Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Reeves Prolegomena.indb 1 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM Comparative Islamic Studies Series Editor: Brannon Wheeler, US Naval Academy This series, like its companion journal of the same title, publishes work that integrates Islamic studies into the contemporary study of religion, thus providing an opportunity for expert scholars of Islam to demonstrate the more general significance of their research both to comparativists and to specialists working in other areas. Attention to Islamic materials from outside the central Arabic lands is of special interest, as are comparisons which stress the diversity of Islam as it interacts with changing human conditions. PUBLISHED Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot: Islam and the Struggle for Religious Pluralism in Pakistan David Pinault Earth, Empire and Sacred Text: Muslims and Christians as Trustees of Creation David L. Johnston Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere: A Historical Genealogy of the Modern Image of Islam Dietrich Jung FORTHCOMING Ibn Arabi and the Contemporary West: Beshara and the Ibn Arabi Society Isobel Jeffery-Street Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur’an in the Light of Comparison Marilyn Robinson Waldman Edited by Bruce B. Lawrence The Qur’ān: A New Annotated Translation Edited by A. J. Droge East by Mid-East: Studies in Cultural, Historical and Strategic Connectivities Edited by Brannon Wheeler and Anchi Hoh Reeves Prolegomena.indb 2 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism John C. Reeves Reeves Prolegomena.indb 3 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM Published by Equinox Publishing Ltd. UK: Unit S3, Kelham House, 3 Lancaster Street, Sheffield S3 8AF USA: DBBC, 28 Main Street, Oakville, CT 06779 www.equinoxpub.com First published 2011 © John C. Reeves 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN-13: 978-1-904768-52-4 (hardback) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Reeves, John C. Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism / John C. Reeves. p. cm. — (Comparative Islamic studies) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-904768-52-4 (hb) 1. Manichaeism—History. 2. Manichaeism—Relations. I. Title. BT1410.R45 2010 297.8’3—dc22 2010008755 Typeset and edited by Queenston Publishing, Hamilton, Canada Printed and bound in the UK by the MPG Books Group. Reeves Prolegomena.indb 4 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM IN MEMORIAM Ben Zion Wacholder () Exemplary scholar, teacher, and mentor Reeves Prolegomena.indb 5 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM Contents Preface 1 Abbreviations and Conventions 3 1. Introduction 7 1. Who was Mani? 8 2. Manichaean Prophetology 11 3. The Manichaean Worldview 13 4. Manichaeism and Islam 15 2. Biographical Testimonia about Mani 21 1. Chronological and Synchronic Notices 23 2. Authentic Biographical Trajectories 29 3. The Acta Archelai and its Satellites 48 4. Imagining Mani 63 3. Fragments of Manichaean Scripture: A Classified 85 Collection of Islamicate Testimonia 1. Generic remarks on Manichaean Script and Scriptures 90 2. Gospel 94 3. Shābuhragān 98 4. Book of Mysteries 105 5. Treasure/y of Life 108 6. Book of Giants 111 7. Pragmateia 113 8. Epistles 114 9. Ardahang 119 Reeves Prolegomena.indb 7 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM viii • Contents 10. Unattributed, ‘Noncanonical,’ or Post-Mani Literary 123 Citations 11. On Manichaean Scripturalism: Some Concluding 129 Reflections 4. Testimonia about Manichaean Teachings 133 1. Jewish Discussions 134 2. Mandaean Discussions 143 3. Christian Discussions 144 4. Zoroastrian Discussions 159 5. Muslim Discussions 162 6. Some Concluding Observations 222 5. ‘Historical’ Testimonia about Manichaeism and Manichaeans 225 1. Post-Mani Historical Developments 225 2. Martyrological Traditions 231 3. The Manichaean ‘Blood-Libel’ 247 4. Individual Manichaeans and Alleged Manichaeans 250 5. Manichaean Sectarianism 264 6. Mazdak as Manichaean? 268 7. A Concluding Postscript 280 Chronological Arrangement of Authorities 283 Bibliography 287 Indices 317 Index of Citations of Primary Sources 317 Index of Ancient and Medieval Authors, Tradents, 326 and Personages Index of Scriptural and Parascriptural Characters 329 Index of Manichaeans and of Individuals Suspected or 330 Accused of Zandaqa Index of Modern Authors 331 Reeves Prolegomena.indb 8 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM Preface The present volume represents the fruition of approximately a decade of work on most of the important Islamicate sources pertaining to the Mesopotamian prophet Mani and the survival of his religion among early and medieval Muslim polities. My goal in preparing the work was to supply scholars with a roughly sorted mass of raw data for producing more nuanced histories and studies of Manichaeism in the Arabophonic cultural sphere; hence the title Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism, an admittedly overambitious label which deliberately mimics those chosen by Julius Wellhausen over a century ago for his justly celebrated pair of monographs devoted to the identification and elu- cidation of the signal primary texts which permit a plausible reconstruction of both biblical and early Muslim history. It is my hope that modern researchers more erudite than I can likewise exploit the materials contained in this book to re-conceive and expound the history of Manichaeism (as well as dualist religious thought more generally) under Islam. I appreciate very much the continuing encouragement which I received from a host of interested colleagues and students over the lengthy period of this vol- ume’s gestation and preparation. As always, I remain profoundly grateful to the Blumenthal Foundation for its continuing financial support of my research efforts in Jewish and cognate studies at the University of North Carolina, Char- lotte. For this volume, my work was also facilitated and accelerated by my resi- dency as a Ruth Meltzer Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania during the fall of 2007, a fantastic privi- lege whose collegial and scholastic rewards I am still reaping years after the fact. Finally, I want to append here a special note of thanks to Janet Joyce and Valerie Hall of Equinox Publishing for their extraordinary patience and kindness while awaiting the final delivery of this manuscript. John C. Reeves University of North Carolina, Charlotte © Equinox Publishing Ltd. 2011 Reeves Prolegomena.indb 1 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM Reeves Prolegomena.indb 2 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM Abbreviations and Conventions ( ) mark the translator’s additions in order to improve the English sense [ ] mark textual lacunae and/or editorial restorations < > mark emendation of the orthography of the text PRIMARY SOURCES Ant. Josephus, Jewish Antiquities Apoc. Adam Apocalypse of Adam Apoc. Paul Apocalypse of Paul b. Babylonian Talmud (Bavli) CMC Cologne Mani Codex Col Colossians (Christian Bible) 1 Cor 1 Corinthians (Christian Bible) Dan Daniel (Bible) 1 En. 1 Enoch (Ethiopic Book of Enoch) Gal Galatians (Christian Bible) Gen Genesis (Bible) Gos. Eg. Gospel of the Egyptians Gos. Thom. Gospel of Thomas Homil. Manichäische Homilien. Edited by Hans Jakob Polotsky. Stuttgart, 1934. Ḥul. Ḥullin Isa Isaiah (Bible) Jub. Book of Jubilees Judg Judges (Bible) Keph. Manichäische Handschriften der Staatlichen Museen, Berlin, Band I: Kephalaia, 1. Hälfte. Edited by H. J. Polotsky and A. Böhlig. Stuttgart, 1934-40. 2. Hälfte (Lfg. 11/12). Stuttgart, 1966. 1 Kgs, 2 Kgs 1 Kings, 2 Kings (Bible) Lk Luke (Christian Bible) M Middle Iranian Manichaean texts and fragments © Equinox Publishing Ltd. 2011 Reeves Prolegomena.indb 3 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM 4 • Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Matt Matthew (Christian Bible) Meg. Megillah Mk Mark (Christian Bible) Ms. Manuscript NHC Nag Hammadi Codex Num Numbers (Bible) 1 Pet 1 Peter (Christian Bible) PGM Papyri Graecae Magicae. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Edited by Karl Preisendanz and Albert Henrichs. Stuttgart, 1973-74. Prov Proverbs (Bible) Ps-Bk. Manichaean Manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Collection, vol. II: A Manichaean Psalm-Book, pt. II. Edited by C. R. C. Allberry. Stuttgart, 1938. Q Qur’ān Qidd. Qiddushin Rom Romans (Christian Bible) Sanh. Sanhedrin Šebu. Shevu‘ot t. Tosefta SECONDARY SOURCES ANF Ante-Nicene Fathers. 10 vols. Edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. Buffalo, 1885–96. AOS American Oriental Series APAW Abhandlungen der königlichen preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin) BSO(A)S Bulletin of the School of Oriental (and African) Studies BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft CFM Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum CRINT Compendia rerum iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum CSCO Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium CSHB Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae EI1 The Encyclopaedia of Islam, first edition. 9 vols. Leiden, 1913–38. EI2 The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edition. 12 vols. Leiden, 1954–2002. EncIr Encyclopaedia Iranica. 14 vols. to date. Edited by Ehsan Yarshater. London & New York, 1982– . EncQur Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān. 6 vols. Edited by Jane Dammen McAuliffe. Leiden, 2001–2006. Reeves Prolegomena.indb 4 11/1/2011 2:37:13 PM Abbreviations and Conventions • 5 ERE Encyclopaedia of Religion
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