,r -iv • 7< "F ■■ •- y, //■ • 1 ' \ . ' J Y 74/ -Y :. ^ " - V " ' ' , • j ^ , ' - ' ' .'4-- . '.7- ' .'I'-: \ '■ : . :j, ^ - ' ' ' -H- \ ' ■ • ' /, ■ 'v ' > . " - r - . f : .. r ' ■■ . , . -V . \ : '. -i X ■ . 'r 1 ' .1 ' ■ ‘ \ f’‘r- ■ Y I TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1954 - Average Daily Net Preae Rnnf I f . , iiUlltdjgalgr ^ttenitty Ijt r ^ -L x , Ter the WMk E ad ^ A ■ r Nichols, Jr: for an axtenHon of 1 1 , 1 1 2 , .«mT; . '■•1*sieaw »;aw iw 5^wt Wbdnee-^ peamlseiow t o keep'mbre.lhan..fiva-. t .varikjv Binilherhood .Member ef toe AaiiS ( dagrl^/t>iJ% at tba homa oc lira. Re^fu0e » roomers at 100-108-110 Birch St. Barewt ef CIrmilatteaa j ^maiuiUaanmtf. lO Pnaton X>r. was tabled for investigation by the buUding inspector, and lire .mar-. T I* ee*oetMB’ win be Mrs. Henry In order to Rive our helt>/a Manch^dterr^A CUy of ViUago Charnt eas. Membera are reminded to B&a'uty Salon '4h^. well-deserved day off white doth to be ueed for Brown-Beaupre, Inc., local auto­ motive agency, waa given permis- kroom caiteer^^tioata. V0L.LXXin.N0.117 AdverMsUig aa Page LB) BlANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNE3DAY, FEBRUARY 17,1954 One Renewal Plea aionto display 46 cars at 358 E. W EW H i.B E (TWENTY PAGES) The film, "Paaeion for life,” center, St., subject to conditions I ^ Maaclieater and produced b f the Preach Mlniatry, The Zoning Board of Appeals set forth: by the Board and in ac­ cordance With provisions of k plot H.0SED MONDAYS library. will be diowa at the aMotiac of held firm to iU policy at eliminat­ Jla dty Mid town ing part-time bvaineaeee from rest- plan submitted. the Htghlaad Park PTA tomorrow In another action to reconsider' Unemplf^ment Map terteiMiflBd thia booklet eraidac. Thia will be the laat ‘dentlal areas laat night when the Starting Mondayr Feb. 22 Eisenhower the matter of Jesse Keeney, denied .yalaafaie reodiiif^. ahowing of the fllm in towa, and tonen-al appUcatlpn of Mrs. Jeanne permission to convert a ilngle fam­ it ia hoped that all parenta and Winaler to have a beauty salon in ily dwelling into a two-family ww bom at the othen intereated will be aUe to her home at 51 W. Middle Tpke. H ILLC R ES f A sks Ease r o m i s e dweUIng at IM keeney St., the liaim al on Peb. U to attenA was denied. Boaid voted to table, the matter Albert KotUe. «5 ■/ ■ : Five nppUcationa w s m on last for further Inveatigatlbn. RESTAURANT 8 t ' ■ Atty. and Mra. Jay Rubinow, night’s agenda. Two .were granted, ' , At Keeney’s request, the ZBA Route 6 and 44-A — Bolton O f A-CurTbs who tosn been epending the paat another pair denied and one tabled. voted to reconsider its action of Ag. ekhlbttipn of hooked ruga, few weeka on the P a ^ c Cpaat A holdover applicati^ from the two weeks ago in denying him per­ X faf wonWa of Connecticut, w & be and the Southweat, are .expected last public healing was i^ e d upon \; mission to convert his home h;.hen Washington, Feb. 17 (/P)— l S l« at the Oerdaa Studio, 531 home tomorrow. favorably and conditional^ new evidence was offered. President Eisenhower asked «ton Ave; Hartford, from Mrs. Winaler’s request wito for 1 through Maith IS. The Mra. Florence Streeter, Mra. an extension of permission to con- FroVe to your own aalis/actien today for an easing of atomic la cordiaOy Mvited to aee daae Portia, Kra. Helen Heabe. duiet a hair draaaUig buaineas In Pastor Designates ymtr ekiU hat tolem to play >n. security , regulations so. he exhibit, whidi ia free of Mra. Florence PUtt and Mra. Lu> her home. Her-laat extension waS/ can: (A ) give information to A*.V. ciUe Hirth. attended the County marked "one year final.” The Board U. S. Allies on battle use of has previously refused to renew re­ Advocate Sunday Council meeting, Sunday, ia Wind* The Bev. BngMW %yWelfe Dr. Bewry d. Stetler nuclear weapons,^. (B ) co- S t a Guild will iheet at aor. quests from two other beauty par­ opefate with them on peaceful And There^s a Tioie for Laughter 10 a luraday In the Guild lors located In private dwelinga and The,Rev...,J,ol(», .Foet,. pastor..pf "'^aAidui'Tocmie w m brtoir their Three leading anthorttiea ta racd; ' The^ dtKuaeiott” wlIl be beld in tdolt the ' ntfie~ tbWards nses ■ for atomic enei^; and The Auxiliary to the IMaabl^ Eatergency Doctors the N6r|h Methodist Church; has own aaadwi( and tea, coifee tolationa will participate la the the vestry ball of the Temple Beth apme real estate and insurance designated Sunday, Feb. 21, aa (G) encourage private U. S. American Veteraaa, ChH>ter No. panel diecuesion being sponaored anddeaaert be aerved by the Sholom starting at 8:30 o'clock, businesses being conducted on a Christian Advocate Sunday^ ) Hettinger, 17, will meet tomorrow at 8 pan. tomorrow night *>y the Mancheatcr industry to develop atomic hoet^aaea. at the VFW Home, MaacheaUr Physlciana of the Mancbee/ part-time basis. “The Chrtatlaii Advocate la the WiUBeiKfefit Sin. Martha and lira.. WU- Chapter of the American Jcwiah with Harold Lewis, profeaeor of Also denied waa the applicatiaa power. For Feb . 2 0 Green. Membera are aaked to bring ter Medical Aaao<4ation national news ' Ham Greenhalgh. Coagreaa in connection with aoclal work TeSearch at the Vni- of Marcel Jutias to convert a two' In a special message to Con­ in old Chriatmaa carda. Mra. Elixa- wiU reapond to emergency church. Each Week Methodists are Brotherhood Week. versity of Connecticut, aervthg as famUy dwelling into a three-family gress, the President said the re- beth Caldwell ia chairman of the tomorrow afternoon and / eve­ informed of the n'ewaworthy events rx - Mr. and,.Mra. I( H. J«*n- The .three apeakeie, wJto .WiU ad* moderator. dwelling, which would contain two rUERTO MCO Z^sk strlcUons of the 1948 Atomic Se­ By T Gut committee in charge or Ow anctat ning are Cr. Nicholaa Maihlalo,- that-affect thetr lives aa-Ghvis- curity Law are' out'or'HhF wi^t^^^ aton, IS'Hawley SU keep teL MI Sh6M and Dr.,Robert dfeaa theinaelvca to the queetion Members 6T’aU 'lb c ^ cbhgre^^ underaiaed apartments at 3 Hack­ tiana— at home. - at work^ in the hour. the realities of 1954. *‘opm houae,” Sunday, Feb. 81 in Buttfrfield, teL M I S^MS. of "Can Brotherhood Become a tions. have been invited to attend matack St. community, nation and world. Reality?” are the Rev. Kugene R. and/to participate,/in the dlacua- InpUcs U. 8. H-Bomb Washington, Feb. 17 (TP)— vecofaition of their 40th wedding Joseph Reale waa granted per­ "Important aa a Christian inter­ The House Ways and Means * The B oim o f Directors and ametvanary. The receiving lur R. iSngland, 4M lordall Wolfe, of the Central Baptiat aion period which will follow the mission for one year to use a bam pretation of news is, many read­ Implying anew that the United wSI'be from 3 o’clock on, St, aytudeat at New Hampton, Church, of Hartford; Dr. Henry J. talks by the panel membera. for manufacturing Screw machine ers siibecrlbe for the plus factors 'Thle NE.\ neH-amap ehewe toe dtlee daetgaated by the U. 8. Department of Lnimr me "subetontial” States now has an actual hydro­ Committee approved tax cuts other parties in the fiva- frteada and neighbora are invil N. H., Sehool, waa named to the Stetler. aupetviaor of the divleicm Ross Hahn.'local congress chap­ products and research work at the the Advocate features: provocative Memployinent nreaa, that la, more thaa six per rest of the area’s labor foree la out of work. Aocord- gen bomb, he said "the thermo­ for millions of retired work­ week-old. Keeney Street to ckB at their convenience. honor roll for the laat marking of reeearrti, Connecticut Commts- ter president, wlH preside at tha rear of 160 Charter Oak St. editoMals, articlea on our faith and Dimglae (D-UI.) the aathm Is already la a reeeeeiea aad aew loMeas figures indicate that nuclear weapon,. today dwarf■ in ers, amounting to about 300 School figh^ took the first • io<L M a n t t ^ i e r elon on Civil Righta; and Mra. meeting, and at its conchiaion, re- David Williams was aUowed to Bible, lesson comments, devotions, •ome 8,087,000 are now withoat steady emi^ymeat. destructive power all atomic Roaalind It. Putnam, executive di- freahmenta tyill be served under — — y ^ ..... i I. ■„ , ^ weapons.” \ million dollars a year. The step last night toward a (iom- attach a garage to a dwelling reviews of important and interest- promise desiifned to get the Sponaora d u b of S t Maiya Dal^ Book rector of the North Knd Commu- the supervision of Mra. Robert which WiU be located five feet from ing new books, and the words of A ainlcai •earslU* «>U ««r)i w»»- V And the. exixUng restrictiona on committee adopted a provi­ pal Church win meet Friday nity Center in Hartford. Stone, hospitality chairman. the west side line which is seven counsel, inspiration and challenge e*n la Savclavlas y*ar chIM’s acr- atomic information, be said, “im­ sion by Rep. Mason (R-IU) school built to everyone’s DON'T p.m. in the periah houae. feet closer than regulations allow of conseerkted Christisuia.” •aaallljr, Wia aalarslas hli Hta- pede the proper ex^oitatlon of exempting the first 1,200 of satisfaction and end the im­ m will be in charge of Teaight tha final dec^on.
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