
INSIDE TH IS ISSUE INTERYIEllSI Subul'OS , Fleshtones. •nd 81ff Raffe. Also: ROl'leovoid. Thompson Twins. Psychedelfc f urs. Echo and the B1.1n11ymen, Eui"ythmics and IOre than you can imagine! f • 11 19RA St1l l l.bLotutely FR:([ ·' + +H --.. There's only one station where you can hear Public Image Ltd. Frankie Goes to Hollywood Thompson Tvvins Violent Femmes B illy Idol··'·:. .. Modern English ··;..)V • ,,. • • U~ :, .··.;~)'it".•, .The Alarm Big Cou~t;:~Y ~~'f Peychedelic Furs Romeo \l..ptd · .·~,-<=t ·iJ.. B erlin Split Enz;':'!''~:~; The Damned Elvis Costello .." . INXS Spandau Ballet · The F ixx Howard .Jones The Clash U ltravox REM Dingo Boingo Adam Ant Echo and the Bunnymen A Flock of Seagulls and all your other modern music favorite& 24 hours a day. Request L ine 292-KCGL ....... '""' tllf Ot_\~ ., c:;~ Ot'ri"P.."XIC'"t - ' )lfd1a •lit.a •1 JM ~!NO - 11 Rock ...t111& .......,. •t S,.....11, 11111 w1 ~ k ioru ,,.. JM .,..,, JIM'~· ..,. ,• •,. ,__. • Tiit hh1tftl W.., ••A le!ll' ll6"9Q1.-i •1 C»Urt Ot~ (CM tH tN ..,_,.... tit Of19st.l'J' 1111 11 •1 TU lb)'d "Sl.M Asl"J ttr .,.... ,,.... ' ffllt ''·"'~' lilt .... .,.., fwytMlc.s •t h~t" .,,,. ~, 0.l'MtlM't 1 tr C.U:y ..l'e!l:llOrt "5""\<riM ._, ~ A ......, ti W M Orriffl~ C1-y ~ ltllJ.......,, 1 '"'" "'• krtP'Oel c1v" ,,,, ..,,, OiSCWSMt ...1. 1114 Stll1f .. 1 Q,..fc:le et l.ectl Ktf'lfeott "-09efll"9S ..ttA c.. s111 Ot•POrt • tS Gnve, tlltlr S..lt Ltlt COlltCtrt. Tiit '''°'Jlt1Jti1c J_.. at the fall"°"* by Jo" lr•1 l1 10 by T l lo)'d nie Silb11rt1s ... A rri.rnclly Clllt 18 'Ill tll C11t"1 0.Ytnoort T~t ftio.pSM fli111s at tl!t VOt V - by C11,ts lt..,..11 10 I'• SWned ...l l,ooAI tt Litt 111 111\t 1(i tl! Ot.•lcl l• t~f'Nit 111 °""' S•-'l\lYlfl ,. lorlto•'Ofd at th~ U"OtU ·- l>y Cus.y 01vc11port Pat tletile111 . •.A Profile 11 ~1 Kfi vl5 0.Y1i -··~ " 011 0:11 to'f(l Nltl~tts C~ll;(IA.A!IOll AA~t Olvt s.~tlvttf (11~ ll1v•w1 '•lpt ~t;rNr '"•Ultt lloftt> ..... '''-' "''11151 ..... .. ' • ....,, ~t11 I _ t\ "'"I) l~Htlttl httll't!ll ~,. IMtt pjiet.e .., 1'~1!'" IVf"ltO' (0110. a111r1JlllflliG w:1tetS ~•111111,.. M?QW.lllr., c...1-, 0.·••rt ........., Gri\111•1• llUO-l ~1 I.Ml M:tA Ill.Im llrt (Oii• , .. 1'11•11,-. ···-tl•lJ ,, tl-n M'! •tilt* --:::rQt.rl I l t.,,.. I J-tr•~1 r._, ,,,,. J ..... ' ··· loo; l tMI ~fl l lt-,...11 ~t' f'$9 •r l .....Ult Cl\f, ftalt. MISl "'''' -.1fU>lle5 'Ill ~ GM.. C-t• C..,,t•t ... l.11 ...b ~. DAVID WAKELING and RANKING ROGER hlmterfyof '1ht Eaglislt ...,,. :"\ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8=00 PM KINGSBURY HALL $11 advance $12 day of show Tickets On Sale: Halloween-Wednesday, October 31 a::JSVIC AS!IO!'LA.."l! $1t0K!"l°8 Rt.(X)P.£>$, A t,L OATA 1tX otrrtlT$ ti kJ"RGSWUl\Y HALL R'.t.lCS F"OR LCT1EaS TO TC CDltOlt Ja \efC!l""I .tth Ute rwliri. ef • 11 ,..,~ible publlc•lfel'I'). ""' ~st UWt •11 1etl•t'\ to h COMllE>red fer ••tt:•t*ts nttl tWse l"tqYl,....,.ts: l) SI .. ,our ltlttr. •-"' l)f"11lt yoyr N._.. If J'IMl ' d 111• ,OUT f.llnt wltllflt1d, J~st s•y ~. 2) Yowt" 11dlfre1• •ncl Phone t1i..netr -.,, t N I i.c: 1~ , Of C0111'$C WI -on 't print th1S 1f'lfOrf14tlO 'l•o.Oi!ly Oearest SLAH Readers, •n 1911.or~nt t 1och wo111cJ $loop to such •" •ttock on tnnoc:ent 1'ttders•·l~ Thi s issue ma r ks a buneh of ffrsts for us . The infn wi l l bt u,td onl)' 1oost Pxtitin9 mi ght be that thfs fssuo we've got in­ if i-e 1111v~ o question t\«) Nnd ~ , 11 bout 1011t l eti.cr. terviews w·ith national ly fainous t he Fl esh.. tones and t he Suburbs! Al so , we've started a serf es 3) tetUtl"i l'ltf'Cln ' ~ ~ type<I, on local DJs, this t1me talking with 81ff Raffe from but 1etlbl l lt.1 11 • pl11s. KCGI.. We ' ve incl uded a questtonna1re this tfme . and we're anxious to hear whit you have to say. Jt you want to subsc:rif>e to SLAM. there's• coupon on the reverse of the questionnif re. One thing which his cow to -.y JlUntton tlklt has not bffn iaentio"ed elsM.ere fs this fssue ts tlle sla. dar.c:fng situation. Slamfng fs great ar.d cer-l4ifnly has •n appropriate place fn our socfeey •••but slaming at t'Jode-rn English, Echo and tl\e Bunl\.)'etn, and Rof'.eovoid ~l'tSt CVS~, is NlT app:ropri• te. especially when thOse who had no ! 11...e ln ld.l"O Wllfrt tllf MUSlC S~tlts. f\otrlfOn• llJ t S fn tentton of participating end up being btlted or llal"d rocl. the oc1titr wte• t knocked to the ground. ~t to tlle l\l;clll'I .11t1d fo11f"d Last, and most important. PLEASE vote on November )'O:ur "1.IJ.a il"•· I 1ovt It. 6th. i f you bel !ive ·in wha t Rock Against Reagan stood ilere's $S.OO. c:ou1d )'!Ml ,tnd e-e t l\lbS<:riotlon't for, don't let anything keep you f r om voting. (Espe­ c1a1ly the feel in9 that your vote wo n' t ~~~ea differ­ f lltl'llt tOllS, ence . ) I 'm trustft) g all you SLAM rcoders old enough 11 ikt 811l>cf)(k to vote wi ll do so. Jf you' re ''ot Old enough to vote Jel'07'IP , I 0 and you want to get involved, j ust show up at your favorite candidate's ca~pa fgn headquarters and volun ­ teer. They 'll give you a Job to do, and you 'l l go (D~ r 11i k4: , away knowing that you•ve encouraged someone e l s~ to Th1~ks for Utt 91»d ..or4,. fn, your subi.crlr.ttot\ "'11 vote. I 'II toT XIDDHIS, Tll!S IS IMPORIAITT . !~rt Wltft tlt1S IS,\lt, 0.,r slbs(.riptio• "''' I\ Ot1l1 Sl.00 ;ie.. ,..11r, '°' .,..,.. ,.11 . Love . i"'9 '°"' txt~ t M1~ N t l . l flt~S •')If •. Lo~t, wsey ~~ ' A peaceful. but angry cl"Owd 91-ther.ed Monday~ Septfftlber 3rd In the shade of Sl'!f".phony Hall to unwel cocne Rotten Ronnie upcn his arrival tn Zion. Protestors of all ages--and mustc•l preferenees-·txpressed resentment for Reagan's •~ms policies and in•l'te acttons thit contfnue to cause death and oppression 1n nearly every troubled tountry on t1rth. A trel'f!"ndous toncern for the reduction ard deployMent of nuc1e1r al"as was the prevailtng dtspulf' 4Q01'19 U'los. Pl"tStl't. Ret91in. not surprisingly. chose to ignore the invariable group Just as he dots the llljor1ty of Mtrtcans. This ts pr"tCtsely tht cause fol' t:he •pathetic urtyrdolt ct"eated by today's ex­ asperated youth as a atans of e.xpYesstng despair and helplessness--tM inab;lfty to • change the direct ton we are Maded. Mow dO you appt'Oacb a •super Povfr• 1 ike tl':e PrMfdent of the Unfted St.ates and screa• . •t don't w.1nt to dte '? Would he hear you? 'buld he he1r twenty •t11ion ~rfcan$? Reagan considers thfs ff9ure t.o be an •ac· ceptable• population loss ;n a so-c•lled "'limited• nuclear -ar. On t.he contrtry, Reagan cla111s he canoot condDfte t.he aborting or an unbom fetus. How w111 Ronnte ensure that. of t he twenty mi1 11on Aitertcans ktlled 1n a nucle1r blast, not Ol'le of them is carrying en unborn fetus? Ronald Reagan ts psychOl ogtcal ly unfit for the office of President of the United States. •1e •s not even a good actor anymore , - P~ige fu rner t.JHAT CANVOU !)O 1t> Hf:LP DURING A NUCLE::AR () t-IOLDCAUST l lt .,., • <OllC•t ~~ o• 7,.is 'MIS a sl'IO• wllitr~ It tlW! ~.S •\ S;a*"1 Mtl\ tNt •1c!1''t r-•tt.:r ...eo the N.Ws --re:. tlrg1191'\ fort.ft 1'°N of UCu'' O.st t~t rffSO'l fo.. •tUndl119 .., •t to Wt- .t S"Clllf b<.Jt ~ ore :.ff t UM roc1; !Win. flit Ml'W<" ""11. Ki fPIN f~ Ltf•.,.. Awoe Ctlll"'f, CUrt'Ht P~sidtl\I ~i"i ovr •11 11l•)'ff vittt "'""NI ftnOf'. COUAt.ry. 7iow! eT.,ing 'l(ff\ • .-.­ flfl"ttlem;>;rt. f'O(..lt OJ MiCNt1 '· UDOt.iily •lfld tile 111i1 G1" ptOplt C.v•n•~· Oil« \f'IOW'I •S •,,o.ir ..,,, t rvlJ •'1ol?t"i. Ille poltce 1ftt1e DittY lll40)' wit"I tllit IN.tit •re tller-e i11 force· -S(Jll!I! e\Oen riearc1• -..s ,..•ster of ttrtMnie5. ~1r1~ r fct 9t•r. A.bout SOO­ lOOJ oe~ple ..~~ t.ntrt ilt •r.1 lhe liittrtc•n Le91on llftrt Nvl119 qive!l t11rt and Ult croMCI ch1n9H tllt'lr n•t1on•l conve-11tlol'I in S11 t rate!. tnro;,ii;hout the ddJ . iht Lill.t •rd 111llt le 1o11.~th~; for tl'lt 1d· detton,tratcr~ were 11blct to d~SS by p~,tden~ Rt•9•1'1. tl'ley lll! ~l\ l.l1f1 t h.St f.llll'C $Ort Of eq~.1 llelct t~ir .J l 1·Alf4riG•t1 NNde.
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