« oi)0 People Head the HERALD. "Justice to all; * Published Every Tuesday malice toward none.* and Friday. and SUMMIT RECORD FIFTY-SECOND YEAR. NO. 10 SUMMIT, N. J., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1940 $3.50 PER YEAS AIUILT MUTATION IKTKS FOR KVEN'IN'U Artistic Setting for It K(JISf RATION Sidewalk Shaw Summit Speakers' Club to Be Resumed- j Mayor Returns KHJIS'J'KATION HOIKS local Defense Register by mail now with To assist those entitled to Modellwstroyer at Lynn C. Dundon, executive sec- Mrs. Knoblauch Starts^peech Studio } From Navy Cruise vote and who are not. registered retary at the high school for Of Pictures under the permanent registra- Council Named your Adult Education course. tion system, the City" Clerk's) A Headquarters Or register in person Tuesday. Again for 1940-1941 the Summit j Reservists Have office will lie open, lu'addition October 1st, at 7.30 p. in. at the First Event of Kind Speakers' Club, which, since its in tlie daily hours of it to 5, on j By Mayor Organizes hiKh Hchool. Did you receive In Summit October 11 formation last year, has met on Valuable Training Trip tlie following evenings from 7. I • _ ._— _. Artist Returned From your copy of the folder describ- Tuenday or Thursdaysffom 8 to 10 it) (.t for the purpose of register- ing the twenty courses being o'clock at the Edison Junior High Despite the intense concentration Arriving m the Hniolilyn \:n y ing voters: I Praise For Franklin's France Creates given? on War Work and on the WiUkie School, will be fortunate in having Yard last Friday night after a two Friday, September 27 Campaign In Summit this fall, there the services of Dofothie Berry weeks' intensive cruise as a Lieu- Monday, September :t0 ; Work With N.D.0.=Look War Window Scene SPONSOHS FOR Knoblauch as Instructor. This club Tuesday. October 1 still seems to be enough energy tenant Commander jn I|1(. i-njt,-,,! i For Draft Headquarters 1 "CAVAM'AIHv OF STAKS" left over to usher in a vital and in-Is an outgroWth of last year's adult Stlites .Naval Reserve, stationed Wednesday, October Z The detailed model of the former r t . teresting program for the year foreducation course In speech which .j-with the H. .tli Uivision. Mayor Cuiiio' Thursday, October .'*. i;,S.S Preston, which .lias-attracted I Praise for" Uuford Franklin's the "Summit/Art Association. In un-carried dn, in the form of a dub, IF. For.sitM toiti tire -H.KHALJV\\ Friday, October 4 i/ouHlderable attention in the win- The BxecutiyeCommittee for •j initiative in starting Stinunil's co«- "Cavalcade of Stars" has made certain a,rid changing times like work/similar to that begun in the was the .consensus of . opinion Monday, October 7 N.D.O.'H ! prehensive program ln preparation dow ovf headquarters at--19 fall is a class. This attracted con- 1 every effort"to reach all Sum- these, It is mote than ever impor- among the officers and enlisted Tuesday, October «S. for defense, and complete approval Btechwood road, has now been tant to lay emphasis on the cultural siderable attention from business 1 placed In a dramatic sea-sett ing mit residents who might like to men that "the •training trip was of .\. D. O.'s plan of operation, side of life. , U professional men who were Jn- fully occupied and most insinir- through the personal efforts of be sponsors for the Refugee nu •! marked the organization meeting Kelief Benefit on October 18th. - Therefore the association Is plan4terested in improving their every- jtive oiie iiud-'that it would be'of (Jerald V. Davis, an.Amefican artist / | Tuesday nisht at City Hall of the / If, however, there are any who , nlng an innovation in the fornj. cff | tfay speech in conversation and in ithe greatest value in case of inu-McLean and Downes I Local Defense Council, recently ap- who recently arrived in Summit an outdoor exhibition of-plctuy^s to | business. Some members, who had ibilizatirm.". ' from war-torn France. ' have been overlooked, or whom/ I pointed by Mayor Guido F. Forster the committee has been unable be held ' at Beeehwood road and had a Dale Carnegie speech course, ! LiViiteiiant Commander Korstt-r' The 30-lnch acale model of the On Same Platform !at the suggestion of Governor A. to contact, they are cordially Springfield uven.ue through the were anxious to pnt some of it in* ;witli the men in his command sail-! ;-• Harry Moore. "Preston," of the type of one of the invited to join the sponsor-list. help and co-operation of the Sum-to practice, while others entered ed September Ttli on the I'., s. S. "1 have Just come^from watching fifty destroyers Just traded to Bri- Sponsor tlekettt may be,'secu,red niit Trust Company yand Rogers' for voice improvement in diction. jTruxton, a destroyer m company-: Candidates Agree on the Little Plattsburg group drilling tain. Is now shown pitching through" through the RefugeV Heller Drug Store. This exhibition will bei This year, many of the club mem- ;with eleven ' .other such Vessels,' at the High School," Mayor Forster waters ripped by tide and torn Work Rooms at 41* Springfield held on Friday, October the 11th, bers and others will poin Mrs. heading for. Hiirnegat Light Ship "Indispensibility" told Lt. Col. fcdwartL p. Twombly, by wind from low-scuddlng clouds, i -ilvt .,1U(,. Sponsor/Tlckets should and - In case bfxralji will be post=jKnoblauch's speech course in the 'after which they anchored off At-' Active Cnairnnan.pf the .Council, af- poned one week. It will open at! j it education program beginning That the Preston Is In "channel' |)e specified. /-This 'notice is a( u lantif- City whereupon a search- James K. Downes, Summit man ter the meeting had organized and p 9 a. m. wheif the pictures begin to in early October, while others will weather" close to "invasion ports"! published through the courtesy -~ * _ light demonstru.ll.on was. eunaKt'd -iii| campaigning on the Democratic. had elected Major N. C. Wade as la made plain by the air battle i arrive and will be on view through- wait for the Speakers' Club to ;as part of the finale for the "Mean-; ticket for election to the House of secretary and Maxwell Lester. Jr., of ,THK SUMMIT HERALD. out the, day, ending at 5.30 p. m. Mrs. l)nr»thl<< llerry seen to be in progress overhead. | reconvene in November, Knoblauch 'ty Pageant", then coming" to-a close, j IteprPHentatlves, agreed with bis as chairman of the finance commit- There/has been no limit set upon Those in the 1940 adult education iAlK norH wtTe tnen One of the flight of medium bomb- i »T /» • hi >lf' •» ' weighed-and thei opponent, Congressman Donald• H. tee. "They're a splendid group of er*, which are coming in low for j NAUH (lllfCAC Iff the/Size or price or medium of thecourse in speech, interested in to 'work to: 1. tnproI ve nniseii,himself;. 2-flotilla made for Chesapeake Light! McLean. Republican Incumbent, ln Summit men and their attitude and nw VUMI v I entires. Any Summit artist Is cor-joining the Speakers' Club will bei Help one another by olremg anu their program are sound. I think their bombing run upon the sleek " »' *' •" dially invited to participate. In H» „««>.„• ! * • """•'. " Ship off tTfe"Virginia Capes. I addressing'the Summit League of 1,200-ton destroyer. Is ^li«.wn .fall-i to aCC )UI B orderlyt (:onBtl uctive NDO is doing a fine thing Tor Sum- : /1 case of sale the association Will ed of pleasant and helpfutr,3n"il contin- - ' ' - Preparatory to starting on tht-Wmne.. Voters.Wednesday, that DO mit and we are greatly indebted to Ing toward the water In flames an [charge its members 10 per cent, friendly criticism; 3. Contribute'cruise, -finishing exercises were otic individual is" indispensible in! Mr. Franklin for Initiating it " agile llttle pursuit planes friendly; uation of their speech studies, while M F and non-members 20 per cent. new members, without previous ideas and efforts continuously to given the gun crews whi.h would national affairs. This, he said, "Is! Thereupon the Council upouponi the to the destroyer circle to head off! There will be no entry free. The make this a live and interesting enable them to fire at the regular the "only good argument the Re-'j recommendation of Col. Twombly, the bombers. work, will also be welcome. Psychology, Geology artists who are planning to exhibit Speech Course Outline club; 4. Make every effort to be|Kunnery practices which weiv en- publicans have." Both candidates i passed a resolution "praising the At night the background scene, must notify Miss Isabel Jamison on prompt in arriving at meetings and gaged in off the Virginia Capes, advocated a six-year term for the initiative shown by Ruford Frank- lit as by the channel moon, is dark! Among New Features Monday morning, October 7th, be-adult8edIuc!uon<?6uhrS as'SlowsTjtO be' present at "every meeting, |f'Principally with. 1-inch 5M calibiTI Pf.'sJilt-iilial office. lin in reviving Summit's World War slate in color, creating an esped-! tween !> a. m. and 1 p. m. Tele- guns and with considerable at- - Mr Downes, however disagrees'; National Defense Organization in 1. The first three lessons to bepossible; 5. Be well prepared to (:111:u v ally urtistic effect for the Preston's j Two of the new courses on thephone Summit 6-1373.
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