THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 4, 1859. 3633 Charles Goocb, of No.|l,Gray's-buildiDgF,Kingsland-road, Frederick Jarvis, of No. 116. Albany-road, Old-road, then Middlesex, Bricklayer, &c. of No. 2, Henry-cottages, Peckham-footway, Old Kent- Thomas Fisher, formerly of No. 14, Palace-street, Pimlico, road, Surrey, Assistant to a Warehouseman, then of Middlesex, afterwards of Southampton-street, Camber- George-street, Camberwell, Surrey, Haberdasher, and well, then of Mount-gardens, Westminster-bridge-road, selliiig Fancy Millinery on Commission, then of Smith- then of No. 4, Angel-court, Strand, then of No. 7, street. Walworth. Surrey, out of business or employment, Carlton-mews, Warwick-street, Charing-cross, now ol afterwards of No. 2, Summer-street, Peckham aforesaid, No. 21. Newcastle-street, Strand, Messenger at the Audit then and now of No. 19, Park-place, Lower Park-road, Office, Somerset House, Strand. Peckham, Assistant to a Warehouseman, and selling Table Covers on Commission, wife working for different On Wednesday the 9th November, 1859, at Warehousemen. Ten o'Clock, before Mr. Commissioner Murphy. John Cawley, of No. 32, Eversholt-street, Oakley-square, Saint Pancras, Middlesex, Boot and Shoe Maker. James Brooksbank Higgs, late in lodgings at No. 22, Henry Ward, formerly of Cork-street. Camberwell, Surrey, Weymouth-street, Portland-road, Middlesex, before that Journeyman Plumber and Gas Fitter, then of the Eagle, of Clifton, Gloucestershire, before that residing at Bath- Wichester-place High-street, Peckham, Surrey, Licensed wick, near Bath, Somerset, Proprietor of Mines, before Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, and now of No. 6, Edward- that of Finchley, Middlesex, in no business or profession, place, Eynsford-road, Camberwell-Green, Camberwell Wife residing at No. 37, Bedford-place, Southwark- Surrey, Plumber and Gas Fitter. bridge-road, Surrey, [and during part of the said time renting Offices at No. 1, Shepherd-street, Bristol, and for ten months last past in the Queen's Prison. N.B.—1. Any creditor may attend and give Mortimer Timpson the younger, formerly of No. 19, Rut- evidence and produce witnesses. Opposition can land-street, Hampstead-road, Carpenter.! and Builder, only be made by the Creditor in person, or by occasionally acting as Foreman to a Builder, and letting Counsel appearing: for him. Lodgings, part of the time renting and letting in Tene- ments, jointly -with one Henry Turner, premises in 2. The petition and schedule, and all books, Coopers'-yard, Carnaby-street, Golden-square, and also for another part of the time renting the Premises, No. papers, and writings filed, will be produced by the 68, Park-street, Camden-town, all in Middlesex, and proper Officer for inspection and examination until there carrying on the business of a Tobacconist and two clear dajs before the hearing. Stationer, and afterwards and now of No. 19, Rutland- street, Hampstead-road aforesaid, Journeyman Carpenter 3. Creditors' assignee may be chosen according Edmund Scanlan. of No. 42, Rufford's-buildings, Islington, to the Statute. Middlesex, Retailer of Beer and Tobacco, formerly Dealer in Potatoes and Coals. 4. Persons indebted, to the said Insolvent Richard Bradshaw, formerly of No. 109, Great College- street, then of No. 10, Devonshire-terrace, both in Cam- Debtors respectively, or having any of their effects, den-town, part of the time renting Apartments furnished are to pay and deliver the same to the Official at No. 2, Argyll-place, Regent-street, all in Middlesex, Assignee being the Provisional Assignee of the Surgeon Dentist, part of the time also letting Apart- ments. Court, at the said Court and to no other person. John Caffyn, of No. 38, Upper Lisson-street. Lisson-grove, Saint Marylebone, Middlesex, Oil, Colour, and Italian Warehouseman; also letting Lodgings. James Brown, of No. 1, Wilson-terrace, St. Leonard's- COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT road, Bromley, previously of No. 5, Carter-street, Brom- DEBTORS. ley, formerly of No. 6, Suffolk-street, North-street, Poplar New Town, formerly of No. 19, Randell-street, Poplar The 1st day of October, 1859. New Town, formerly of No. 16, Gate-street. Poplar New Town, all in Middlesex, Dock Clerk at Victoria ORDERS have been made, vesting in the Pro- Docks, Plaistow. visional Assignee the Estates and Effects of the Henry Weston Corbett, of No. 23, Princes-street, Lambeth, Surrey, Smith and Farrier, and of No. 12, Wallington- following Persons: place, Wandswofth-road, Lambeth aforesaid, Blacksmith and Farrier, and now of No. 23, Princes-street, Lambeth On their own Petitions. aforesaid, Smith and Farrier. Edmund Walter Chickerley Plowden, late of Kingston, Meldrum Shepherd Christie, formerly of No. 412, Oxford- Surrey, Major in the Indian Forces, on half-pay.—In the street, Middlesex, Baker, and afterwards and now lodging Queen's Prison. at No. 18, Grove-place, Lisson-grove, Paddington, Mid- Joseph Lucaus Marcelli Czerkaski, late of No. 34, Moscow- dlesex, following no trade, or business. road, Bayswater, Middlesex, Professor of Music and Charles Holmes, now and for three years last past residing Music Seller.—In the Debtors' Prison for London and at No. 7, Herbert-street, New North-road, Hoxton, Mid- Middlesex. dlesex, Warehouseman's Assistant. William Smith, late of Greyhound-yard, West Smitbfield, Edward Martindale, of No. 2, Bulmer-terrace, Notting-hill, London, and No. 5, Kennington-row, Kennington, Surrey, Middlesex, Omnibus Proprietor, renting stables at the Gas Meter Manufacturer.—In the Debtors' Prison for Feathers Public House, Notting-hill. London and Middlesex. Moses Levy, of No. 1 Cross-street, Newington-butts, James Wetton, late of No. 25, Crown-row, Mile End-road, Surrey, Clothier and General Dealer, previously of No. 2, Middlesex, Flour Factor.—In the Debtors' Prison for Cottage-place, Newington-butts, aforesaid, and formerly London and Middlesex. of No. 17, Cumberland-place, Newington-butts aforesaid, Isaac Vander Hock, late of Meyer's - Hotel, No. 7, Great at same time of No. 1, Cross-street aforesaid, and No. 2, Russell-street, Goodman's fields, Middlesex, Cattle Dealer. Cottage-place aforesaid, carrying on business as a Clo- —In the Queen's Prison. thier, Furniture Broker, Manufacturer of Perambulating Joseph Woodward Winks, late of No. 5, Ely-place, Ball's- Chaises, and General Dealer. pond, Islington, Middlesex, Upholsterer.—In the Debtors' Charles Samuel Barclay, formerly of No. 9, Holford-street, Prison for London and Middlesex. Pen ton vi lie, Middlesex, then and now of No. 7, Upper Amelia Pickess. late of No. 4, Arundel-square, Islington, Saint-Martin's-lane, Middlesex, Journeyman Printer. Middlesex, Widow, in no business or employment.-—In Joseph Levy, of No. 6, Goulston-street, Whitechapel, the Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. Middlesex, Journeyman Tailor. Benjamin Franklin, late of No. 2, Rosemary-cottages, New George Davy, formerly and for four years of No. 40, Pad- North-road, Islington, Middlesex, and of Ball's-road, Oat- dington-street, St. Marylebone, Middlesex, Tailor, lands-park, near Weybridge, Surrey, Carpenter and! Trimming Seller, Hosier, and Haberdasher, and next Builder.—In the Gaol of Surrey. and now, and for two years and four months of No. 23, James Paterson McDonald, late of No. 5, Richmond-terrace; Davies-street, Berkeley-square, his wife, since Christmas London-road, Surrey, Traveller on Commission.—-ls> the- 1858, residing and carrying on a Haberdasher's business Goal of Surrey. at No. 5, Clarendon-street, Notting-hill, Middlesex, and Joseph White, late of Doncaster, Yorkshire, Cabinet Maker daring the whole period Lodging-house Keeper. —In the Gaol of York. Moses Cohen, of No. 149, Saint-George's-street, Saint- Thomas Hewlett, late of Worle, Somersetshire, Farmer.—la- George's in the East, Middlesex, out of business or the'Gaol of Taunton. employment, bat formerly carrying on business there as Julias Tobias, late of No. 12, Sanitary-place, Newcastle-* an Outfitter and Clothier, previously of No. 2, Shorter- upon-Tyne, out of business.—In the Gaol of Newcastle-- street, Well-Close-square, Saint-George's East, Middlesex, upon-Tyne. Assistant to a Clothier. James Ogden, late of No. 6, North-view, Edge-lane; John Allen, of Black-Horse-lane, Friern, Barnet, Middlesex, Stanley, near Liverpool, Lancashire, Dealer in Sacking.- formerly a Builder, now a Journeyman Bricklayer. , —In the Gaol of Liverpool. D 2.
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