CRICKET SILENCE OF THE LAMBS By quietly falling in line with the Big Three, the cricketing world has mortgaged the future of the sport, particularly Test cricket, further skewing the existing financial imbalance in favour of the big boys By Subash Jayaraman Photographs by DANIEL BEREHULAK/GETTY IMAGES FIRST AMONG EQUALS The popularity of the sport in India and its economic viability has ensured BCCI the top position, where it’s calling the shots in world cricket. CRICKET IN BLACK AND WHITE The ICC proposal, passed at a meeting in Singapore (facing page), encourages all cricket boards to schedule Tests with the Big Three as that will help draw in the money. cluded from the powerbrokers group even as South Africa is a top cricketing nation (on the field), lack of ICC events until 2023, and the pending ICC legal enquiry into their chief executive, Haroon Lorgat. On the eve of the meeting in Singapore, Srinivasan was reported to have had long discussions with Chris Nenzani, president CSA, where certain concessions and compromises were made, and the eighth “Aye” was guaranteed. There is every possibility that the reinstat- ed Champions Trophy (2017) will find its way to South Africa; in all likelihood, all or most of IPL 2014 will be held in South Africa; the Test fund, which, initially, excluded South Africa, now has them as one of the possible “There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need beneficiaries; there are also indications that there will be a thawing of the cold shoulder but not for man’s greed.” Mahatma Gandhi that BCCI has been dealing to Mr. Lorgat. The dramatic turnaround in CSA’s stance e live in a finite world with finite amount of resources and it is incompatible with of those that would have been outraged at would grow a backbone in a matter of weeks of losing their Full Member voting rights came as a rude surprise to both SLC and man’s greed for money and power, which are infinite. In a daring display of power the audaciousness of these changes. Make no and prevent the oligarchy taking over cricket. and share of ICC revenue, they chose to go PCB but even they were convinced to not grab and self-aggrandisement, the cricket boards of India, England and Australia mistake; almost every change that has been Alas, it wasn’t to be. along. Of course, they have been promised vote “Nay” and, instead, save face back cajoled and convinced, bargained and bartered their way to the passing of propos- passed is designed to give a larger share of From the outset, the cricket boards of tours from the Big Three as well, but that home by abstaining from it, which also left als for the restructuring of the International Cricket Council’s (ICC) governance control of world cricket to BCCI, CA and ECB, Zimbabwe, New Zealand and West Indies came as no real surprise to anyone following some wriggle room for them to come back Wthat has skewed further the already existing financial disparity among its member nations. and, consequently, a larger share of revenues. were in favour of the changes. The reasons the situation. to the negotiating table. Since then, the SLC However, that was only formalising a situation that had been prevalent in the ICC boardroom One might ask how it is any different propounded by the respective representatives Thus, at the end of the ICC Executive executive committee has “unanimously ap- for the better part of two decades. This goes to the root of how cricket as a sport, and as we from the situation earlier, but as one cricket all underlined a fundamental single point Board meeting held across Jan. 28–29 in proved” the changes (on Feb. 17) settling for know it, will be shaped in the future. The wheeling and dealing that has led to the proposals correspondent said, when casual racism is of self-preservation and survival. To quote Dubai, the proposal was in need of just one guaranteed income than publicly averred institutionalised, it’s called Apartheid. A Martin Snedden, the director of New Zealand more vote to pass through. Which of the principles. In the next seven years, Sri Lanka to be passed has set a path for cricket that model (BCCI wasn’t satisfied with its share), BCCI official was reported to have called Cricket (NZC): “Do we have power at the ICC remaining three—Pakistan Cricket Board is due to get an income of $60 million from would make Gordon Gecko proud. administrative structures (BCCI wasn’t these moves, aptly, as “formalising dadagiri”. table? No, not a hell of a lot. Do we have the (PCB), Cricket South Africa (CSA) and Sri bilateral tours. Nishantha Ranatunga, SLC The details of the Position Paper are now happy with the ICC) and the Future Tours ability to influence and persuade? A little bit. Lanka Cricket (SLC)—would be the one that secretary, laid it all in black and white, or common knowledge. For the sake of com- Programme (which wasn’t legally binding ROLE OF OTHER BOARDS The critical thing is to identify the things would make the deal and change the cricket rather in green. “If we are going to object to pleteness, one draft version of it that was in the first place), scrapping of the proposed As much as the proposed changes in the Posi- most important to us. That means ensuring landscape forever? As it turned out, it was their proposals our cricket is going to suffer. leaked, indicated that it was worked on by Test Championship in favour of reinstating tion Paper were blatant in their attempt to the stability of our playing programme and CSA, as PCB and SLC “abstained” from vot- People who talk about principles and all that the working group of ICC’s Finance & Com- the more broadcaster-friendly Champions concentrate power and money with three of revenue generation.” ing at the meeting in Singapore on Feb. 8. will not give us the money. We have to make mercial Affairs (F&CA) committee, with the Trophy, among other things. the largest cricket boards in the world, it still This essentially lays bare the situation In the interim nine-day period between our money from these tours.” prime movers behind the document being Unsurprisingly, there were sops included needed to pass the ICC Board, comprising faced by the national boards outside of those the two meetings, CSA, PCB and SLC were If you’re keeping track, that’s nine boards Sundar Raman (IPL chief operating officer), in the changes, such as Test Match Fund, and of 10 Full Member nation representatives. that cobbled the Position Paper together and opposed to the changes publicly, on various warm and cozy, and just one still out in the Dean Kino (general manager of legal and a possible way for nations beyond the current Some of the changes required more than a the stark reality facing them. BCCI is the counts, even calling the changes “constitu- cold—PCB. Even they will have a price. Per- business affairs, Cricket Australia)—both ICC Full Members to play Test cricket, but three-fourth majority to pass. So there was top dog. England and Australia can handle tionally flawed” and questioning the legality haps, a series with India in the UAE? members of the technical committee of that was mostly to pull the wool over the eyes still a chance that some of the cricket boards themselves, but the rest were almost entirely of the process by which the proposal was CLT20—John Perera (commercial director, dependent on handouts in the form of incom- drawn up, among other things. CSA sent FTP, What IS IT Good for? England and Wales Cricket Board) along ing tours from these nations (more so India a missive invoking the spirit of the great The Big Three boards have shown tremen- with respective heads of the three national than England or Australia) to fill up their Nelson Mandela, urging “the adherence to dous amount of resourcefulness and expedi- cricket boards of India, Australia and Eng- coffers. Sink or swim? The smaller boards democratic principles and respect for the ence in a swift move to concentrate power S land, N. Srinivasan, Wally Edwards and Giles “IF WE OBJECT TO THE PROPOSALS, OUR IC decided to swim. rights of all”. They expressed “hurt and and increase their revenue shares, but one P TZ Clarke, respectively. ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) was disappointment” in the original proposal, thing they can never change is the number of The wide-ranging changes that were pro- CRICKET WILL SUFFER. THOSE WHO TALK spor originally opposed to the changes, primar- pled for “equality and democracy” but also days on a calendar. If it were up to the boards, posed in the Position Paper and have been I/BCCI- ily due to the sticking point of promotion/ listed a few issues that were of significance with their diktat to maximise their revenue lla passed since in a slightly modified form, deal I relegation that was proposed. Once they were to them, as a cricketing nation and board. generation capabilities, they would schedule P with the ICC’s current revenue distribution OF PRINCIPLES WON’T GIVE MONEY.” pal guaranteed that they were in no real danger Those concerns were primarily of being ex- T20 tournaments and domestic leagues to 58 | SPORTS ILLUSTRATED | MARCH 2014 MARCH 2014 | SPORTS ILLUSTRATED | 59 CRICKET SHOW ME THE MONEY Doing away with the FTP will help cut back on international commitments, THE KEY CHANGES AND WHAT THEY REALLY MEAN freeing up time for the more financially- l Opportunity for all members l A larger percentage from ting poorer”, further widening viable T20 leagues, the IPL and the BBL.
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