Archaeology International No. 13/14, 2009-2011, 76-83 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/ai.1318 The Production of Silver in South America Thilo Rehren* Silver plays important roles in pre-Columbian, colonial and modern South Ameri- can societies. Case studies covering the production stages, and spanning nearly two millennia, provide examples of the complexities of silver metallurgy. Ethno- graphic evidence from Bolivia demonstrates the function of the pre-Columbian huayrachina furnace, adapted to the environment of the High Andes, while an archaeological site in southern Peru exemplifies the small-scale, probably domestic, processing of silver slag across major socio-political changes. The transition from indigenous to European technology is another complex aspect of South American silver metallurgy and highlights the importance of studying technology in its social and economic contexts. We can see the co-existence over several centuries of a large-scale state-run silver industry, based on the patio process (and requiring a long-distance network to provide silver ore, mer- cury, energy and supervision), alongside a small-scale European high-tempera- ture silver extraction (using fuel-intensive ‘dragon’ furnaces), and a surviving indigenous technology based on huayrachina furnaces. The mineral wealth of South America is the trade between Asia and Europe. Hav- legendary, for its gold that fuelled the early ing finally lost its traditional role as a coin- dreams of the European invaders, the emer- age metal and more recently as the basis for alds from Colombia and the diamonds from photographic film, it now oscillates between Brazil that dazzled the aristocracy and newly an industrial metal used for electronics and rich in Europe, Western and South-East Asia, other practical uses, a hoard of wealth (par- to the more mundane copper and iron ore ticularly in India), and a medium of specula- driving today’s global commodity boom. Sil- tion on the international metal markets. But ver, by comparison, has been less visible in what about the role of silver in pre-contact the public perception, both in the past and societies in South America? We know that more recently, although South America is silver had been used for at least a millen- still the world’s largest producer of this metal nium before the conquest, and that in the and has been so for centuries. Throughout later cultures it was held in juxtaposition to the 16th and 17th centuries, South American gold, like the moon and the sun, and its use silver financed in a complex global economy restricted to the elite of the Inca Empire. But what do we know about the production of silver? Namely, where, how and since when * UCL Qatar, was it smelted from its ores? PO Box 23689, Education City, Doha, Qatar [email protected] The best evidence for the early use of sil- ver are, of course, archaeological silver finds; This paper is an English version of a text originally published (2011) as ‘Zur frühen however, these are rare and not well pub- Gewinnung von Silber in Südamerika’, in Slotta, lished, so that an authoritative statement R. and Schnepel, I. (eds) Schätze der Anden - about its distribution and consumption is Chiles Kupfer für die Welt, Bochum: Deutsches hardly possible. What is apparent is that Bergbau-Museum, 257-264. The Production of Silver in South America 77 across the length of the Andes silver played a major role. Some evidence for this comes from the tales of the conquerors – and the tax and cargo lists from the ports on both sides of the Atlantic. An illustration of the abundance of silver in the Inca Empire is given by the account of the capture of the last Inca, Atahualpa, in late 1532. The ran- som paid for his release was defined thus: a room measuring 7 x 5m was to be filled to half its height of 5m with gold, and twice over to its entire height with silver. It took two months to deliver the loot, before Fran- scisco Pizarro had him killed regardless. Nine Spanish furnaces were then busy for three Fig. 1: A huayrachina silver-smelting furnace months melting down the metal, casting 11 in the Bolivian Andes (after Barba 1640). tons of gold – and twice as much in silver ingots. The veracity of this report is difficult Having said this, the various elements will be to establish, and much of the gold may well presented in their technological sequence, have been tumbaga, the copper-rich alloy covering a substantial part of the compara- made to look like gold through surface treat- tively complex metallurgy of silver. ment. Certainly more reliable are tax lists, e.g. for Seville, Spain’s main port for treasure Smelting silver ships. These show that between 1531 and The metallurgy of silver begins with the 1660, c.155 tons gold and 17,000 tons silver smelting of its ores. We can assume that the were landed – that is more than one hundred earliest smelters had easy access to native sil- times in weight silver than gold, and hence ver, a relatively common occurrence in many also much more in value. Much of this was, surface outcrops of silver-bearing veins. This of course, the result of European mining in only needed to be melted and cast into shape, both Bolivia and Mexico, but the story about leaving little if any archaeological trace of Atahualpa does show that, already before the its production. At some point, though, the arrival of the Europeans, silver played a major metallurgists had to resort to more complex role among the metals of South America. silver ores, either intergrown by nature with This paper aims to provide a brief overview lead minerals, or using added lead as an aid of recent research into pre-Columbian silver in smelting. The function of the lead in this production – about which we know more is to collect the finely dispersed silver from than the production of either gold or copper. the ore, almost like a selective sponge, and to separate it from the worthless gangue com- Tracing pre-Columbian silver production ponents. For this to work, the silver content Several serendipitous discoveries over the in the ore can be as low as a fraction of one last decade have enabled us to start to piece percent by weight; and lead as a collector is together a comprehensive picture of silver indispensible for this process. metallurgy in pre-Columbian South Amer- The smelting of lead-rich silver ore in the ica. It has to be stressed that this is still very Andes is in early reports always connected much a pastiche of culturally and chronolog- with a particular furnace type, the huayra- ically disparate elements and observations, china (Fig. 1).1,2 The huayrachina furnace with and that a high-resolution picture for indi- its numerous small openings depended on a vidual regions or periods is as yet far away. strong and permanent wind flow, and was 78 The Production of Silver in South America Fig. 2: A huayrachina smelting furnace in use for lead production near Porco, Bolivia (photo B. Mills). therefore always placed in particularly wind- the region and the scarcity of fire wood – the exposed settings. That much was known; but furnaces operate at c.4,000m above sea-level, little archaeological evidence for huayrachi- well above the tree line. The furnace charge nas had been published, and the technol- consists of c.2/3 galena, lead sulphide, and ogy seemed extinct since the last reported 1/3 cupellation hearth material, recycled sightings in the late 20th century. Unexpect- waste of an earlier step in the silver produc- edly, fieldwork by Dr Mary Van Buren, and tion rich in lead oxide and thus the ideal her team from Colorado State University, in complement to the sulphur-rich galena. Don the vicinity of Porco, near Potosi in south- Carlos only smelted for lead metal in his ern Bolivia, located an on-going tradition huayrachinas, but our investigation of older of some local people to smelt lead-rich ores huayrachina fragments, widely scattered in in huayrachinas, as for instance Don Carlos the region, showed that silver-rich ore was Cuiza (Fig. 2).3 A detailed investigation of previously smelted – as is evident from the some of Don Cuiza’s smelts formed the basis silver-rich droplets of metal in the slag, often of Barbara Mills’ BSc dissertation and Claire visible to the naked eye. Cohen’s PhD thesis at the UCL Institute of The origins of this furnace type are dif- Archaeology.4 One of the key aspects of this ficult to date, as there are hardly any exca- research is that the huayrachina is exception- vated pre-Columbian huayrachinas known; it ally fuel-efficient, albeit at the expense of is apparent that the technology is restricted an incomplete metal yield.5 This low metal to the high altitudes of the Andes, located yield, manifest in numerous metal droplets on saddles or slopes with strong erosion trapped in the incompletely molten slag, is and no build-up of datable archaeological due to the relatively low operating tempera- sediments. However, the huayrachinas are ture of the furnaces. However, this makes widely reported by the earliest chroniclers perfect sense in view of the mineral wealth of as an unusual furnace type and have noth- The Production of Silver in South America 79 Fig. 3 a-b: Crucible fragment containing silver-rich slag, excavated from a pre-Columbian workshop by Lake Titicaca, Peru (photo 3a C. Schultze). ing in common with the European furnaces est layers dated to the 1st century AD right later introduced by the Spanish; it is safe down to the Spanish conquest, and beyond.
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