SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 Penny Saver Weekly News - Your “Good News” Paper PAGE 5 Penny Saver Weekly News, Inc. Since 1947 10069 N. Florida Ave. Suite#A1 Tampa, FL 33612 Phone (813) 935-3115 Fax (813) 932-5261 Email:[email protected] OR [email protected] www.pennysaverweeklynews.com For Legal Ads contact Gail Hope DEADLINE TUESDAY AT NOON FOR THURSDAY’S PAPER Legal Ads - Display Ads - Classified Ads AD RATES NOTICE OF ACTION - Dissolution of Marriage - Name Change - Adoption $50 total cost Fictitious Trade Name $25 Notice to Creditors/Probate $70 Notice of Foreclosure Sale $70-$80 NOTICE OF ACTION - Foreclosure $75-$85 (price will be more if property description/plaintiff/defendant info is considerably longer) PAGE 6 Penny Saver Weekly News - Your “Good News” Paper SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising • Legal Advertising IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, OF LIEN AND INTENT TO NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR FLORIDA SELL VEHICLE ASCENSION AUTO SERVICE “Notice is hereby given that HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION Each of you is hereby notified gives Notice of Foreclosure of VALRICO MINI STORAGE in- FLORIDA FLORIDA FILE NO.: 2016-CP-002406 that a lien is claimed on the fol- Lien and intent to sell these ve- tends to sell personal property, CASE NO. 29-2015-CA-000702 Case NO. 16-CA-006521 DIVISION: A lowing vehicles for towing and hicles at 4305 W. CAYUGA ST., described below, to enforce a MIDFIRST BANK Division: I storage charges, the following TAMPA, FL 33614 (Hillsborough lien imposed on said property Plaintiff IN RE: ESTATE OF vehicles will be sold at public County), pursuant to subsection under the Florida Self Storage v. JS#1 INVESTMENTS, INC., RICHARD DAVID CRETE, LUIS LOPEZ; MARIA A. LOPEZ; Attorney-in-fact for Deceased. sale pursuant to Florida Statute 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Facility Act Statutes (Chapter UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF LUIS Tabitha Hammond, #713.78, free and clear of all ASCENSION AUTO SERVICE 83). The owner will sell at public LOPEZ ; UNKNOWN SPOUSE Plaintiff, NOTICE TO CREDITORS liens and encumbrances. The reserves the right to accept or sale on the 21st of September, OF MARIA A. LOPEZ; UNKNOWN vs. time for the following sales is reject any and/or all bids. 2016 at 11:00 am at 2108 Jel- The administration of TENANT 1; UNKNOWN TENANT PAT FRANK, as Clerk of the Cir- 8:00 A.M. the estate of RICHARD DAVID SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, ane Dr. Valrico, FL (Hillsbor- 2; AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES cuit Court of Hillsborough County; AT HOOD’S TOWING, 10826 CRETE, deceased, whose date of 2016 AT 10:00 A.M. ough County): CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UN- NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE HWY. 92, SEFFNER, FL. (Hill- death was May 30, 2016, is pend- 2007 KIA Unit 063 – Odalys Castellon DER OR AGAINST THE ABOVE CORP.; MERS, INC. as Nominee sborough County). ing in the Circuit Court for Hillsbor- VIN#KNAGE124X75098485 Unit 027 – Ilia Ortiz NAMED DEFENDANT(S), WHO for NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE ough County, Florida, Probate Di- SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, (IS/ARE) NOT KNOWN TO BE CORP.; BANK OF AMERICA, SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, Unit 086 - Heather Rainone vision, the address of which is 800 2016 DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER N.A., as successor by merger to 2016 AT 10:00 A.M. Unit 015 - Cameron McGuire E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 2006 CHEV SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES LaSalle Bank, N.A.; STATE OF 2002 FORD Unit 109 – Asma Said-Ghys 33602. The names and address- VIN#3GCEC14X96G28923 CLAIM AS HEIRS, DEVISEES, FLORIDA, C/O Johnathan D. Ka- VIN#1FMYU60E12UC67189 Unit 020 – Asma Said-Ghys es of the personal representative SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, plan, Esq. and the personal representative’s 2016 SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, Unit 104 – Asma Said-Ghys LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUST- Defendants. attorney are set forth below. 2003 KAWK 2016 AT 10:00 A.M. The contents may consist of EES, SPOUSES, OR OTHER All creditors of the de- VIN#JKAENVC193A180757 2003 AUDI furniture, general household CLAIMANTS; EASTON PARK CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF cedent and other persons having VIN#WAULC68E83A252324 goods, and boxed personal HOMEOWNERS` ASSOCIATION DECLATORY ACTION 2005 FORD claims or demands against dece- OF NEW TAMPA, INC. ; UNITED TO: ALL PARTIES CLAIMING VIN#2FAHP71W95X173945 2004 MERC property. Sale is subject to can- dent’s estate on whom a copy of STATES OF AMERICA, DEPART- BY THROUGH, UNDER OR SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, VIN#4M2ZU86W44UJ13173 cellation in the event of settle- this notice is served must file their MENT OF HOUSING AND UR- AGAINST COUNTER-DEFEN- 2016 SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, ment. Should it be impossible to claims with this Court WITHIN BAN DEVELOPMENT DANTS, CROSS-DEFENDANTS, 2008 FORD 2016 AT 10:00 A.M. dispose of these goods on day THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- Defendants. OR THIRD-PARTY COUNTER- VIN#1FMCU04108KA97202 TER THE DATE OF FIRST PUB- 2002 DODGE of sale, the sale will be contin- DEFENDANTS; AND ALL UN- SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, NOTICE OF SALE LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR VIN#1B3ES26C12D508035 ued on such seceding sale days KOWN NATURAL PERSONS 2016 Notice is hereby given 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF 2005 HONDA thereafter as may be necessary IF ALIVE, AND DEAD OR NOT that, pursuant to the Summary SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS 2005 NISS VIN#JH2RC44545M803123 to complete the sale.” KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, Final Judgment of Foreclosure en- NOTICE ON THEM. VIN#5N1AN08U55C643121 THEIR SEVERAL AND RESPEC- 2008 ZXYV 9/1/16 x 9/8/16 2x tered on August 22, 2016, in this All other creditors of 2005 CHEV TIVE UNKOWN SPOUSES, VIN#L4STCKDK186351598 ____ cause, in the Circuit Court of Hills- the decedent and other persons VIN#1G1ND52F55M198141 HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, borough County, Florida, the office having claims or demands against 1999 DODG AND JUDGMENT CREDITORS, 2016 AT 10:00 A.M. of Pat Frank, Clerk of the Circuit the decedent’s estate must file VIN#2B4FP2537XR347682 OR OTHER PARTIES CLAIM- Court, shall sell the property situ- their claims with this Court WITH- SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 INFINITI ING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER ated in Hillsborough County, Flori- IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE 2016 VIN#JNKDA31A42T017875 THOSE UNKOWN NATURAL da, described as: OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF SALE DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, PERSONS; AND THE SEVERAL 1999 FORD LOT 30, BLOCK 7, EASTON THIS NOTICE. 2016 AT 10:00 A.M. AND RESPECTIVE UNKOWN VIN#2FTRX18L8XCA89729 PARK, PHASE 1, ACCORDING ALL CLAIMS NOT ASSIGNS, SUCCESSORS IN 9/1/16 1X 1996 FORD TO THE MAP OR PLAT THERE- FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERI- INTEREST, TRUSTEES, OR ____ VIN#1FALP4044TF126212 OF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT ODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 2002 MERCURY BOOK 110, PAGE 203, OF THE ANY OTHER PERSON CLAIM- 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLS- ING BY THROUGH, UNDER OR VIN#1MEFM50U32A620514 BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER Notice is hereby given that the BOROUGH COUNTY, FLORI- AGAINST ANY CORPORATION 9/1/16 1X BARRED. following vehicles will be sold at DA. OR LEGAL ENTITY NAMED _____ NOTWITHSTANDING public auction pursuant to F.S. a/k/a 10805 BREAKING ROCKS AS A COUNTER-DEFENDANT, THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH 713.585 on the sale dates at the DR, TAMPA, FL 33647-3585 CROSS-DEFENDANT, OR ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO locations below at 9:00 a.m. to sat- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR at public sale, to the highest and THIRD PARTY COUNTER- (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER isfy labor and storage charges. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, best bidder, for cash, http://www. DEFENDANT; AND ALL CLAIM- THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF 2013 KIA FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION hillsborough.realforeclose.com, ANTS, PERSONS OR PARTIES, DEATH IS BARRED. 5XXGM4A73DG113404 File No. 16-CP-002457 on November 21, 2016 beginning NATURAL OR CORPORATE, OR The date of first publi- Total Lien: $885.96 Division U at 10:00 AM. WHOSE EXACT LEGAL STATUS cation of this Notice is September Sale Date:09/19/2016 If you are a person IS UNKOWN, CLAIMING UNDER 1, 2016. Location:Budget Motorcars IN RE: ESTATE OF claiming a right to funds remaining ANY OF THE ABOVE NAME OR 13720 N. Nebraska Ave DALE D. MC NAIR, after the sale, you must file a claim DESCRIBED COUNTER-DEFEN- Personal Representative: Tampa, FL 33613 Deceased. with the clerk no later than 60 days DANTS, CROSS-DEFENDANTS, Anne M. Dresser (813) 600-3355 after the sale. If you fail to file a OR THIRD-PARTY COUNTER- 15205 Shearcrest Drive 1972 MERCEDES NOTICE TO CREDITORS claim you will not be entitled to any DEFENDANTS OR PARTIES OR Lithia, Florida 33547 10704412001182 remaining funds. CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE Total Lien: $625.00 The administration of Dated at St. Peters- Attorney for Personal PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS Sale Date:09/19/2016 the estate of DALE D. MC NAIR, burg, Florida, this 29th day of Au- Representative: FOLLOWS: Location:Chilly Performance, Inc., deceased, whose date of death gust, 2016. Mara Shaughnessy, Esquire DEL RIO ESTATES UNIT NO 6028 W Linebaugh Ave Suite C was June 23, 2016, is pending in eXL Legal, PLLC SHAUGHNESSY LAW, PLLC 4 LOT 9 BLOCK 12, ACCORD- Tampa, FL 33625 the Circuit Court for HILLSBOR- Designated Email Address: Florida Bar Number:20157 ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF 813-374-0201 OUGH County, Florida, Probate [email protected] 618 E.
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