VOL. XIV. No. 17. ITHACA, NEW YORK. JANUARY 31, 1912. An article hy Mr. Ralph Adams Cram on His Preliminary Studies for Residence Halls at Cor- nell, with a Map and Two of His Sketches. PRICE TEN CENTS CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS The Farmers' Loan & Trust Company "Shifting of Investments ff 16. 18. 20. 22 WiBam St.. N. Y. Branoίi 475 5* Ave. Solid Steel Windows LONDON J '5 Cockspur St., S. W. An article by for 126 ow BroaclS t( E c Albert R. Gallatin Mills, factories, car shops, power PARIS 41 Boulevard Haussmann. houses, etc. Every holder of securities, if properly also LETTERS OF CREDIT FOREIGN EXCHANGE advised, could profit by following the Crittall Steel Casement CABLE TRANSFERS precepts of this article. It treats not with THEORY, but FACTS gained Windows from actual and profitable experience. for residences, office buildings, insti- tutions, banks, etc., where a substan- Copies sent on request tial and artistic effect is desired. R. A. Heggie & Bro.Co. SfflMlDT&(|ALLATIN. Detroit Steel Products Co. 1 35 East State St., Ithaca. Detroit, Michigan. 111 Broadway, New York J. Prentice Kellogg \ Members of the JEWELERS Frederic Gallatin, Jr. > New York C. L. Inslee *95, President. W. W. Ricker *96, Trf . f Cbas. H. Blair, Jr, (0. ϋ. 98) J Stock Exchange W.G. Hudson'97, Vice-Pres. E.Burns, Jr..Ό3.Chίef Ea. and makers of special Cor- Geo. P. Schmidt Albert R. Gallatin nell goods. Watches and Guarantee Construction Co. diamonds a specialty. Contracting Engineers: Specialists in the design and construc- tion of conveying systems for the hand- The Mercersburg Jlcademy ling of coal and other materials. Foundations, timber, steel and con- Carr & Stoddard prepares for all Colleges and crete structures. «^Γr. Stoddard was formerly with Mr. Qr(ffin Universities; aims at thorough scholarship, broad attainment Main Office New England Office We carry a carefully selected and Christian manliness. Ad- 140 Cedar St.. New York 201 Devonshire St. Bo tσ line of cloths and will be dress pleased to see our old friends and also make new ones by William Mann Irvine, Ph.D., President work at reasonable prices. Merceisburg, Pa. Jas. H. Oliphant & Co. LFRED L. NORRIS FLOYD W. MϋNDY, !»* Corner Aurora and Seneca Streets J. NORRIS OLIPHANT, Όl BANKERS and BROKERS The Leading Fire Insurance Co. of America Ithaca High School (Members New York Stock Exchange and Chicago Stock Exchange). A Fitting School for Any College and for Business. New York Office, 20 Broad Street. This school gets students from nearly every county in Chicago Office, J. J. Bryant, Jr., '98, N. Y. State, every state in thϊ Union, and from nearly every country. It is thoroughly equipped—libraries, labora- Manager, The Rookery. tories, etc.—employs only teachers of proved success. In recent years it has won 194 State and 39 University scholarships, and has the distinction of having prepared over 1200 students for fifty colleges. Special classes for State scholarship work. Secures all Regents' credentials. Has 7 acre athletic field, on which are 2 football fields. 3 baseball ITHACA SAVINGS BANK diamonds, 6 tennis courts, 2 basketball courts, etc. Both sexes. Enter any time. Tuition $100. For Catalogue,addresβ (Incorporated 1866) F. D. BOYNTON.D.Pd., Superintendent. CASH CAPITAL $5,000,000.00 200 N. Cayuga St., Ithaca, N. Y. ITHACA, N. Y. WM. B. CLARK, President Secretary, Vice-President, HENRY E. REES W. H. KING ITHACA TRUST COMPANY Assistant Secretaries, ITHACA, NEW YORK A. N,WILLI AMS. E. S. ALLEN, E. J. SLOAN. GUY E. BEARDSLEY. ASSETS TWO MILLION DOLLARS W.F. WHITTELSEY, Jr., "Marine." Courteous treatment. Every facility. READERS WILL PLEASB MENTION THB ALUMNI NEWS WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XIV. No. 17 Ithaca, N. Y., January 31, 1912 Price 10 Cents HIS is the week of the mid- Peace Society, and will enter the state twenty-seven assistants in the depart- night oil, the quiet street and contest with the winners of the simi- ment itself, and there are about fifty T the furrowed brow, for final lar contests at other universities. members of other departments of the exams are causing toil and the care- The first prize in the state contest is faculty who give instruction to stu- less student is careful now. Block to be $200 and the second prize $100. dents registered in the department of Week began last Monday morn. From For the first time this year the chemistry.. The announcement is well edited and printed, and the im- then to the end the days are nine. Sibley Engineering Club and the pression it makes is of a department Student activities are forlorn. Even Ithaca section of the American Insti- thoroughly organized and efficient. the Sun has ceased to shine. tute of Electrical Engineers held a Director A. W. Smith and Profes- joint meeting last week. Professor Professor O. M. Leland of the Col- sor George L. Burr are going tramp- Sampson gave a reading. Professor lege of Civil Engineering sailed on ing in Europe this spring. They will Ford, who has charge of the Sibley January 13 for Panama, where he sail from New York on February 14 employment bureau, spoke on "Jobs will be engaged for six months on the for the Mediterranean, taking pas- for Graduates." Professor Browne boundary survey between Panama sage on the Austrian-American Line of the chemistry department told of and Costa Rica. The dispute be- steamship Oceania. After they are some of the recent discoveries in tween these two countries was re- on the water they will determine their chemistry. ferred to a commission. Each of the plans. Landing probably at Naples Another slight delay in the con- countries appointed a representative or Patras, they will spend several struction of the new steel toboggan and the Chief Justice of the United months in Italy and other countries slide at Beebe lake was caused last States was asked to name two others. along the Mediterranean. They ex- week by a mistake in the placing of He named Professor Leland and pect to tramp most of the time. Di- the foundation piers. Several of the John F. Hayford, C. E. '89, dean of rector Smith will return to Ithaca holes in which the steel framework the college of engineering at North- about the middle of May, but Pro- rests had to be changed. The con- western University. Several other fessor Burr will remain in Europe tractors still promise that the slide Cornell men are in the party. Among until September. Professor Burr will be ready for Junior Week. them are A. L. Ackhart 11, Ludwig has tramped in Europe before this. Aull ΊO, A. C. Giesecke 13, C. R. On one of his excursions, back in The newly formed Ethics Club has Harding 10, E. C. Nesbitt 11, E. D. 1885, he encountered Lee Meriwether, announced its program for the re- Nesbitt 11, R. L. Tate 12, and W. now of St. Louis, and was the travel- mainder of the year. The club will C. McCrome 13. meet twice a month, the first meeting ing companion whom Meriwether re- Mayor Reamer has announced that ferred to as "the Professor" in his each month being held at the Cosmo- politan Club and the second in Barnes he will not take the responsibility of book "A Tramp Trip—How to See permitting coasting on Buffalo Street. Europe on. Fifty Cents a Day." Hall. At the February meetings the Ethics of Law will be discussed. The It is prohibited by a city ordinance Professor D. S. Kimball has re- other subjects are: March, "Ethit s except at times which may be desig- turned from the Pacific coast, where of Ibsen;" April, "Ethics of Labor nated by the Mayor or Common he spent the first term, to resume and Capital;" May, "Ethics of Art." Council. When there is coasting it his teaching in Sibley College. He is necessary to rope off Aurora Street, The yearly announcement of the and his family have been at Seattle, flag the Tioga Street cars and pro- department of chemistry, recently Reno and Santa Cruz. vide police protection for the crowds published, is a pamphlet of 63 pages, which gather. The Mayor regards The department of oratory has ac- with sixteen full-page illustrations the sport as too expensive and dan- cepted the invitation of the New York from half-tones and five charts. The gerous. The four undergraduates pictures show views outside and in- Peace Society to take part in a state who were injured a week ago were side Morse Hall—the large general oratorical contest. Undergraduates coasting in violation of the ordinance. who are interested will prepare ora- laboratories and the special labora- tions of not to exceed 1,500 words on tories of spectroscopic chemical an- Dr. Lyman Abbott was the Uni- the international peace movement and alysis, gas analysis, organic chemis- versity preacher last Sunday. will engage in contests at their sev- try, physical chemistry, electrochem- The Ithaca fund for the Red Cross eral universities in March. The win- istry, microchemistry, agricultural relief work in China has been raised ner of each contest will receive a chemistry and assaying. There are to nearly $750 by a gift of $100 from prize of $20 from the New York six professors, ten instructors and Charles W. Wason '76, of Cleveland. 194 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Studies for Residence Halls A Description of the Plans Which the University Has Had Prepared ITHIN the last year the sketches presented herewith are of show the contour lines, as their draw- President and Board of Trus- scheme A.
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