History Project manuscripts U-NO well on way toward completion (Sptelal to The PacUl. cnlzenJ RelteraUon ot Con t r act books i. accomplished. 1I10re­ PACIFI over, the Committee would ITIZEN Bar CHlCAGO - Manuscripts Ior Agreement. In a letter dated the several books 10 be pub- Nov. 13, Dr. Wilson l'elterat­ want to keep expenses at a ..........'iII"Q;!P"'W.!!!M" St., .... Angel .... Collf. 90012; C213> 1M. 6-69J6 By RA YlIIOND S. UNO lished by the JACL-Japanese ed t be basic understanding minimum (special meetings, Natlon.1 JACL PresldeDt American Research Project spelled out in the contract, conventions, etc.), The t. \\" 0 are well on their way toward that of prior consulwtion. Individuals suggested need not VOL. 73 NO . 25 The Ie Indians living on completion and submission, with the commjttee on mat.­ be member. of the committee FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1971 12 CENTS the Ulnla and Ouray Indian Ule National JACL Executive tel'S of publica(ion, d1stribu­ to work on the long-ran~e Reservation In D u c h es n e CommIttee was advised. lion, submlssion o( manuscrIpt goals of JAlU' (In fact, it', -------------------------____________________ County, Utah ha"e aboul 2 In Ule Nov. 19 progress re- to tbe committee, etc. This un­ part of their job) and would million acres of land Ihat be­ port, Shig Wakamats\l. chatr- derstanding will likewise cov­ obviate any implicatioD of a longs to Ihe tribe. Land has man of the JACL-JAlU' com- er all the other UCLA aulb­ conOlct of interest. As for the IX'en .1I01ed to U,e f1l1l blood mittee, noted: ors. Although It was not in- "information gap," this aspect SALT LAKE CITY and mixed blood Indians by (ll JARP i\ulhors-UCLA. corporated in the origInal has been ovel'Played. "Thcre the federal gO\'ernmenl and Both Professors Levine and memorandum of agreement. Is plenty of infomlation when when tbe allot.. dies, it pass­ \\'ilson ore applying for sab- all have given oral assurances matters have progressed to CJ es on to his heirs. It has now ballcal leaves next yea I' to in this regard, states Dr. Wil­ reportable stage, and I have TO HOST NAT'L been several generations since complete their respective stu- son. always maintained that UC­ dies. The Levine. Modell and (2) Paperbaok Version of LA will stand by its COil tract­ Bonacich sociological study Is "NiseI". A letter u:om William ual commitments," Wakama~ JR. JACL CONFAB Sun Dance proceeding on schedule, and MOI"rOW has indicated "Nisei" su added. final computer runs on survey to be slated lor paperback (6) Otber Commeni8 the allotments were made and data are anticipated tor next publicatioll in the fall o( 1972. (a) Dr. Han'Y Kitano bad Dat.. to 8. Set the heirs have grown in size spring. (3) Japanese VersloD of requested a $10,000 gl'ant 'DIldine COIIfirmation considerably; consequently. Dr.. Wilson l'Cport$ lhat hIS "NiseI". (The shIpment Is now from the JAlU' committee to partitioning the land into un­ \\:ork 15 progressin~ we~. des- in Lo s Angeles-Long Beach help supplement the budget of 1972 Site divided interests has become plte !"an~ (~stl 'a lions mher- harbor alld expected to be de­ at the UCLA Asian American ent .m. hlstoncal study. The livered to the Pacific Citizen Studies Cellter. Our plans to 8 very cumbersome task. (SpeeJa1 to TIle PadlIc CiUzeIII Having represented a num­ spe.clallzed 1970 c~nsus. publi- office some time this week. or help out financially fell ber of Indians in probate and caUons are slow m bemg re- next.-Ed note) through when William Mor­ SALT LAKE CITY-''BegID­ leased, and ~e bl'Cak~~wn by (4) Ea I C ·t JARP Fund. nings" was dIsclO8ed this past other matters, 1 have had to ~s row decided not to remainder read up on Ihe hislory of the race and nabonaJ ongm and .. .s . the copies of "NIsei" to us at week III the theme 101' the other data pertinent to the ralSlng IS gOlllg. along vel' y a special price because the 1972 National Junior JACL Inwans and the numerous book are vet to be publish- slowly. J oe Inl31 re~orts that Convention to be beld at Salt treaties that were signed with r~lsed book was moving too. weU on ci~ ed. He pians to attend the $7,.000 bas been th'7' the market. 0 u r answer to Lake City, a beautiful the Indian Nations and the National JACL Convention m f3.1 ,and sevclal lruge don~lS located a short distance from United S tat e s government. Washington next year to ex- are.1ll the ofii.!'g. The cO!1urut- Dr. Kitano's request has not excellent powder skiing ""'IIS The record ot treaties broken amine the photograph~ at the tee IS sc b~duling a meetu;g OD been made; as a matter of high above the sea-level smog by the United Stales govern­ lact, we have no answer at National Archil'es for iIlustra- Novembel 22 m .New YOlk. Uus time. Is there any pos­ Into the ecology conscious ment in re1ation to the In­ live material Prof. Scott IVUyakawa IS on fresh air of the Rocky Moun­ dian Nations has got to be Dr. Iwata ' will require one a semes~el'!s le~v e from Boston sibility o( National JACL tains. one of' the most abominable resear~ h helping oub in this regard? mOfe sununel' to prepal'e his U. Besldes hlmt a The date will be announced acts pel'petraled by one n~­ manuscript ror submission. ~an at ColumbIa .East ASla (b) Dr. Kiyoshi Sonoda INTERMOUNTAIN OFFIOERS-Newly In· J ack Ogaml, 2nd v.g.; Shigekl Ushlo, gov.; by the convention committee tion against another. There IS Mr. Sakala's study on ear- LIbrary ha.s been hrred on an had 'Vlitten to ask i1 we knew stalled officers o( the IntermountaiD District Cbiyo Morita, sec.; Ken Nodzu, treas.; III soon as Ibe tacilitles have more than sufficient justifica­ Iy immigration history will be ~o!,rly basIs. to go through ex­ of any sources ot funds to Council gathered over the Thanksgiving George Kimura, 1st v.g. been conI!rmed. tion for the deep and emo­ ready I 0 r udefenseu in late 15tmg matenals and 8 J ap~­ help the Natiollal Education weekend in Salt Lake City al'e (from left), -Photo by Shig Motoki Thl. Is the first time JunIor tional distrust ot the Indian spring. He wi I I utilize tbe ese .studellt ~t Boston . U. IS Commission Director. As an toward the white mao. JACL is having its own con­ swnmer to put it into final ~elplng out .m the transia- In teresled party, we would vention separate from JACL Shorn of their homes, de­ form. tion several times a week. like to know why the $15,000 The reason for this is that the. prived of their culture, herd­ Frank Cbuman's work has (5) AddltioD to JACL-JARP transferred from th e J AlU' senlOrtl usually have conven­ ed 00 to reserva lions loca ted reached the interview swge Ex e 0 uti v e Committee. We betore the year is out, to cov­ tions in expensive botels and In the middle of nowhere on funds was not sufficient, even Asians address open forum of with va rio us inctividuals have taken the recommenda­ the costa are often unrealis­ the most undesira ble and un­ throughout the country. His tlon by the National Board el' rentals and other necessi­ tically high tor young people. wanted land imaginable. the Ues apparenUy lacking. tentative commencement of u nder advisemenl However, Junior JACL also hopes to Indians were left to slowly writing of manuscript - May full retunls have nol come in die, cuJturally, physically, ~ouse have more participation at or June, 1972. (only one bas replied) and it White aging conference their National Convention, 10 historically and emotionally. Manuscript-Typing Fu n d . would be premature to report the cost bad to IX' lowered. 11 ever a blawnt attempt at The sum of 51,250 has been OD any reaction at this time. the genocide of a people we~e granted by the JARP commit- Wakamatsu was personally Nixon sends pens (Special to The Paeloc CItizen) unique needs and problem, obtain job. at the previous ~un~ b~~ers th":d ~::,r: made. the case of the Amen­ tee to the UCLA aulbors to against any expansion of the WASHINGTON -Heru'Y Ta­ of Asian American aged, Ta- leve~," he explained.. States will be expected to can lnctian must stand out as help defray manuscript..typing committee until the primary naka, national JACL presi­ naka noted the federal gov- Miss Geaga, a SOCI~ work- meet next summer havin' a a classic. expenses. goal of publishing the JAlU' signing Title II dent-elect. and J oselyn Geaga, emment had spent some $3.2 er at Rancho Los Amigos, ~s jammln' time, getting to kno,v Annually in April and May, of the Asian American Social million for research and de- ADgeles, urged the ~te eacb other, diggin' the OUla­ when the 'trees are starting to Workers, were impressive in monstration grants to identity Home Co!'1erenc;e on Agmg to sight programs whlcb they'll leaf, and the Dowers swr1.­ U.S. SUPREME COURT their summary speeches be­ the needs o( the aging, but take speCI~ nobce to the re- bave to experience to believe. ing to blossom, the ute In­ repeal into law forc the Open Forum where "not one dollar was spent on ~ommendations that were be- They will leave wishing lb.
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