HPS Form 10-900 P /' OM6 No. 1024-0018 ,oct.~wo, VLR- 8/2gla5 /URHP-1O\4;45 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES REGISTRATION FORM This form IS for use In nominating or requesting determinaliom for individual properties and disuers. See ~ns~uct~onsin How to Complete the Natio~lRepister of Historic Places Re istration Fwm (Natiod Register Bulletin 16A). Complete each irem by marking 'x' in the apprqrlate box or by enterme, the informallon requested. If any Item das not appiv to the property being documented. enter 'NIA. ir 'no1 applicable.' Fw funniom, architectural classificauon. materials. and area of sign~ficam.enter only calegortes and subcategories from the ~wuuct~orn.Place additional enules and narrarlve Items on conunuauon sheers (NPS Form 10-5%~). Uscafypewritcr, wad processor. or computer. lo complete all items. ............................................................................... 1. Name of Property ............................................................................... historic name Bridge at Falling Creek other names/site number VDHR File No. 20-135 ............................................................................... 2. Location ............................................................................... street & numberus 1/301 at Falling Creek not for publication N/A city or town Richmond vicinity N/A state Virginia code VA county Chesterfield code 041 zip code 23234 .............................................................................. 3. State/Federal Agency Certification .............................................................................. As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1986, as amended, I hereby certify that this-x-nomination - request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property x- meets - does not meet the National Register Criteria. 1 recomnend that this property be considered significant - nationally - statewide -x- locally. ( - See continuation sheet for additional comnents.) Virginia Department of Historic Resources State or Federal agency and bureau In my opinion, the property - meets - does not meet the National Register criteria. ( - See continuation sheet for additional comnents.) Signature of comnenting or other official Date State or Federal agency and bureau .............................................................................. 4. National Park Service Certification .............................................................................. I, hereby certify that this property is: - entered in the National Register See continuation sheet. - firmined el!gible for the National Register See continuation sheet. - dFErmined not eligible for the National Register - removed from the National Register - other (explain): Signature or Keeper uate of Action -.------ -c rarr~nuCreek Chesterfield Countv. Virainia ---------I=====I==I=P=IIE=E=E===I=====================================================--*== - - - - - - - 5. Classification ...................................................................... ------l=i=I=l==l=I=== 3wnership of Property (Check as many boxes as apply) - grivate - public-local :ategory of Property (Check only one box) - bullding (s - district - site -x - structure - object >:umber of Resources within Property Contributing Noncontributing 0 0 buildings -1- -0- sites -1- -0- structures -1- --0- - objects ---3- --3 Totai :Iumaer- of contrlbutlng resources previously listed in the National .-sglster -0 - same of related multiple property listing (Enter "N/AU if property is not part of a multiple property listing.) N/ A ----------======================================================================---------- 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Cat: TRANSPORTATION Sub: Road-related (vehicular)- RECREATION AND CULTURE Outdoor recreation Zurrent Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Cat: RECREATION AND CULTURE Sub: Outdoor recreation -------------------------EEEE==t================s===========a====== 7. Description D===l===l=======I==P========l==========E=====~===a============s================== Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions) NO STYLE yaterials (Enter categories from instructions) foundation walls LUVL other -STONE: granite ~arrativeDescription (Describe the historic and current condition of the property on one or more continuation sheets.) -- Chesterfield Couatv, Virsinia ------===---------==--- --------- ---I------------------=======----- ............................................ ------------------ 8. Statement of Significance Awlicable Nationel Register Criteria (Mark "x" in one ormore Criteria Cmsiderations (nark "Xm in all bores tbt wly.) >ores for the crrterta qualrfying the properry for Nat~onat the 7eglsrer listing) - .i lnwrrd b~ r rccbgw irswutwn a lura tar rrizglau p-. ..- h P?op"" I. u3ocl.u w,lh awnu Vuc lux Mar r r,g.ilcr. conolbvilon ro chr broad wtsrru - 11 irmovcd *om lo orlglrvl la.llon. IOI UUr "lllrn - c- a blrlhplw an errrr - 9 nmn* u vwr~alldwllh lhc ims or amam renrtiunc n au pmi. - D r rrme(ery. .r- C Frwm cmmdlu m. dlst~rr~lncluncwnucr ai trp. pr,,rn. or rn~lhoda, iorsvucoon nr rsmnnih rakall WE.. w -.a hleh m,sm mi.,. or rrpresenu r r#go~dua - i 1 rccorsmncd bulldlng, m,st a ,,ram. .,Ed dirllwuh-blr cnilR vhcs. mmprrm lick ,nd*ldU disc,muon. - r d cammmnuvr P.~.,". - !J Pax- ru. r8clded. w 81 liblr #arlclo mntnrmi~onlmwunc in prthlsca~YC hlscuy. - G lhln ia yuil M a sxenltl~ncr vllhln ih w -. Areas of Significance tEnrer categories from instructionsj -TRANSPORTATION -ENGINEERING 2er:oa cf Significance -ca. 1823-1941 =:an:f<cant-, - Dates -ca.1823 193 1- 1934-- Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above) N/ A Cultural Affiliation N/A Architect/Builder -Carter, William Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the significance of the property on one or more continuation sheets.) .................................................------------------- 9. Major Bibliographical References ------------------------------I===----------------------- -----------------------======================================= (Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form on one or more continuation sheets.) Previous docunentation on file (NPS) Primary Location of Additionat Data - preliminary determination of individual listing (36 CFR 67) - State Historic Preservation Office has been requested. -x - Other State agency - previously listed in the National Register - Federal agency - previously determined eligible by the National Register Local government - designated a National Historic Landmark - University - recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey U - Other - recorded by Historic American Engineering Record #- Name of repository: Virginia Department of Transportation Chesterfield Countv, Viruinia =====E===E=P=====P======l=========p===============================-mmmm=s==== 10. Geographical Data Acreage of Property -2.5 acres - UTM References ?lace zidlt~onalUTM references zn a contlnuatlcn sheet) Zone "astlzg Norchlng Zone Zastlng Northing 1 18 284180 4146210 2 3 'z - See continuation sheet Verbal Boundary Description Zescrlbe the boundar~esof the property on a contlnuatlon sheet.) Boundary Justification Zxp-aln why the boundar~eswere seiected on a contlnuatlon sheet. ================================================================================= 11. Form Prepared By ----------------............................................................................... ----- narne!title James Christian Hill orqanization- Virginia Dept. of Historic Resources- date -April 1995- street & number-221 Governor Street telephone -804-786-3143- clty or town- Richmond state-VA- zip code 23219- .................................................................................. Additional Documentation =====5=I=E=E==============l=t===l=O=E==========================================s======= Subrmt rhe iollow~ngitems wlth the completed fon: Continuation Sheets Maps 4 USGS map (7 5 or 15 mlnure sene11 lnd~canngthe properry'r locatton < sketch map tor hlsronc dihtncu and propemer having large acreage or numerous resources Photographs Representarlve black and whtre phorasraphs oi the propew Additional items (Check with the SHPO or FPO for any additional items) ================================================================================= Property Owner ......................................................................... ----------------------------------------=========== icomplete this item at the request of the SHPO or FPO.) nameititle David R. Gehr, commissioner--WOT street & number-1221 East Broad Street telephone city or town- Richmond state-VA- zip code -23219- ================================================================================== Paprnnk Wwtm Act Smumm: ThV m)armuon 13 b.2~calirclrd fawi8una~ to ih. ~aumlRcguvr ofHvv.r PI- to rnrnlm. prwniu la listlw or dterrnsrr ci~g#b#l~iyfa itsllq. la Inlpr-. d road crucmq isunp. Re- ro du rrwr b remud roc6mln a ternill m -dam v~rh~r NZ~W ~umr~ese-an AC~,rr -&A (16 U.S.C. 470 srq.). ~ru~nd~dn sum: mri r-q hdnfa du fam u uum~o amge 18.1 hau. RS- mm~u1mq~r t,m fa rey,c~lnq,rmM., 81~rlq a mmmtdng dam. d-ldw d rrnolq ue 6am. Olrccl ommnu irgudll.
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