EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO Alex Krhrli, of near Veronica) SCHOOL NEWS thenco South 13120 feat mo or hat CREDITORS. was in (ho city Friday. to the S, W, corner of tlio N. K. quar- The Oregon State Teachers' As- ter of the. N. K. quarter of Section C. A. Miller and Frank John- HILLSBORO -!; thence Smith 80 deg. 41 min. Ka.st THE son, of above North Plains, were sociation will meet in Portland on Kt2l feet to the place of beginning, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in town the last of the week. December 27, 28 and 2i. the undersigned has been appointed More than 2,000 teachers will containing tiO.O'J acres more or less, . Mrs-- Dora ,!. Elliott, formerly tuiiil Executor of the Le--st Will .mid Testa- be in attendance. Washington 'us prayed for in the petition of Here Is message ment of Sarah S. Jackson, Deceased, of this city, lias moved from near County teachers have such easy a to j Wm. King, iim Kxecutor of tho hint Suffering women, from COMMERCIAL BANK has been confirmed as such by the Keimew it'k. Wash., to Ashlaml, j aeeess to this mccUtiir that almost will and tostiimctil of said decedent, Oregon, mild Airs. Kathryn County Court of the State of Ore- She reports a very every one can attend at least a of K.F.I). 4, Washington for the purport" of obtaining fund:! gon for Washington County, and has winter so far in Southern Oregon. part of the sessions. Those who Court House. Ohio. "I with which to pay the indebtedness select one of the first sessions will nm glad to tell, and have and claims against said estate ami duly qualified as such Executor. told many women, what will be al- mid thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, ah" persons TIME TABLE be wise, because they 1 suffered before I knew the costs charges j SURPLUS having claims against said estate most sure to slay for all. The of Cardui and the great IN WITNKSS WllKUKOK, the CAPITAL and $70,000 from are hereby notified nn.l required to All, except the P. U. & N. trains teachers will be the gainer per- benefit to be derived Hon. 1. H. Keasouer, Judge of the (his remedy. A few de- sonally and Washington County above entitled Court wilh the neat of present them, with the proper vou- are elect rio, ami stop at the years ano I became prac- chers, to the undersigned Executor, pot on Main street. va ill be a gainer. tically helpless . said Court tif fixed on thin lth thy - will devoted to at his- residence near North Tlains, To Portland. Thursday be TAKE of lcccmbcr.l!H7. An old, safe and conservative bank, the of the II. Oregon, or at the Ijw Office of Forest drove train.. fi 50 a. m business representative Attest: A. KUKATI.I, council in the auditorium of the County Clerk, located in the Millslioro Commercial Thos. H. Tongue, Jr., in the Com- MeMinnville I rain .. 7 :.!() a. in Lincoln high school. The sessions lly KDNA CII.KKY, mercial Block at Hillsboro, Oregon, Sheridan train u:U3 a Oepuly. bloc k , V. corner Main nnd Second are open to the public. The re- within six months from the date of Forest tirove train . 12:50 p ports of the following committees street.. the first publication of this notice, MeMinnville train 2:lti p SUMMONS. will be of general interest and t, within six months from Forest (Jrove train.. 8 :55 p will give an idea of the real work j 6th, 1917. Kufiie train 4:45 p The Woman's Tonlc-- t of the education association. 1, In the Circuit Court of the Stale id Hillsboro Commercial Hank, FRANCIS J. JOHNSON, MeMinnville train . (5:40 p "I was very weak," 1 lie He I'rolilcm ; S, State of Oregon for Washington Executor of the Last Will Forest drove train. p tantalum Mrs. Edwards rocs on !:50 "A Retirement Fund for Teach- County. end Testament of Sarah S. From Portland. to say, "and could not ers"; 3, Teachers Certification Stoop without suffering Charles K. Shorey, Plaintiff, vs. Jackson, Deceased. Arrives Problem"; 4. "The Thrift Prob- great ruin . Nolhini Clarence E. Yeager and Mary El THOS. H. TONGUE, JR., F.uitene 8:15 a. m. seemed lo help me until train lems": fi. Standardisation of the sic Yeager, his wife, Allison K. Executor. If) m .. 1 heard otCanJui and be- Attorney for .MeMinnville train . IS" '.. - I Kural Schools : tw Social Ser- gan the use of it ... t Yeager, W. I. KratiWcl ami Elite Forest drove train... I i a. i... vice . gradually rained my A. Frantxel, his wife, G. A. Hlwii Forest train... p.m. 1 drove 3:14 Friday forenoon and Saturday strength ... am now and Olson, his wife, SIMMONS. Slieridan 4:8.1 p. able to do nil my work." train in. afternoon will be devoted to gen- Forest drove train...... ti:40p. m. If you need a tonic lake in the auditorium of Cardul. for women. E. YEA ( J of .11 i eral sessions It is TO ALLISON EU, one MIAF ItSf-u,,m lr:,m nr. Iu the Circuit Court of the State of " ' la m' the Lincoln high school. It acts gently and reliably the above named defendants; c '- !' V- - and will probably help Oregon for Washington County. ,or'' Uu" - Prof. Itii'hard Hurton of tin IN THE NAME OF THE STATE SELF FILLING PEN ih . ....... ... .. you as it helped tins lady. Minnie F. Bennett, Plaintiff, vs. I. University of Minnesota will d OF OREGON you are hereby com- - THE PEN THAT MAKES WHITING A PLEASURE ' AH Dregsisfs E. Bennett, Defendant. ' "'"I" "ll liver two addresses, one on "Tin mauded and required to appear in th L. ,a 1 " (Sreat To E. Bennett, the above name! "V" . ... l-- , Literature of the War" and above entitled court and answer the i t 1 Mm iihi mm ain i.., F.d 3$B Defendant" ' ."i, in the other on "The Social and complaint filed against you in tin Ssaffgrfi- , ... , ... o. ... and at Tenth street. in uii; name ui me auue qi un'ranis. iicntional Significance of the The j above entitled cause on or before 1 Steam Service rrom Ukl l'epot Tst PERFORMS iou are hereby commanded and re-- 1 nter." Dr. Burton is considered the expiration of nix weeks from the . at hoot of Second Street. STUDENTS what others quired to be and appear in the above one of th most eloquent and of the first publication of thls To (date -- heDelta Drug Store promise entitled court and answer the com-- f P0'"""1' scholarly educators in the I'nitcd summons in the llillstioro Argus, the BUSINESSMAN R- & painlt filed against you in the above j P. - X. train 4:05 p.m. States. ' hoiiu: $2 . :&!;; J date of the first publication -' Prank I.eavitt of the Uni ' entitled cause on or before the expir- From Portland Prof. 'j"'..-- V . .... December tHh, 1917, ami the date of ation of six weeks from the date ofj P. R- - N. train 10:00 a.m. versity of t. lucago will also give the last publication thereof being l .'if ufijwri rrrtro lA the first publication of this summons, Motor Car Service. two addresses. Prof. Lcavitt the 17th day of January, 191S, mid . i in the Hillsboro Argus, the first pub- - To Buxton 12:25 p. m. one of the 'foremost authoritic i will tin . ; .',.- -' .o il WiiiK you please take notice that lication being To Timber 4:20 p.m. on the subject of industrial cdu thereof on December, j 77;; plaintiff has filed a complaint in said 13, 1917, and the publication i From Timber 9:55 a.m. cation and largely responsible for last S J.'ie i'.ij'tcf '. y. r liivu'mh court foreclosing that certain mort HARD SURFACE ROADS to) From Buxton . p. m. the movement which culminated ; ( i 0i thereof being on January 25, 1918, 2:10 A a . ;: gage executed anil delivered by the before day of! iu the Smith Hughes law. His wit: on or the 26th V I... ..l,..il.r,....l.l. defendants C. E. Yeager and Mar) message will be of particular in Will coon lead from Portland to January, 1918; and you will please Elsie Yeager to the plaintiff on Oc- OREGON TRAINS to Oregon as the take notice that if you fail so to ap- -' ELECTRIC tercst teachers, tober 21st, 1913, which mortgage h the splendid federal board has just approved Iut u; in li t. ItM 0 pear and answer said complaint, the' recurd-- d in Book "li7M on pago ,111 Superintendent COAT j.M'lLK plaintiff will apply to the court for' To Portland 55 minutes the plans of State V!3tMSNN- f Mortgage Records of Washington i Churchill for out th the relief craved for and demanded 0 :32 a.m. carrying County, Oregon, the land therein provisions of this law. This means in her complaint, to for a de- 7:18 ...... a.m described and involved in thin suit - that Oregon will receive $15,000 Beaverton Reedville cree dissolving the marriage and mar- S:2.8 ..... a.m being more particularly described as this year for vocational eiluea riage contract existing between the 0:58 a.m. follows, !ion. defendant and the plaintiff upon the 12:43 .. p. m Commencing at a point, 120 feet Friday forenoon and Saturday grounds of desertion. 3:58 ). m. west of the southeast corner of Block will be devoted to il This summons is served upon you 5:18 .
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