W ednesday, April 20, 1949 Volume VIII. No. 15 NORTHWEST NAZARENE COLLEGE, NAMPA, IDAHO Fowler Wins Prexy Post Farrand Concedes Election Today; Student Preaching Mission Week SLA'ADP to Present | Stranger Passes- To Run for Vice President May 6 Calls Forth Best in Preachers Friday, April 29th Don Farrand today conceded the associated student body presi­ Milton Gardiner, Chapel, Mon­ dency to his opponent, Fred Fowler. In a prepared statement Farrand SLA-ADP co-society play, “A day. Oasis Goes to Press asserted, “Looking at the great landslide for Fred I feel that it is a Paul Beaver, Chapel, Tuesday. Stranger. Passes/’ will be pre­ definite indication of what the student body desires, and because I Floyd Perkins, Chapel, Wed­ Going to press of the Oasis was sented April 29 with an afternoon want to be in full accord with the wishes of the student body I am and an evening perforihance in nesday. revealed by Floyd Perkins, editor conceding the election, Ken Sulston, 7:30 p. In., Wed- of this year’s publication. “Pres­ tbe College chapel. ‘Even from last spring we Could feel the trend towards Fred as , ‘A Stranger Passes” is an ordin­ nesday. • ent, plans call for delivery of the -^tudent body prexy coming. Cer- Jerald Johnson, Chapel, Thurs- book to . us about May 21,” he ary story of an ordinary Ameri­ ^ tainly Fred is the man for the job can family who seem to have a • day. said, ‘and we plan to present it to * and as a member of the student Jack- Hawthorne, Chapel, Fri­ the student body about May 27. weakness for getting in trouble. 3 bdy I feel that we should back It is a play with a moral cloaked day. lim to the fullest extent for a Roy Green, 7:30 p. m , Satur- with the garb of ^entertainmeiit,” successful year at NNC in 1949- said Miss Norman Kostello and - day. 50.” Richard JaCksota, 7:30 p. m., Hamon to SpeakMiss Jean Kirkpatrick, SLA and A junior, Fowler has served as ADP progreun chairmen. Sunday. student body vice president d\ir- Above is outlined the schedule At Jr.-Sr. Banquet A set of new flats and a set of ihg the past year and wiU take lor student preaching mission stairs which have recently been over the new post with consider­ Dr. M. T. Hanon of the College purchasfed as common property able experience in administrative which is to be held this year from of Idqho will present the main April 25 to May 1, inclusive. for all four societies will be used positions. He has served as N club address to those in attendance at for the first time in this play. prexy, was president of the sopho­ This preaching mission was first the annual junior-senior banquet inaugurated three years ago and Committee chairmen, one from more class and of the Olympian Friday evening, April 22. The ADP’s and one from SLA’s, are: society and was captain-elect for at that time was called Religious dinner wiU be held in the Crystal Emphasis week. This year the Stage committee, Lloyd Hubbard this year’s Crusadeis cage squad ballroom of the Hotel Boise. -and Dutch Goehring; makeup, but was forced to relinquish the name has been changed to Reservations for the banquet Preaching Mission w ^k. It fea­ Ken Sulston, Ruby Feltar; pro­ post because of the heavy pres­ may be made until 3 o’clock to­ gram, Jpanita Stanton, Pat John­ sure of other actiAdties. tures members of the faculty who day in the hall of the adminis­ preach during the first semester son; props, Juanita Mink and Fowler Accepts Position tration building: The banquet Doris (/ameron. of the school year, and members theme, kept secret imtil Friday In accepting the position Fow­ of the student body preaching the evening, will be unveiled at that ler said: “Indeed, this is the great­ est honor which I have ever re- second semester. time. Corlett to Speak Faculty preaching mission the f ’-owk^.-aewly elected A. At the ® ceived. X deeply appreciate this m t u i ^ Profes’Mts fe. B. ptesident, VnU be the eve- zarene Young People’s society vote .of confidence and the trust Guy Sharp, LaMont Lee, Roy ning^s toastmaster, and ihusic will convention to be held from April BealFto Speak which you. the student body, have R ay,Jam es Hilliard, L. Wesley be in charge of Mrs. AHine Swan. 28 to 30, inclusive, at Los An­ placed in'm e, I also appreciate Johnson, Mallalieu A. Wilson, geles, Dr. Lewis T. Cotlett, as At FMB Breakfast the faithful work of those who* campaigned for me, and the fine Harold J. Hart, and James P. special Speaker, wiU speak on the The Rev. Prescott Beals, super­ spirit of the other nominees. I es­ McGraw. - Bretddost Planned theme of “Christ and Personali­ intendent of the Nazarene mission ' Professor McGraw and the Rev. pecially appreciate the spirit in To highlight their first year of ty.” This is a part of a larger gen­work in India, will address mem­ Riley are in charge Of selecting which Don copc^gd the election, progress the Scriblerus club is eral theme entitled “Jesus Is bers of the NNC foreign mission the special student speakers for ‘Fve tried; to refrain from mak­ planning a breakfast on April 30. Able.” band Saturday morning at their this occasion. “It is certainly ing any specific promises for next Definite arrangements have not Dr. (/prlett has just returned annual breakfast in Morrison hall. hard to choose the eight out of all year so I would not have to eat been made, but there will be an from an extensive tour of the The breakfast will bring to a the fine students that are avail­ my words. However, I have made outside speaker who wiU speak northwest with the a cappeUa close this year’s meetings of the able,” they said. on ^ m e special interest in the choir in which he represented the several to myself and am already band. The group has been meet­ thinking about and planning for English field. interests of the school. ing each Thursday evening for a next year. I realize that a lot of All-SchUol Play time of study and fellowship, for hard work accompanies the honor all those called to the mission of being student body president Never Too Young to Learn! field and for those interested in but stand ready to do my best. Cast Selected world-wide missions. Responsibility Great Charles George’s “Little Shep­ Included among the guest Why Not Start Now? speakers during the year, have “The responsibility is great, but herd of Kingdom Come” has been after all it is not my responsibili­ chosen for the all-school play. It been the Youth for Christ repre­ There is something going on on tian for a young man bn this sentative from China, Dr. Ken­ ty but my response to His ability. is based on the famous novel by our campus that I do not like one I know that with God’s help and John Fox, Jr., who also wrote campus to play with the hearts of neth P. Wesche of China, Rev. bit. I wish we could do something girls as though he were playing Prescott Beals of India, Mrs. Mich­ the cooperation of the student “The TraU of the Lonesome Pine.” about it. Let a yovmg man date a with marbles. ael Varro and Guilford Fitz of body with the student coimcil we The lead of Chad (the little girl once, twice, and the crowd can have, one of the best years shepherd) is played by Clarence Nor is it sportsmanlike to at­ China. comments, ‘Oh, oh, they-ve got it tend all campus functions “stag,” Officers for the F. M. B. for NNC has ever had.” Peterson. Chad comes purely by bad.” At a third date, the com­ In the primary balloting Fow­ accident to live in the aristocratic glorying in the fact that you are the past year have been Pat Da­ ment is, “Got your invitations a bachelor. I think any man stu­ vis, president; Jim Wolstenhohn, ler had polled a clear cut major­ home of a Kentucky major. His printed?” I caU that a tragedy. ity over his three rivals, gaining hill bUly personality which dent who attends a social fimction vice president, and Paul Beals, Am I “off the beam?” Or am Iby himself should be charged four secretary. Dan Jackson was chos­280 voids to 71 for Farrand, 50 clashes with his new environment really putting my finger on some­ for Pete Burkhart and 34 for is the basis of the plot. Opposite times the initial cost. Nobody is en by the band to serve as presi­ thing? What do you say we devel­ asking you to marry, but to play dent of the organization during Dave Alexander. Farrand and Chad is Margaret Dean (a very op another attitude here? Here’s Fowler were slated to oppose each beautiful girl who is a daughter the game. If you are an example' 1949-50. something the facidty and admin­ of manhood, you will assume your other in the final election Friday of a good Kentucky family and istration can’t do. It’s something but Farrand’s concession elimin­ responsibility here. also in love with Chad), Roma that only you can do. , ates further presidential ballot­ Mitchell; Richard Hunt (Margar­ Another thing I find ridiculous. A girl finishes college and goes to ASB Presidents ing.
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