PUBLISHED WITH THE SPECIAL SANCTION OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , M.W. GRAND MASTER OF ENGLAND. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ABERCORN , M.W. GRAND MASTER OF IRELAND. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF HADDINGTON , M.W. GRAND MASTER OF SCOTLAND, AND THE GRAND MASTERS OF MANY FOREIGN LODGES. LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , iC AND I 6A , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS , W.C. 1893. THE FREEMASON. INDEX TO VOL. XXIX. A Growing Evil , 76 B IRT H - * , M ARRIAGES , ASH D EATHS .— Dalhousie Lod ge, No. G39, Mussoorie , Si C RAFT L ODGES (continued) — 91, 109 Freemasonry in Malta , 239 1140 Ashton , 90 Good Will Lodge No. , Port Elizabeth .gi 1158 Southern Star , 31 ' , 711 An Oration , 7, Blue Sunlight on Bro . McCalla s Coffin , 47 Installation ot Lord Jersey as Grand Master 1168 Benevolence , 71 Board of Benevolence , 100, Address by C. C. Wolcott , " Fraternity 4., 144, 193, N.S.W., 101 1178 Perfect Ashlar , iSS Broadens a Man ," 101 257, 2?9> 3°9 Masonic Dinner , at Simla , of the Himalayan 1194 Villiers, 178 Bro . Watson 's Lectures , ,, „ J. Ross Robertson , 107 309 Brotherhood Lodge , No. 459, 67 1214 Scarboroug h, 282 A LLIED M ASONIC D EGREES — | ,. Service at St. George 's Cathedral , 1223 Amherst , 122 122 Stour Valley, S Garnett Council , Cape Town , 59 4 244 193 ' Duke of Edinburg h 226 Matier Council (T.I.), 2S3 Phcenix Lodge , No. 1 S60, Simon s Town , 91 1259 , 1S9, /*~*aution, a, 218 1260 J ohn Hervey, 1S9 Metropolital Council (T.I.), 35, 71 , 144 Transvaal Lodge , No. 1 747, Pretoria , 71 1287 Great Northern , Prince Edward Council (T.I.), 100 United Grand Lod ge of New South Wales, 215 Centenary of the Ancient Union Lod ge, No. 101 1302 De Warren , 44 A NCIENT AND ACCEPTED R ITE (R OSE 203. 87 1313 Fermor , C RAFT L ODGES — 34 C KOIX ) — „ „ „ Lod ge of Fidelity,|No. 2S9, 1319 Asaph , 242 3 Mount Calvary Chapter , 4(1, 269 179 13 Union Waterloo , 55 1326 Lebanon , 142 10 Invicta Chapter , 205 I „ „ „ Love and Honour Lodge , 45 Strong Man , 17 6, 242 1329 Sphinx , 230 23 Hilda Chapter , 239 I No. 2S5, 213 4S Industry, 202 1332 Unity, 177 97 Rose and Lil y Chapter , 2G9 j „ „ „ Samaritan Lod ge, No. 2S6, 51 Angel , 217 '343 St. J ohn , 21 , 70 60 Peace and Harm ony, 20 tot Adoniram Chapter , 192 j '93 . , 44, 225 '345 Victoria , 202 107 Shadwell Clerke Chapte r, 231 I „ „ „ Unanimity Lod ge, N0.2S7, 90 Moira , 304 1347 Lome, 203 ' 10S De Carteret Chapter , .59 '37 9S St. Martin s, 56, 100, 155, 266, 306 135S Torbay, 167 • 124 High G reenwood Chapter , Si ! Church Parade at Devonport , 205 100 Friendship, 217, 307 1362 Royal Albert Edward , 131 , 320 Annual Meeting ot the Supreme Council , j Committee of Management , R.M.B.I., 77 101 Temp le, iSS, 226 13G 7 Beaminster Manor , 191 ° 119 Sun , Square , and Compasses , 33 . " 79 , ,. , v, 34 '375 Architect , 22S Consecration of the \ ictory Chapter , No, CON'SECK.VT 1 UN'S— 141 Faith , 16G , 226, 2S0 1379 Marquess of Ri pon , 2S2 126, 2.. _ Craft Lodges. 144 St. Luke 's, 305 13S1 Kennington , 200, 252, 305 Ancient and Accepted Rite , 7 6 Anderida , No. 2434, 210 149 Peace , 19! 1385 Gladsmuir , 1G 7, 21G , 2G6 Downshire , Nn. 2437, 1O7 St. John ' s, 17G Anglican Church and Freemason s. Si 135 1390 WhitwelhSo Ecclesburne , No. 2425, 12G 1S9 Sinceritf, Anniversary Festival (94th) R.M.I , for 44 1402 Jordan , 143 Faith , No. 243S, 213 192 Lion and Lamb , 2S0 Boys, 1 1415 Campbell , 57 Gracedieu , No. 242S , 275 20 . Ancient Union, S7 1416 Falcon , 29G A NNUAL C I ' LEHUATIONS — Hamp den , No. 2427, 3S 230 York , 26S 1421 Langthorne , 1G7 King-ley, No. 210 ' Banquet of the Log ic Club , 2 .3 | 2431, 241 Merchants , 33 1425 H yde Park , 2G5 Dinner of the Holmesdale Lod ge of Instruc- ' Minerva , No. 2433, 127 242 St. George ' s, 32, 17S, 22S, 294 142G Great City, 176 Noel, No. G Yarborough , tion , No. S74, 29 ! 2444, 19 244 57 1437 Liberty of Haveri ng, 33 „ „ " Old Masonians. 2y Reseaich , No. 2429, 235 249 Mariners , 33 1471 Islington , 1S9 Runn ymede , No. , Unanimity, Excursion of the John Hervey Lodge , No. j 2430 65 2.S7 137, 295 1482 Isle of Axholme , 32, So, 131 , 22S, 2S2 12G0, S7 Sir Walter Raleigh , No. 243 2, G5 2S9 Fidelity, 179 14S9 Marquis of Ri pon , 176 Festival of the Langton Lod ge of Instruction , | „ „ (Oration), 75 317 Affability, 229 1501 Wycombe, 228 .. 22 Wineslai , No. 2435, 171 319 New Forest , 91 1503 Sir Francis Burdett , 204, 2G7 Fourth Annual Masonic Ball of the West 3S2 Royal Union , 1G j Royal Arch Chapters. 7 1512 Hemmin g, 217, 266 Ham Abbey Lodge , No. 2291, 284 3S7 Airedale , 307, 321 1531 Chislehurst , 21, Hutchinson , No. , 161 57, 155 Picnic of the Concord Lodge, No. 1534, 71 I 3S1 403 Hertford , 2G7 1534 Concord , 203, Ja mes Terry, No. 307 „ ,, Doric Lodge , No. 2359, S7 I 2372, 50 442 St. Peter 's, 27 1536 United Military, McKay, No. , 211 70 „ „ Gallery Lod ge, No. 192S , 67 j 1390 445 Fidelity, 167 1547 Liverpool , i Pentalpha, No. 074, 27? 70 ,. St. Martin 's Lodr re , No. oS, 17 459 Himalayan Brotherhood , G7 1551 Charit y, 155 Prudence , No. 20G9, 14 122 Seventh Annual Ball of the Skelmers dale 461 Fortitude , 1558 Duke of Connau ght , 200 Royal Somerset House and Inverness , No. United Pil Lodge , No. 165S, 2S4 4, 507 grims , 154 159 1 Studholm e, 44 Sixth Annual Supper of the Leopold Lod ge 237 , 523 J oh n of Gaunt , 21 1607 Loyalt y, 140 of Instruction , No. 1571 , 2S3 Sel wy n , No. 1901 , 1S3 639 Dalhousie , 8i 1611 Eboracum Shurmur No. 6 , 254 Summer Banquet of the Royal Sussex and , 2374, 27 700 Nelson , 70 1G13 Cri pplegate , 200 St. Clement 's, No. 2442, Southdown Mark Lodges , 109 299 711 Goodwill , 91 1614 Covent Garden , 252 St. Lawrence , No. 2016, „ Entertainment Royal Masonic 85 724 Derby, 32 1619 Sackville, 142 Benevolent Institution , 46, Mark Lodges. 733 Westbourne , 2G4 1622 Rose, 189, 320 Belgrave , 26 „ Outing of the Dalhousie Lodge , Bective , No. 452 , 749 5 1G41 Crichto n, 20, 305 249 Pilgrims , 266 No. SGo. 29 Clarence , No. 447, 172 772 1642 Earl of Carnarvon , 56, 252 Outing of the St. George ' 781 Merchant Navy, 1S8 „ s Lodge , Cr ystal Palace , No. 450, 211 1G56 Wolsey, 21, 143, 202, 267 No. 140 4(1 St. J ohn 's, 22S , Elias de Derham , No. 443, 315 795 16G0 Arlecd on, 32 Outing of the Whittington Lodge , S04 Carnarvon , „ Hampton Court , No. 44S , 149 33 1673 Welcom e, 253 No. S62, 29 Mid-Sussex , No. 28S 823 Everton , 58 1693 Kingslan d, 189 Supper of the Blackheath Lod 449, S29 Sydney, ge of Instruc- i Shropshire , No. 444, 15 5S 1702 Sub-Ur ban , 32 tion , No. 1320, 25(1 834 Ranelagh , 200 1706 Orpheus , 226 Rose Croix Chapter. , ,, Covent Garden Lodge of 859 Isaac Newton (University) , 217 171G All Saints , 227 Instruction Royal Albert Edward 6 , No. 1G14, 4C I Noel Money, 74 906 , 5 1730 Urmsto n, 267, 29G Joppa Lod Pattison , ,, „ ge of Instruction , i Corporation Records , 100 913 45, 320 1743 Persever ance , 130 No. iSS, 30S 917 Cosmopolitan , 242 1745 Farringdo n Without , 16G , 2S0 CR.vrr A IIKOAD — „ „ Kintore Mark Lodge of In- ! 954 St. Aubyn , 32 1747 Transvaal , 71 s ruction , No. 333,4. ] \n Evening with the Grand Master of 972 St. Augustine 's, 2GG 1755 Eldon , 131 Canada , Rose of Denmark Anti quity and Ubi quity of Ma sonry, 6 59 975 , 265 1764 Eleanor Cross , 203 9 Ardvorlich Lod ge, No. 219, Rawal Pindi Alexandra ,, of Freemasonry, 151 , 985 , 191 1765 Trinit y College, 190,11293 Punjab , <j 1 992 St. Thomas , 294 17GG St. Leonard , Arab Masonry, .3 Charles Warre n Lodge 253 " I , No. 1S3 2, Kimberley 1000 Priory, 143, 203, 2G7, 321 17G7 Kensin gton , 141 "Ars Quatuor Co ronatorum , ind I Si ! 1001 Harrogate and Claro , 167, 202, 253,307 1770 Vale of White Hor se, 243, 2S2 Civil and Militar y Lorl ge. No. 726, 239 1010 Kingston , 294 1772 Pimlico , 293 Consecration and Dedication cf the Prov. 103 Portland 7 , 320 1773 Albert Victor , 203, 295, 307 Ballot and Objections, the Grand Royal Arch Chapter 1042 Excelsior , 320 6 1776 Landpor t, 267 7 of the South African Re- 10G9 United Brothers , 267 1 Sir Charles Bright 6 Ban quet to the Earl of Lathom at Liverpool 793 , 191 , 29 , public (S.C), 145 107G Capper , 252 179S Zion, 320 ,. of ihe Faith Lod ge, No. 243S, 1119 St. Bede, 122 1S05 Bromle y St. Leonard ' 26G „ ,, Bro. Sir Sejmour King, 231 , i 213 1134 Newall , 131 , 229, 295 1815 Penge, 191 ODGES (continued) CRAFT L — istory of the Old Dumfries TWTaCalla's Coffin , Bro., 47 ORDER OF THE SECRET M ONITOR— Victoria Park, 227 ,g ,6 Lodge, 238 Grand Council Alliance, H , 30S S27, 44 Mark Benevolent Fund Festival, ,. Festival, iG Shepherd's Bush, 305 Hospital Sunday at Devonport, 205 39 lS2S '* Hug „ Grand Lodge, Zacharie Conclave, 205 .ojg Burrell, 216 han MS.," the, 104 277 9 10 Royal Sussex Conclave, Si \Si2 CharlesWarren , Si M ARK LODGES— ,838 Tudor Rifle Volunteers, 192 , T.I. The Old York, 22, 230 Organ Recital at the Parish Church, Leeds, ,§39 Duke of Cornwall, 130 Grand Stewards, 34 77 Phoenix, 91 T n Praise of Masonry, 67 22 ,S6o 3 Keystone, ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE— ,goo Montague Guest, 176 22 Southwark, 245 ,noi Selwyn, 216 Installation of Earl Radnor as P.G.M.
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