1896. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3065 dist Episcopal Church, asking concurrence in the bill forbidding of John Wright and 20 other citizens of Minnesota; a petition of the interstate transportation of obscene matter by express as A. S. Grow and 8 other citizens of Pennsylvania; a petition of passed by the United States Senate-to the Committee on Interstate Charles E. Dodge, M. D., and 20 other citizens of New Hampshire; and Foreign Commerce. a petition of J. H. Emerson and 18 other citizens of New Hamp­ Also, petition of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Metho­ shire; a petition of J. F. Estes and 47 other citizens of New dist Episcopal Church, asking enactment of a law to raise the Hampshire; a petition of W. W. Roberts and other citizens of age of consent to 18 years-to the Committee on the District of Massachusetts; a petition of Alfred Hemenway and other citizens Columbia. of Massachusetts; a petition of Julia Ward Howe, John D. Long, and other citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of ex-Governor William Claflin and other citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of SENATE. William Coveney and other citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of Franklin Carter, president, and 11 other members of the faculty 1\IoNDAY, March 23, 1896. of Williams College, Massachusetts; a petition of George V. Ladd Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. and 23 other citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of Rollin Jones On motion of Mr. WOLCOTT, and by unanimous consent, the and 22 other citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of Frank A. 1·eading of the Journal of the proceedings of Friday last wa£ dis­ Allen and 41 other citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of John pensed with. C. Haynes and 43 other citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of ORDERS FOR THE SEIZURE OF VESSELS. John A. Scott and 10 other citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of S. G. Miller and 37 other citizens of Massachusetts; a peti­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication tion of Charles D. Jenkins and 14 other citizens of Massachu­ from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in response to a setts; a petition of Henry J. Thayer and 17 other citizens of Ma£­ resolution of the 16th instant, certain information as to what or­ sachusetts; a petition of B. H. Nourse and 14 other citizens of ders have been issued from the Treasury Department to seize ves­ Massachusetts; a petition of Charles H. Taylor and 11 other citi­ sels of the United States loaded with arms and munitions of war, zens of Massachusetts; a petition of Robert P. Bellows and other with passengers on board, suspected to be destined for foreign citizens of Massachusetts; a petition of Dr. William P. Wessel­ ports, and under what authority of law such seizures and arrests hoeft and 19 other o-itizens of Massachusetts; a petition of the have been made; which, with the accompanying document, was, Superior and Sisterhood of the Home at the Roman Catholic on motion of :Mr. CALL, ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Cathedral, Bost<m, Mass.; a petition of Rev. Edward Everett REPORT OF INTERNATIONAL PRISON CONGRESS. Hale and other officers of the American Invalid Aid Society; and The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ a petition of the faculty of Yale University. tion from the Secretary of State, transmitting the report of the I ask tmanimous consent that I may make some brief observa­ delegates of the United States to the Fifth International Prison tions concerning the petitions just presented. Congress, held at Paris, France, July, 1895; which, with the ac­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the request of companying papers, was referred to the Co~mittee on Foreign the Senator from New Hampshire? The Chair hears none, and Relations, and ordered to be printed. the Senator from New Hampshire will proceed. PRESIDENTIAL APPROVALS. Mr. GALLINGER. Among the petitioners will be found the names of Edward Everett Hale, Louis C. Southard, Minot J. Sav­ A message from the President of the United States, by Mr. age, Hezekiah Butterworth, E. H. Clement, Wallice I. Pierce, Sol­ PRUDEN, one of his secretaries, announced that the President had omon Schindler, Edwin Ginn, Julia Ward Howe, John D. Long, on the 19th instant approved and signed the following act and M. I. Whipple, bishop of Minnesota; William Lawrence, bishop of joint resolutions: Massachusetts; William E. Russell, ex-governor of Massachusetts; -An act (S. 227) to authorize the Auditor for the War Depart­ William Claflin, ex-governor of Massachusetts; Edw. Harvey ment to audit certain quartermasters' vouchers alleged to belong Willett, president Trinity Club; A. E. Winship, Charles H . Taylor, to John Finn, of St. Louis, Mo.; editor Globe; editors Boston Herald, Traveller, Advertiser, Journal, A joint resolution (S. R. 47) relating to the Federal census; and Transcript, Educational Journal, etc.; William Coveney, Mrs. A joint resolution (S. R. 72) directing the Public Printer ·to James T. Field, Olive Wright, Susan Fessenden, William H. Bald­ supply the Senate and House libraries each with 10 additional win, Henry B. Blackwell, President Timothy Dwight, with the copies of the Co "GRESSION AL RECORD. faculty of Yale University; president and faculty of Williams Col­ The messa.ge also announced that· the President of the United lege, J. B. Mason, ex-Senator from Rhode Island; A. P. Martin, ex­ States had on the 20th instant approved and signed the following mayor of Boston; Walter M. Guild, Julius H. Ward, Henry J. acts: An act (S.1230) to extend the limits of the port of entry of New Thayer, Frank A. Allen, ex-mayor of Cambridge; John C. Haynes, president, and Julius H. Tutle, treasurer, Massachus~tts Historical Orleans; and and Genealogical Society; W. H. Hart, colonel Thirty-sixth Colored An act (S.1804) to authorize the First National Bank of Sprague, Regiment (war record); W. T. Shapleigh, editor (old-line ab<r Wash., to change its location and name. litionist); Westley Jones, A. Shuman, Noah A. Plimpton, John C. The message further announced that the President of the Paige, Levi P. Lawrence, superior and Sisterhood of the Home at United States had on this day approved and signed the bill (S. 818) the Cathedral, Charles Sydney Smith, ex-mayor of Providence; for the relief of Halvor K. Omlie, of Homer, N.Dak. Morris H.Richardson,M.D.; Samuel J.l\fixter,M.D.; David W . NATIONAL SANITARIUM FOR TREATMENT OF PULMONARY DISEASES. Cheever, M. D.; Samuel Durgin, president Massachusetts board Mr. GALLINGER. Mr. President, on the 11th day of April, of health; William P. Wesselhoeft, M.D.; James D. Bell, M.D.; 1892, I submitted some observations in support of a joint resolu­ Hasket Derby, M.D.; Prof. Grover Robinson, Mrs. John Boyle tion that I then introduced for the appointment of a commission O'Reilly, Alfred Hemenway, George H. Marcoe, dean Massachu­ to examine certain lands in New Mexico and other of the Rocky setts College of Pharmacy; John Dana Hubbell, Joseph H. Man­ Mountain States, with a provision that a report should be made to ley, and a very large number of physicians, clergymen, and leading the President of the United States, with a view ultimately of hav­ educators from different parts of the country. ing a cession of lands made for the purpose of establishing a na­ In my former attempt in this direction I introduced a joint res­ tional sanitarium for the treatment of pulmonary diseases. That olution which I will not now read, but will ask permission to intr<r scheme, as originally contemplated, has fallen through, but the du~ it into the RECORD. As before suggested, it proposed to ap­ parties who are interested in the establishment of a sanitarium point a commission for the purpose of investigating this matter for this purpose have sent me a large bundle of petitions looking with a view of selecting a site and recommending its cession by to the direct cession of land to an organization of benevolent men Executive proclamation to the very worthy men and women who and women interested in this matter, and after I have presented were then engaged in this great philanthropic movement. That the petitions I desire to submit some brief observations in refer- joint resolution was in these terms: ence to this very laudable undertaking. · SECTION 1. That the President of the United States shall appoint a com­ Mr. President, I present a petition of 24 citizens of the Terri­ mission consisting gf three p er sons, two of whom shall be phySicians, whose duty it shall be to select a site, and make report ther eon to the President, tory of New Me..Oco; a petition of P. A. Dewey and 19 other citi­ for the establishment of a national sanitarium for t he treatment of pulmo­ zens of New York; a petition of R. W. Lord and 13 other citizens nary diseases, said location to be in some one of the Territories of the United of Maine; a petition of S. 0. Brown and 11 other citizens of Maine; States and upon such of the public lands as may be unoccupied. SEc. 2. That the commission so appointed shall, within six months after a petition of Eben Chase and 11 other citizens of Maine; a petition their appointment, re;port to the President of the United States where, in of J. H. Manly, Governor Henry B. Cleaves, and other citizens of their best judgment, IS the proper place to establish said sanitarium, to­ Maine; a petition of Gorham P.
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