THE WESTFIELD LEADER lAf FH YEAR—No. 43 Kvary Tliurstiny 36 Pag«»—10 Cent* The Board of Education hag announced school hours for the United Fund Adds YES iast imk ol school starting Mon- Holy Trinity Seniors* day. Monday and Tuesday all pupils will attend sihiiul lot their reg- As Member Agency ular sessions. PupUs will imi report tor school wi Wednesday Graduation Ceremony and Thursday. Tin- Beard of Trustees of tin Friday pupils will report at 9 United Fund of Westfield today an a.m. to receive their filial Summer Concert I'.ounccd the addition ol the Youth Employment Service nf WesLfield to Band to Begin its member agency roster. U Junior High SCIHK.1 Scheduled Tonight will hold IU gradtiatlon Tuesday Jack McDonnell, chairman of tho ut 8 p.m.; l-Idisoil Junlur High board, said ihe acceptance of YES Sihool eraduation will also be Rehearsals brings to 14 the number nf agencies held Tuesday at 8 p.m. WHS Interfaitlt wliith are given financial assistance Westfitid High School com. Many to Receive The Westficld Summer Concert through the annual fund campaigns iiH-iici-iiifiil eseroisos will be Band win begin its rDhearsals ,01. conducted by the United Fund here. the filth season June 30 in the Wesl- held Wednesday at 6 p.in, at the Honors, Awards C. STOWHAS MICHEL neld High School band room at 8 Grant M. Buttermmv, General Athletic Field. Baccalaureate p.m. Campaign Chairman said, "'Fund officials are of tlie opinion that many Service Sunday Twenty-two of the 107 ae- Robert Banks, who will again ,|i- residents are interested in knowing niors lo he graduated from tudents Soon Will Bid Boosters Present I>!\ Clark \V. Hunt, minister of (lie ly since the main spoaker follows I!D1.V Trinity High School to- roct am group, announced that all about their neighbors who serve on First Methodist Chui-cli, will speak rehearsals will be held Wednesday the boards of the member agencies. the standard of exrdlentw set hy niKht, at 8 o'clock in the to Westfield High School seniors Rabbi Airicl (Jrisihinim In t»63 and school auditorium will share evenings to prepare for a series of In this connection the Fund plans a MVP Awards Sunday at the annual inierfcith bnc- summer programs in Mindowaskin Dr. Frederick Christian In 1!K)4. in lh« honors to be conferred >ll To Westfield Life scries of articles on "People You caluurcalc service, to bo held out- on those who hnve obtained Park, Membership in the band js j Should Know" which will provide an Most valuable Player awards were doors on tlie athletic field opposite Thu planning committee for the sStwhas and Michel open to all amateur and professional insight to tlw leadership of each made Saturday evening by tlie service ropruswils most of (lie high academic standings, two American Edison School. Tho topic of his ad- musicians. College students are es-usency and its role in serving West- Westfield Bookers Association to dress will be "Rebels With a Causa." I'hurdics in tho Wesirk-hl Iligli 'llio Itev, Albert B. Hiiklm, PhD, mge students. Will 4 Students Given pecially urged to join. Cieldcrs." members of the Westfield Higl School dislrid. chalnnan is Sanuiel Dean of S«ton Hall Cgltoge of Arts tit. Other participants in tho service The Summer lUina, sponsored by School spring athletic teams, jtecelv Include: liuv, John Flanagan of Holy Tucker if St. i'nul's Cliuivll. Other nnd Si-ii'iiiN-s will give the address YES, newest in the United Fund's ing the honors wore Gregg Chlan iiicmta's are: Charles Chlan. First rived test August end the Wostficld Recreation Commis- agency family, began functioning Trinity Church, lllV^x.'Btlon; Law- to the graduates, Hie Rev. John L. gwith Westfield fami. Grants by Negro sion, has a two-fold purpose: It of- baseball; Phil Grant, tennis; Bruce rence Smith of Christian S«:ieiice Baptist Church: Nathunlcl Calicn, FiniuiKan will make the announce- here In May of lust year. It was Wallace, track and William Mem Temple lOmonu-Ki; 'Ilionuis Cniw v jjing the senior high fers an opportunity for non-profes- sponsored by tlie Wcstfield Parent Church, lesson; Kenneth Swvpringen ment of tlu graduates and honors I "parents" have been sional musicians to renew their mu- man, golf. Kiilherine Jo Bonnet of Unitarian Fellowship, prayer; and tart, St. Paul's (."hureh; Mjirtin Ks- and tho Kt. Ilev. Msgr. Henry J. History Club Teacher Council in conjunction with was named ihe outstanding gir coffior. Christian Science Church; , John Hoff of High- sical interests and provides concerts the Watchung Section of the National Hev. Heuben L. Drew i>f St. Luke WatUirsou, pastor of Holy Trinity, Michel's, Dr. and for the public. athlete. AMK Zion Churc'l), benediction. Prank Johrllng. Firat Methodist will present thu diplomas and honors The Westfield Negro History Club Council of Jewish Women. Cluiruh; Vitta Jolmson, Unity-Wcst- lu thu graduates. an of Tamaquos Mr. Banks said the programs will Plaques were awarded to the Wliile tho service ia scheduled fur fiold; Harry Kuplan, Temple Ernan- announced the following area stu- The purposes of YES are to assist following seniors: Baseball: Gref (1 p.m.. early arrival is pdvisnble In The Holy Trinity Glee Club. led by dents will receive Annie L. Crawley include favorite marches, overtures yount' people or the cammunily in u-El; William Uftgitt, 1'rttsbylerian jts will leave West- and show tunes. Chlan, Stove Wright, Alan Griswold order to hoar the proludes progrnm- Hubert V. Lento, will offer the musi- Scholarship awards: John Coleman finding after school and summer med by Marilyn Herrmann, orsanlst. Church: Harold Mammon, Unitiirian Is three week bus tour jobs; to holp educate tuenaeers in Bill niuughy, Ken Briggs, Charles fellowship; Krks Orllnjj, Hedecme cal portion of the program, Jr. of 230 Windsor Ave., a senior at Clark, Jerry Hendersdiott, Ton Tin! following special awards will area of the United Westfield High School, who will at- job experience and responsibility, Tho rolled seniors will march in LiilliiM-iin Church nnd Frank (tattering with about and to offer businessmen and house- Eakin and Leonard Tubbs. Tennis: to the well-known strains' of "Ton-y- I'restiytcriuii Church. lit miidc; tend Central College of Iowa in the Recreation Board Phil Grant, Bill Anderson, llotig botel," found In almost nil liyinn- ers in Washington fall, $100; Patricia Harris ot 045 holders a central agency for finding Silver HoBsry—(»ift of Monslgiun* it Johnson. Irene temporary and part-time workers. Squires, Page Stephens, Steve Me books, Thero will im room in the Wulteison, for goiieral excellence- Cleveland Ave., a senior nt WHS, Coy. Golf: Jim fiontus. Tom Cramp- concrete stadium and bleachers for tg Chile from Miami who will attend Montcluir State Col- Readies Program From the befjinninK the program to the hifihejit in each homeroom: Michel will board the ton, Jim Friedlaild, Bill Mmnnian. all of the family and friends of the Art on Sidewalk Lmira M. O'Andraii, Mwin h. Miller lege in the fall, $100; June Burton of was well received by students and (120 graduates. No tlcktrts are re- July 23 for his trip townspeople. Registration of nvail- Trach: Jot! Price; Bub Banow, Herd and Nuncy tiltun Stalb. 130 Johnson St., Scotch Plains-Fan- Thomas, Doug Lang, Pde Mavra quired. In case of rain, the service KS, For Summer ablc workers began in May last A Misjal—uirt of the Parents' wood High School, who will attend ganis. Curt Hunt, Rick Scltg, Bruce will lie In the high school auditorium. Attracts Throng Drew University in the fall, $50, year and today more than 1)50 appli fiulld, for g(miT..i excellence In re- licliel have expressed Wallace, Keith Dusbby, Gene Pro In this third year ot the outdoor ligion: Mury KUun Milter, Edwin thoughts on their ex- end Carolyn King of 1366 St Nicho- Under the direction of Joseph H, cations have been filed by job-seek- Coleman, the Recreation Commis- ers 14 to is years old. copio, Mike Hoffman, Jerry Hanson, baccalaureate service, it has already Some 3,500 people thronged (o L. Miller and Laura M, D'Andren. their year hero draws las Blvd., Plainficld, who will attend Ken lioblnson, Sheldon Hirschborg beeimie a tradition. Attendance last Mindowaskin Park SaUirdny to en- School of Busincs Machines, New sion of Westfield Is planning another Through May 1 this year more A Gold Medal—Gift of the John full season for the ten playgrounds Steve Iloppln, Doug Horaer, Dave year increased over tho 1.100 present Joy tho Work nf Iho Wcslduld Aft Duwson Gllmary Shea K of . C "I don't really know ark, $50. than 681 jobs had been filled, most In HIM, Some 2,000 persons ore ex- Asspclutlon willed was hunK on snow run by the commission. Tho grounds of them in Westfield and all by Otto, Jim Mlnno, Carl Szimek and Council of Klixijbctli, for wtnernl eX" (he people of Westfield The club raises funds for the schol- (Continued on page 2) pected to attend this year, espeelal- fences uml cloliiosllno along Brond colloiice In AmcricRn History: Fran- will open June 2a with registration Westfield boys and girls. The job St. done for me. I arships by dinners, card parties, and beginning on tlie first day. classifications ranged froin magi cis J, Harry. is for 10 months but donations. Mrs. Gerald Harvin was Flyers will be distributed to the cians to odd job workers. Included I'utrulimiti Tent A steady stream of viewers iwss- Government Honda—Gift of the I week; this year has program chairman for the past year.
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