Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 3 No 3 Autumn 2013 incorporating Islington History Journal Community pride and resistance A treasure trove of local activism found in a dusty loft shows the story of determined campaigners who worked to protect their homes and celebrate their community Manor Gardens marks centenary with a healthcare pioneer’s plaque l The Cally carbuncle l Heritage buses go back on the road l An authoritarian communist’s time in Islington l Industrial grandeur meets postwar optimism on a housing estate l An icy history l Cooking like a Roman l The Holloway cheesecake l Books and reviews l News and events About the society What we do Memories, reviews, old photographs, Islington Archaeology & ideas sought… contribute to this journal History Society committee hesocietyarranges President eventsincluding Wewelcomearticlesonlocal researcherMichaelReading RtHonLordSmith Tlectures,walks,book history,memoriesand –andmaybeotherreaders ofFinsbury launchesandoutingsabout research. –toanswer.Pleasenotethat thearchaeologyandhistory Onepagetakesabout500 wedonotcarryoutfamily Vice president ofIslington. words,andmaximumarticle research. MaryCosh Weliaisewiththecouncil lengthis1,000words.We lSeeLetters,page6 andothersinmattersof likereceivingpictures,but Chairman planninganddevelopment pleasecheckthatwecan Copyright AndrewGardner torecordandprotect reproducethemwithout Copyrightofeverythingin [email protected] Islington’ssitesthatareof infringinganyone’scopyright. thisjournallieswiththe archaeologicalandhistorical Thejournalispublisedin creatorunlessotherwise Secretary importance. printandonlineinpdfform. stated.Whileitcanbe PeterFuller Wealsoaimtodocument Deadlineforthewinter difficulttotracecopyright [email protected] archaeologicalfindingsin issueis1November. ownershipofarchive theborough. materials,wemakeevery Membership and events Localhistoricaland Ever wondered…? efforttodoso. CatherineBrighty literarywalkscanbe Doyouhaveanyqueries 8WynyattStreet arrangedforgroups. aboutIslington’shistory, Any questions? LondonEC1V7HU streetsorbuildings?Send ContacteditorChristy 02078331541 Why archaeology? theminforourtireless Lawrance(detailsright). Archaeologyisnotjust Treasurer aboutwhatisburied;it PhilipAnderson includesstructuresand Journal back issues and extra copies phlpandrsn6@ fragmentsthatstillexist, btopenworld.com andpeoplewhohavelived, Journaldistributionis workedanddiedinthem. overseenbyCatherine Committee members Weareheretoinvestigate, Brighty(detailsright). KathleenFrenchman learnaboutandcelebrate Contactherifyou MichaelHarper whatislefttous. wouldlikemorecopies DerekSeeley orbackissues,ifyou Our website movehouseandfor Academic adviser Gotowww.iahs.org.ukto enquiriesabout LesterHillman,former findoutmore. membership. visitingprofessor,London MetropolitanBusiness (photocopiesacceptable) $ School,London Join the Islington Archaeology & History Society MetropolitanUniversity Membershipperyearis:£10single;£12jointatsameaddress;concessions£6;joint Journal editor concessions£8;corporate£15.(Membershiprenewalsaresentoutwhendue.) ChristyLawrance [email protected] Name(s).................................................................................................................................... c/o6Northview TufnellParkRoad Address.................................................................................................................................... LondonN70QB .................................................................................................................................................. The Journal of the Islington Telno/email(ifweneedtocontactyou).............................................................................. Archaeology & History Society ispublishedfourtimesayear I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembership,and encloseachequepayableto“IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety” for................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:CatherineBrighty,Islington PrintedbyPrintSet, Archaeology&HistorySociety,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU 15PalmerPlace,London, Cover picture: Whittington Park Community Association Community Whittington Park picture: Cover N78DH,www.printset.co.uk 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Autumn2013Vol3 No3 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Incorporating Islington History Journal Vol 3 No 3 Autumn 2013 Local attention, not distant decisions e don’t live in museums, and buildings are adapted Was lifestyles change. We Contents might live in a Victorian property but we don’t have to tolerate Victorian plumbing or light fires on winter News 4 mornings. A grand house with room Four hundred years of fresh water, butchery looms for Smithfield market for servants may now have a row of and a new book on Joe Orton bells next to its front door. Former factories contain upmarket flats. Lettersandyourquestions 6 As the Journal went to press, A jeweller’s store, canal company plans and more Highbury memories Islington’s architecture was hitting the headlines in the national press – for Goodhealthandagreenplaque 9 the wrong reasons. Manor Gardens’ centenary street fair celebrates founder Florence Keen A student housing scheme with a retained Victorian facade has reached TheCallycarbuncle 10 the finals of a competition to find A scheme with a Victorian facade is voted one of Britain’s worst new buildings Britain’s ugliest new building (page 10). There is no sensitive adaptation here. Heritagebusesgobackontheroad 11 Rightly, the council had rejected this Historic buses run again at bus garage’s open day monstrosity but its decision was overturned by the central government RákosiinLondon 18 Planning Inspectorate. An authoritarian communist leader’s influential time in Islington It is rumoured that inspectors are under growing pressure to overturn Amodernclassic 16 councils’ planning decisions, so Industrial grandeur and postwar optimism combined in a housing estate developers are appealing routinely. Islington’s councillors want the law Coldstories 18 changed so appeals can only be made Frost fairs, frost saints, and chilly goings-on at the London Canal Museum when the council has broken rules, such as disregarding evidence or policy. CookinglikeaRoman 20 It is only right that planning appeals The Romans used sophistical vessels that combined cooking techniques are brought into line with the rules on appeals in the rest of the legal system. TheHollowaycheesecake 21 Decisions should not be so easily A 19th century delicacy hawked on the streets and served in wealthy homes overruled by a distant, national body that can ignore local views. Islington’s Publications 21 policy – such as that on keeping pubs Theatre history reviewed, plus IAHS bookshop – has recently been brushed aside by inspectors. An appeal system is needed What’son 24 but this is not how it should work. Talks, walks and exhibitions After all, it’s the people who live here who have to live alongside the results. Directoryofsocietiesandmuseums 28 Civic, local history and archaeology societies, museums and online resources Christy Lawrance Editor IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySocietyevents 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Autumn 2013 Vol 3 No 3 3 news In brief Butchery of Smithfield market looms Cemetery friends take SAVEBritain’sHeritagehas over the lodge calledoncommunities secretaryEricPicklestocall TheFriendsofTower inforapublicinquiryan HamletsCemeteryhave applicationtoredevelop takenoverthelodgebythe Smithfieldmarket. maingatefortheiractivities, TheCityofLondongave theEast London History consentinJulyfora£160m Society Newsletterhas officeschemethatwould reported. includepartialdemolitionof lVolunteersaresoughtto themarketandthe recordmemorialsand destructionofitsinterior. searchrecordsatIslington TheCity’splanning andStPancrasCemetery. committeevoted19-2to Smithfield: permission has been given for its redevelopment ContactRichardBaldwinat allowthe£160mprojectby Richard.Baldwin@islington. HendersonGlobalInvestors. substantiallylargerscheme saidtheinquiryfindingshad gov.ukorcall02075278804 SAVEBritain’sHeritage [that]wouldhaveresulted beenappliedincorrectly. onWednesday-Friday. saidmostofthebuilding inamuchmoresubstantial However,theCitysaid wouldbedestroyed,andthat lossofhistoricbuildings”. tenderingwasnotnecessary, Old War Office put up therewasevidenceithad Yetitadmittedthe“scale asHenderson’splanswould for sale beendeliberatelyneglected. andheightofthenewoffice notcause “substantialharm”. TheCityreceivedover250 floorswillresultinmoderate EricReynolds,whosetup TheOldWarOfficebuilding objectionstotheplans, harmtotheconservation CamdenandSpitalfields inWhitehallistobesoldon includingonefromIslington areaincertainviews”. markets,saidhecouldruna theopenmarket.Builtin Council.Nearly3,000people IslingtonCouncilis viablemarketinthebuilding. 1902,itwasacentreof signedapetitionagainstit. concernedabouttheeffects MarcusBinney,president militaryplanningduring20th Numerousheritage ontheCharterhouseSquare ofSAVE,said:“Itis centuryconflicts,housing organisations,includingthe conservationarea,andis contestedbysubstantial secretariesofstateincluding VictorianSociety,have seekingtohavetheareaput partiesonbothsidesand SirWinstonChurchill.A opposedthescheme. onEnglishHeritage’satrisk therearemanyimportant governmentstatementsaid However,EnglishHeritage register. issuesthatcanonlybe itwas“expectedtoattract hasbackedit,sayingit Apublicinquiryin2007-08
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