t318 ileaith .$ervtces No. 298 1969. No. 298 . [NC] HEALTH SERViCES General Sch~me: Modification ORDER, DATED 31sT OCTOBER 1969, MADE BY TfIEJ'4JN1STRY OF HEAl.,TH AND SOCIAL SERVICES UNDER SECTION 28 OF THE HEALTH SERVICES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1948. Whereas sec.tion 28(4}.of the Health Services Act (Northern Ireland) 1948(a) provides that the Northern Ireland Hospitals Authority (hereinafter referred te,as "the Authority") may from time to time, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Social Services (hereinafter referred to as "the Ministry"), adopt a hew general scheme provid~ng for the modification of the general scheme for the time being in force: And whereas the Authority have adopted and submitted to the Ministry a new general scheme providing for the modification of the general sch~li1e already adopted by the Authority and approved by Order dated 31st May 1948(b), as modified by new gener(;ll scl1.elIles adopt~d by the Authority and approved by Orders dated 31st December 1948(c), 30th Septelp.ber 1949(d), 1st January 1950(e), 11th April 1951(f), 31st October 1956(g), 18th September 1957(h), 21st August 1958(i), 26th March 19590), 18th December 1959(k), 3rd February 1961(1). 20th March 1962(m), 30th October 1962(il), 29th May 1963(0)., 28th September 1964(p), 30th· December 1964(q), and 30th May 1968(r) :. And whereas the Ministry thinks fit toapproye the new generaJ sclJ.eme: Now, therefore, the MiniStry, in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by section 28 of the Health Services Act (Northern ·Ireland) 1948, and of all other powers so enabling, hereby orders as foliows:- 1; This' Order may be cited as the Health Services (General Scb,eme Modification) Order (Northern Irel~).ld) 1969. 2 •. 'J:'he MinistrY 'hereby'approves the new general' scheme as set out in the Schedule. Sealed with the Official SeaJ of the Ministry of Health and Social Services this 31st day of October 1969. (L.S.) . S. E. Taylor, Assistant Secretary. (a) 1948. c. 3. {j) S.R. & O. (N.I.) 19,59, No. 55. (b) S.R. & O. (N.I.) 1948, No. 143. (k) S.R. & O. (N~l.) 1959, No. 191. (c) S.R. & O. tN. I.) 1948, No. 332~ (I) S·R· Ik. 0; (N.I.) 1961, No. 22. Cd) S.R. & O. (N.I.) 1949, No. 176. (m) S.R. & O. (N.I.) 1962, No .. 45. (e) S.R. & O. (N.I.) 1950; No.2. (n) S~R. & Q. (N.I.) 1962, No. 192. (f) S.R. & 9 .. (N.I.) 1951, No. 49. (0) S.R.~ O. (N.I.) 1963, No. 113. (g) S.R. & 0; (N.I.) 1956, No. 169. (p) S.R. & 0; (N.I.) 1964, No. 153. (h) S.R. & O. (N.I.) 1957, No~ 196. (q) S.R. &0. (N.J.) 1964, No. 214: (i) S.R. & O. (N.I.) 1958, No. 140. (c) S.R. ~ O. (N.J.) 1968, No.. 127. ----------~------------------------------ --- --- --- No. 298 Health Services i3i9 SCHEDULE NEW GENERAL SCHEME Made under the provisions of the Health Services Acts (Northern Ireland) 1948 to 1967 WHEREAS the Northern Ireland Hospitals Authority (her·einafter called "the Authority") in exercise ofllhe powers conferred on it by Section 28 of the Health Services Act (Northern Ireland) 1948, (hereinafter called "the Act"), did on the 13th day of May 1948 adopt a General Scheme (hereinafter called "the General Scheme"), AND WHEREAS the General Scheme was approved by the Mini~try of Health and Local GO,(ernment by Order made on the 31st day of May 1948, AND WHEREAS the General Scheme has from time to time been modified as provided for in the Act, . AND WHEREAS the functions of the Ministry of Health and Local Govemm<:;nt under the Act are now vested in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (herein­ after called "the Ministry"), AND WHEREAS the Authority after consultation with the Ministry has decided to adopt the new General Scheme hereinafter set forth, Now THEREFORE fue Authority in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 28 of the Act and. of all other powers it thereunto enabling l;lereby adopts the following new General Scheme providing for ,the modification of the General Scheme, that is to say:- .1. The Fermanagh Hospital Management Committee shall on the expiry of.the 31~t day of October 1969 cease to manage and control Killadeas Hospital, Killadeas, County Fermanagh' 2. By virtue of the General Scheme and the modifications of it from time to ti!ue by new General Schemes, the several Hospital Management Committees hereinafter listed shall manage and control the hospital or group of hospitals set opposite the name of each such Hospital Management Committee, as follows:- Name of Hospital Management Committee managing and controlling the Group ot Hospitals named HospitaLs comprised in the opposite Group (1) Banbridge and Dromore Hospital Banbridge Hospital, Banbridge, Co. Management Committee Down. Cowan Heron Hospital, Dromore, Co. Down. (2) Belfast Hospital Management Claremont Stre~t HospHal, 4/16 Clare­ Committee mont Street, Belfast, and Killowen Hospital, Lisburn. Haypark Hospital, Whitehall Parade, Belfast. Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Child­ ren, Falls Road, Belfast;" the Clark Clinic, and Lissue House, Lisburn, and their associated Units. " Royal Maternity Hospital, and John­ stone House, and associated Units. Royal Victoria Hospital; Throne Hos­ pital; the Musgrave and Clark Clinic, and associated UnLts. 1320 Health ServIces No. 298 Name of Hospital Management Committee managing and controlling the Group of Hospitals named Hospitals comprised in the opposite Group (3) Coleraine and Portrush Hospital Coleraine Hospital, Coleraine, County Management Committee Londonderry. Hopefie1d Hospital, Portrush, Co. Antrim. Mary Ranken Hospital~ Coleraine, County Londondeqy. Rathean~ Hospital, Coleraine, County Londonderry. (4) Downpatrick Hospital Manage­ Downe HospHal, Downpatrick, Co. ment CQmmittee Down. Downshire Hospital, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Quoile Hospital, Downpatlr.ick, Co. Down. (5) East Antrim Hospital Manage­ Carrickfergus Hospital, Carrrickfergus, ment Committee County Antrim. Moyle Hospital, Larne, County Antrim. Sir Thomas and Lady Edith, Dixon Hospital, Cairndhu, Larne, Co. Antrim. Smiley Hospital, Larne, County Antrim. (6} Fermanagh Hospital Management County Hospital, Enniskillen, Co. Fer~ Committee managh. Erne Hosp~tal, Enniskillen, Co. Fer- managh.: ' (7) Forster Green Hospital Manage­ Forster Green Hospital, 110, Saintfield ment Committee Road, Belfast. (8) Holywell Hospital Management Holywell Hospital, Antrim, County Committee Antrim. (9) Londonderry Hospital Manage­ Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry. , ment Committee Foyle Hospital and Special Care Centre, Londonderry. , Gransha Hospita:l, Londonderry. Roe Valley Hospital, Limavady, Co. Londonderry. Strabane Hospital, Straban~, County Tyrone. ...' " st. Columb's, Hospital, Londonderry. Waterside Hospital, Londonderry. (10) Mid-Antrim Ho~pital Management Ballymena Oottage HOl>pital, Bally- 'Committee ' mena, County Antrim. ' Braid Valley Hospital, Ballymena, Co. Antrim. Cushendall Hospital, Cushendall; Co. Antrim. Massereene Hospital, Antrim, County Antrim. Peter Stott Martin House, Craigs, Cully­ backey, County Antrim. Waveney Hospital, Ballymena, County Antrim. (11). Mid-Ulster Hospital Management Mid-Ulster Hospital, Magherafelt, Committee County Londonderry. No. 298 Health. .Ser.vices 1321 Naine of HWJpital Management Committee managing and controlling . ... the Gr.oup of. .Hospitals named Hospitals agmprised.,in the opposite Gr.ozW (12)' Newt,Ownabbey H9spital Manage­ Greenisland Hospital, .shore Road, ment Committee Newtownabbey, Co~ty Antrim~ "Wbiteabbey Hospital, Station Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim. (I~) North Antrim Hospital Manage- Dalriada ;Hospital, Ballycastle, Co. ", 'ment Committee ' Antrim. Robinson MemQrial Hospital, Bally- money, County Antrim. Route Hospital, Ballymoney, 'County' Antrim. (14) North 4rIIlagh Hospital Manage" Carleton Matern~ty Hospital, Porta­ . 'ment Committee . down, County Armagh. Lurgan and Portadown Hospital, Lur- gan, COl,mty Armagh.,. " Moira Hospital, Moira" County Oown. , " (IS) North Down FIospital Management Ards Hospital, N ewtownards, County Committee Down. ,', Bangor Hospital, Bangor; 'County Down. Crawfordsburn Hospital, Crawfords­ bum, County Down. (16) Northern Ireland Fever Hospital Northern Ireland. Fever Hospitai, .' ManagementC<n,nmittee Purdys bum, Belfast. NQrthern Ireland Radiotherapy Centre, Montgomery House, Purdysburn, Bel. fast. (17) Purdysburn Hospital Management, Albertbridge Road Day Hospital, 225 Committee Albertbridge Road; Belfast. Clifton, Street Day Hospital,. 64~ :Clifton Street, Belfast. Purdys burn Hospital, Saintfield Road, Belfast. ,. ~:. '~' . ',t:': '. ...:." ... ~ ~·r (18) St. Luke's Hospital Management St. Luke's HospItal, Armagh. Committee. ' (19) Samaritan fIo's,pftal' :M:a~~g~ment Samaritan Hospital, 22, Lisburn Road, . 'C6i:nmittee ' Belfast. (20) ShaftesburySqu~tb Hdsphal Man­ Shaftesbilry Square Hospital, f16/120. :agement Committee Great Victoria Street, Belfast. (21) South Antrim Hospital Manage­ Lagan Valley Hospital, Lisburn, County ment Committee AIitrim. Lisburn Hospital, Lisburn, County Antrim. (22) South Armagh Hospital Manage- Armagh City Hospital, Armagh, Co. ment 'Committee . Armagh. Tower Hill Hospital, Armagh, Co. Arma~.. 43A 1322 H.ettlth'Services. No. 298 Name of Ho~pital Management Committee managing and controlling • ~ •• "OJ' .' the Group of Jiospitals named Hospitals' comprised in, the opposite Gr.ou.P." (23) South Belfast Hospital Manage-' Be1fast.city Hospital,51;Lisburn Road, ment Com1I)ittee Belfast, and associated ,Units., Malone Place Hospital, 31, Malone Place, Belfast. Musgrave Park Hospital, Stockman's Lane;,-Belfiist, .:.,"" , Durham Street Out-Patients·
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