Women's Swimming State University of New Vork at Albany page 19 November 7, 1980 Danes Look To Darken Florida Skies O 1930 tj> Albany Sludrni Prru Corporation by Bob Bellaflore Rose Bowl. Al center will be 6-3, 215 pound Dan Burke. The Danes, as most people know, IN THElfTFl are mainly a running team. The Albany Tangerine Bowl Bound Surprisingly enough, though UCfcMQ^- AR.Er\ APrEM wishbone attack, game after game, with that kind of personnel on the UCB & WCDB Clash Pffl is the vehicle that gets them where Florida. the Knights, and that could have a The biggest asset that UCF owns offensive line, the Knights arc a Secotvis of Pleasure they want to go. Well, for Albany The Knights, 3-3-1, arc only in profound effect on Albany's panic that would allow for such a move is parsing team, throwing the ball ap to get where it wants to be tomor­ their second year of varsity play plan. The same holds true for UCF, their size — especially on the offen­ proximately 75 percent of the time. row, it will be forced to go to the (they were 6-2 last year), but are still and the two teams have exchanged sive line. The front five on the "We depend on the pass," said Over Rockpile Concert a formidable opponent for the 4-4 films in order to alleviate the pro­ Knights pro-style attack average 235 Knight's head football coach Don AND Danes. "I'm impressed as hell with blem. "They probably know as lit­ pounds per man, and there is only Jonas. The main reason for that is senior quarterback Mike Cullison RAV £ SCOUTING REPORT them on film," said Albany head tle about us as we do about them,*' one player out of that group that ,— * K i * * * * football coach Bob Ford, "so I Ford said. weighs less than 215 pounds (guard "He's got a real'strong arm," said v^nre, 71 ST g.AQ Both Claim To Serve Students That's because tomorrow night's don't know what we're gelling in But what the Danes do know is Don Ellison, al 180). UCF has a Albany defensive coordinator Mike game will take the Danes on the to." that UCF is a squad stacked with pair of bookend tackles in Randy Motta. "He can throw the ball.' by .Indie F.iscnberg on campus and in the Campus or for long periods of lime with the little money we have," Montanaro longest road trip in their 11-year Albany usually has several op­ talent, size, and potential. "Their High (6-5, 240) and Ncal Ginley On the season, Cullijjon has been In an unprecedented move, the Center. WCDB had announced the said. football history, as they race the portunities to scout their other op­ plan, form what I've heard, is not (6-8,265). The latter began his col­ good on 70 of 143 passes (49 per­ University Concert Board (UCB) concert on ihc air and was planning a promotional contest with give­ A couple of weeks ago, after an University of Central Florida at the ponents, but geography has made to slay in Division III," Ford said. lege career at the University of cent), for 615 yards (8.7 yards per has announced thai I hey will co- aways, Diamond added. appeal to Central Council, UCB re­ Tangerine Bowl in Orlando, this task impossible with regard tc "They plan lo move up." Michigan, where he traveled to the continued on pane seventeen sponsor the upcoming Rockpile concert with Rensselaer radio sta- UCB President Dave Montanaro quested and received $500 from SA lion WQBK-I04 FM, Instead of Ihc however, defends their action, say­ for advertising purposes. According campus radio station WCDH-9I ing thai ii was "purely economical. lo SA Controller Ira Somach, FM, as was originally planned. Ihc concert market is down 30 pcr- "UCB came to us for additional WCDB manager Jim Diamond ccnl from lasi year, which was an funding for advertising on called UCB's action a "slab in Ihc off-year Itself," Montanaro ex­ WII.Y-92, WQBK-I04, and hack" since bollt groups are SA plained. "Also, there are a loi of WPYX-I06 FM. They look a loss funded and serve student interests, concerts in the Albany area al litis on Ihc Marshall Tucker concert and According lo Diamond, WCDB, lime, There's no! enough money they had lo compete with other pro- which has successfully co- around, tickets were selling'slowly moicrs who advcrliscd on ihc ihrec sponsored past shows with UCB, in I lie past I wo weeks and we major stations." had already agreed lo co-sponsor wouldn't have sold the show oul. Monlaiiaro said these SA funds the November 2lsl Rockpile con­ We can'l afford this show lo flop. are being used mainly for advertis­ Jim Diamond, WCDB CM Dave Monlaiiaro, lit It Chair cert. Signs naming UCB and "We began lo advertise early, bul ing on I06 I'M. "We normally "A slab in the back. " His act was "purely economical. " WCDB as co-sponsors were posletl we're not able lo advertise enough budget $I5(X) per show for advertis­ ing," lie said. "Willi this concert belter deal. "We gel an advertising we had lo budgel $2000 because discount from 104 in addition to Ihc tickets weren't selling. Radio spols free advertising we gel when the for 60 seconds cost $15 lo $20 each DJ's mention the concert," Mindlin Will Students be on Senate? and have lo be played three limes a , said. "They're co-sponsoring it, so day, al least. ii's like their show, too.Thc DJ's "We've already spent several are bound lo menlion il more," he The status of students on the hundred dollars (promoting fills added. Universily Senate will be the subject show). We would have had less than— Air spols on WCDB, however, of an open hearing tomorrow after­ $300 lor two weeks (of advcriis- are free, Diamond said, as long as noon al 4:30 in the CC Assembly ing)," Monlaiiaro added. Ihc advertising somehow involves Hall, according to student Senate According lo UCB Publicity per­ WCDB. member Gary Silverman, son Gary Mindful, UCB looked "WCDB has 10. walls. WQBK Continuing student representa­ around lo see where ihey could gel a continued on pane five tion on ihc Senate w'as rejected ai a faculty meeting Inst May afler students submitted a request for an additional lour years. In fesponsc, SUNYA Pre-'Jem Vincent O'l.eary 60 Plan to Demonstrate called an emergency faculty meeting. At thai meeting a proposal to extend student representation Against 'Moral Majority' one year was approved during UCF: A Young Program With Grown-Up Ideas which time a special study commit­ by Susan Mllliuan Albany Sludcni Union, Coalition tee would consider options regar­ About 60 members of numerous Againsl Nukes, Ihc Albany ding sludcni participation on the sludcni, religious, and Albany'area Women's Center, and Planned by Paul Schwartz State football history. For Central teresting challenge for a young team lo soar before it walks or even runs. lo come and play us," said Jonas, Senate. organizations mcl last night to Parenthood, among others, Bob Ford first got the idea at ar. Florida, tomorrow night's game wjth grown-up ideas. Jonas' squad Consider: who is no stranger to big-lime fool- SI), SA Launch Campaign finalize plans for a demonstration Tife demonstration is scheduled NCAA meeting in New Orleans last will be their first contest with a nor­ has crowded to a 3-3-1 record this • The slate of Florida ranks third in ball, having played in the 1961 SU and SA have now begun a advocating '.tolerance and in­ lo lake "place Friday at 7 p.m. in January. "I heard that there were theastern opponent. For Albany, it year, and although still in its infant Ihc nation (behind Texas and Ohio) Gator Bowl as a runningback for campaign to encourage students lo dividual rights," according lo Mike from of the Federal Building on some Florida teams interested in will be a weekend of fun, sun, and stages, the program seems destined as a source of recruitment for col­ Pcnn Stale. "It's quite a thrill lo attend the hearing In a mass show Mcl'arilin, Ihc meeting facilitator, Souih Pearl. Members of the group having northern teams come down football . .all Florida style. lege football players. play in Ihc Tangerine Bowl. And I of solidarity. According lo Silver­ Senate Liaison Mark Lal'ayelle The group, which calls itself I he will be speaking on human rights, 1 to play them," Ford recalled. After "There are multiple benefits, ' • There arc over 400 high schools don'l know what Albany's doing, man, "it is Imperative that students He will testify on student proposal. Coinmuniiy for Common Sense, Ihc separation of Church and Slate, checking in an NCAA guide, Ford said Ford. "It will be an experience "It's a gold mine with football programs in Florida, but the other schools thai come lo show their support for this issue, represents such organizations as the and "Ilie threat of the Moral Ma­ sent letters to St. Leos and Central for the kids on the team. When we producing enough talent for the play us from out of stale stay over otherwise Ihc faculty will rob us of jority," Mcl'arilin said. Florida — the only two schools went'to the playoffs in 1977, about scholarship and non-scholarship on Sunday and go the our representation," He added that although Ihc listed as playing Division III foot­ sixty percent of our kids had never for recruiting.
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