THE PAPER FOR ALL THE PUB­ WITH A PUNCH SUm srwlf Stems LIC, ALL THE TIME ESTABLISHED 1908 Published Every Friday. VOL. XIII. No. 24. ROOSEVELT. N. J.t (Carteret, Chrome, East Rahway) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920. F IV E C E N T S HOUSING BILLS RAHWAY ROAD ALLEGED SHORT FREE FOR ALL SEEK ADVICE OF Armour Wins Cellar Championship ARE ADOPTED TO BE OPENED WEIGHT ARTIST WINDS UP A ARMOUR HEAD SHOVED THERE BY MEXPET, WHICH TEAM BY THE SENATE NEXT WEE IS TO BE TRIED BALL CAME ON EXPLOSION CLINCHES FOURTH PLACE BY ITS 6 TO 3 VICTORY—JIM BOWLER’S PITCHING Three Measures In Rant Profiteering Much Needed Improvement Now Com­ Case of State Department of Weight* Clo*e Match Excite* Spectator,— Mr. Charles H. McDowell, President j Passed By Both The Senate And DOES THE TRICK FOR MEXPET. pleted— Expect It Will Be In Use and Measures Against Brown Bros. Sunday Contest Ends in a Near of Armour Fertilizer Works, Was H ou se. S h ortly. to be Heard at Borough Hall. R iot. Near Scene of Wall Street Horror. ! A. A. C. PLAYS WARNER TO-MORROW Three bills to relieve the housing .The liklihood is now that within a The flying spuadron of the State The baseball game on Sunday be-1 The explosion in Wall Street that situation and curb the rent profiteers week ke will enjoy the unusual priv­ Department of Weights and Measures, tween the Lyceum A. C. of Perth has shocked the entire country bring- were passed by both branches of the ilege of a passable road to Rahway, I under the able direction of Assistant ' Amboy and the Roosevelt F. C. on in* death and disaster t0 many W legilature and now go to Governor concrete all the way from the end of State Superintendent Schwartz, made „ , ^ . , , , ilies has already caused many investi- Game at Liebig’s Field May Decide Championship the Middlesex line into within a quart­ | a landing here and as a result Brown Sunday at Brady’s field wound up gatorg tQ be ^ tQ work to determilie Edwards for his signature. They er of a mile of Rahway proper at Bros, of Carteret received an un- with a real hurricane finish. the exact cause. —Both Teams Hope To Place Strongest Line­ were presented by Senator Runyon a Main street. ; pleasant surprise. In fact the curtain act might have Their first job will be to determine week ago and do the following things: The work has been completed, the I The unpleasant surprise came when been with no injustice entitled a “jam- the composition of the explosive, ups on the Field—Close Contest Looked for Encourage building by exempting finishing touches having been added the innocent country looking fellow boree-slamboree ’ with emphases on Little real progress is apt to be made for five years all new houses erected yesterday, but it will be some few in overalls, who purchased a number the slam. without such determination due to the Mexpet shoved the Armour nine into final and undisputed own­ at this time. days yet before the concrete is suffi­ of articles turned out to be none other Up until the twelfth inning the jacL of eye witnesses so far as has ership of the cellar birth by defeating them in a well played game Require profiteering landlords to than one of the State’s employees, teams warned through without use been learned. ciently dry to care for the traffic. by a score of 6 to 3 on the Copper Works field, Saturday. give tenants three months notice to engaged in that laudable profession of the riot guns though the flippant Much speculation as to the kind of The' entire improvement threatened By virture of this wi nthe Mexpets finish the season in fourth move in cases where the rental is to be held up indefinitely due to the of getting the “profiteers.” remarks, passed back and forth be- j explosive used may be readily elimin- on a month to month basis. place. fact that an insignicieant portion of Assistant Superintendent Schwartz tween the locals supporters and the |ated due to the fact that Leland L. Provide that city assessors may the road fell withinCshe boundaries and his men alleged that Brown Bros. rooters of the Lyceums, waxed warm- Summers, who prior to the United Who will finish in the other three positions has not as yet been in fixing the valuation of houses for of Middlesex County whereas the ; were more than a half ounce short er and more threatening as the tussle j stiftes entry into the World War was j determined. taking purposes take into consider­ work itself was being carried on by i on a half pound of butter, which it progressed. chief technical expert for J. P. Mor- The game between Warner Chemical and the American Agri- ation the price paid for the real es­ Union County. The Middlesex Coun­ is claimed was already wrapped up. a bit on edge but neither seemed real- | Allied s^ppiieT^mfd later chfef tech-; cu^tural Chem.cal team to-morrow at L.ebigs field may largely de- tate and also the rental exacted. ty Engineer Fox claimed that none of What over a half ounce on every The bill passed by the House of this road fell within the county half pound of butter would mean on ly anxious for anything but a baalinjcaj expert of the War Industries terrrune the final standing. Assembly some months ago to per­ boundaries but a survey showed other­ a couple of hundred pounds a day ^a^ne‘ ; Board, and Charles H. McDowell, A. A. C., Cyanamid and Warner were tied at the windup of mit landlords and tenants to go to wise and Middlesex ordered Demarest, with butter the costliest article in the The Amboy rooters were a bit more President of the Armour Fertilizer their respective schedules for first plaie neiessitating another round noisy up to the twelfth due to the the nearest district court in disputes, the contractor, to continue the con­ store cafi easily be reckoned. Works of Chicago, were standing at of play between the teams. designed to relieve the situation in At the local court before Recorder fact they boasted of some sizeable crete from the Middlesex line. Pine and Nassau Streets when the ex­ The A. A. C. and Cyanamid nines have had one play-off game Hudson county, also was finally ap­ Heil the defendant protested that huskees and the diplomatic thing to That section of East Hazelwood plosion took place. There advice was proved in the senate and also'goes to time should be permitted to get coun­ do seemed to be to agree. This was and the Linden Leaguers came off second best. Avenue from Rahway bridge on into at once sought by the authorities. Governor Edwards. sel. proven when one of the local police­ Should the Fertilizers win to-morrow they will be the proud Main Street is to be conditioned and Both Mr. Summers and Mr. Mc­ After several hours of jockeying ! The State then elected to prefer men got a little of the worst of it possessors of the Industrial League Championship. made passable and next Spring this Dowell, who also was a member of in the assembly that body failed to Tour charges instead of one and indi­ when he attempted to push back the also will be paved, and the bridge the War Industries Board, in charge Warner and Cyanamid would then be tied for second pace and pass a bill to facilitate the operation cated that the Attorney General’s crowd. His, however was not a hos- replaced. of the' Chemical Section, agree that their playoff would settled that question of second and third place. of the election this fall. Assembly­ Office would represent the State. pital case. They only stepped on him TNT or pisric acid, two of the highest If Warner wins to-morrow and then again in their game with man Hcfshlield, Republican whip, Sugar, rice and beans are said to as it were. explosives known, were used in the worked with the Democrats for a be the other foodstuffs on which it is By the time the teams had begun attempt to blow u the buildings, Cyanamid, they will be the champions. bill to increase the ejection boards ATTENDANCE reported the defendant gave incor­ the thirteenth round the local side , “These two explosives,” said Mr. In the event that Warner wins to-morrow and loses later to to six members in every district rect weight. liners were augmented by more than McDowell, “cannot be tipped off by Cyanamid, all three teams will again be tied, each having won one registering over 250. Republicans The trial is to come up this after­ one who was ready for a fight or a |a percussion cap. TNT and picric and lost one of the two games to be played. from Camden, Mercer and Morris, AT BAZAAR noon at the Borough Hall and the ^ro^c- are wax-like substances resembling M e x p e t 6 — Arom ur 3 together with DeVoe, Democrat, of State will be represented by State’s Shortly after an Amboy rooter laundry soap. I also noticed that the Middlesex, opposed the move. Be­ Attorney Joseph Lanagan, who has picked up a bat and said in effect, color of the smoke after the explosion The game between the Mexpet and Armours showed that the hind the move, it was apparent, the IS A RECORD | been highly successful in getting con­ “The next one who cheers for Roose- ilad taken place was black, which fur- teams were pretty evenly matched.
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