Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 6-25-1959 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1959). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3357. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3357 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. B... P.W. GROUP ATTENDS - 10 BIBLE The Bulloch Herald Page NATIONAL Aw_ "- _____________________ /SUMMER Rockwelll\ews CANDLER CAPPING CERE. '" PrI_'lVlunin. CAMP AT ST MAT11iEW'S MONY June 18, 1959 NewlpoPU CHURCH BEGINS Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, 1ft 31 10..U BULLOCH HERALD + The Warren A Candler Hos THE Bble will open Summer Camp Paul A. Wick elected secretary lleller Newlpo,.. 1t"'-oJ �II--."'-' S t Matthew s Cathollc • pltal School of Nursing capped at Coalelll 8.u..�cr...w. ADS Statesboro on June CL ASSIFIED Church In a clas8 of twenty four on the DmlCITBD 1'0 rHB PROGRE.U 0' st:.4.rESBORO MiD BVlLOCIl OOVNTJ 22 Children will be gathered Co. 0f Rockwell ManuIaeturi evening of June 2 1959 at the What's On from two mission parishes to actunng Going ________________________ 1 Monumental ;"ethodlst take part In the acllvletles of Wesley 32 ...,,' Wick - JUNE J959 NUMBER ----- Pa-Paul A Church Savannah - 1937 POBOX 329 STA1'ESD0l10, GEORGIA, 'fHURSDAY, 25, -----1 ll' anted this BIble camp The two par Pittsburgh VOLUME xvm ESTABLISHED MARCH 26, For Sale assistant to the president and I, llshes are those of Father Radc I MilS SARAH PRUITT IS at the =-.;;.. Co asslstant been Judge B B Hecry chairman The Fore,Uands Realty and Fath secretary has Rm - New 3 bedroom macher of Statesboro, AMED W0 Y GRANO of FOR SALE 43730 elected Rockwell of the Board of Trustees 30 Siebaid St, Phone of secretary of OF GEOAGIA I house located nrce neighbor er Nagele Sylvania MATRON OES Candler Hospital, presided at car Ga Mnnufacturlng Ceramic tile bath Has Statesboro, Company Center sets hood Sisters will the capping ceremony Addres Recreation B & PW club room Pine owner- The Glenmary Mrs Sarah Pruitt formerly of port large storage -J M Tinker, The election was announce d b the was the Rev House still 8 the camp Sister leo Is now In sing group ten on lot operate Statesboro, and half tr� that 0 living Way We wl.h to announce Is W F Rockwell, Jr president � C E Cariker whose subject Phone 4 2336 tho superior Sister Marth, was elected Grand The first round months guarantee now wIth Worthy the Softball league Mr Brown Child, Is the company, a recent theme was' Angels of Merey" The baseball activities at completes nnd Slaters following City after 500 pm the cook Anthony M a tron 0rder 0f th6 Eastern close games up program lIfe of Real of the Drrecl has been good with 6 UI In the capaclly Edward will Sister leo meettlng Board of Statesboro RecreaUon Center • Childs and help Stnr for Georla at the conven Mrs laVerne Josnson dlrec Estate salesrnan Mr 'ors at Barberton Ohio The very night In the Bible teaching held In Macon on June 10 are In full swing now the State Mr Wick 5 [Ion tor of nursing at Candl�r Hos has recently passed jol�ed Rockwell Icross Wlillams theme for league ���T�S�"���t She IS a member of the Blue and Mrs Pecenka this year Is big Coach Ray F��I F�:E�h� Examination and Is licensed Brother Christopher 01 the pltal, Dorothy sports program year Psalm Printed In large 121 of Statesboro Invites the public of new water mams The miles Nurs and business of Brothers recrea Chapter Instructor at the School of ever before In the his supervisor, ONLY to engage In the Glenmnry Is ger than Effective IS the pro for easy reading follow out each Tuesday Wednesdny Living" type SR director He will be as Ing presented the caps 65 MRS l J SHUMAN real estate tlonnl tory of the department Every for an eve gram theme adopted by the $1 which the class gave the and Thursday nights States two semlnerlans Frank Ing Profes _ 208 Savannah Avenue, 5·28-4tc slsted by Illay there are actlvitles going on softball The first Statesboro Business and Mayor W A Bowen announced this week that Itc OFFICE BOX RENT Florence day nlng of good ap 1 boro 43437 Ellis and Larry Goulding Nightingale Pledge slonal Women's Club for the VACATION MONEY? In baseball on all three of the starts at 730 wllh ten and one half of NEED run wrlh GO UP ON I game pi oximately miles SIX·IIlCh, eight rhe camp will be TO JULY, so 195960 'Indlvi cosmettcs holds the Member!f of th I f 1961 ond at 900 0 cloct�e ��c year mennmg SALE Three bedroom Avon weeks sessions begin IPOST department diamonds game inch ten-inch and twelve- Inch water mains have been FOR two three that the dual Leader Become an Avon repre r postmaster R dOLe oach reeeIvIng caps �ncct"��u MI Mr WIlliams announced Development' install Situat house Bath and hnlf answer and eppar rung June22 ending Au�u.t n and Com Jaycees for ces serve neigh Annette a afternoons star Will ship Development laid the four teen well drnlned hlllstte In sentauve nnd your announced this week that the Brown graduate In Monday and Friday annual league All game by city during past months, ed on hours I The first session IS for the Identlfieat Ion Accent Cnrrles bors during convenient lock the 1957 class nt Southeast Bul m on 4th The mem mumty as t sulated throughout smaller nell rates for post office there Is little league majors be played July pal of Statesbor-o's one and one-quartet million Write Mrs Hulduh Rountree older children and the be WIll be on the MEMBER Pro loan located on Herty will Into effect on loch HIAh School and member of bers of the All star team WIll new 4\1,% second boxes go 300 0 clock The ma officers water -sewei aCCOI Write Box 22 Georgln children will be In the e ncuon at are focused toward con dollar improvement program, ding to Park Wndley Drive m Pittman I new rates are as Ihe Future Nurses Club who at a later date grams was July The nnnounced I 136 session legal department tn 1946 are made of four strong structive attitudes 0 s t I v e B Homlck FOil PERSON small was selected the quallfica jurs up p figur es pi esented to the mayor and council by James Stephen In follows boxes $170 by Drive Athens named assistant Lost Records at man­ Homewood Hills or additlon secretary of States the The Won nnd health and safety money NorthloPPORTUNITYRETIRED needing or $680 tlons committee the teams Jaycees Rotary W 79 41C 1948 nnd has as as quarterly annually nrc Bland, city engmeer Go A Rawlelgh also acted the end of the first round carrier progress get at Ladies nl Income good boxes boro Business and Professional and the 90 Also agement r-----------­ FAMILY REUNION sistant SInce medium $235 qunrterly I Ions Legion Night To date some two fire Is hard to beat Open DelOACH to the presldcm below With others active flfly business small Women s Club and awarded a listed ting along See BE HELD ON 1951 or $900 annaully drawer on these the junior lea have been Instnlled FlSHERMAN-Cottonseed now tn Stntesboro TO days lndi Over 100 Jnycees nnd their hydrants Mealing an three nurses scholarship group membership utillzlng at E A Smith I Box 28 or $1200 year r, 6 more Cake for Sale W A CAR1ER SUNDAY JUNE: Before he $300 quarterly Iv are Pharmacy-won with about Felldmnn JOining Rockwell �ue for boys 13 through College vidual were eighteen hyd usc In which Is the club lendershlp leadership by ladies present Tuesday Co Excellent for or write Raw' nally drawers $450 quart sponsored by I With Graln 420 Grlffln Go, was a member of the Ie "I staff large and lost I communi rants to be Instnlled nlong F'irst FederaI 72 31c late based on scholastic In actron On Tuesday the' group surveymg GAF 1041 338 I'he descendants of Ihe or $1800 annually each yenr Inlght June 13 at I crest Heights ponds s Dept of the erly BU�OCh Vt'�na� H�Pll resources inl two more miles leigh 716 and Jane Pittsburgh Army �rd.nce record Interest In the the little men ty problems and approximately Tenn 6418 Wrillam and Wyly Box rent determined large nursing Thursday lengue Club ns officers were Drstrlct and was the �lw-o�O� 10��s� M��S a�ak:� 10 com Country of water mains An overhead wrll hold formerly tinting and participating FOR SALE Established Zellerower Deloach the annual gross receipts profession general personallty ors fbIor 0 11 Guard OR WOMAN-to tnke t d mombCr of t I1C Iy by -won 4, lost 3 National and Unstallcd ror the new year be wRter stornge Innk with 250000 bseness III loco MAN reunion on work With others munity projects interpre 0 serves th Statton good nnnuul Dnd to ose a b '25 Slates their family of the office Bbllty of ave rea cI yebarsll Rockwell-won street over Dealership 10 oar 0 anDI rectors of Keps age hOYS Rind -won 3 lost 4 club leader I C!:11>(tClty hos been com Maln" sBccrcdaryf IndiVidual and gallon tlon In town on 28 at the States tlng July servlcejMemPhlsProducts Established Sundny June These days are the pra Coca Cola-won 2 5 tglllnlllg bUSIness WIll sell boro Electric Company MISS Brown Is the daughter of games 2 lost to the commuOlly pleted at a cost of $7300000 Domg or boro RecreatIon Center on FaIr the American le shIp I ar 43426 W kl fit f $5000 A Mr tlce days for lost 5 and Franklin s Resturant Arter the out reasonatoodIe CAll PO P native of Pittsburgh Mr and Mrs E l Brown of The club program calendar bnnquet gomg No car Road A program of mUSIC IS Junror Baseball team Wed The sewer construction pro m�;e �t r(a°rt po�srble Wick received A B from Brooklet glon -won 1.
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