OF PI BETA PHI HIe...... '"---.'•• _ .._ WINTER 1956 There is nothing adolescent Or fleeting in the bonds of fraternity upon us . They are based solemnly upon the premise that we are part of a social order in which the individual is important, and that, he must therefore endow himself with all the qualities which will help him to move our American way of life a little further forward. It is this that justifies the existence of OUI many chapters in so many varied communities. We cherish the ritual, the heraldic symbols, and the mottos by which we are bound. Known only to us, they draw us closely and affectionately into a mutuality of purposes. They awaken in our hearts qualities and objectives of exalted worth, and they bring to our beings a renewed sense of dedication and devotion. The essential elements of a fraternal relationship are you and me-the people who make it up. We are brought together through friendships and there are standards that unite us. We work together within the framework of recognized Rules of Order and the ideals which bind us together carry us on together into the future. One's life becomes significant only when one be­ comes a part of something which will outlast him. MARGUERITE SAMMIS JANSKY, ill Alpha Gamma Della Quarterly l THEArow OF PI BETA PHI VOLUME 73 WINTER, 1956 NUMBER 2 OFFJOAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY 1867 Odice 0/ PNblirll/;o,,: 410 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, III. Content:! STAFF Fraternity Directory ,... ..... ....... 108 Arrow Editor: AntLE TAYLOR. ALFORD (Mrs. T. N.), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado. Calif. Editorials .............. 117 IIll1mn~ C/llb Editor.' VJRGrNlA SHERMAN KOZAK (Mrs. Andrew J.>t R.D. I, Kirk­ 119 ville. N .Y. The 40th Convenlion ..... Ch"pter uller Editor: SALLIE TUCKER, 4 ' 19 "Whither- the Changing Fraternity ?" .. 126 Cumberland Circle, £1 Paso, Texas. Pi Phi Personalities 127 N,ws from LillI, Pig.on: LoUISE WHIIBLOCK DoBLER (Mrs. Clare R.), 3523 Federal Ave .• Everett, Wash. From p( Phi Pens 131 Ex(hanges and COII'I' N otu: RUTH WILSON Holt House 132 CoGsHALL (Mrs. W. B.) , 2001 E~rson. Louisville. Ky. We Point with Pride 133 From Pi Phi P~ns : M.u.Y EUZ..... 8ETH LA.sHIlk BARNETTS (Mrs. Kenneth A.), 8 Cloister 0., Chapler Leiters 139 Tonawanda, N .Y. In Memoriam ........ I l7 Arrow FiI,: Pi Beta Phi Cmtral Office, 4to Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, Ill. Official Calendars I l 8 In Mem oriam N Oliul: Smd to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 410 Standard Office BldA., Fratern ity Supplies 161 Decatur, Ill. tlTH! Anow is printed F.Il. Winter, Spring and Summer by Pi Bet. Phi Fr.ternity It the press of Geor&e B.nt. Comp.ny Inc., .00 Abn.ip St., Men.sh. Wi •. Subscription price is '1.'0 a year. '0_ (or sinJle copies , '1).00 for life subscription. ' tlSend subscription., ch.n,e of address DOtice, .nd cottClpondence of a business n.ture to Pi lkea Phi Central Office, Decatur 16, III. tlCorrespondence 01 an editorial nature is to be .ddreued to the editor, Mr~ . T , N. Alford, 9}O Olin An., Coronado, Calif. Iteau for publication should be addressed to the editor to arlin not later thUl July n, October 10, January U, March ,. «I.Member of Fraternity M.,.u:inu Auociued. All matters pcrtaininr. to n.tion.1 .dycl1ising sbO'Jld be directed to Fraternity Ma,uiocs AsSOCiated, 1618 Orril1JtoD An., funston, II . ClEntered U 1CC0od-clus matter at the ,pc?st office at D«atur. III. aod MenlShs, Wis., under the . ct 01 M.rch 3, 1879. Acceptance lor IDailio, It specl.1 rate of posts,c under the pro'filioos of Sec. ,.4"",0 PSt, (D) proyickd for in the act of Febru.ry 28. 192). Printed in the United Stiles of America COVER: Michigan Gamma's New Home 01 RECTORY FOUNDERS OF THB FRATERNITY Emm. Brownlee Kilgore (1848-192'" Rosa Moore (1848-1924) M'lJ'aret Campbell (lS46-19J6) Jennie Nicol. M.D. (18·"·1881) uDbie Brook Gaddis (18'0.1913) Ina Smith Soule (1.46-19-41) Ad. Bruen Grier (1848·1924 ) Plnnie ThornlOo (1848-1868) Oat. Brolfnlee Hutchinson (18)0-1931) Jennie Home Turnbull (1846-1932) Fanny Whitenack Libbey (1848·1941) Nancy Black Wallace (184H918) PRBSIDENT EM.ERITUS May L. Keller, WCltbamptoo College. Uniycuity of Richmond. Va . HONORARY GRAND PRESIDENT Am, Burnham Onken. Chapin, III . HONORARY GRAND TREASURER Lois Fr.nklin Stoolmao (Mrs. A. W.). lOCH S, Third St •• Cba.mp.ian. III. GRANO COUNCIL G,,,"Ii PflliJ"" ••••••.. ,. _.. ... .. ,Mari.nne Rdd Wild (Mrs. ROMrt S.), Office: 839 17th St., N.W.• Room #410, W u hington 6, D.C. Home: 202 1 Belmont Rd .• N.W., Washington 9. D.C. G,,,,,J Viu·P",;d,,,, . .. •••..•.. .... .. Alice Weber Mansfield (Mrs. William H. ). 8 Lon, Meadows, St. Louis 22, Mo. G,,,,,II SUfi'''', ....................... Vir,inil Voorhees Speaker (Mes. James P,), 2413 Washington Blvd .• Kansas City. Kan . G,,,,,J TrellJllre, • . .• . •..•••... ••...••. Olivi.l Smith Moore (Mrs. Henry, Jr.) , 420 Pine St., Texarkanl, Tex. Auow P.t/ito, .. , . , . '" ." ••....•...•. Adele T.ylor Alford (Mrs . T. N.), 930 OIi,.e Ave., Coroo.ldo, Calif. Directo, tJ/ RMlbi", ",,11 Pltt/g, T,,,i,,i,,g . Helen Anderson Lewis (Mrs. Ben j.lmin C.), nu N. Gulley Rd., Dearborn 6, Mich. Oi,ttto, of P.xttnJ; 01f •• , •• • ••• • •• • ••• • • Ruth Williams Hlnsen (Mrs. Paul), 3110 E.gle Pan Rd., Louisvi lle 13. Ky. COUNSBLOR FOR CHAPTBR HOUSB CORPORATIONS Mary Emrich Van Buren (MtI. E. ). 262) Mande"lille Canyon Road. Los Angeles 49. Calif. NATIONAL HISTORIAN Mlriln Ked. Simmons (Mrs. Olinr B.), 64u Morninaside Dr.• Kans.as Citr, Mo. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR OF CHAPTBR HISTORIES Rose McColloch Dressler (Mrs. E. B.), 7240 MadilOn, Kansas City 14. Mo. NATIONAL BOARD OF TRUSTBB FUNDS Chili,,,,,,,,: Olj,il Smith Moore (Mrs. Henry, Jr. ). 420 Pine St., Tenthna. Tn:.: Lolita Snell Prouty (Mrs. Prink H. ), 1760 Locust St. Denver 29,. Colo. : Amy Burnham Onken, Chlpin, III,; Marianne Reid Wild (MIS. Robert S.), 2021 Belmont Rd., N.W., Washing: ton 9, 0 .1...: Mary Van Buren ( Mrs.), 2625 MandC'fille Canyoa Rd .• Los Anleles 49, Calif. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR OF CHAPTER ACCOUNTING Dorothea W¥k Pliot (Mn. Leroy), 2149 N. DellwHe St., Indi.lnlpolis 5, lod. Chapter Treasurers lend your monthly reports to Fraternity Accounting System, c/ o Mr. John DornBlase:r. 310 Gazette Bldg., Little ~ Ark. PI BETA PHI MAGAZINE AGBNCY Jlnd L. Pitton, ·410 Swd.td Office Blda., Dec.tw, HI. PI BeTA PHI CENTRAL OFFICe Dir,aH .f C,.IrM O~ __JUld L Patton. 410 Standard O!ice Bldl., Deca.tv.r, m. '08 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI 109 STANDING COMMI'ITBBS SettJ.mu.1 School COlDlllitt.--C• ...;,..--Vt~r.ckett GrH:a (MIs.JI 26)0 Suthulaod Ate., Illdian.apolil " lDd. T"..,M,ff-TbUe:u. Gibson Graham (Mn. E.), 3324 N.W. lSUI St., Oklahoma City 7, OkJa. S,I""Mr-Scbool Libc&lJ, Edna 00011 Arcbibald (MIs. Pred), '30 W. Uni'fuaity Parkway, IWtimore, Md. Pdlicil,. P.Ji,~, ~f [jill, Pi" •• NIW'I-Louise Wheelock Doblrr (Mu. Oare R..l, 3U3 Ped«aI An., EY««I. W .. sb. SIiJ'I-Dis'rib';~ __Loia Snyder Pinacc (Mrs. hymood H.) 606 N . Elm Dr•• 8C1'erly Hills Calif. D;"a~, ~f S",I,.,., Sdu/-M.arioG Mueller (Mrs.), Pi Beta Pbi Settlement School, Gatlinbur, Tellll. M •••« n . A",~u · r '.f l SI,,~t-Eliubcth Waitt Rue (Mrs. Nelson B.). Pi Beta Phi Arro .. craft shop, Gatlinburg, Tenn. Holt Hou.. Committu--C.. .urc ...... Doroth, A.Lsea Laa (Mrs. Pbilip), :t...h Rice, Galesbur" III. T"..,.,ff-M.. dle Elliott Fishu (MIs. Charles M.), 3,4·19tb St., S.B. Cedar hr.ids, 10 .... FiI"'I-Louise Reid Campbdl (Mrs. John C.), 117 South Ith St., Monmouth, II . Florence Deppe H olmJ;ren (Mrs. Eric) 1 4429 Pembroke Lane, Fort Wayne, lod. Blizabeth POIIOO Clark (Mrs. Wm. H ." 28n Wall, Joplin. Mo. Commiu.. aD Loaa Fuad--Ch""""'._Josephioe McCienrty, 602 MdrolC A.e. N., Seattle 2, Wash. Co",,,,;II,, M'''''''I-Lucille W.ite Wall (Mrs. Richard), S ..t'd Sprio,s, Mo.: Edith Bacoo Viosoo (Mrs. Owen), P.O. S.U[ 111. Sallta MODica, Calif. Committee oa PobUc: a.l.tioru--C,6;";,,,,._Be.trice Roehm Miller (Mrs. Dooald B.), 1225 Nancy 10 Place. Glend .. le 22. Mo. Coau:nitt.. aD Scholenbip---CbAir",._M.arie West Went (Mrs. P.ul), 1412 Akm Dr., Ennnille, Ind. Allil'",,' Cb..;,,,, ..,,-Qonr Jobnson 229 hce St., Pittsbur,cb 18, 9 •. Allil,.. ,,1 Ch.i,,,,.,, I~' C.. ".IIi .. " Cb.. ",n-Heleo Lan, AU.n (Mrs. A. A. ). 21 Blyth Hill Rd., Toronto, OnUrio P,o~i.CI SM,".iJ~'1 till S(h,llUlhi,: Alpb_Mlfiam Holdeo Doloe (Mrs. Paul). 43 W.rwick Rd., Melrose, Mus. B.~Be tty M. Glus 369 Linnmoore St., Hsrtford 6, Conn .. GIIm_Eu 1. Mitchell Gullum (Mrs. P. B. ). 128 N. LanClster Rd., Athens. Ohio. Delta-Mlrybelle Carr Curl'J (Mrs. Robert B.l. , 609 Overle. Rd .. W.shington 16. D.C. ~.iloo --Const.. nce Gates Madscn (Mrs. Andrew H. Jr.). 2762 Windemere. Birmingh.m, Mich. Zeta-Mary Catherine Brewer Arthur (Mrs. James A.), 1478 Grand Ave., Columbus, Ind. E~Polly Feuey. B-4 Jdferson AptJ .. Nub.iIIe. Tenn. Theta-Doris PIa"e Burtoo (Mrs. John H., Jr. ). -400 Thomas St .... Uninrsity, Ala. 1 0t~l .. dys Osborne H.1l (Mrs. Gerald L.J. 325 N. Benton St., t'alatine III. Kappa-Dorot hy Paine Linly (Mrs. Theodore 5.). 914 Comdl Court, M.aisolll 5, Wis. Lembd_Theim. Ph.CJ' Cos: (Mrs. Ph.rr). 2110 Ash St .. Texlrkana, Ark. Mu-Ann Horton Jeter (M.s.
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