P.O. Box 445 Boiw, ID 83701 IDAHO DEMOCRATIC PARTY Phone(206)336-1815 Toll Free 1-800-542-4737 FAX (208) 336-1817 [email protected] September 22,2008 «=> £2 7 Office of the General Counsel Federal Election Commission 999 E. Street NW Washington D.C. 20463 Kl •H MUR# N. rH Re: Jim Risen for U.S. Senate Committee in rsi A recent mailing promoting Jim Risch for U.S. Senate appears to violate the prohibition on corporate contributions to federal candidates. O on The mailing contained two letters, both apparently paid by the Jim Risch for Senate Committee, but it was mailed In an envelope bearing the return address of Idaho Right to Life, Inc., a non-profit corporation, and using IRTL's bulk mailing permit. I believe this constitutes an illegal contribution to the Jim Risch for Senate Committee by Idaho Right to Life, Inc. I am enclosing a copy of the envelope and the two letters that were mailed in It. Because I believe IRTL may also have violated the regulations governing non-profit corporations by engaging in illegal electioneering, I am also sending copies of this letter to the IRS and the U.S. Postal Service. Because the election is only about six weeks away, I would request an expedited investigation of this complaint. Sincerely, ansen Director, Idaho Democratic Party Cc: Internal Revenue Service U.S. Postal Service Subscribed ai Pridfarbyj iCmMCmnittM Rwnwnbv to cheek your Inoonwtaxtorm tar ItotCtwcfc-orforthtDamooraOcPvty. Thank you. RECEIVED FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION OFFICE OF GENERAL lOUNSLl BaKT-3 AI002 in 00 dk o O) rsi ! S £ g a: K •H in O O) •D^feMOd jfckwlinpqWM ••JMllMlHI• W^f* ?•**U• HWtGIUDIMd . WP^^^^* •lhMf>-i ^IV^VfHVfg RECEIVED FEDERAL ELECTION KERRY UHLENKOTT *™ffi8«Ai GRANGEVILUE, IDAHO 83530 DUNjuL ZCU80CT-3 A 002 Septernber 2, 2008 • Dear Friend: Idaho now races a critical election. Iwritatoc^thatyw jrinmeintfwb CO prefaomchUmbyMl^ete *"i £j Jim Risch has been my friend fer many years. He has supported and voted for fcey profile yi togulotion tor over wenry years. I know*. I hovs wotcnefl'n»n anohspr iri toucn WBH hen about legislation^ rof informdfion wdmen receiyebeforetindenjoing an abortion. He supported on enactment of an Ubho ban on Partial Birth abortions. He, too, has effectively Q $upf«rte^ a strong r>arsntdCc4went Wherever possible, on Jim Risch has been a strong leader for Life. (N Going bout to the 19ow^ Jim. Risen has Helped enoits to lesJficI abortions* In toctf the first informed consent bill passed in Idaho was actually carried by Jim when he served as the Majority leader ana neiiden^rro NHnpore<or Ine Haho* Senate*. Jim is ait jrfRkrtae ItaaW ^ These awlhe reasons t MOW irr my hwrt Ihorj niLI3s« expenenGe•mrfi»J»ii»i», nilit*s aDmninnienTMlMjM^MSfata^^A^ an-^-£a tAms.maj> ;LaI«LR- ^**-i~~*eiwngj.* on^jjvj tai&ilkAuaL^mieiiiBjBn*pe. >*j3twjnt nvnw-TiiiMJtiA^i&faHk j»^OTvn- iilfaT^fgt inniw*y-d• WJUlCtmJBil prelife leader upon entering fhe ilniled States Senate. EfleclKfe, kiitf^eifciMy ejqjerfenced, triteBiaen^ondeneiync. %, air of IK* is true. you and rbowi UW^<lndilVMtt''lvjve a ngnroii our hanfls to^get nwi eNCiKk Jim's pfo^effionppBor*^ medio reports and national prcJfnvleaeVi, th^pro^stoiig^ iofeby has a huge nwnetqr over the prp^^obby os^» rt^ltoft^te > •A|s0r.dpiiT iQnjet loe avepspejining l^uiiH^eBDe eiei •ie^p9^llDrlinffi jqarac•K _____K J. •^» VUMl • I' uo» .l Jiejnei •Ml»T> inj -Tti ii^rjsipeniiKiB a*. •TtJfc^tfi^i XJ^•U "^^^^^Mh^^^btcunuuiyH>k 7ein4 His last ftbd findW Moceihows a b% ^dbnaJfen Irom NMAM^Konal Abodloa Righli Action League— a finoncwil clubhou^ founded, and funded by the Nation's largest to aborKon-on-dnnand in this state in the Nation. When LaRooop lerved in Congress for a fa* yean, in the 1990s, he regularly voted wilh the Abortion lobby. One key vote was Vis support of permitting abortions on UiS. military bases. LdRoceo also supported dlooqtin^ nuKans of tamper <fafaa lor Planned opposing efforts to limit taderal funding so (hat Planned .Parenthood would not use federal funds-far laRocco voted to restrict our ritftf to prayerfa in exercising our fint Amendment rights. Is there ony worm i^trmMiortion lobby is so anxious to support his <grndfabc/ for the U.S. Senate! ntost Important votes cast in a libh Yw me I cannot sit bade end aVow mat to happen. That is why I am wrftihig. Please join with me and my family in .making a generous demotion today, to the PJseh for Senate Campaign. With *ie national poJHicql stene in / energeHc/intelligent, and sfieng leade^Jp if war dr* tomato A^ families, dnd 'preborn childnin from the.idevojtaliM Qrapprtpon. ft is entitegf possible* (hot-trie balance in the U.S. Senate may depend on Jim RisaVs vote-to block pro^bortion nonrunees to the U.S. Supramflt Court. With the natkjnal stakes so high, with, the current political mindset, ond with the need for tool leadership that-speaks the truth, Jim's rqceior the Senate is one v* certainly cannot take for granted. Please* Take the time. Now, Vhbmteer to help Jim's campaign. Pray. Write a check to the Rhch qampg^n. WhateverypO dfrteJielp iino les^than op trnstfrnignt j^ feefatum. \burogntribufien an^H^^aJ our grea.^_—.—^-»tA oiv^E£Ue^eK a^&j& I^J^eV^tenxino*. v-lA* Staf a^Hn^ la^^^kJU^^A^ftinvesnnenAr *9flhin> >yneiiuJk^b^C^J^^Mj ^rt»<& ^ti a MbkneAv ••^^i^^bw^^L^Hl^VAk^fl^M^B|uncipfe JOT womenK t.Atf^^MftSlS^k niMHiies/anA ^^^**uf babies. Sirt»V<tatedr1et%iiv4^ Jim teiA wi^ be^o United $ta*#sSeBoMlhc^ Thartfeyou and Odd bless you, Pttid-far by Jiw Risen fer U.$. Sejvqte CJomnwfiee JAMBS B. RISCH 3iOT IS47 BQin. IDAHO 88301 September 2, 2008 Dear Fellow Pttriife Supporter We are in the midst of an historic election season. Afier yean of conservative governmental seems dial the national pendulum is begimng to swing back. You can sec signs of liberal momentum in the vast sums of money being gHMMfrd by me Obama campaign md various the grwson the otto side is inagteUTy gfceae^ r thakwhatt *fe Itft iiwd ftnte a Ubml rale. o ^^ 01 America does best ^iftenfifedoa is fly watefawogyi when fefti aye aide tp pursue their dneams And America's &SBB&& do best when traditional values are respected by Congress and fne federal judiciary. I decided to ran for the United States Senna because I believe I got make a BIG difference in protecting Idaho's: way oflife sad our cow values, As your voice in Washington, I can and w®-*wk eveum each day to fimit the damage aveofu^ Hwre is,no Idaho ifalue m«e dearly ni^bc^ ^^{)t^^ fitin aboi«oB many pio-tifc pieces of le^slatiop— bins wm'di arendwltfw. ^ue of flie most inftmdhible battles came in the 199J session, ^totcanied me legislaticwwtt we all W to <X>ofiont in consJoUag the. ^^l^ Thai was ati eaotional andtot^iij^rt on me ftsmife<ld»^tol.att tesfty mat tvc preyaHed ft was wofft every bourxJr tjkne IM» spenf p^epsj&itg &r a/ grivstittg At .me saw time-tfee great Abft » Aiaejt .a. Ban on ftrt* ^ Wrth Abortions also brings to miiid Yni allvjIaasivclaaA MKB A.*sjajiiij8Mfiai Given my legal background and long legislative experience with .the abortion issue— 1 know I can make a substairial difference With some pundits ealling for a gain of 4-6 Democrat seats m the Senatfr~*wv pro-life vote is going to be critically important But given the growing resources of my "pro-choice" opponent, I am going to need your help in winning this cnitia) election. These campaigns far ^deialc^to aie iqoedibry expensive. en rn Literature, mail and television wilt coat a great deal of money -and we Witt need to be K competitive if we are to properly defend our values in this coibnlgeleGtiOii. Idaho voten must be ^ told of the stark differences between my opponent and me. They must understand the great M threat posed by ny opponent Vvataayston. <gr *z I am confident thai if we get that-messa^ helm Cj common sense and wisdom for which the state is rightly rewwaed Tiny will reject the glitz and ^ rhetoric of liberatism. They wiU rise op to defend famliesju^ But to grttnerp--4 need voitf hete. Would you take A moment today* whfle the impulse is fash, to write a check to . our campaign? Whatever you can affo As your Senator, I assure you that 1 will take gay. opporfanfty to Defend America's preeoin children. Together we can return to America's respect for U& Thank you (or .your considefBdon and help in this gnat campaign to restore our nation's greatness. Batd fee by Jin) .R$tcb;ibr£JiS« 5aiia^. LAROCCO KEY VOTES 19914M4 ABORTION > Ltrtcco Voted To PnfcdTbeUfa^ Programs' Support For Cblnft's Cbertivt o URocco voted ib foot of fe£ott^^ NJ., amadnuBl, to preserve the S2Q«filkn n tetiqg for the USbfed populattonfimd(UNRPA),whichsupp^ countries. The Smith unendnient would have removed the fbmdi&g oa the grounds ^ thiiajeUhTOAqtfiitainChm^^chuaes K ttenfizatton as means of fianily planning. (Adopted 234*188: R 40-121 ;D 193- rn 67; 1 l-O)1 in ™ • 'TleOoVenanent of the United States is disqyointed^iat the United Nidons Popnlatioii Fund (UNFPA) to decided to iooqbvie to piovidefbancia] and Waia^^^iia^^ on direction Of ChmtYN*!^ muiMm rf TftitVan fei^if* and *nih tfws dowcnnMAof CUn it tfae 19M Ifeio^ o URpcco voted affdart > rootioq to reoqpqat to ft§ HOHB» &j«fgy aod Coppierce 141, to 15-67); 1>1)3 Att fiat fiv^ymti ftron^> fitofl (Adbpted25M44:R4W02;D202- o Lafcocco voted fitr pun** over Prwdent Bush's veto S«pt 25, of the bUI to reauthorize Titb X of the Public Hetlth Service Act through fiscal 1997.
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