London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Limited Official results book Shooting 28 July – 6 August ISSF President Letter On behalf of the International Shooting Sport Federation – ISSF – we thank the athletes for their excellent performances in the Olympic Shooting Events of the XXX Olympic Games in London 2012. We express our thanks and appreciation to the organizers of these Olympic Games for their great efforts and the excellent organization of these unforgettable 10 days of outstanding shooting sport. The temporary shooting venue at the Royal Artillery Barracks demonstrated its excellent functionality during the Pre-Olympic Test Event “London Prepares” and ISSF World Cup in April 2012, when about 800 athletes participated in all Olympic Events. Thanks to the professional design and the excellent layout of the various ranges this Olympic Venue proofed to be an iconic Shooting Venue hosting the Olympic Shooting Events. It was a great pleasure and a unique experience for 390 athletes, from 108 countries from all 5 continents to be part of theses outstanding Olympic Games. All the officials, referees, judges and volunteers made their contribution to bring the shooting events of the XXX Olympic Games in London 2012 to a great success. The fantastic crowd of spectators who filled the ranges and especially the Finals Ranges enjoyed excellent performances and results of our great athletes. The spectators with their enthusiastic applause and reactions created an incredible atmosphere for all athletes to give their extra ordinary performances. The people of the host country of Great Britain have shown that they are great sport fans and we once again thank them for their great hospitality. We express our sincere congratulations not only to the winners but also to each participant who showed the world that sport can truly be considered as an expression of peace, friendship and brotherhood in fair play. We are wishing all athletes, officials, referees, judges and spectators safe return home and we are sure that all will take home good memories of the many nice impressions of warm friendship and the extraordinary atmosphere created by the trust of spectators cheering for their hero. Thank you for wonderful Olympic Shooting Events in London 2012! Olegario Vázquez Raña Franz Schreiber ISSF President ISSF Secretary General Royal Artillery Barracks Shooting Royal Artillery Barracks Tir Competition Officials Compétition officiel As of Thu 26 JUL 2012 Function Name NOC ISSF President Mr VAZQUEZ RANA Olegario MEX - Mexico ISSF Secretary General Mr SCHREIBER Franz GER - Germany Chief Medical Officer Dr LALLY James M. USA - United States of America Technical Delegates Mr ANDERSON Gary L. USA - United States of America Mr WAHDAN Medhat M. EGY - Egypt Jury of Appeal Mr LI Feng (Chairman) CHN - People’s Republic of China Mr DIMAKAKOS Alexandros GRE - Greece Mr SILVA MONTEROSSO Carlos GUA - Guatemala Mr PARISH David R.V. GBR - Great Britain Rifle Jury Mr SEPEC Tomislav (Chairman) CRO - Croatia Mrs AHLSTEDT Christina SWE - Sweden Mr GUERRA MOLLINEDO Rafael CUB - Cuba Mr GOODFELLOW David GBR - Great Britain Pistol Jury Mrs ABBOTT Susan B. (Chairman) USA - United States of America Mrs STAEUBLE Ursula SUI - Switzerland Mr WOELKE Manfred GER - Germany Mr GLAISTER Douglas GBR - Great Britain Shotgun Jury Mr LORDOS Demetris F. (Chairman) CYP - Cyprus Dr BOZA Carlos PER - Peru Mr BUNNAG Bhattakarka THA - Thailand Mr LOEFFLER Maximilian GER - Germany Mr WAHDAN Mohamed EGY - Egypt Mr PAECKMEYER Glenn GBR - Great Britain Classification Jury Mrs BODIN Kerstin (Chairman) SWE - Sweden Mrs BRIEZ Ghislaine FRA - France Mr MICHAEL Christian GER - Germany Mr WATTERSON Stewart GBR - Great Britain Equipment Control Mr GRILL Wilhelm-Xaver (Chairman) GER - Germany Mrs AHLSTEDT Christina SWE - Sweden Mrs STAEUBLE Ursula SUI - Switzerland Mr GOODFELLOW David GBR - Great Britain National Technical Officials: Competition Manager Mr UNDERHILL Peter GBR - Great Britain Assistant Competition Manager Mr AITKEN Ali GBR - Great Britain ChiefCm Classification Officer Mr IVY Derek GBR - Great Britain Chief Range Officer Finals Hall Mr GUMN Paul GBR - Great Britain Chief Range Officer 10/50m Mr LOUGHRIDGE Bob GBR - Great Britain Asst. Chief Range Officer 10/50m Mr FRENCH Ivor GBR - Great Britain ChiefAsst. CRange Officer 25m Pistol Mr REDDY Clive GBR - Great Britain Asst. Chief Range Officer 25m Mrs BARBER Barbara GBR - Great Britain Chief Range Officer Shotgun Mr MURRAY Keith GBR - Great Britain Chief Referee Shotgun Mr DIXSON Ray GBR - Great Britain Shotgun Director Mr GHELFI Daniele ITA - Italy Chief Equipment Control Officer Mr LEECH Jon GBR - Great Britain Venue Results Manager Mr BURKE Alastair GBR - Great Britain Head of Sports Information Miss BRUCE Zoe GBR - Great Britain Armoury Manager Mr DOWER Craig GBR - Great Britain SH0000000_35 v1.1 Report Created THU 26 JUL 2012 08:53 Page 1 of 1 Shooting Tir Number of Entries by NOC Nombre d'inscrits par CNO As of WED 25 JUL 2012 Men Women NOC Rifle Pistol Shotgun Rifle Pistol Shotgun Total Code 3PPRARFPRFPAPTRDTSK3PARSPAPTRSK QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS ALB 1 1 1 1 ALG 1 1 AND 1 1 ARG 2 2 ARM 1 1 1 1 AUS 1 21111121211 1 1 1 1 211 17 6 AUT 1111 1 1 1 4 3 AZE 1 1 1 1 BAN 1 1 BEL 1 1 BHU 1 1 BIH 1 11 1 2 BLR 211 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 9 4 BOL 1 1 BRA 111 2 1 BRN 1 1 BUL 111 1 12 2 4 5 CAN 1 1 1 2 1 CHI 1 1 CHN 1 1 1 1 222212 222211 23 2 COL 1 1 CRO 1 1 1 1 2 111 5 4 CUB 1111 1 1 4 2 CYP 213 CZE 1112222 2 1 1 10 5 DEN 121 2 5 1 DOM 1 1 1 1 ECU 1 1 EGY 1112117 ESA 1 1 1 1 ESP 1 1 11112 1 1 1 1 8 4 EST 1 1 1 1 FIJ 1 1 FIN 1 111 11 4 2 FRA 1 1 1 1 211 1 1 11222211 14 8 GBR 1 1 1 11 122 1 11 1 11 11 5 GEO 1 1 1 1 GER 1 1 1 1 2 2 211 12211 1 1 11 17 6 GRE 213 GUA 1 1 1 2 1 HKG 1 1 HON 1 1 HUN 111111 3 3 INA 1 1 IND 1 1 1 1 211 11 11 21 11 4 IRI 1 1 2 2 3 3 IRL 1 1 IRQ 1 1 ISL 1 1 1 1 ISR 1 1 1 1 ITA 2222 11 222 2 21115 7 JPN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 KAZ 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 KGZ 1 1 1 1 KOR 211221 2 12 2 1 1 21 13 8 KSA 1 1 KUW 1 1 11 1 1 4 2 LAT 1 1 LIB 1 1 SH0000000_30 1.0 Report Created WED 25 JUL 2012 16:17 Page 1 / 2 Shooting Tir Number of Entries by NOC Nombre d'inscrits par CNO As of WED 25 JUL 2012 Men Women NOC Rifle Pistol Shotgun Rifle Pistol Shotgun Total Code 3PPRARFPRFPAPTRDTSK3PARSPAPTRSK QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS QP DS LTU 1 1 LUX 1 1 MAR 1 1 MAS 1 1 MDA 1 1 MEX 111 1 4 MGL 111 1 1 2 3 MLT 1 1 MNE 1 1 1 1 MYA 1 1 NAM 1 1 NED 111 1 2 NEP 1 1 NOR 211 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 NZL 1 1 OMA 1 1 PAK 1 1 PER 1 1 PHI 1 1 POL 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 POR 1 1 1 1 2 2 PRK 1 1 1 1 PUR 1 1 QAT 1 1 11 1 3 2 ROU 1 1 2 RSA 1 1 RUS 211 211 211 2212 2 2211 22 5 SIN 1 1 1 1 SLO 1 111 1 3 2 SMR 1 1 SRB 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 7 SRI 1 1 1 1 SUI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 7 5 SVK 1 111 1 1 1 111 11 7 5 SWE 12 1 4 SYR 1 1 THA 1 11 2 2 1 4 4 TJK 1 1 TPE 1 21 3 1 TRI 1 1 1 1 TUN 1 1 TUR 2 21 11 5 2 UAE 111 3 UKR 1 121 1112 11 1 111 8 8 URU 1 1 USA 2211 1 1 22 22211 1 1 1 1 1 20 5 UZB 1 1 1 1 VEN 1 1 1 1 VIE 1 111 2 2 Total: 22 19 24 26 30 17 19 19 17 1 29 15 33 1 21 3 36 25 22 39 17 24 15 33 16 21 1 17 390 172 LEGEND 3P 50m Rifle 3 Positions AP 10m Air Pistol AR 10m Air Rifle DS Double Starter DT Double Trap FP 50m Pistol PR 50m Rifle Prone QP Quota Places RFP 25m Rapid Fire Pistol SK Skeet SP 25m Pistol TR Trap SH0000000_30 1.0 Report Created WED 25 JUL 2012 16:17 Page 2 / 2 Royal Artillery Barracks Shooting Royal Artillery Barracks Tir Competition Schedule Horaire des compétitions As of MON 23 JUL 2012 Estimated Date Start Time Finish Event Competition Phase Location Time SAT 28 JUL 8:15 9:30 10m Air Rifle Women Qualification RAB 10m Range 10:30 10m Air Rifle Women Finals - Reporting Time RAB Finals Range 11:00 11:20 10m Air Rifle Women Finals RAB Finals Range 12:00 13:45 10m Air Pistol Men Qualification RAB 10m Range 15:00 10m Air Pistol Men Finals - Reporting Time RAB Finals Range 15:30 15:50 10m Air Pistol Men Finals RAB Finals Range SUN 29 JUL 9:00 10:15 10m Air Pistol Women Qualification RAB 10m Range 9:00 13:00 Skeet Women Qualification Shotgun Range 11:15 10m Air Pistol Women Finals - Reporting Time RAB Finals Range 11:45 12:05 10m Air Pistol Women Finals RAB Finals Range 13:30 Skeet Women Finals - Reporting Time Shotgun Finals Range 14:00 14:40 Skeet Women Finals Shotgun Finals Range MON 30 JUL 9:00 10:45 10m Air Rifle Men Qualification RAB 10m Range 9:00 14:30 Skeet Men Qualification - Day 1 Shotgun Range 11:45 10m Air Rifle Men Finals - Reporting Time RAB Finals Range 12:15 12:35 10m Air Rifle Men Finals RAB Finals Range TUE 31 JUL 9:00 13:00 Skeet Men Qualification - Day 2 Shotgun Range 13:30 Skeet Men Finals - Reporting Time Shotgun Finals Range 14:00 14:40 Skeet Men Finals Shotgun Finals Range WED 1 AUG 9:00 11:30 25m Pistol Women Qualification Precision RAB 25m Range 12:00 14:00 25m Pistol Women Qualification Rapid RAB 25m Range 15:00 25m Pistol Women Finals - Reporting Time RAB Finals Range 15:30 16:00 25m Pistol Women Finals RAB Finals Range THU 2 AUG 9:00 13:30 Double Trap Men Qualification Shotgun Range 10:30 13:00 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men Qualification - Stage 1 RAB 25m Range 14:30 Double Trap Men Finals - Reporting Time Shotgun Finals Range 15:00 15:40 Double Trap Men Finals Shotgun Finals Range FRI 3 AUG 9:00 10:15 50m Rifle Prone Men Qualification RAB 50m Range 10:30 13:00 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men Qualification - Stage 2 RAB 25m Range 11:30 50m Rifle Prone Men Finals - Reporting Time RAB Finals Range
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