523 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), 466, 477 1-Propenyl(Vinyl-Methyl), 976 2:4:6 Strategy, 229 2,4-Dichlorophenoxipropionic Acid (

523 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), 466, 477 1-Propenyl(Vinyl-Methyl), 976 2:4:6 Strategy, 229 2,4-Dichlorophenoxipropionic Acid (

Index 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), 466, 477 Abutilon, 767 1-propenyl(vinyl-methyl), 976 Abu Zaccaria, 160 2:4:6 strategy, 229 Abū Zakariyā Yaḥyā ibn Muḥammad, 1266 2,4-dichlorophenoxipropionic acid (2,4-DP), Acacia, 721, 723 183 Acacia baileyana, 440 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 185 Acacia colei, 723 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyloxiacetic acid Academic achievement, 800 (3,5,6-TPA), 183 Academic performance, 772 3-mercaptohexanol, 249 Acanthopanax, 627 5-propyl cysteine sulphoxides, 977 Acanthus, 1208 10:10:24 model, 229 Acclimatation, 1297 ß-carotene, 383 Acclimation, 777, 819, 833 Α-tocopherol, 383 Acclimatization, 777 Β-carotene, 338, 339, 351 Acclimatize, 782 Β-galactosidases (ß-GAL), 118 ACC oxidase (ACO), 117 β-thioglucosidase, 973 Accreditation, 508 β-thioglucosyl, 973 ACC synthase (ACS), 117 βXCarotene, 984 Acer, 627, 697 Acer saccharum, 722 A Acer spp., 437 Aalsmeer, 421, 431 Acetaldehyde, 211, 245 Aalsmeer auction, 782 Acetic acid, 215, 244, 247 ABA-glucose, 980 Acetic/lactic bacteria, 282 ABA metabolites, 980 Acetogenins, 139 Abbotsbury, 716 Acetylcholinesterase, 989 Abies spp., 439, 456 A. cherimola, 140, 141 Abiotic, 830 Achillea spp., 409 Abiotic factors, 974 Acid growth hypothesis, 183 Abiotic stress, 77, 83, 392, 830, 967, 1290 Acidification, 614, 615 Abrasion injury, 752 Acidity, 382 Abscisic acid (ABA), 79, 98, 181, 201, 208 Acid lime, 844 Abscission, 114, 188 A. colei, 723 Abscission process, 188 Acridotheres tristis, 1030 Absenteeism, 771–773 Acrocephalus scirpaceus, 1035 Absolute velocity, 360 Actinomorphic, 408 Absorbance, 330 Activated carbon, 477 G. R. Dixon, D. E. Aldous (eds.), Horticulture: Plants for People and Places, Volume 1, 523 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8578-5, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014 524 Index Active cooling, 361 Aggression, 6, 803 Active ingredient, 506, 610 Aggressiveness, 17 Active lifestyle, 17 Aging, 1047, 1049, 1053 A. cunninghamii, 457 Aglycone, 976 Adam Smith, 794 Agnes Arber, 1220 Adam’s pome, 1273 Agostino Chigi, 1212 Adansonia digitata, 723 Agostino Gallo, 1257, 1270, 1272, 1276 Added value, 10 Agrarian reform, 1147 Addis Ababa, 718 Agribusiness, 1124, 1146, 1151, 1153, 1155, Adelaide, South Australia, 680 1157 Adenosine signaling cascade, 980 sectors of, 1153 Adhatoda vasica, 721 supply chains of, 1155 Adipocytes, 986 system, 1140, 1150–1152, 1154, 1155, differentiation of, 986 1163 Adiposity levels, 986 Agricultural development, 1126 Adrenal glands, 984 Agricultural economies, 727 Adult phase, 104 Agricultural education, 1129 Adventitious embryony, 113 Agricultural environments, 1066 Advertising, 641 Agricultural extension, 1118 Advisory service model, 1129 Agricultural Extension Service, 1125 Aechmea fasciata, 768 Agricultural knowledge, 1158 Aegiphila, 720 Agricultural land, 713 Aeneas, 1261 Agricultural lands and soils, 513 Aeneid, 1261 Agricultural movement, 863 Aerating the soil, 1033 Agricultural producers, 1147 Aeration, 376, 386 Agricultural productivity, 1140–1143, 1148 Aerial photography, 703 Agricultural runoffs, 724 Aerial pollutants, 773, 778 Agricultural science and horticultural science, Aerodynamic resistance, 366 1124 Aeroponics, 378 Agricultural services, 1149 Aesthetic, 650, 698, 732, 767, 773, 1272 Agriflor, 416 awareness of, 1005 Agrifood industry, 1143 Aesthetic benefits, 694 Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 232, 636 Aestivation, 834 Agroecology, 613 Afghan farmers, 723 Agroforestry, 127, 713 Afghanistan, 1243 Agroforestry Food Security Programme, 841 AFLP markers, 304 Agroforests, 724, 841 Africa, 17, 84, 124, 264, 267–270, 274, Agronomic risk, 753 282–285, 287, 289, 419, 438, 440, 455, Agrostis, 737 471, 606, 608, 662, 708, 715–718, 721, Agrostis capillaris, 734, 739 723, 733, 798, 820, 1173, 1175, 1176, Agrostis stolonifera, 733, 734, 737, 739, 741 1181, 1182 Agrotis segetum, 834 African cassava mosaic virus, 1182 Air, 507 African cocoa, 285 Air bag presses, 240 African forest products, 273 Air density, 366 African locust bean, 717 Air-filled porosity (AFP), 456 African Plant Protection Organization, 1181 Airflow, 225, 235, 360 African tulip tree, 803 Air flow rate, 357 African Union, 1181 Air freight, 427, 428, 507, 519, 520 After-ripening, 623 Airfreighted, 507, 520 Age of Enlightenment, 679, 1278 Airfreighting, 428 Age-related neuronal declines, 988 Air heaters, 344 Index 525 Air humidity, 355, 356 All’s Well that Ends Well, 1247 Air pollution, 1047, 1060, 1075 Allyl (methyl-vinyl 2-propenyl), 977 Airports, 1009 Almassora, 166 Airport terminals, 768 Almeria, 367 Air quality, 765, 773, 774, 797, 1058–1061, Almeria-Spain, 346 1075 Almond (Prunus amygdalus), 99, 101, 109, Air specific heat, 366 110, 289, 605, 973, 1259, 1270 Air temperature, 344, 346, 348, 353, 819, 822, Almond (Prunus dulcis), 289 843 Alpha-carotene, 119 Air transport, 420 Alpha-linoleic acid, 966 Air transportation, 426 Alphand, 679 Air velocity, 329, 357, 359, 360, 367 Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene (ATBC), 980 Ajowan (Ptychotis ajowan), 648 Alpine flora, 804 Alaska, 303 Alpine tundra, 439 A. lawrencella, 436 Alstroemeria pelegrina, 409 Albania, 198 Alstroemerias, 409 Albedo, 161, 162, 168, 185–187, 190 Alternaria brassicae, 828 Albumin, 984 Alternaria brown spot, 166 Alcea rosea, 409 Alternate bearing, 177 Alcohol, 120, 215, 244, 247 Alzheimer’s disease, 267, 1054 Alcohol content, 210 Amazon, 270, 285 Aldehyde, 120, 251 Amazon basin, 267, 270, 284, 438, 442 Alder, 716, 1186 Amenity Aldrovandi, 1270, 1271 and environmental, 13 Alexander the Great, 160, 649 grasses, 13 Alexander von Humboldt, 441 grasslands, 13, 732, 734, 736, 752 Alfalfa, 217, 839, 1303 horticulture, 702, 788, 1119, 1120, 1122, Algae, 514, 1033 1123, 1235 Algeria, 166 or ornamental horticulture, 1119 Ali al-Masudi, 160 plants, 446, 456 Alien, 829 America, 124, 134, 135, 139, 264, 270, 282, Alien insect, 1175 283, 412, 439, 648, 649, 661, 683, Alien invasive species (AIS), 1172, 1174 821, 1173, 1176, 1206, 1219, 1258, Alien invertebrate, 1175 1289–1291, 1293, 1302, 1303 Alien pests, 1174 America irrigation technology, 1302 Alien species, 519, 837, 1175 American Dietetic Association, 91 Alien terrestrial invertebrates, 1175 American Fruit Grower, 1239 A Life Cycle Assessment, 509 American fruit industry, 1290 Alkaloids, 650, 656, 967, 981 American Heart Association, 1050 All-America Selection (AAS), 415 American Horticultural Society, 1236 Allelopathic compounds, 750 American Horticultural Therapy Association, Allergenicity, 116 799 Alliaceae, 987 American mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum), Alliums, 823, 976–978, 981, 987, 1234 650 Allocation of resources, 840 American Phytopathology Society, 1239 Allocation patterns, 838 American Robin (Turdus migratorius), 1033 Allometric relationships, 222 American Rose Society, 1236 Allo-octoploid, 304 American Social Science Association, 678 Allotment, 954, 962, 1001 American Society for Horticultural Science Allotment gardening, 682, 1012, 1123 (ASHS), 1077, 1239 All Saints Day, 415 American tropics, 720 Allspice, 649 Amerigo Vespucci, 1219 526 Index Amillaria spp., 231 Anthropocene, 801 Amino acids, 76, 210–213, 215, 249, 383, 627 Anthropomorphic interpretations, 1027 Amino-N, 213 Anthurium spp., 418, 453 Amira, 308 Anthus pratensis, 1035 Ammonia fertilizers, 1298 Antibacterial properties, 977 Ammonia (NH3), 457, 611, 614, 773, 1298, Antibiotics, 661 1299 Anticancer, 650 Ammonium (NH4 + ), 213, 215 Anticarcinogenic, 981, 988 Ammonium nitrogen, 1300 Anti-establishment activism, 865 Ammonium sulphate, 1300 Antifungal properties, 978 Amormorphallus paeoniifolius, 408 Anti-inflammatory, 981 Amphibians, 835, 1026, 1027, 1031 responses, 982 A. muricata, 140 Antimicrobial, 981 Amyloid β peptide, 988 Antimutagenic, 981 Anacardiaceae, 147 Antiobesity, 981 Anacardium occidentale, 289 Antioxidants, 76, 382, 383, 970, 978, 979, Anaerobic digester (AD), 476 981–983, 990, 1241 Analgesics, 771, 981 activity, 843, 982 Anchorage, 698 capacity, 970, 980, 982, 983 Andes, 439 content, 846 Andrea del Verrocchio, 412 effect, 982 André Le Nôtre, 674, 1202, 1278 enzyme, 985 Androecium, 141 Antioxidative capacity, 383 Anemone, 412 Antirrhinum majus, 408 Angelonia angustifolia, 454 Anti-transpirants, 186, 633 Angola, 438 Antitumoral, 981 Anicius Olybrius, 1218 Anti-tumoral properties, 987 Anigozanthos spp., 436 Antroposophic, 863 Animal Assisted Activity, 1015 Antroposophism Movement, 862 Animal drugs, 867 Antroposopism, 862 Animal Feed, 715 Ants, 751, 1033 Animal waste, 1145 Ant species, 1175 Animal welfare, 1146 Anxiety, 1013 Anlage, 206 Anxiety disorders, 1007 Anne de Bretagne, 1219 APETALA1 (AP1), 105 Annona, 140, 142, 143 Aphid-borne viruses, 309 Annonaceae, 139, 141 Aphids, 232, 306, 751, 832–834, 846, 847, Annual bedding, 443 1300 Annual crops, 613 Aphid-vectored viruses, 832 Annual of Sicilian Agriculture, 1296 Apical dominances, 99, 102 Annuals, 837 Apical meristem, 102, 103 Annuals cornflower, 1032 Apiculture, 721 Anoxia, 376 Apis mellifera, 146, 180 Antheraxanthin, 338 Apocarotenoids, 980 Anthesis, 98, 113 Apomixis, 109, 113 Anthochaera chrysoptera, 1032 Apoplast, 381 Anthocyanidins, 119 Apoplastic, 209 Anthocyanin, 119, 165, 176, 212, 219, 236, Apoptosis, 981 245, 250, 251, 307, 315, 351, 970 Apospory, 113 Anthony and Cleopatra, 1247 Apothecaries, 1235 Anthracnose, 231, 845 Appalachian Mountains, 722 Anthraquinones, 650 Appellation, 200 Index 527 Apple, 1234, 1235 Arginine, 209, 211, 215 Apple (Malus domestica), 99, 100, 101, 109, A. rhodanthea, 436 111, 112, 114, 118–120, 198, 235, 289, Arid, 381 344, 428, 474–476, 605, 613, 626, 822, Arid climates, 778 831, 844, 845, 850,

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