mm NRA THAMES 64 The Loddon Catchment THAMES REGION Proposals for Statutory Water Quality Objectives NRA National Rivers Authority Guardians of the Water Environment En v ir o n m e n t A g e n c y NATIONAL LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICE HEAD OFFICE Rio House, Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4UD aj£4 Published by National Rivers Authority Rivers House Waterside Drive Aztec West Almondsbury Bristol BS12 4UD Tel 01454 624 400 March 1996 © National Rivers Authority All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the National Rivers Authority. The Loddon Catchment INTRODUCTION TO THIS CONSULTATION DOCUMENT This document sets out the proposals the proposed quality targets. We have also • of the National Rivers Authority (NRA) taken account, where appropriate, of the and the Environment Agency (the Agency) levels of investment by the water industry for Statutory Water Quality Objectives that were agreed by Government for the (SWQOs) for stretches of river in the purpose of setting revised price limits from Loddon catchment. Its purpose is to 1995 onwards. Our existing River Quality provide local organisations and individuals Objectives (RQOs) largely reflect our view with the opportunity to comment before of, and longer-term agreements on, the more formal Government consultations needs of river stretches. In general, we have take place. This is the start of a process therefore proposed SWQOs that are which may ultimately lead to the setting of consistent with RQOs in keeping with our SWQOs by the Secretary of State. Our duty to “maintain and improve” water role in this is to advise the Secretary of quality. In a limited number of river State on which SW QOs should apply, stretches, the currently agreed programme having heard the views of interested parties of investment in the catchment is and taken into account the environmental, inadequate to protect water quality to meet technical and economic implications of the agreed uses of the watercourses. In their views. these cases we have proposed an interim SW QOs define a target level of water SWQO which acknowledges current quality to be met for a river stretch, limitations on further investment, and also together with a target date by which this a funher longer-term SWQO that is level must be achieved. SWQOs have a generally consistent with the agreed use of statutory basis and therefore, once set, the the river. Where these two tier SWQOs are NRA or the Agency will be required to proposed, the steps necessary to deliver ensure, as far as is practicable to do so, that them are outlined, and these should be they are achieved. Water quality targets for viewed as priorities for future investment. river stretches have not previously been set This document provides an overview of the in this way in England and Wales, so Loddon catchment, presents our proposals Government has decided, in consultation for SWQOs for each river stretch, assesses with us, to test the operation of SWQOs in the state of current compliance with the a series of “pilot” catchments. The Loddon SWQOs proposed, and assesses the costs catchment has been selected as a pilot and benefits involved in delivering them. because a Catchment Management Plan Comments are invited on these draft (CMP) has already been completed by the proposals for SWQOs for this catchment. NRA for the Blackwater sub-catchment. They should be sent to the Senior CMPs integrate all of our water Pollution Officer, N RA Thames Region, management responsibilities by setting out South East Area, Guildford Office, long-term goals for a range of different Ladymead, By-pass Road, Guildford GUI uses of the water environment. IB Z by 1st July 1996. The fax number is In developing our proposals for 01483-561598. SWQOs, we have identified the investment necessary - by agriculture, by industry and by the Environment Agency - to deliver The Loddon Catchment STATUTORY WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES Ecosystem class; and a date by which reviewed after five years. The purpose of SWQOs is to compliance should be achieved. Account O nce set, longer-term SW QOs will ■ establish targets, on a statutory basis, that will be taken of planned investment to have a statutory basis, generally provide an agreed planning framework ensure that the targets are achievable and, protecting the existing planning base for regulatory bodies, dischargers, where appropriate, reflect planned currently expressed as RQOs. abstractors and river users. SWQOs will improvements in river quality. Where Therefore, longer-term SWQOs will secure achievements to date by providing appropriate, we have proposed two-tier provide the basis for the Environment a statutory “backstop” to existing SWQOs to protect water quality. The Agency's discharge consenting and water ■ consents, as well as providing a vehicle target date for the longer-term SWQOs quality planning activities. for tackling discharges from non-water has been set at 2006 to enable sectors of industry, agricultural and other •prioritisation of expenditure in future Statutory Objectives Introduced by EC diffuse pollution, and the effects of new planning rounds, and to enable the Directives or revised abstractions. The SWQO SW Q O to be reconsidered at the five- Designations of river stretches, or scheme is use-related, based upon a range yearly review stage. points on rivers, are subject to of water quality standards that protect Through this consultation, we are Regulations which enforce standards set the 'uses’ to which waters may be put. seeking the views of those with an by the EC Dangerous Substances There are a number of different potential interest in this catchment, before Directive (76/464/EEC), and these river uses. River Ecosystem is the only submitting our recommendations to ' standards already constitute statutory use to date for which standards have Government. Government will then objectives. The EC Surface Water been introduced. undertake a period of formal Abstraction Directive (75/440/EEC) consultation. SWQOs will then be set and the EC Freshwater Fisheries How SWQOs will be Set through Notices served by the Secretary Directive (78/659/EEC) also contain SWQOs, currently based only on of State. Once formally set, the River mandatory standards. Designations and the River Ecosystem use, will be set on a Ecosystem classes and dates will compliance reports under these three stretch-by-stretch basis for the major represent statutory targets. We will then Directives are included in the Catchment rivers w ithin the catchment; thfey will not be under a duty to ensure compliance Management Plan for the Blackwater apply to our smallest rivers. The targets using the various pollution control sub-catchment. will comprise two parts: a River powers at our disposal. SWQOs may be TABLE 1 STANDARDS FOR RIVER ECOSYSTEM CLASSES Class Dissolved BOD Total Un-ionised pH Hardness Dissolved Total Zinc Oxygen (ATU) Ammonia Ammonia lower limit as Copper % Saturation m g/I mg N /l mg N /( 5 percentile; mg/t CaCO, ra /i M/I upper limit as 10 percentile 90 percentile 90 percentile 95 percentile 95 percentile 95 percentile 95 percentile R ll 80 2.5 0.25 0.021 6.0 - 9.0 <10 5 30 . >10 and <50 22 200 >50 and <100 40 300 > 1 00 112 500 RE2 70 4.0 0.6 0.021 . 6 .0 -9 .0 <10 5 30 >10 and <50 22 200 >50 and <100 40 300 > 1 00 112 500 RE3 60 6.0 1.3 0.021 6.0 - 9.0 <10 5 300 >10 and <50 22 700 >50 and <100 40 1000 > 1 0 0 112 2000 RE4 50 8.0 2.5 - 6.0 - 9.0 <10 5 300 >10 and <50 22 700 >50 and <100 40 1000 > 100 112 2000 RES 20 15.0 9.0 - -- - - Page 2 Proposals for Statutory Water Quality Objectives The Loddon Catchment OVERVIEW OF THE LODDON CATCHMENT irrigation and fish farms are limited to a Expenditure of up to £1 million will few places. Cattle drinking directly from be required to improve a government Catchment Description the rivers are a common sight. Public STW discharging to the Pyestock The Loddon catchment covers an access to the rivers is high in the Tributary. This will improve the existing area of 680 km2 in the counties of Blackwater, the Loddon, Basingstoke poor water quality in the tributary. Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey and canal, and the Whitewater. The Vyne In addition, the Environment includes 210 km (130 miles) of classified Stream flows through a National Trust Agency will maintain an active rivers and canals. The River Loddon site. programme of pollution prevention itself is 45 km long from its source in the campaigns, visits and enforcement work. chalk downs of Hampshire near Current Water Quality Overall, this investment and our Basingstoke to its confluence with the Recent river quality surveys show pollution prevention work will help to River Thames just east of Reading. It the Loddon catchment to be protect and enhance the fishery, flows through a predominantly predominantly of “fair” quality, with 23 recreation and amenity value of the agricultural area> with the exception of of the 35 stretches falling into this catchment. the expanding town of Basingstoke and category. Seven stretches are classed as the urban fringes of Reading in its lower “good” quality, including the Lyde and Catchment Management Plans reaches. the upper Loddon, Whitewater and A Catchment Management Plan There are many tributaries in the Basingstoke Canal. Five stretches are Consultation report and Action Plan for catchment (see Map 1). The Blackwater is classed as having “poor” quality.
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