SPECIAL ARTICLES IN VOLUMES 51-72 OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Acquisition of Political and Social Rights by Oscar and Mary F. Handlin the Jews in the United States 56:43-98 The American Jew: Some Demographic BenB. Seligman 51:3-52 Features American Jewish Tercentenary David Bernstein 57:101-18 American Jewry, 1970: Sidney Goldstein 72:3-88 A Demographic Profile Antisemitism as a Policy Tool in the Soviet Maurice Friedberg Bloc 71:123-40 The Church and the Jews: Judith Hershcopf 66:99-136 The Struggle at Vatican II 67:45-77 Concerning Jewish Theology in North Lou H. Silberman 70:37-58 America: Some Notes on a Decade Conference on Jewish Material Claims Lucy S. Dawidowicz Against Germany 54:471-85 61:110-27 Economic Status and Occupational Structure Eli E. Cohen 51:53-70 Eichmann Trial European Jewry Before and After Hitler Salo W. Baron 63:3-53 The Proceedings Leon Poliakov 63:54-84 America's Response George Salomon 63:85-103 The Judgment Sidney Liskofsky 63:104-19 Text of the Indictment 63:120-31 Intermarriage in the United States Arnold Schwartz 71:101-21 Jewish Academics in the United States: Seymour Martin Lipset and Their Achievements, Culture and Politics Everett Carll Ladd, Jr. 72:89-128 Jewish Education—For What? Walter I. Ackerman 70:3-36 Jewish Fertility in the United States Erich Rosenthal 62:3-27 Jewish Labor Movement in the United States Will Herberg 53:3-74 712 SPECIAL ARTICLES IN VOLUMES 51-72 / 713 Jewish Social Work in the United States, Herman D. Stein 57:3-98 1654-1954 Jewish Studies in American Liberal-Arts Arnold J. Band 67:3-30 Colleges and Universities The Jews in Western Europe Today Arnold Mandel 68:3-28 North American Settlers in Israel Gerald Engel 71:161-87 Orthodoxy in American Jewish Life Charles S. Liebman 66:21-97 Yitzchak Leybush Peretz: An Appreciation S.Niger 54:542-49 Professional Personnel in the Social Services Arnulf M. Pins 64:203-35 of the Jewish Community The Purposes of the Jewish Community Carl Urbont 68:29-59 Center Movement: An Appraisal of Their Operation Reconstructionism in American Jewish Life Charles S. Liebman 71:3-99 Social Characteristics of American Jews, Nathan Glazer 56:3-41 1654-1954 The Soviet Jewish Problem at the United Ronald I. Rubin 71:141-59 Nations Spiritual Life of American Jewry, 1654-1954 Joseph L. Blau 56:99-170 Studies of Jewish Intermarriage in the United Erich Rosenthal 64:3-53 States Three Centuries of Jewish Life in England, S. D. Temkin 58:3-63 1656-1956 The Training of American Rabbis Charles S. Liebman 69:3-112 Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada, Louis Rosenberg 62:28-49 1760-1960 OBITUARIES Leo Baeck By Max Gruenewald 59:478-82 Jacob Blaustein By John Slawson 72:547'-57 Martin Buber By Seymour Siegel 67:37-43 714 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1972 Abraham Cahan By Mendel Osherowitch 53:527-29 Albert Einstein By Jacob Bronowski 58:480-85 Felix Frankfurter By Paul A. Freund 67:31-36 Louis Ginzberg By Louis Finkelstein 56:573-79 Hayim Greenberg By Marie Syrkin 56:589-94 Herbert H. Lehman By Louis Finkelstein 66:3-20 Judah L. Magnes By James Marshall 51:512-15 Alexander Marx By Abraham S. Halkin 56:580-88 Max Weinreich By Lucy S. Dawidowicz 70:59-68 Chaim Weizmann By Harry Sacher 55:462-69 Stephen S. Wise By Philip S. Bernstein 51:515-18 Index Abbey, Monroe, 395 Agus, Irving A., 326, 365 Abington School District v. Schempj, 72 Agus, Jacob, 61 Abram, Carlos, 440 Ahidjo, Ahmadou, 562 Abramovich, Sara, 449 al-Ahram (Egypt), 527 Abrams, Abba, 629 Aide Israelite aux Victimes de la Abzug, Bella, 118 Guerre (Belgium), 498 Ackerman, W., 350, 372 Akerman, Bernardo, 449 Ackroyd, Peter R., 472 Aktion Oder-Neisse (AKON; W. Ger- Action Committee for Arab Jewry many), 520 (Gt. Britain), 462 Akzin, Benjamin, 321, 373 Action Committee on American Arab al-Alam (Morocco), 591 Relations, 111 Albert, Charles J., 629 Actions Committee for Soviet Jewry Albert, Jeffrey M., 337, 373 (Canada), 400 Albert Einstein College of Medicine Adams, Elsie Bonita, 335, 365 (see Yeshiva University) Adams, Michael, 472 Alessandrini, Federico, 507, 508 Adelman, Albert, 191 Alexander, Jack, 589 Adelstein, Howard, 326, 372 Algeria, 593-94 Adler, Barbara, 629 Alianca Renovadora Nacional Adler, Chaim, 339, 373 (ARENA; National Renovating Adler, H. G., 351, 365 Alliance) (Brazil), 441 Adult Jewish Education, 679 Allegro, John M., 472 Afroyim v. Rusk, 78, 79, 80 Allende, Walter Beveraggi, 439 Agress, Eliyahu, 335, 365 Alliance for a Safer New York, 127, 293 Agro-Joint, 452, 453, 454 Alliance Israelite Universelle (France), Agudas Israel World Organization, 650 179, 254, 484 Agudath Israel of America, 289, 290, Allied Jewish Community Service 291, 292, 293, 299, 650 (Montreal), 421 Children's Division—Pirchei Agudath Allon, Moshe, 498 Israel, 650 Allon, Yigal, 188, 338, 365, 529 Girl's Division—Bnos Agudath Israel, Almogi, Yosef, 567 650 Alphand, Herve, 480 Women's Division—N'Shei Agudath Alsogaray, Julio, 429 Israel of America, 650 Alston, Jon P., 324, 373 Youth Division—Zeirei Agudath Is- Altbauer, Moshe, 449, 451 rael, 290, 297, 650 Alter, Robert, 319, 320, 321, 361, 373 715 716 / INDEX Amado-Levy-Valensi, Eliane, 490 American Friends Service Committee, Amar, David, 591 299 Ambre, Joannes, 482 American Histadrut Cultural Exchange America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Institute, 646 241, 256, 257, 666 American Historical Association, 342 American Academy for Jewish Re- American Israel Public Affairs Com- search, 261, 262, 646 mittee, 667 American and European Friends of American-Israeli Lighthouse, 667 ORT (see American ORT Fed- American Jewish Archives (see Hebrew eration) Union College) American Association for Jewish Edu- American Jewish Committee, 73, 99, cation, 194, 224, 260, 261, 268, 101, 109, 11 On, 111, 113, 114, 290, 650 118, 127, 135, 136, 139, 179, National Council on Adult Jewish 181, 190, 241, 258, 259, 261, Education, 651 262, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, National Council on Jewish Audio- 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, Visual Materials, 651 300, 329, 361, 494, 618, 619, American Association for the United 621, 622, 626, 627, 643 Nations, 619 American Jewish Conference on Soviet American Bar Association, 140 Jewry, 109, 116, 297, 498 American Biblical Encyclopedia Society American Jewish Congress, 73, 112, (American Torah Shelemah 114, 118, 258, 259, 290, 291, Committee), 646 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, American Civil Liberties Union, 292, 298, 299, 395, 643 622 Women's Division, 290, 644 American Committee for Shaare Zedek American Jewish Correctional Chap- Hospital in Jerusalem, 666 lains Association, 663 American Committee for the Weiz- American Jewish Historical Quarterly, mann Institute of Science, 666 319, 328, 341, 342, 373, 678 American Conference of Cantors (see American Jewish Historical Society, Union of American Hebrew 261, 262, 342, 347, 646 Congregations) ( American Jewish History Center (see American Conservative Union, 146 Jewish Theological Seminary) American Council for Judaism, 643 American Jewish Institute, 646 Philanthropic Fund, 648 Jewish Information Bureau, 646 American Federation of Jews from American Jewish Joint Distribution Central Europe, 662 Committee (JDC), 181, 185, American Friends of Boys Towns of 244, 247, 248, 250, 253-54, 256, Jerusalem, 666 299, 452, 454, 485, 497, 547, American Friends of Religious Free- 553, 649 dom in Israel, 667 American Jewish Journal, 677 American Friends of the Alliance American Jewish League for Israel, 667 Israelite Universelle, 648 American Jewish Periodical Center American Friends of the Hebrew Uni- (see Hebrew Union College) versity, 257, 667 American Jewish Press Association, 646 American Friends of the Tel Aviv American Jewish Public Relations University, 667 Society, 672 INDEX / 717 American Jewish Society for Service, AMIA (see Asociacion Mutual Israelita 664 Argentina) American Jewish Times—Outlook, 682 Amiel, Joseph, 585 American Jewish World, 678 Amin, Idi, 565 American Jewish Year Book, 262, Amir, Yehuda, 337, 373 357, 679 Ammirata, Guido, 514 American Labor ORT (see American Ampal—American Israel Corp., 668 ORT Federation) Amsel, Abraham, 315, 373 American Medical Center at Denver, Anau, Ada Supino, 516 664 Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa, 476 National Council of Auxiliaries, 664 Angel, Aaron, 432 American Nationalities Movement, Anglo-American Commission on Pal- 149 estine, 627 American ORT Federation—Organiza- Anglo-Jewish Association, 179 tion for Rehabilitation Through Annual Directory of Jewish Federations, Training, 237, 241, 254, 299, 649 Welfare Funds & Community American and European Friends cf Councils, 365 ORT, 649 Annual Yearbook of Jewish Social American Labor ORT, 649 Service, 365 Business and Professional ORT, 649 Ansel, Bernard D., 348, 373 National ORT League, 649 Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Women's American ORT, 254, 649 B'rith, 73, 113, 118, 135, 139, American Physicians Fellowship for the 241, 258, 259, 269, 289, 644, 664 Israel Medical Association, 667 Antonovsky, Aaron, 339, 373 American Pro-Falasha Committee, 649 Appel, Gershon, 308, 365 American Red Magen David for Israel, Appel Unifie Juif Francais (United 241, 667 French Jewish Appeal), 485 American Society for Technion-Israel Applebaum, Harold, 329, 373 Institute of Technology, 257, 667 Arafat, Yassir, 155 American Trade Union Council for Aramburu, Pedro Eugenio, 430 Histadrut (see National Com- I'Arche (France), 487, 490 mittee for Labor Israel) Argenti, Philip P., 472 American Veterans of Israel, 662 Argentina, 428-40 American Zebulun, 667 Argentine Friends of the Hebrew Uni- American Zionist, 679 versity, 437 American
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