‘ , *3 ^-; . • .V* THE WEATHER BUN Foreeast by U. 8 . Weather Boreaii. New Haven AVERAGE DAILV OIBC17IATION for the Montli of Septembtf, 1929^ Fair and colder tonight and' 5 , 3 5 7 ■r\‘ Thursday. Keaibeni of the Aodlt Baxean of , -r»; drcnUtloiia SOUTH MANCHESTER, C O m , WEDI^ESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XUV.,NO. 20. .(Classified Advertising on l^age 14) COWBOY AVIATOR MR. HEWITT OF COLUMBIA REGISTERS A KICK SUGAR MAN DECLARES ON OCEAN FUGHT ' ¥ NECESSARY 't > y STILL UNSIGHTED A s' 5* < yy' •• •’v.**. ''V-i' H. C. Lakin, President of Cuba Company, of New York, •>< HOOVER P A R H AS./'' 'X 1^' Tells Senate Committee His Experience Has Con­ No Word of U. F. Diteman GREATIAKES V />: x-'i -X \ " AMIDSTORMS I -Ns vinced Him Lobbying Was Necessity to Business After He Leaves Coast of STORM DRIVES World— His Company Has Already Spent $75,000 Newfoundland— Has Gas ONJEOHIO for Propaganda, He Asserts— Connecticut Men on for But Few Hours More. SHIPS ASHORE River Goes on Rampage But Stand Today Tell of Manufacturers Memorandum. London, Oct 23.— (AP)—As hour President Seems to En- after hour went by today and no At Least Three Aground and Washington, Get. 23.— (A P.)— although he did not remember how word was received from any place j joy Experience — First H. C. Lakin, president of the Cuba be got ti\e information. regarding the fate of Urban F. Dite- Others Battling Way to Company of New York, testified and E y^son t a ^ ^ man, Jr., who made a surprise take­ , , ^ ^ .... i the memorandum?” asked Walsh, off from Newfoundland yesterday Shelter Against Snow and Lady Chats With Pilot. before the Senate lobby committee - “Yes.” for London, aviation circles here _ ' j today that ten months experience ’ “Did he think it strange you held less and less hope for his Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23.—(AP.) had convinced him that a Washing- could not recall where you got the Although it was thought he should Heavy Seas. have been heard from hours ago, in­ President Hoover will speak at the-ton lobbyist was a necessity to the information?” business world and that Am erican, Yes. structions were issued for London s Memorial auditorium here tonight) Cuban sugar interests had auteur- | Nothing Be Read great airport at Croydon to be Detroit, Oct. 23.— (A P )—At leawt instead of on a boat in the Ohio ized an expenditure of $95,000 to Senator Robinson inquired if illuminated throughout the night. three steamers were striven ashore, Diteman figured he had enough river. obtain a Iqw tariff on Cuban sugar. i wuichet ever saw anything in tee gasoline to last 25 hours. That and many were forced to seek shel­ The change was made on accoimt He said tee money was contrib- j newspapers about tee position of period of time was up at 4^45 p. m., ter, while others battled their way of inclement wenther after a con­ uted by Americans and that his ■ chairman Smoot, Senator Reed cr London time (11:45 a. m-. E. S. T.) through the heavy seas, accompani­ company maintained an extensive . senator Edge on tee tariff on rough ference attended by the President’s propaganda organization. I {jo^ed shot-gun barrels. Croydon experts pointed out that ed by rain, sno-v and sleet th.>.t ‘Hewitt to the line and let the rips fall where they may”—for time ^ter time Halfback Hewitt Jt was secretary George Akerson, and Spent $75,000 This Year j “No, sir.” * when Sir John AJcock swept the Great Lakes yesterday of Columbia ripped the Dartmouth line for good gains, only to see his team turned back to a cashing d e ^ ^ Arthur Whitten Brown accomplish­ 34 to 0, at Baker Field, New York. The Columbia star is pictured above kicking after another of his one-man Cole W. Sterling of the Secret Serv­ Expenditures of $75,000 so far j "How did you know their posi- ed their pioneer fiight from New­ and continued today. Two vessels were ashore otf onslaughts against the triumphant Dartmouth eleven bad fsdled. ice. this year were detailed by tee wit- ; tion?” foundland to Ireland, they took 16 Leamington, Ont., Lake Erie; a ness in telling of a campaign of the j “I don’t know unless I assumed hours and 12 minutes. Diteman s With President Hoover’s Flotilla Cuba sugar producing Interests it.” plane ha^ approximately the same third was agroimd in Lake Huron and another was reported adrift in on tee Ohio, Oct. 23.— (A P .)— against an increase in tariff rates* I Walsh remarked teat “in all rea- speed and should have reached the “Has tee business world come to j g^u appears that you could not Ir^h Coast some time this forenoon, Lake Superior. STATE RED GROSS Storms by water seem to pursue The ships in distress of Learning- tee' conclusion that it must hire hnyp got this information from any and Croydon by mldaftemoon. FRENCH LEADERS START President Hoover. ton are the N. J. Nesson, a wooden lobbyists down here?” asked Chair- jjut Mr. Eyanson.” Not a single word regrarding the On his voyage to commemorate man (faraway. “That’s right, except I had orders lone airman had been received from vessal 140 feet long, built in 18>i0, and the steel sandsucker C. »V. TO COPENE HERE tee opening of tee lock system on I am sorry to say It but ten communicate with Eyanson ships at sea by six o’clock tonight. months experience down here has from tee middle of August” The Coast Guard service kept a CadweU, 152 feet long, in Lake PICKING NEW CABINET tee Ohio he encountered last night convinced me it must,” Larkin an- “gut you might have got it be- sharp lookout along the Irish and Huron, off Magnetic reef, the one of tee worst October storms ex­ swered. fore the middle of August?” English coasts, but had no word of freighter Maple Court of the Can­ ada Steamship lines, is ashore ar.d perienced ' in this section In many “Except teat I wasn’t interest­ him. AN HONEST MAN Sessions Begin at South receiving a hard pounding. years. HEARING OPENS. ed.” Briand Ministry Falls by “But you gave tee information to NO WORD IN LONDON Carried Scrap Iron. Equipped with a patent bow, Washington; Oct. 23.—(AP) — FOUND IN WEST tee arins people?” inquired Walsh. London, Oct. 23.-(.^)-^ndon The Nesson, owned in Detroit and Methodist Church Tomor­ which easily split tee waves, his Joseph E. Wulchet, of tee Connecti­ “After I looked it up.” was watchfcg hopefully, but not commanded by Captain B. A. Ben­ Close Margin— New Re­ steamer. The Green Briar, bucked cut Manufacturers’ association, who “ Oh, so you looked it up. You very optimisticaUy, this afternwn son of Marine City, Michigan, was head waves with ease compared to Hurt in Accident He Sends row at 10 OXIock. wrote an office memorandum show- j recall teat much.” for the lone transAtiantic flier. used to carry scrap iron from De­ gime May Shift Sentiment Back $80 to State Board - tee snub nosed craft teat came be­ Urban F. Diteman Jr. troit to Cleveland. It was being hind and it rode tee blow, well Ing he had knowledge of the secret | Was Worried At two o’clock this afternoon, badly battered this morning aboi;r “ Expenses Only $20” He while anchored for tee night, as did rate, making sessions of tee Senate Caraway asked Wuichet if ha The annual state convention of somewhat less than 24 hours J^ter 150 yards off shore from Leamington On Foreign Policies. Writes. tee other craft. finance committee on the tariff bill, knew tee other members of tee fi­ Diteman’s departure from New­ and with waves hurling high over tee American Red Cross convenes On his good will tour to Latin testified before tee Senate lobby nance committee. He could not re­ foundland, no news of any sort had its deck it was beMeved to be in im­ Helene, Mont., O ct 23.— (AP) at tee South Methodist church at 10 America tee President encountered committee today that he could not call any others than those mention­ been received at the British capi^ minent danger of breaking up. The Paris, Oct. 23.—(AP)—President Diogenes could have been saved o’clock tomorrow morning. It is ex­ three storms. recall how he obtained tee informa­ ed in tee memorandum. and air experU Were frankly of the eNsson carried a crew of 14. Doumergue today began the difficult a lot of bother and Athens’ pected teat 150 delegates from River on Rampage tion. “Didn’t you resent it when Eyan­ opinion that he would indeed be streets much wear and tear. If Just as in tee old days, tee Ohio “Is your memory generally bad?” went aground at 9:30 last night. task of finding a Cabinet with an tiuroughout Connecticut will, regis­ son told you to tell tee truth to lucky if he got through. The Caldwell, owned by the On­ the. Montana Industrial Accl- „ was no respector of persons When asked Senator WaJsh, Democrat, tee committee?” continued Cara­ adequate majority behind it, to take Coast Guards throughout south­ tario Gravel and Freighting Com­ dent Board and Marshall C. Me- . ter ait tee moihing session. Four it decided to go on a rampage, so Montana. way in referring to a conversation ern Ireland where he was expected pany, Lts.. of Windsor, went the place of the Briand ministry Ewen of Lewiston had been speakers, all prominent in Red Cross today it kicked up for President “By no means perfect, but it is Wuichet had said he had with Eyan­ to be first sighted were on the alert aground this morning five miles which fell last night by a close mar­ handy.
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