Wives of King David Ahinoam 1. שמ"א כה, מג-מד " מג וְאֶת- ֲא ִחינ ֹ ַעם ָל ַקח ָדוִד, ִמיִ ְז ְר ֶעאל; וַ ִת ְהיֶין ָ ַגם- ְש ֵּתי ֶהן לֹו, ְלנָ ִשים. מד וְשָ אּול, נָ ַתן ֶאת- ִמי ַכל ִבתֹו-- ֵּא ֶשת ָדוִד: ְל ַפ ְל ִטי ֶבן- ַליִש, אֲשֶ ר ִמ ַג ִלים." Now David had taken Ahinoam of Jezreel; so both of them became his wives. Saul had given his daughter Michal, David’s wife, to Palti son of Laish from Gallim. 2. שמ"א פרק ל " א וַיְ ִהי ְבב ֹא ָדוִד וַ ֲאנָ ָשיו, ִצ ְק ַלג-- ַביֹום ַה ְש ִלי ִשי; וַ ֲע ָמ ֵּל ִקי ָפ שְ טּו, אֶל-נֶגֶב וְאֶל- ִצ ְק ַלג, וַיַּכּו ֶאת- ִצ ְק ַלג, וַיִ ְש ְרפּו א ֹ ָתּה ָב ֵּאש .ב וַיִ ְשבּו ֶאת- ַהנָ ִשים ֲא ֶשר- ָבּה ִמ ָקט ֹן וְ ַעד-גָדֹול, ֹלא ֵּה ִמיתּו ִאיש; וַיִנְ ֲהגּו, וַיֵּ ְלכּו ְל ַד ְר ָּכם .ג וַיָב ֹא ָדוִד וַ ֲאנָ ָשיו ֶאל- ָה ִעיר, וְ ִהנֵּה ְשרּו ָפה ָב ֵּאש; ּונְ ֵּשי ֶהם ּו ְבנֵּי ֶהם ּו ְבנ ֹ ֵּתי ֶהם, נִ ְשבּו .ד וַיִ ָשא ָדוִד וְ ָה ָעם ֲא ֶשר- ִאתֹו, אֶת-קֹולָם--וַיִ ְבּכּו: ַעד ֲא ֶשר ֵּאין- ָב ֶהם ּכ ֹ ַח , ִל ְבּכֹות .ה ּו ְש ֵּתי נְ ֵּשי- ָדוִד, נִ ְשבּו-- ֲא ִחינ ֹ ַעם, ַהיִ ְז ְר ֵּע ִלית, וַ ֲא ִבי ַגיִל, ֵּא ֶשת נָ ָבל ַה ַּכ ְר ְמ ִלי .ו וַ ֵּת ֶצר ְל ָדוִד ְמא ֹד, ִּכי-ָאמְ רּו הָעָם לְסָקְ לֹו-- ִּכי- המָרָ נֶפֶש ּכָל-הָעָם, ִאיש ַעל- ָבנָו וְ ַעל- בְנֹתָ יו; וַיִ ְת ַח ֵּזק ָדוִד, ַביהוָה ֱאֹל ָהיו ... יז וַיַ ֵּּכם ָדוִד ֵּמ ַהנֶ ֶשף וְ ַעד-הָעֶרֶ ב, לְמָח רָתָ ם; וְֹלא-נִ ְמ ַלט ֵּמ ֶהם ִאיש, ִּכי ִאם-ַא ְר ַבע ֵּמאֹות ִאיש-נַ ַער אֲשֶ ר- ָר ְכבּו ַעל- ַה ְג ַמ ִלים וַיָנֻסּו .יח וַיַ ֵּצל ָדוִד, ֵּאת ָּכל- ֲא ֶשר ָל ְקחּו ֲע ָמ ֵּלק; וְאֶת- ְש ֵּתי נָ ָשיו, ִה ִציל ָדוִד .יט וְֹלא נֶ ְע ַדר- ָל ֶהם ִמן- ַה ָקט ֹן וְ ַעד- ַה ָג דֹול וְ ַעד- ָבנִים ּו ָבנֹות, ּו ִמ ָש ָלל, וְ ַעד ָּכל- ראֲשֶ לָקְ חּו, לָהֶם: ַהּכ ֹל, ֵּה ִשיב ָדוִד ." By the time David and his men arrived in Ziklag, on the third day, the Amalekites had made a raid into the Negeb and against Ziklag; they had stormed Ziklag and burned it down. They had taken the women in it captive, low-born and high- born alike; they did not kill any, but carried them off and went their way. When David and his men came to the town and found it burned down, and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive, David and the troops with him broke into tears, until they had no strength left for weeping. David’s two wives had been taken captive, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail wife of Nabal from Carmel. David was in great danger, for the troops threatened to stone him; for all the troops were embittered on account of their sons and daughters. But David sought strength in the LORD his God…David attacked them from before dawn until the evening of the next day; none of them escaped, except four hundred young men who mounted camels and got away. David rescued everything the Amalekites had taken; David also rescued his two wives. Nothing of theirs was missing—young or old, sons or daughters, spoil or anything else that had been carried off—David recovered everything. 3. שמ"א פרק כז " א וַי ֹא ֶמר ָדוִד ֶאל- ִלבֹו, ַע ָתה ֶא ָס ֶפה יֹום- ֶא ָחד ְביַד-שָ אּול; ֵּאין- ִלי טֹוב ִּכי ִה ָמ ֵּלט ִא ָמ ֵּלט ֶאל- ֶא ֶרץ ְפ ִל ְש ִתים, וְנֹו ַאש ִמ ֶמנִי ָשאּול ְל ַב ְק ֵּשנִי עֹוד בְכָל- ְגבּול יִ ְש ָר ֵּאל, וְנִ ְמ ַל ְט ִת י, ִמיָדֹו .ב וַיָ ָקם ָדוִד--וַיַ ֲעב ֹר הּוא, וְ ֵּשש- ֵּמאֹות ִאיש ֲא ֶשר ִעמֹו: אֶל-ָא ִכיש ֶבן מָ -עֹוְך, ֶמ ֶלְך ַגת .ג וַיֵּ ֶשב ָדוִד ִעם- ָא ִכיש ְב ַגת הּוא וַ ֲאנָ ָשיו, ִאיש ּו ֵּביתֹו: ָדוִד, ּו ְש ֵּתי נָ ָשיו, ֲא ִחינ ֹ ַעם ַהיִ ְז ְר ֵּעא ִלת, וַ ֲא ִבי ַגיִל ֵּא ֶשת-נָ ָבל ַה ַּכ ְר ְמ ִלית .ד וַיֻ ַגד ְל ָשאּול, ִּכי- ָב ַרח ָדוִד ַגת; וְֹלא-יוסף )יָ ַסף( עֹוד, ְל ַב ְקשֹו. ה וַי ֹא ֶמר ָדוִד ֶאל-ָא ִכיש, ִאם-נָא ָמ ָצא ִתי ֵּחן ְב ֵּעינֶיָך יִ ְתנּו- ִלי ָמקֹום ְבַא ַחת ָע ֵּרי ַה ָש ֶדה--וְ ֵּא ְש ָבה ָשם; וְ ָל ָמה יֵּ ֵּשב ַע ְב ְדָך ְב ִעיר ַה ַמ ְמ ָל ָכה, ִע ָמְך .ו וַיִ ֶתן-לֹו ָא ִכיש ַביֹום ַההּוא, אֶת- ִצ ְק ָלג; …ח וַיַ ַעל ָדוִד וַ ֲאנָ ָשיו, וַיִ ְפ ְשטּו ֶאל- ַה ְגשּו ִרי והגרזי )וְ ַה ִג ְז ִרי( וְ ָה ֲע ָמ ֵּל ִקי: ִּכי ֵּהנָה י ֹ ְשבֹות ָהָא ֶרץ, ֲא ֶשר ֵּמעֹולָם, בֹואֲָך שּורָ ה, וְ ַעד- ֶא ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ָריִם .ט וְ ִה ָּכה ָדוִד ֶאת-הָָארֶ ץ, וְֹלא יְ ַחיֶה ִאיש וְ ִא ָשה; וְ ָל ַקח צ ֹאן ּו ָב ָקר וַ ֲחמ ִֹרים ּו ְג ַמ ִלים, ּו ְב ָג ִדים, וַיָ ָשב, וַיָב ֹא ֶאל-ָא ִכיש .י וַי ֹא ֶמר ָא ִכיש, ַאל- ְפ ַש ְט ֶתם ַהיֹום; וַי ֹא ֶמר ָדוִד, ַעל-נֶ ֶגב יְהּו ָדה וְ ַעל-נֶגֶב ַהיְ ַר ְח ְמ ֵּא ִלי, וְאֶל-נֶגֶב, ַה ֵּקינִי .יא וְ ִאיש וְ ִא ָשה ֹלא-יְ ַחיֶה ָדוִד, ְל ָה ִביא ַגת ֵּלאמ ֹר--פֶן-יַ ִגדּו ָע ֵּלינּו, ֵּלאמ ֹר: ּכֹה- ָע ָשה ָדוִד, וְכ ֹה ִמ ְש ָפטֹו, ּכָל- ַהיָ ִמים, ֲא ֶשר יָ ַשב ִב ְש ֵּדה ְפ ִל ְש ִתים .יב וַיַ ֲא ֵּמן ָא ִכיש, ְב ָדוִד ֵּלאמ ֹר: ַה ְב ֵּאש ִה ְב ִאיש ְב ַעמֹו ְביִ ְש ָר ֵּאל, וְ ָהיָה ִלי ְל ֶע ֶבד עֹו ָלם . David said to himself, “Some day I shall certainly perish at the hands of Saul. The best thing for me is to flee to the land of the Philistines; Saul will then give up hunting me throughout the territory of Israel, and I will escape him.” So David and the six hundred men with him went and crossed over to King Achish son of Maoch of Gath. David and his men stayed with Achish in Gath, each man with his family, and David with his two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelite and Abigail wife of Nabal the Carmelite. And when Saul was told that David had fled to Gath, he did not pursue him any more. David said to Achish, “If you please, let a place be granted me in one of the country towns where I can live; why should your servant remain with you in the royal city?” At that time Achish granted him Ziklag; ….David and his men went up and raided the Geshurites, the Gizrites, and the Amalekites—who were the inhabitants of the region of Olam, all the way to Shur and to the land of Egypt.— When David attacked a region, he would leave no man or woman alive; he would take flocks, herds, asses, camels, and clothing. When he returned and came to Achish, Achish would ask, “Where did you raid today?” and David would reply, “The Negeb of Judah,” or “the Negeb of the Jerahmeelites,” or “the Negeb of the Kenites.” David would leave no man or woman alive to be brought to Gath; for he thought, “They might tell about us: David did this.” Such was his practice as long as he stayed in the territory of the Philistines. Achish trusted David. He thought: “He has aroused the wrath of his own people Israel, and so he will be my vassal forever.” 4. רד"ק דברי הימים א כב, ח " ... גם בדמי הגוים אשר שפך אותם שלא היו בני מלחמתו אפשר שהיו בהם אנשים טובים וחסידים אף על פי כן לא נענש עליהם כי כוונתו לכלות הרשעים שלא יפרצו בישראל ולהציל עצמו כשהיה בארץ פלשתים לא יחיה איש ואשה, אבל כיון שנזדמן לו שפיכות דמים לרוב מנעו מלבנות בית המקדש שהוא לשלום ולכפרת עון ולעטרת תפלה, ..." 5. שמ"א כ"ח " א וַיְ ִהי, ַביָ ִמים ָה ֵּהם, וַיִ ְק ְבצּו ְפ ִל ְש ִתים ֶאת- ַמ ֲחנֵּי ֶהם ַל ָצ ָבא, ְל ִה ָל ֵּחם ְביִ ְש ָר ֵּאל; וַי ֹא ֶמר ָא ִכיש, אֶל- ָדוִד, יָד ֹ ַע ֵּת ַדע ִּכי ִא ִתי ֵּת ֵּצא ַב ַמ ֲחנֶה, ַא ָתה וַ ֲאנָ ֶשיָך .ב וַי ֹא ֶמר ָדוִד, אֶל-ָא ִכיש, ָל ֵּכן ַא ָתה ֵּת ַדע, ֵּאת ֲא ֶשר-יַ ֲע ֶשה ַע ְב ֶדָך; וַי ֹא ֶמר ָא ִכיש, אֶל- ָדוִד, ָל ֵּכן ש ֹ ֵּמר ְלר ֹא ִשי ֲא ִשי ְמָך, ּכָל- ַהיָ ִמים." At that time the Philistines mustered their forces for war, to take the field against Israel. Achish said to David, “You know, of course, that you and your men must march out with my forces.” David answered Achish, “You surely know what your servant will do.” “In that case,” Achish replied to David, “I will appoint you my bodyguard for life.” 6. שמ"ב ג, ב " ב וילדו )וַיִּוָ ְלדּו( ְל ָדוִד ָבנִים, בְחֶבְרֹון; וַיְ ִהי ְבכֹורֹו ַא ְמנֹון, ַל ֲא ִחינ ֹ ַעם ַהיִ ְז ְר ֵּעא ִלת ." Sons were born to David in Hebron: His first-born was Amnon, by Ahinoam of Jezreel; 7. שו"ת שופריה דיעקב, חלקב ס' יט "בנות מלכים אשר שבה דוד בחרבו ובקשתו...'אחינועם היזרעאלית' ...ואומר לכל בת, מאותן הבנות הבאות אליו "שמעי בת וראי והאי אזנך ושכחי עמך ובית אביך 'כי הוא אדונייך'..." Ma’acha 8.
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