• to remain the same. A dynamic compo• bution of spore genera in the geological nent is one which shows significant change succession occurring in Chirimiri coalfield in its representation in time as against has revealed the following spore genera as a static component whose representa• tion remains more or less at the same dynamic components: M ierobaeulispora level throughout the succession. Thus, the I ndotriradites samples possessing nearly similar total Lophotriletes dominance percentage (T.D.P.) together H orriditriletes with comparable representations of indivi• Retusotriletes dual genera have been grouped together as correlated. Potonieisporites Faunipollenites + Striated saccates Suleatisporites + non-striated saccates RESULTS These genera constitute the association of dominants and their combined percent• The mioflora consists of the miospore age is the total dominance percentage genera (sensu BHARADWA]1962, BHARA- (T.D.P.). 38 THE PALAEOBOTANIST Miospore Assemblages genera ill Assamblage Care Microbaculi• spora, Retusotriletes, Lophotriletes, Potonie• Assemblage A - Only one sample, CACI• isporites and Sulcatisporites. However, the (147) contains Assemblage A. This assemb• most characteristic genus is Potonieisporites lage is characterized by a low T.D.P. of 70. with an average percentage of 10. Cyclo• Qualitatively the dominance is charac• granisporites and Latosporites are fairly terized by Microbaculispora. S~tlcatisporites, well represented components. The assemb• Lophotriletes and Faunipollenites constitute lage is rich in cryptogamic spores which the subdominant clements with rather low total about 54 per cent and the rest are percentages. The cryptogamic spores total gymnospermous pollengrains (Histogram I). 66 per cent. Among the latter, Su!catisporites averages Assemblage B - Four samples, CACI• 13 per cent, Vesicaspora 3 per cent, Fauni• (144)E, (124), (125)E, (136) contain Assemb• pollenites about 4 per cent and Ginkgo• lage B. The T.D.P. values for this assemb• cycadophytus about 2 per cent. The T.D.P. lage range from 77 to 81. The most charac• values for this assemblage range between teristic feature of this assemblage is the 77 and 86. The percentages of various high percentage representation of Indotri• dominant miospore genera for different radites and Microbaculispora. Lophotriletes, samples and their T.D.P., in the three Retusotriletes and SulcatispoY'ites closely fol• assemblages as given in Table 2, have been low. A number of other trilete and mono• graphically represented in Text-fig. 1. lete spore genera are fairly well represented (Histogram I). On the whole the assemb• CORRELATION lage is very rich in cryptogamic spores totalling 67 per cent, the rest being saccate The samples in any of the three assemb• or non-saccate pollengrains. Among the lages detailed above, where-so-ever more latter, Ginl?gocycadophytus with an average than one, are stratigraphically correlated. representation of 2 per cent is worthy of Thus, as represented in Text-fig. 2, Seam mention. No. 1-3 of Chirimiri colliery are correlated Assemblage C - Only five samples con• with Kaparti Seam of Duman colliery. tain Assemblage C. The most numerous Likewise Bijora Seam of North Chirimiri .ASSEMBlAGE ~ASSEMBlAGE~ ~ ASSEMBlAGE----> ABC A II tElOTRllETES PUNCTATISPORlTES RETUSOTRllETES CYClOGRANISPORITES VERRUCOSISPORITES lOPHOTRILETES ACANTHOTRILETES HORRlDITR1LETES HIStOGRAM -I t"">-; _A._ b:I > :>(/)Z(/)'""" > H >-; 867977striated11126270831579141081Potoniei-disaccates0(')<:11tj:>Horridi1268804101413295191176triletesFattni-Micro-triletesdomi-~Retuso-49Sulcati-625720382412514131726201832'-<1019Total9 triletes201528101148021
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