ARTFUL PROTEST New photographic exhibit documents Madison protests against Gov. Walker’s budget. ART GAZE, Page 18 ThE vOicE of progress for WiScOnSin’S LGBT communiTy March 24, 2011 | Vol. 2, No. 10 Kloppenburg best choice for court EnDORSEMEnT Wisconsin Supreme Court credentials on the April 5 bal- Justice David Prosser began lot – Joanne Kloppenburg. his campaign for retention by Prosser has a history of PHOTO: DAN WILSON boasting that he would serve putting politics and personal Protesters, including Lana on the bench as a “compli- ambition ahead of the law. harrington (left) and Rob- ment” (sic) to the agenda of In 1979, while serving as ert Litzau, line Lake Drive Gov. Scott Walker and the Outagamie County District in Shorewood on March 16. state’s GOP majority. So much Attorney, he declined to for the quaint ideals of blind prosecute a Green Bay priest justice and accurate spelling. accused of abusing young In the short time since boys. When the mother of Prosser made his announce- two victims implored Prosser ment, one that instantly to file charges, he dismissed relieved him of any shred of her. “It would be too hard on credibility he might have held, the boys,” he said. Walker’s agenda has tanked The Rev. John Patrick in the polls. Now it’s only Feeney went on to abuse fitting that Prosser should other children for many years TOTAL go down with the ship he so before finally going to prison recklessly boarded. in 2004. Prosser went on to The Facebook page titled become a member of the “Prosser Equals Walker” tells Assembly before Gov. Tommy voters nearly all they need Thompson elevated him to to know about Prosser. the state’s highest court in Fortunately, there’s an alterna- 1998, where he has been a REcALL tive candidate with impeccable reliable member of the court’s conservative bloc ever since. Prosser’s behavior on the Efforts target all eligible senators bench has been reprehen- This sible. He has accused rape By Louis Weisberg and David Koch, billionaire victims of lying to gain easier Staff writer POLiTicAL AnALySiS brothers who poured over issue access to abortion servic- Wisconsin progressives $1 million into Gov. Scott inside and online at es. Behind closed doors, he have moved from Capitol Walker’s campaign last fall, wisconsingazette.com called Chief Justice Shirley Square in Madison to call least three seats and regain supporting women’s health, Americans for Prosperity Abrahamson a “bitch” and centers, makeshift offices control of the Senate. environmental protections opened an office in Madison News threatened to “destroy” her. and the streets of their In a separate effort and justice for workers and shortly after his election. WiGWAG ����������������������2 Such antics have won hometowns, where they’re by Republicans, eight consumers. Critics of the governor say National Gaze ���������������8 Prosser fervent admir- organizing one of the most Democratic senators have The targeted GOP sena- the brothers have posi- Editorial ����������������������� 12 ers from the conservative ambitious recall drives in also been targeted for recall. tors have all earned high tioned their energy com- Faith Gaze ������������������� 14 fringe. Right-wing groups the nation’s history. The targeted Democrats ratings from groups pro- pany Koch Industries for International Gaze ���� 16 such as Wisconsin Club for Democrats are targeting all have pro-equality vot- moting the corporate-right lucrative no-bid contracts Growth have bought air- all eight GOP senators who ing records, while the tar- agenda, including Americans from the state. Features time for him. Christian right can be recalled under state geted Republicans oppose for Prosperity. Although the recall WiGOUT �������������������� 17 groups tout his “pro-family” law, hoping to pick up at equality along with policies Funded largely by Charles efforts target both sides Art Gaze ��������������������� 18 record, although Prosser, like REcALL page 5 Theater ������������������������ 19 KLOPPEnBURG page 4 On the Town �������������� 28 Community Groups �� 30 Angry? DOn’T FORGET TO vOTE On APRiL 5 2 W i S c O n S i n GAZETTE. c OM | March 24, 2011 W i S c O n S i n GAZETTE. c OM | M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 1 1 3 LGBT news with a twist WiGWAG By Lisa Neff & Louis Weisberg GRiZZLy vERSUS cat election. Moore sup- because he’s gay. Lovitz, an majority nation have refused to the sole executor of Seidman’s Ticket sales for Kathy Griffin’s ported Obama dur- actor and model, is part of play lines in the hit song that will and knew how much money new Broadway show, “Kathy ing his campaign. Jay the cast of a new Logo show encourage public acceptance was in his bank accounts. Griffin Wants a Tony,” skyrock- Roach is set to direct called “The Set Up Squad.” “I can’t of gays, claiming they are being eted after some unexpected free the project. Best known possibly be an impartial judge of cautious because the govern- KAnSTiTUTiOnAL? publicity from Sarah Palin. The for- for the “Meet the Parents” a citizen when I am considered ment forbids offensive content. In 2003, the Supreme Court mer veep candidate called Griffin movies, Roach also directed the a second-class one in the eyes Malaysians who tune in to popu- ruled that laws criminalizing same- a “bully” and a “50-year-old has- HBO movie “Recount,” about of this justice system,” Lovitz lar stations hear edited versions sex sex were unconstitutional. been” after a Fox News inter- the post-election court battle says he told the judge. He says of “Born This Way” that use inde- But Kansas lawmakers apparently viewer asked her about Griffin’s between Al Gore and George W. he didn’t make the statement to cipherable garble to replace the don’t care – the state’s measure upcoming role as a Palin-esque Bush in 2000. get excused from jury duty but lyrics: “No matter gay, straight or will remain on the books, even if it character in “Glee.” “I would just rather to express his feelings bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I’m is not enforced. “It’s a tempest in ask for respect for my children,” BRiBE & GROOM about his status in society. on the right track, baby.” a teapot,” Kansas Republican Rep. Palin told Fox. “As she stated on The FBI charges that an anti-gay, Lance Kinzer said of the decision. CNN, her new year’s resolution is closeted New York state senator chin UP GOD MADE hiM DO iT to destroy my 16-year-old daugh- used his secret, live-in boyfriend Hey, bears: Police officers in A Pennsylvania man told police XXX at SEc ter. That takes it a little bit too far. to launder the bribes he received. Durango, Colo., can now sport he was following Old Testament A freedom of information Kathy, pick on me. Come up to Sen. Carl Kruger, D-Brooklyn, hair on their chinny, chin, chin – law when he stoned to death an request led to the release of doc- Alaska and pick on me, but leave turned himself in to the FBI on but only goatees, not full beards. elderly man he claims made sexu- uments showing that 24 employ- my kids alone.” March 10, reported the New York The police department instituted al advances toward him. John Joe ees with the U.S. Securities and Post under the headline “Bribe & the new policy in mid-December. Thomas, 28, faces a first-degree Exchange Commission were MOORE PALin Groom.” Kruger faces corrup- Since then, even the police chief murder charge in the death of disciplined or received counsel- Julianne Moore will play Sarah tion charges for allegedly trading has gotten fuzzier. Murray Seidman. The two spent ing for watching Internet porn Palin in an upcoming HBO drama political favors for more than many days together at Seidman’s on government computers. The based on “Game Change,” the $1 million in bribes over a five- ThE WROnG TRAcK, apartment. Police said Thomas documents said the websites bestselling book about John year period. BABy told them he beat Seidman in the contained sexually explicit pho- McCain’s 2008 presidential cam- Malaysian radio stations head 10 times with a sock full of tographs or video of straight, paign. The film will center on JUDGE not worry some lyrics in Lady Gaga’s rocks after receiving instructions fetish or gay porn. Some of the McCain’s selection of Palin as his Jonathan D. Lovitz was excused gay anthem “Born This Way” in his prayers that he must end employees spent hours on the running mate and their defeat from jury duty after telling the are on the wrong track, baby. the elderly man’s life due to his sites, according to an AP report. by Barack Obama in the 2008 judge he couldn’t be impartial Broadcasters in this Muslim- sexual orientation. Thomas was Probably not at minimum wage. Vote April 5th to Bring Real Change and Reform to Milwaukee County 4 Create Jobs 4 Preserve Vital Resources 4 Stand Up for What’s Right ChriS ABele For MilWAUKee CoUNtY eXeCUtiVe ENDORSED BY THE WISCONSIN GAZETTE ENDORSED BY FAIR WISCONSIN ENDORSED BY EQUALITY WISCONSIN Authorized and Paid for by Chris Abele for Milwaukee County, Jeff Peelen, Treasurer www.ChrisAbele.com 4 W i S c O n S i n GAZETTE. c OM | March 24, 2011 W i S c O n S i n GAZETTE. c OM | M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 1 1 5 Got news? Tell us Walker has done more to galvanize Democrats than anyone since George Bush 5 [email protected].
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