Vol. 83 September 24, 1935 No. 39 HREE PERILS 7 by Marjorie Lewis Lloyd r you are a Seventh-day Adventist, you may be in better. But suddenly his life is snuffed out in a traffic danger. If you believe in the soon coming of the Son accident—no time for even a deathbed repentance. I of God, watch ! If you expect a time of trouble to A young woman worships in the temple of fame. She break upon the world, your path even now may be strewn reasons that she will be there only long enough to satisfy with perils as great and as real as those ahead. her ambitions. She intends to be ready for the time of It is good to be a Seventh-day Adventist—to know trouble—oh, yes! She has been reared as a Seventh-day something of what the future holds in store for humanity. Adventist, and knows just what to expect. But she does Yet who can say but that the not take into consideration the very possession of these ad- earthquake, the fire, the ship vantages may put many a youth that sinks before that time of off his guard. great peril breaks. There are good people in the Still another loves pleasure. world who do not expect Christ Of course he is a church mem- to come in their day. They ex- ber. But there are a good many pect to live their allotted time on things he intends to give up this earth and then to be judged when the Sunday law is passed. by the way they have lived it. Time enough then, he reasons. They do not expect to become Is he standing on solid ground martyrs—to die for their God. —will his fortress hold as a Therefore they must live for sure defense? Him. And he who waits for the But there are all too many time of trouble takes another youthful Seventh-day Advent- risk equally as great when he ists who expect to witness for forgets that even though his life Christ in the courts of the be spared, yet his character may world, or to endure great hard- become so firmly established, so ship, or to die for their King, molded by everyday life, that but who in the meantime are it cannot be changed overnight, living any way they choose. as it were. He may have gone Their test is coming, they so far that he cannot come back reason. They are waiting for —when trouble descends. "the time of trouble." Why Then there ,is a second peril does it matter how they live akin to the first. It is in being now? And therein lies the first prepared for the great test, yet peril. all unready for the smaller test Life is short. But it is easy that may be chosen to decide to forget that life is also un- our eternal destiny. certain. And for that reason, if A little girl was being pre- for no other, one who waits for pared for baptism. Again and the time of trouble to show his • again she was asked whether loyalty to the Saviour who died she was willing to die for Jesus. to .redeem Him, takes too, great She was impressed, as only a a risk. child can be impressed, with the A young man drifts away fact that being a Seventh-day frOm God. He works seven Adventist might even mean days a week—just till things get death to her. (Turn to page 14) SIR NOEL PATON. ARTIST r 11-IE young people of the Potomac "0 Jesus, Lord and Saviour, side of her beloved, and lay a cold, Conference were enjoying their I give myself to Thee; icy hand upon his brow. For Thou, in Thy atonement, very first Youth's Congress. Co- Didst give Thyself for me; That father sleeps in "the blessed lumbia Hall of Washington Mission- I own no other Master, hope" of a soon-coming Saviour and ary College was full to overflowing My heart shall be Thy throne, a resurrection morning; that daughter with six hundred and more of them. My life I give, henceforth to live, weeps in desolate despair. She needs There was a well-trained choir, and 0 Christ, for Thee alone." Jesus, and knows it, but—she has lost an orchestra that knew its instru- Him ! ments and its music; also there was E do need Jesus, don't we? an artist at the piano, and a chorister Everywhere and all the time ! ND we need Jesus in "the sun- stood before us who is a past master W For isn't He our Saviour? shine hour" just exactly as much at leading congregational music in A A bit from history tells how the as we do "when the storm clouds such a way as to bring out the best in great Pompey, as conqueror of Asia, lower." But how often we forget expression and fervor. And what was reviewing his victorious troops. Him when things are going smoothly, were they singing? The wife of Tigranes was among the when good health is abundant, and "I need Jesus! I need Jesus !"—the captives taken. As others pressed in when trouble isn't—troubling us ! words echoed and reechoed through to get a sight of the victorious Roman We grow careless about daily, per- the auditorium and gallery and out general, Tigranes approached him, sonal, thoughtful study of His word; into the brilliant autumn sunshine. and as, the leader of the vanquished careless about unhurried, earnest, "I need Jesus ev'ry day; • heart-to-heart prayer. Oh, true Need Him in the sunshine hour, host- offered ten thousand talents -to Need Him when the storm clouds low'r ; redeem his beloved wife. The gold enough we read each Morning Watch Ev'ry day along my way, was accepted. Later others lauded text—read over the words, that is ! Yes, I need Jesus." the graciousness and mercy of Pom- And true enough wg say a bit of a pey, and she was asked what she prayer—just a bit—for in the morn- "I1TOU know, I believe in Seventh- thought of him, for as a royal hostage ing we're in such a rush to get where day Adventist youth. They are she had been close to his throne as we're going, and at night we're so the finest, cleanest, highest-aiming the mighty legions marched in his sleepy ! group in all the world. In fact, they honor. "Why," she answered in sur- But this is just the time above all are not merely a group—taken all to- prise, "I did not see him !" "Where others when we really need Jesus to gether they are an army marching were your eyes?" they questioned. help us keep alertly on guard against loyally and steadfastly heavenward "Upon him who said he would give Satan's temptations. And really no under the bloodstained banner • of ten thousand talents for my ransom— pleasure is so truly enjoyable as that Prince Immanuel. my husband, Tigranes." which He blesses, and which He Of course there are some who don't How much more should our eyes shares. ring just exactly true to the principles be so intently fixed upon the One who If you can't ask Jesus to go with of the third angel's message, but they has given His own life for our ran- you on this picnic, or to that social are few compared with the mighty som—your personal Saviour, and evening, or to the concert or lecture army of advent youth who have real mine—Jesus ! or wherever you go for recreation convictions about what is right and and enjoyment, then something is wrong! Either with you, or with what is wrong, who believe that the E need Him in sorrow—O, how the place you are going or the thing Bible is the inspired word of God, sorely we need Him then! I'm that the Spirit of prophecy has been W you are doing ! You need Jesus to thinking this moment of a very dear given us as an inspired commentary help you get a different viewpoint, friend, who was reared in a Seventh- on that word, who have accepted a true perspective of what are really day Adventist home and school atmos- good times. Jesus Christ as their own, personal phere, but who has slipped out into Saviour. the world. Suddenly, not long ago, And listening just now I heard the her idolized father was stricken with friend o' mine, we all need consecration of this one battalion. It an incurable malady. Doctor after was a song-dedication, beautifully Jesus—every single solitary one doctor, specialist after specialist, came harmonious in its rendering. No one of us. We simply can't afford to get and left, giving no hope. Then she looking into the faces of those six along without Him, for by doing so went to the pastor of her childhood, hundred singers could doubt that each we miss the best of life. We need and asked him to gather the church 'one meant the words he sang—the Him far more than education, far elders and come in and pray for her theme song of the Congress— more than wealth, far more than father's healing. As they were going position, far more than power and "Living for Jesus a life that is true, into the room, which she refused to Striving to please Him in all that I do, influence or anything else in this old Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and enter during the prayer service, she sin-cursed earth.
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