I THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY Prinoeton, New Jersey STAFF AND MEMBERS LIST First Term September 27, 1954 to Deoember 11, 1954 Offioe of the Direotor Library Robert Oppenheimer Judith E. Sachs, Librarian Verna Hobson, Seoretary Katherine Russell, Seoretary Offioe of the General Manager Minot C. Morgan, Jr" General Manager Ruth Barnett, Assistant Catharine Klopfenstein, Seoretary Financial Matters - Minot C. Morgan, Jr o , Catherine' Higbee cafeteria oW Mary Slee, Supervisor Fuld Hall Maintenance - Jeff Anderson, Supervisor Housing: General Supervision - Ruth Barnett Housekeeping - Alice Rockafellow (Telephone: 1..382D-W) Mail - Jessie Slowen, Supervisor Telephones - Katherine Lahey, Chief Operator Transportation .. Jessie Slowen, Supervisor Night Connections Emergency Calls 1-4400 - Office of the Direotor Minot C. Morgan, Jr" 1-3375 1-4401 - Office of the Director Ruth Barnett 1-0550-M 1-4404 .. Office of Professor Montgomery, We sley Dauncey 1-2685-M . Mr. Morgan and Mrs. Barnett 1-0950 - Office of Miss Sachs and .the School of Historical Studies Fire (PD) 1-0040 1...1250 - Office of Professors Lowe, Meritt and Thompson Hospital 1-1900 1-1348 - Office of Professors Veblen, von Neumann and pais Medical Group 1-0725 1-4408 - Office of Professor Cherniss and the Physics Department Police - BorOUgh 1-0040 1-3002 - Electronic Computer Project: - Township 1-1215 Office of Drs. Bigelow, Charney, Goldstine and the ECP Shop .. 1 .. ~'~' ,to .".. SCHOOL OF HISTORICAL STUDIES Permanent Members Harold F. Cherniss (Professor) Erwin panofsky (Professor) Hetty Goldman (Professor Emeritus) Walter W. Stewart (Professor »neritus) Ernst Kantorowioz (Professor) Homer A. Thompson (Professor) E. A. Lowe (Professor Emeritus) Jaoob Viner Benjamin D. Meritt (Professor) Kurt We itzmann David Mitrany * Sir Llewellyn Woodward (Professor) Members Pierre Amandry Arthur S. Link Max Beloff Edward E. Lowinsky Ludwig Bieler otto Neugebauer * . William L. F. Burke Antony E. Raubitsohek W. H. B. Court Luoy T. Shoe George B. Fowler Wolfgang Steohow Paul Frankl Frederiok W. Sternfeld Dietrioh Gerhard Frank Thistlethwaite Lilly Ghali...Kahil Gregory Vlastos Jean Gottmann A. J. B.Wace Henry E. Guerlao C. Veronioa Wedgwood George F. Kennan William R. Willoughby Paul Kristeller Assistants Ralph E. Giesey (Ernst Kantorowioz) James J. John (E. A. Lowe) George Stamires (Benjamin D. Meritt) staff Researoh . Seoretarial Dorothy Dauncey (Benjamin D. Meritt) Elaine R. Cullen (School - Bldg. B) Margaret DoW (Hetty Goldman) Elizabeth J. Fletcher (American Sohot'll) GWen Groves (Harold F. Cherniss) Jean Gilchrist (Sohool) Evelyn Lord Smithson (Homer A. Thompson) Marion G. Hartz (Sohool) Dorothy Hessman (Qeorge F. Kennan) Elizabeth I. Horton (Sohool Secretary) Willard King (Sohool ... Bldg. B) Janet Murray (E. A. Lowe) * * * * **** Jean Woltjen (Jean Gottmann) Office of Frank Aydelotte, Director Emeritus Elsa Jenkins, Seoretary * Not in residenoe - 2 - SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS Permanent Members James W. Alexander Robert Oppenheimer (Professor) Arne Beurling (Professor) Abraham Pais (Professor) Julian H. Bigelow George Placzek Freeman J. Dyson (Professor) Atle Selberg (Professor) Albert Einstein (Professor Emzritus) Oswald Veblen (Professor Emeritus) Kurt G~del (Professor) John von Neumann (Professor) Herman H. Goldstine Hermann Weyl (Professor Emeritus) Deane Montgomery (Professor) Hassler Whitney (Professor) Marston Morse (Professor) Chen Ning Yang Members Hirotada Anzai William Huebsch peter Roquetto Richard Arnowitt Res Jost Gert O. Sabidussi Fred8rick Bagemihl Minoru Kobayasi Eugene V. Schenkman V.· Bargmann Bertram Kostant Lowell Schoenfeld Ross Allen Beaumont Christer Lech D. W. Sciama A. S. Besicovitch Jean Leray Victor L. Shapiro Niels Bohr Paul Malliavin Gordon Leslie Squires William Boone Allan D. Martin Edoardo Storchi A. Calderon Friederich Mautner Kurt Strebel Jule G. Charney Louis Michel Jonathan D. Swift S. S. Chern Josephine Mitchell William Tobocman Wei-Liang Chow Charles B. Morrey, Jr. Ryoyu Utiyama Richard M. Cohn Otto Neugebauer * Mario Verde Leon N. Cooper Roger Newton Hans Wallach Charles W. Curtis Albert Nijenhuis H. C. Wang Stanley Deser Wolfgang Pauli * John C. Ward Bryce S. DeWitt Jean Piaget Melvin Weiner Leon Ehrenpreis Joan C. L. Pirenne Edwin Weiss Jacob Feldman Georges Reeb Kenneth G. Wolfson Alfred Froelicher Edgar Reich Chung-Tao Yang Thomas Fulton Irving Reiner Kosaku Yosida Assistants Rene Deheuvels (Marston Morse) Masatake Kuranishi (DeaneMontgomery) James Eells (Hassler Whitney) [.. age Petersen (Niels Bohr) . Bruria Kaufman (Albert Einstein) Irving Segal (Oswald Veblen) Secretarial Staff Elizabeth S. Gorman (John von Neumann) Merrie Mitch811 (Physics - Bldg. E) Carol Huddleson (Physics - Bldg. D) Margaret Murray (Mathematics - Bldg. C) Marlene Markisohn (Mathematics) Caroline D. Underwood(School Secretary) i~ Not in residence - 3 - ELECTRONIO OOMPUTER PROJEOT Project Office John von Neumann, Director Herman H. Goldstine, Assistant Project Director Oarol P. Buchanan, Secretary Members Julian H. Bigelow Jule G. Oharney Herman H. Goldstine purchasing Office Norman M. Emslie, Purohasing Agent Elizabeth O. Wooden, Purohasing Assis~ant Engineering James H. Pomerene, Ohief Engineer Engineers "Machine Operators Hewitt D. Orane Theodore Lanoaster Leon D. Hannon Harold Small William T. Keefe, Jr. Fred Smartt, Jr. S. Y. Wong Meteorology Jule G. Charney, Project Directt"lr staff Meteorologists Lewis Kaplan Lillian Hradilek, Secretary Bruce Gilchrist Norman Phillips Coders George Veronis James Oooley Mathematics starr MathematicianS Visiting Mathematicians Ooders Herman H. Goldstine N. A. Barricelli Sonja Bargmann Bryant Tuckerman J. Gillis Manfred Kochen Margaret Lambe Hedvig Selberg Laboratory IBM Operators Maohinists Teohnioians Graoe Robinson Walter Emann John Emann (Helper) Dorothy Wheeler Lambert Rockafellow Frank Fell Joseph Hunt, Jr. Winfield Laoy Maintenance Anthony Manganella Albert Worthington - 4 - THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY Princeton, New Jersey DIRECTORY First Term September 27, 1954 to December 17, 1954 NAME DEPT. OFFICE . HOME ADDRESS HOME PHONE Alexander, James W. (11) Math. 29 Cleveland Lane 1-0032 Amandry, Pierre (11) H.S. AIOl 7-F Goodman Road Anderson, Jeff (11) Mntnce Fuld Hl.Princeton Junction Anzai, Hirotada Math. C205 100 Bayard Lane 1-2473 Armonia, Aristide (M) Janitor Fuld Hl.283 Witherspoon Street 1-2565-R Arnowitt, Richard Math. DI04 19 Bank Street 1-4228 Aydelotte, Frank Dir.Emer. A200 88 Battle Road 1-0185 Bagemihl, Frederick Math. 312 15 Edwards Place 1-0860-w Bargmann, V. (M) Math. EI09 44 Park Place 1-0392-W Bargmann, Sonja (Mrs. V.) (M) E.C.P. 24 44 Park Place 1-0392-W Barnett, Ruth W. (Mrs.) Gen.Mgr. 304 345 Nassau street 1-0550-M Barricelli, Nils A. E.C.P. 31 15 Edwards Place 1-0860-w Beaumont, Ross Allen (M) Math. C208 7-D Goodman Road l-1391-R Beloif, Max (M) H.S. 101 194-B Springdale Road 1-078l-J Besicovitch, A. S. Math. C109 41 Battle Road 1-3568 Beurling, Arne (M) Math. C102 231 Snowden Lane l-3270-W Bieler, Ludwig H.S. A202 24 Bank Street Bigelow, Julian H. (M) E.C.P. 9 Mercer Road Bohr, Niels (M) Math. 109 c/o Institute Boone, William (M) Math. CIOO 6-1/2 Newlin Road Boone, Zada (Mrs. Letson) (M) Caf. 116 Leigh Avenue 1-2331 Bradford, George J. (M) Caf. 222A Harrison Street Buchanan, Carol P. (Mrs. D.G.)(M) E.C.P. 26 374 N. Harrison street 1-5048 Burke, William L. F. (M) H.S. 300 16 Edwards Place l-2446-J Business Office Morgan, Minot C., Jr. (M) 304 36 Mercer Street 1-3375 Campbell, Janet E. (Mrs.John)(M) 303 246 Nassau Street l-1724-M Higbee, Catherine 301 20 Charlton Street 1-4316 Klopfenstein, Catharine P. (Mrs.R.W.)(11) 303 Spruce Street 1-1706-J MaJ{Voiell, Donna A. 302 37 William Street 1-1016 Modzelewski, Sabina 302 701 Strawberry St. , TrentonExport2-7255 Cafeteria Slee, Mary (Mrs. Richard) (M) 41 Battle Road 1-3568 Boone, Zada 116 Leigh Avenue 1-2331 Bradford, George J. (M) 222A Harrison Street 1- Dashiell, Phelan (M) 12 Quarry Street 1-4097 Ehlkes, Gertrude (Mrs. J.) 46 Spring Street l-2329-M Hamer, Magdaline R.F.D. #3 1-3955-11 Sherwood, Philip F. 27 Jackson Street 1-2554 Stalcup, Beatrice (Mrs. F.M.) (M) 14 Dye, Plainsboro Plo 3-2738 (M) Married - Wife or husband in Pri·nceton (M-::-) Married - Wife or huspand not in Princeton - 5 NAME DEPT. OFFICE HO:ME ADDRESS HOME PHONE Calderon, Alberto P. (:M) :Math. EI02A 9-A Goodman Road 1-3453-W Campbell, Janet E. (:Mrs. John) (M) Bus.Off. 303 246 Nassau street· 1-1724-:M Carroll, James Grounds 69 Clay street Charney, Jule G. (:M) E.C.P. 10 :Montgomery Rd. ,Rocky Hill 1-3590-R-l Chern, S. S. (:M) Math. E204 5-A Goodman Road 1-0245-11 Cherniss, Harold F. (:M) H.S. DI07 98 Battle Road 1-3363 Chow, Wei-Liang (:M) Math. CIOl 6-c Cook Road 1-4390-W Cohn, Richard:M. Math. CI07 Dept.of :Math.Rutgers Univ. CHarter 7- New Brunswick 1766 Cooley, James W. E.C.P. 23 Burnt Hill Rd.Skillman Hpwl.388Jll Cooper, Leon N. (1'1) Math. D200 9~B Goodman Road 1-3279-R Court, W. H. B. (M) H.S. 306 South Olden Lane 1-2372-R Crane, Hewitt D. (M) E.C.P. 2 R.D. Skillman Hpwl.6-0091J12 Cullen, Elaine R. (Mrs .Wm.C.) (M) H.S. B200 70 E.Prospect St.Hopewell H.6-0024-M Curtis, Charles W. (M) Math. C208 3-C Goodman Road 1-1391-M Dashiell, ·Phelan (M) Caf. 12 Quarry Street 1-4097 Dauncey, Dorothy (Mrs. W.) (M) H.S. BIOI South Olden Lane Dauncey, Wesley (M) Shop South Olden Lane 1-2685-M Deheuvels, Rene (M) Math. 309 9-F Goodman Road Deser, stanley Math. DI04 15 Edwards Place 1-0860-w DeWitt, Bryce S. (M) Math. EI04 6-A Cook Road Director's Office Oppenheimer, Robert (M) 108 97 Olden Lane 1-2895 Hobson, Verna (Mrs. Wilder) (M) 107 94 Valley Road 1-0370-W Russell, Katherine (Mrs. Wm.) (M-;o) 106 Winant Road 1-1668 Dow, Margaret H.S. B204 41 Battle Road 1-3568 Duplicating :Machines Harris, John C., Jr.
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