T HE V OICE OF K ANSAS M ASONRY Volume 53 Issue 4 The Kansas Mason Winter 2015 A Publication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas 150 YEAR LEGACY Rededication of the Kansas State Capitol 1866-2016 KMH is 120 Years New. ctober 2015 marks the beginning of KMH’s residences, rapid recovery services, and long term O120th year serving Kansas seniors and their care. It means a breakthrough memory care approach families. What does 120 Years New mean? It means with Behavior-Based Ergonomic Therapies and our 120 years of experience serving seniors, enriching “Household Model.” lives, caring for residents. It means 120 years of We invite you to call or come by for a personal working to constantly improve so we are the best we tour of the 120 Years New KMH. See why our can be for our residents—many Masons and Mason community still demonstrates the value of ideals that family members, and our legacy of care continues. continue to serve as a guiding compass for seniors But, 120 Years New means all of this on a and their families. transformed campus that offers the most complete Come find out what 120 Years New means to KMH. senior living community in Kansas, one based upon Masonic values. 120 Years New means renovated Vibrant living. Valued principles. Assisted Living | Memory Care | Long-Term Care | Skilled Nursing | Rehabilitation 402 S. Martinson, Wichita, Kansas 67213 • 316.269.7500 • kmh.org GUIDE T EN OPM EL DEV HIP HIP RS E B MEM S S A NS KA F F O E E On The Level The LODG GRAND On D BROTHERHOO TO THE PATH PATH THE On The Level The On ERSHIP LEAD GENEROSITY GENEROSITY RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP THE PATH TO BROTHERHOOD TO PATH THE KANSAS MASONIC FOUNDATION OUTREACH CLINICS A MESSAGE FROM THE KANSAS MASONIC FOUNDATION Kansas Masonic Foundation, 2909 SW Maupin Lane, Topeka, Kansas 66614 Kansas Topeka, Lane, Maupin SW 2909 Foundation, Masonic Kansas 1 2015 WINTER problems: lack of attendance, attendance, of lack problems: Lodges have had the same same the had have Lodges Master Mason Mason Master time immemorial, Masonic Masonic immemorial, time Daren Kellerman Daren With rare exception, since since exception, rare With caretakers. On The Level The On built, and we as the builders and and builders the as we and built, Remember, Remember, home lodge as a temple being being temple a as lodge home Robert A. Shively, CAE Shively, A. Robert as strong as possible. possible. as strong as Masonic Tradition of Service of Tradition Masonic strong and make a difference in your community! your in difference a make and strong the Keep been given. Let us consider our our consider us Let given. been stipend for the Lodge hosting the event. the hosting Lodge the for stipend a providing to addition in expenses, the of all cover will Foundation Masonic Kansas the and community, your for program excellent an is This to contact the Kansas Masonic Foundation office at (785) 357-7646. (785) at office Foundation Masonic Kansas the contact to can only help us build our lodges to be be to lodges our build us help only can free feel please past, the in clinics these of one conducted has that Lodge a with visit to like would or questions, any have you If a FREE cancer screening event for the next fiscal year (4/1/2016-3/31/2017) is February 28, 2016. 28, February is (4/1/2016-3/31/2017) year fiscal next the for event screening cancer FREE a had they tools simple the using better, hosting for deadline application The FAQ’s. and sheet information the review to time the take please form, the submitting Before it with the Brothers in your Lodge, we hope you will choose to complete the form and return it to the Foundation office. office. Foundation the to it return and form the complete to choose will you hope we Lodge, your in Brothers the with it Within this form you will find the application form needed to host one of these important cancer-screening clinics. After discussing discussing After clinics. cancer-screening important these of one host to needed form application the find will you form this Within (or even just learning what they are) are) they what learning just even (or Center. Cancer Kansas of University The and Alliance Cancer Lodges, is pleased to sponsor these life-saving screenings—and proud to collaborate with health professionals from the Midwest Midwest the from professionals health with collaborate to proud screenings—and life-saving these sponsor to pleased is Lodges, Screenings are an important way to detect cancer in its early stages, when it’s easier to treat. KMF, in cooperation with the Masonic Masonic the with cooperation in KMF, treat. to easier it’s when stages, early its in cancer detect to way important an are Screenings it made and good was what took They The clinics are a remarkable ‘grassroots’ success story, thanks to the hard work of Kansas Masonic Lodges across the State. the across Lodges Masonic Kansas of work hard the to thanks story, success ‘grassroots’ remarkable a are clinics The years. 40 than more for Clinics Outreach supported has (KMF) Foundation Masonic Kansas the know, likely you As using the many options we are offered offered are we options many the using Clinics Outreach Foundation Masonic Kansas RE: Kansas Masonic Lodges Masonic Kansas didn’t leave their “toolbox” unopened. unopened. “toolbox” their leave didn’t November 1, 2015 1, November was rebuilt only to be destroyed again, again, destroyed be to only rebuilt was tools and taught how to use them. They They them. use to how taught and tools tually succumbed to the ravages and and ravages the to succumbed tually appeared. They were given their own own their given were They appeared. - as even the Temple of Solomon even Solomon of Temple the even as 1 3 4 2 FREEMASONRY IN KANSAS Today there are more than 19,000 Masons who belong to 231 Lodges across the entire state of Kansas. While they serve a different purpose than when Masonry was founded in the Middle Ages, its mission and the principles are still the same. Our Mission is guided by the enduring principles of our fraternity – have may it as perfect given, been had In Kansas, Masons give brotherly love, relief and truth – and our core values which are these: nearly $1.5 million a year. • Ethics, embodied by leading lives based on honor and integrity • Tolerance for religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences Kansas Masons have 6 • Personal growth through continuous pursuit of knowledge donated almost $25 million • Philanthropy through charitable giving and community service to KU Cancer Research. • Veneration of family • Respect for individual Freedom We give out more than 150 scholarships to Kansas The Grand Lodge of Kansas is the governing body of Freemasonry in students going to Kansas Kansas, formed March 17, 1856, nearly five years before Kansas saw institutions. statehood. Bleeding Kansas, the prelude to America’s Civil War, provided the backdrop to Kansas Freemasonry. We provide local cancer 7 In 1854, three Wyandot Indians and five white settlers – all of whom FRIENDSHIP screening clinics throughout were Masons - came together in what is now Wyandotte County, Kansas, the state for communities and petitioned the Grand Lodge of Missouri to establish a Lodge of RESPONSIBILITY that do not have Masons in a Wyandot Indian village. On August 4, 1854, the dispensation professional health care was granted and one week later, Kansas Lodge UD began its work. Within GENEROSITY centers for testing. two years, two other lodges in Kansas were formed, and in 1856, the trio formed the Grand Lodge of Kansas, as America’s Civil War loomed. LEADERSHIP We provide educational programs to recognize our Notably the first Master of Kansas Lodge UD was John Chivington, a Values teachers and outstanding Methodist missionary to the Wyandot and a vocal opponent of slavery. Chivington left Kansas in 1860, became an officer in the Union Army, and students. 5 was later celebrated as a hero for his part in the Battle of Glorieta Pass AS MASO How to Event Invitation inside left inside NS We help Brothers—as well as (1862). His orchestration of the Sand Creek Massacre (1864), however, , WE VALUE AND PROM Become a Mason OTE: Me Pres wives, widows, mothers and earned him universal condemnation and ultimately made him infamous. • Ethics mbership is open to men s Release age 18 W • Diversity We welcom or older who meet t elcome Letter From children —in time of need. The influence of Missouri masonry in Kansas sometimes resulted in e men of all ethnic b he qualifications. The Lodge Wors • Personal growt ackgrounds and r hipful Master curious situations. In the bloody 1850’s and the years of the Civil War h One of Fre eligious beliefs. Script For On The We provide funding for local • Philanthropy emasonry’s tr Level PowerPoint (1861-1865), Kansas was continually torn by bitter strife over slavery, with aditions is that we do no Presentation community charities, through • Tolerance Men must seek me t solicit mem Pros members of the two factions hunting down and slaying each other. Yet, • Fa mbership on their ow bers or ask men to j pective Member Worksheet our more than 230 Lodges mily n initiative. oin. whenever enough Brethren, regardless of faction, could be found, they • Educatio IF YOU ARE INT throughout the state. n ERESTED I N BEC Results Su eagerly stood their guns against the nearest tree and began the erection • Commun OMING A M rvey ity • Talk to the person wh ASON: of a Masonic Altar.
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