Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 1-1965 Nor' by East, Winter 1965 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Winter 1965" (1965). Nor' by East. 11. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/11 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BOATS ARE ~ - HOUSES TOO CUMBERLAND COUNTY Hr . Allen Be. stein 66 .tli ck s Hoad Augus t a, .Mn.i nc HE WORLD'S SURFACES ISLANDS ARE THE ARISTOCRATS" WINTER - 1965 NEW CBL FERRY MEETS ALL EXPECTATIONS ENGINEERS DESIGN FERRY LANDING DETAIL Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, engineers, have submitted a detailed plan of a pro­ posed vehicle ferry landing for Peaks l sland. At a conference of officials it was decided to r ecommend the adoption of this plan with an estimated investment of $121,000 to accommodate up to 20- ton loads. The plan indicates that from the north side of ·welch Street to the car ramp, 42 feet of new pavement will be needed. Under and on both sides of the road­ way will be an embankment of fi ll. The car ramp slopes over a 42 foot distance to the hoist house, which is supported by two substantial piers. At end of ramp THE NEW CBL FERRY "REBEL" Photo by Sa rgent a hinged apron is planned. Casco Bay Lines officials are very well The vessel ·was dry-docked in Florida Two concrete fender dolphins will set satisfied with the initial performance and for a complete overhaul and tuning-up at angles to guide vessel to the apron. promising future capabilities of the new process. It was again dry-docked here On the north side of the existing State ferry "Rebel", according to the report of for installation of a heating system and wharf a fend er system will also be con­ Peter T. McLaughlin, vice president and minor improvements. It is basically of structed, both to g·uide the ferry and to general manager. the same all-welded steel construction as protect the wharf. , ,. · On its first business venture in Decem­ the "Abenaki", but the deck is ex­ For a distance of 40 feettl;reclging will ber it went to Long Island, took aboard tended beyond the hull on bolh sides to be needed to create a 9-foot depth below without difficulty a large house trailer, give it a width of 33 feet. 11 s Cater­ low water mark. This involve.s .removing and landed it in Portland, also without pillar diesel engine operates wilh com­ six to seven feet of mud as there is no difficulty. The house trailer had been par;itive quiet because of a devic.e which ledge at this point. transported to the island by the old routes the e "scavenger air", The capacity of the proposed vehicle "Nama<la", which the "Rebel'' replaces, into a spec· r its re-use, in- fe rry landing was set al 20 tons so that to serve as working headquarters for stead of J he upper at- mosphere. the installation should be sufficient to "'1----=S~anfor<l Associates. 111ey plan to use it handle heavy equipment. at Long lslan<l again next summer. Jt is hopecr Lhat the Legislature will The new ferry is faster and quieter RYAN'S USE appreciate the emergency situation than the "Narnada", and handles well. CENTER OF ATTENTION caused by the 80-year-okl Jones Landing While the old ferry had a passenger limit An outstanding ach ievement in con­ being in LOttering condition, and wi ll of one driver per vehicle carried, the struction circles last fall was the ship­ provide funds for a new Peaks Island "Rebel" has a cabin amidships under ment of ,t complete prefabricated house facility. the pilot house to accommodate up to on Casco Bay Lines' "Abenaki" to Cl ilf Since J ones Landing is likely to be 20 persons, and it has space for 10 auto­ Island. Several trips were needed to take condemned at any time, the iclea of a mobiles, each of which may have a full down everything required from sand and bond iss ue, requiring a popular refer­ load of passengers. cement blocks to plumbing and electrical endum, was discarded. l t has been demonstrated that the equipment. "Rebel" can carry with ease any type of The project was undertaken by J ohn OFFICIALS HAVE heavy vehicle, or equipment. W . R ya n, a vice presiden t of a telephone David Geer, formerly of Birch Island, company in Omaha, eb., whose wife, COMPREHENSIVE BAY TRIP served as pilot of the "Rebel" for sev­ Hani, is an old-time islander. Casco Bay Lines General l\,fan;iger, eral winter seasons in West Florida The structure is going up on the north Peter T. iV(cLa ughlin was host to nearly wa ters. It was built in 1957 by Blount end of the island, and will be an elabor­ 100 people when he made the ''Abcn­ Marine Corp. of Warren, R. 1., and was ate home of two slories . .Malcolm Griffin aki" available !'or a to ur of the llay on a operated by a Fort Myers company on a is the contractor. There is a cement block cool November 2~nd afternoon. run between Punta Rassa, just south of cellar. Living and sleeping quarters are Taking pan in the tour were S1ate, Fon Myers, and two off-shore islands. on the second fl oor, the first fioor being Coun1 y, ;i nd City ollicials, and rcprl'scnt­ This ferry operation was replaced by a devoted to a children's play room. By alives of C;isco llay Island Dc\·clopment series of ca useways of lhe type for which December walls and roof were in place Association. .florida is famous. and two fireplaces were being built. (Co11 1i n ued 0 11 Page 5) PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST WINTER 1965 ANOTHER LINK IN NOR' BY EAST CITY HALL REPORT OVERSEAS FRIENDSHIPS Box 66, Peaks Island, M aine By Charles Ranlett Published by Casco Bay Island Develop­ The 1965 Municipal Budget as recom­ ment Association with the cooperation of the Greater Portland Chamber of Com­ mended by the City Manager contains merce for resideuts and visitors of Casco several items of interest to the Islands. Bay. A non-profit publication supported by The purchase of a smail tractor with a advertisers and members of the Associa­ s.ickle bar mower for roadside weed cut­ tion. All work, except printing, donated by members. ting is recommended for purchase for Cliff Island. This $950 item will be Editor . ................... ......... Roger L. Schilling similar to the tractor purchased this year Editorial Committee: and used successfully on Long Island. A Robert .F. Skillings, Raymond Hayward, Co­ major program of sealcoating is pro­ chairmen; Miss Johanna von Tiling, Cliff; Miss Maureen Mulkern, the Diamonds; Lawrence posed for the islands in 1965. This will Stevens, Long; Mrs. Frances Randall, Peaks; continue the plan initiated in 1962 which Raymond Hayward, Chebeague. Miss Nina Grunenberg, German journa_list, right, schedules the sealcoating program on Advertising . ..... ................ John W. Chapman was entertained at the Chapman home. Others, alternate years, resulting in more and Miss Louise S. Dunham left to right; Miss Margaret E. Randall, Mrs. Thomas better work at lower unit costs. Circulation ........ .......... Mrs. Winthrop K. Deane L. Curtis, Mrs. Henry K. Adamson, Jr. Photographers Mrs. Ruth Sargent Early in November, Maine was visit_ed Leon S. Clough APPROPRIATION FOR LANDINGS by Miss Nina Grunenberg, award wm­ The recommended appropriation for ning German journalist. She came to our the maintenance of Portland Pier and POTENTIAL OF NO VALUE state because of the standing relation­ other landings which are the responsi­ the WITHOUT ACnON ships forged by Casco Bay Island bility of the City, is approximately $800 Development Association with the For­ greater than that for 1964, $6,165 in In the course of an address by Port­ eign Correspondents Center of New comparison to $5,364 approved for 1964. land City Manager, Graham W. Watt, York. Miss Grunenberg, 26, was a charm­ T his request includes funds for the at Casco Bay Island Day in 1962, he ing visitor and captured many new cleaning, reinforcing, redecking, and stated that "a single new develo_pment friends wherever she went. Furthermore, painting of the transfer bridge at Port­ on any one of the Casco Bay islands she took home with her such warm im­ land Pier, would give them a much needed shot in pressions of our State that she vows if the arm, but it must be actively solicited she ever leaves Germany she will settle by the island citizens and by our City in Maine. She will also write for her BUILDING PERMITS SOAR and State government. We must be will­ paper several articles describing the The increased interest in island prop­ ing," he added, "to consider and experi­ charms of Maine, friendliness of our erty is reflected by the preliminary end­ ment with new and progressive ideas." people, and our stake in '\l\1orld Trade. of-the-year figures issued by the City's In complete agreement with this line Jammed into one week, was a variety Building Inspection Department. These of thinking, the CBIDA strongly recom­ of special events arranged by the CBIDA show that building permits for new con­ mends serious consideration and action with cooperation of City and State struction and alterations totalling more on the feasibility of establishing a State agencies, and a helpful assist from staf­ than $36,500 were issued in 1964.
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