Scottish Society of Cytomics SSC 2014 “Translaonal Cytometry from Bench to Bedside” 1st Annual Mee)ng on 25th September 2014 With an exci$ng line up of Speakers, Workshops & Awards! Ins$tute of Medical Sciences Level 7 Conference Room University of Aberdeen Foresterhill, Aberdeen Local Organisers: Linda Duncan, Raif Yuecel, David Wilson & Janice Forsyth Free Registra+on and Lunch kindly provided by generous sponsors: Please send your registra+on to [email protected] “Translaonal Cytometry from Bench to Bedside” KEY SPEAKERS TOPICS Paul Smith (University of Cardiff) Regenerave Medicine Derek Davies (CRUK London) Cancer Research Ian Dimmick (University of Newcastle) Drug Discovery Cosimo De Bari (University of Aberdeen) Clinical Cytometry John Campbell (NSL Edinburgh) Immunology Adriano Rossi (MRC Edinburgh) Data Analysis Tools Elizabeth Ballou (University of Aberdeen) Mul$colour Cytometry David Wilson (NHS Grampian) Fungal Research SPECIAL LECTURE: Paul Smith Past President of ISAC & Emeritus Professor of Cancer Biology University of Cardiff Cytomics Of The Tumour Microenvironment: Therapeuc Targeng or “Locaon, Locaon, Locaon!” SPECIAL WORKSHOP: Ian Dimmick Manager, Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Newcastle upon Tyne University Praccal session on 8-10 colour Compensaon 1st Annual meeting of SSC 2014 Contents 6 SSC Programme for 25th of September 9 Speaker Biographies 16 Sponsors and Exhibi$on Plan 20 Poster Presentaons & Abstracts 27 SSC Membership Form 28 Direc$ons and Map of IMS 29 Aberdeen City Map 31 SSC Conference Commiee 32 Post-SSC Mee$ng Workshop on 26th of September “Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Workshop” 1st Annual meeting of SSC 2014 “Ceud Mìle Fàilte gu Aberdeen” - "A Hundred Thousand Welcomes to Aberdeen” Dear Par$cipant, Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the Scosh Society of Cytomics (SSC), it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to our 1st Annual mee$ng of the newly formed Society SSC in Aberdeen. Following the Scotland and Northern England Flow Cytometry mee$ng 2012 in Moredun, we considered the establishment of a new cytometry group in Scotland, that brings scien$sts in the field of Cytomics together from the northern regions. Why Cytomics? Actually the theme of our first SSC mee$ng already provides the answer —Translaonal Cytometry from Bench to Bedside— relates to the future of this society and it reflects our shared passion for cellular systems. Cytometry is growing as a diagnos$c and monitoring technology in the research and clinical laboratory and that it will be useful to establish a forum to exchange informaon, to present research data and to explore new applicaons of the rapidly expanding technologies of image and flow cytometry. To beaer understand and further explore the cellular systems, the merging and bundling of technologies is necessary. Single technology can’t provide the ul$mate solu$on! Therefore CYTOMICS, which analyzes the func$onal relaonship between cell systems and networks using the “omics” technologies (e.g. Genomics, Proteomics), will give a comprehensive view of a disease. The analysis of already exis$ng data from scien$fic studies or rou$ne diagnos$c procedures makes cytomics a valuable tool for studying diseases, that will be of immediate value in translaonal medicine. The Scosh Society of Cytomics was formed with the inten$on of providing informaon related to the art of cytometry (flow and imaging) including its cross technology applicaons to genomics, proteomics, in vivo imaging and other core related areas between the research organizaons in Scotland and Northern England. We believe that SSC will be the ideal forum for users of cytometry & omics systems to get together, share exper$se and innovaon, discuss pilalls, successes and ideas for the future of translaonal cytomics. Simply fostering the strong network of this scien$fic community! 1st Annual meeting of SSC 2014 It is a great privilege for me to announce this exci$ng line up of talks, exhibi$ons and workshop. SSC 2014 brings together top scien$sts from various disciplines, and internaonal renowned keynote speakers. On behalf of the organizing commiaee, I would like to express my sincere gratude to our excep$onal speakers for taking the $me to aend and support our first SSC mee$ng. Further to our talks we will have poster session during the coffee and lunch break. This poster presentaon will results in poster awards, from generous sponsors, to recognize the excellent research done by scien$sts. Therefore, we encourage you to visit the stands of the commercial exhibi$on as without their support this mee$ng wouldn’t be such a success. Please take this this opportunity to acknowledge the sponsors for their support and helping us. Our special thanks goes to Becton Dickinson, Sony, BioStatus and Miltenyi Biotec for their extra donaons and contribu$ons. This mee$ng is not the outcome of one person; it’s the result of a team. I would like to express my gratude to the fantas$c organizing commiaee and members, namely Lynne Lumsden, Janice Forsyth, Ian Dimmick, Mara Rochi, and David Wilson. My big huge thank you to Linda Duncan, who has done the majority of the administrave and exhibi$on organizaon, nothing would be possible without her. Finally we THANK YOU for par$cipang in this first Scosh Society of Cytomics mee$ng. We hope that this conference will bring about rich and rewarding experiences for all of us in science, and help develop friendships. Let us greet old friends and make new ones! Once again, I welcome you to Aberdeen, and have a good $me at SSC 2014. Raif Yuecel, IFCC University of Aberdeen Chairman SSC "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success" -Henry Ford 1st Annual meeting of SSC 2014 Programme Thursday 25th September 08:15 Coffee Recep$on and Registraon (IMS level 7 CR) 09:00 Welcome address by Raif Yuecel, SSC, IFCC, University of Aberdeen Peter McCaffery, IMS Director, University of Aberdeen Alistair Brown, Integrated Centre, University of Aberdeen Speakers 09:30 Derek Davies, CRUK London Sharing the love: Networking amongst cytometrists 09:45 Elizabeth Ballou, University of Aberdeen FACS for Fungi: Revealing populaon heterogeneity and dynamics in fungal pathogens via flow cytometry 10:00 Ian Dimmick, Newcastle upon Tyne University A unique approach to compensaon, and its verificaon 10:20 David Wilson, NHS Grampian Quality in Clinical Cytometry - do we con$nue to make the same mistakes? 10:40 COFFEE & Poster Session in IMS Atrium 11:00 Derek Davies, CRUK London Drug effects in mul$ple rounds of cell division monitored by flow cytometry 11:20 Cosimo De Bari, University of Aberdeen Cell therapies for joint repair 11:40 John Campbell, Naonal Science Laboratory Edinburgh Translang Research Flow Assays for Characterizaon of Cellular Therapeu$cs 12:00 Adriano Rossi, MRC Edinburgh Flow cytometric techniques for isolang and analysing leucocytes 1st Annual meeting of SSC 2014 6 12:20 Special Lecture: Paul Smith, University of Cardiff Cytomics Of The Tumour Microenvironment: Therapeu$c Targe$ng, or Locaon, Locaon, Locaon! 13:00 LUNCH & Exhibi$on & Poster Viewing (IMS Atrium) AFTERNOON Parallel Sessions 14:00 – 15:00 GROUP I:Prac$cal session on 8-10 colour Compensaon by Ian Dimmick , IMS, IFCC lab 2.54 15:00 – 16:00 GROUP II:Prac$cal session on 8-10 colour Compensaon by Ian Dimmick , IMS, IFCC lab 2.54 14:00 - 16:00 New technologies by industrial applicaon specialists at IMS level 7 CR: Please see following page 16:00 - 17:00 SSC Commiaee mee$ng (open mee$ng, IMS level 7) 17: 30- Come together over Wine and Cheese & Poster Award Winner Announcement (IMS level 7, everyone welcome) 1st Annual meeting of SSC 2014 7 Auernoon parallel session from 14:00 – 16:00 at IMS level 7 CR New technologies by industrial applicaon specialists (10min presentaons!) 14:00 Roy Bongaerts, Sony Biotechnology Europe New mulcolour single cell technology: Spectral cell analysis on the Sony SP6800 14:11 Laura Schneider, Cell Signaling Technology, NEB Ltd Consideraons to study cell signaling by flow cytometry 14:22 Stephen Rackstraw, BD Biosciences Sor$ng the Molecules that Count’ - Single Cell Sor$ng for Next Generaon Sequencing’ 14:33 Kalpana Singh, Miltenyi Biotech Ltd MACS Flow Cytometry Products: Innovate Solu$ons for all Your Flow Needs 14:44 Lindsey Ward, iLab Soluons LLC Addressing the Challenges of Operang a Core Facility 14:55 Leonor Heleno Wielgosz, Stratocore Facility Management bringing the focus back to Research 15:06 Jasmin Moss Life Technologies, Thermo Fisher Aune® NxT: The next generaon in acous$c focusing cytometry 15:17 Sco Cribbes, Nexcelcom Ltd. Adherent Imaging Cytometry Complemenng Flow Cytometric Measurements to address the diverse needs of a research environment 15:28 Andrea Valle, De Novo Soeware Cytometry Data Analysis using FCS Express 15:39 Norman Maidment, Beckman Coulter Ltd Going Dry: Alternave monoclonal an$body op$ons for Flow Cytometry 15:50 Alistair Stewart, Affymetrix – eBioscience TBC 8 1st Annual meeting of SSC 2014 Speakers Paul%Smith% Emeritus)Professor)of)Cancer)Biology)) Institute)of)Cancer)&)Genetics,)Innovation)and)Engagement) Representative,)) Cardiff)University,)UK) ) Paul)has)been)active)in)academic)research)in) the) fields) of) DNA) repair,) drug) development,) cytometry,)biochip)and)imaging)for)more)than) 30)years)at)the)MRC)Centre)in)Cambridge)and) at)Cardiff)University)where)he)is)now)Emeritus) Professor) of) Cancer) Biology.) His) research) expertise) has) focused) on) cancer) K) encompassing)the)cell)cycle,)cancer)stem)cells) and) resistance) to) anticancer) drugs.)
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