yyy /H Eh 4\ \t\ \ art 1 ' ) V XIK ^SPOHTS - RTS H PMILA ELI TS • PITERN siTIO NtU i l III axQKaoaa pon staqogaaaqanaco^^ Volume 27 May - June 1989 Number 5 1988 U.S. BASEBALL CANCELS BY: Norman Rushefsky The 1988 baseball canrel program began in January with a special cancel at BUI'PEX' 88 honoring the opening of Pilot Held in Buffalo. New York.( see Fig. I) Pilot Field is the home field of the Buffalo Bisons, the Triple A minor league baseball team. Pilot Field actually had its opening day in April and a similar cancel was used on this occasion ( Fig. 2). Two similar Colorano cachets were prepared for these events. Pilot field - Home of the Bianns BASEBALL Fid. I III Feberary the Home Run Special cancel was once again used by the West Omaha Philatelic Society. This year their stamp show honored Stan " The Man " Musial (see Fig. 3). A similar cancel was also used August 27-28 at the society's August stamp s h o \v. 161 Pilot Field - Home of the Bisons sssbka OPEVrHS OF PUOT FELD... BASEBALL Fi*. 2 Eixx 11 r x iirinriri ixxiiirnii x ITX x x x x xxj " Roberto M Oemente £ HON*AS RVSHFISK f 171 BOSSlt UrUr AV HtXHrSTFH W V ^ ncxixixxiiiixxiiiixiiiiiiriiixxiixixxx Fie. 3 162 jIX r XXX x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^ ROCKFORD ^•f vs. )( BCLOiT / \ us^c ^l3c • } P SOKMAS RUSHFTSK "s^fc- i pi »*«! MUI <v H& arxurJTTn.« r « 1SSII : u xx xixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxy F.». «T In April the opening day of minor league baseball in Rockford. Illinois was noted with a special cancel for the game between the Rockford Expos and the Beloit (Wisconsin) Brewers.(Fig. 4) Also in April two cancels were used in San Diego at San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium, home field of the Fadres. One cancel honored the home opener of the Padres against the Dodgers (Fig. 5). A few days later the Padres honored Steve Garvey, who wore number 6 for the Padres.(Fig. 6). LOSANGflES POOGfRS VS SAN D*GO PAWS SAN DIEGO JACK MURPHY STADIUM 'AH Dlfin HOAMAS HVSHfrSKY\\tA^ r: ntwwn PA<F AV Y^\ RUCHF.TFIt. »V \ Fitv. 5 163 SPORTS PHILATELISTS INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT: Mark C. Maestrone. 2824 Curie Place. San Diego. CA 92122 VICE-PRESIDENT: Edward B. Epstein. Bd. o« Education. 33 Chuicfi St.. Paterson. NJ 07505 SEC-TREASURER: C. A. Reiss. 322 Riverside Dr.. Huron. OH 44*39 DIRECTORS: Glenn A. Eatus. Box 451. Westport. NY 12993 Joseph M Lacko. 1031 W. Chestnut St.. Union. NJ 07083 John La Porta. PO Box 2286. La Giange. IL 60525 Sherwin D. Podolsky. 16035 Tupper St.. Sepulveda. CA 91343 Dorothy E. Weihrauch. Nine Island Ave.. Apt. 906. Miami Beach. FL 33139 Robert E. Wilcock. 24 Hamilton Cresent. Brentwood. CM14 5ES. England Lester M. Yerkes. PO Box 424. Albuquerque. NM 87103 AUCTIONS: Glenn A. Estus. Box 451. Westport NY 12993 MEMBERSHIP: Margaret A. Jones, 3715 Ashford-Dunwoody Road, N.E., Allanla, GA 30319 SALES DEPT: Jack W. Ryan, 140 W. Lafayette Road, Apt. 3, Medina, OH 44256 Sports Philatelists International is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the study and collecting of postage stamps and related collateral material dealing wiih spons (including Olympics) and recreation and to the promotion of international understanding and goodwill through mutual interest in philately and sports. Its activities are planned and carried on entirely by the unpaid, volunteer services of its members. All members in good standing receive the bi-monlhly issue of Journal of Sports Philately. The dues for regular U.S. membership are $6.00, foreign $8.00 (airmail is additional) per year plus a one time admission fee of $1.00. Membership applications may be obtained from Margaret A. Jones, 3715 Ashford-Dunwoody Rd., N.E., Atlanta. GA 30319 USA. il lp) (U ji .1 SPORTS PHILRTELS EDITOR: John La Porta, P.O. Box 2286. La Grange, IL 60525-8386 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Edward B. Epstein, Bd Of Education, 33 Church St., Paterson, NJ 07505 Glenn A. Estus, Box 451, Westport, NY 12993 Margaret A. Jones, 3715 Ashford-Dunwoody Road N.E., Atlanta. GA 30319 Joseph M. Lacko, 1031 W. Chestnut St., Union, NJ 07083 Sherwin D. Podolsky, 16035 Tupper St., Sepulveda, CA 91343 George A. Scheflel. 2020 Grant St. Concord. CA 94520 Dorothy E. Weihrauch. Nine Island Ave., Apt. 906. Miami, FL 33139 Brian G. Vincent, P.O. Box 1321, Wellington, New Zealand CIRCULATION: C A Reiss 312 Riverside Dr . Huron. OH 44839 PUBLISHER: Custom Impressions, P.O. Box 2286, La Grange, IL 60525-8386 PUBLICITY: Glenn A Eatus, Box 451. westport. NY 12993 ADVERTISING RATES: FULL PAGE $14.00; HALF PAGE $8.00. Advance payment for all advertising must accompany copy. Camera ready copy must be supplied by the advertiser. Publishing deadline is Nov. 15, Feb. 15. Apr. 15, Jun. 15, Oct. 15 for each preceeding issue. APS Affiliate Number 39 ISSN 0 4 4 7 953X NOTE: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual auihors and they do nol necessarily represent those of the editor, the officers of SPI or ihe position of SPI itself. All catalogue numbers quoted in this publication are from Scon's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue unless specifically staled otferwisc. SPI and JSP do not guarantee advertisements, but accept copy in good faith, reserving Ihe righl lo rej.'ct objectionable material. 164 SAN DIEGO SAN of GO IACK Munmr STADUM SOHMAS HUSIirrSKYSsaSjo rnaoimir mural/ V^% KAZurtrr.K n r ^ I4SII FlS. l» iriTX XXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXX XXXXIXXXXIXXX XX' MOW MAN PtlJ»MfF»KV ^%)%*A\^r r-tP 177 BONHIF RF1AF *V ^Mm\W^^ ROCHESTER NY t4«lB ^^Cr XXX X X XXX 11 XXX I I XXXXXXXXXX XXXX^ FIG. 7 inirimimiiriiiiiirirritiiirim^ Hotoorto M Catnwnto M toNVT^mtjCnSDr M STATION jTk^ * —~ r'"mtwr^r w NEW lERSTY 04lr*"^ ^ M JUL 8 11 -0SA20C M ,-^ a NOHJHAN RiisurrSKnaafc. in aoiwr PMI *v V^=. KOCHBSTM. » V A ifejE IMII ^ -ajfjaj 11 • -1 r f • - • • —• iiiimirmrnriiiniirrinrrrririri F/6. S In June the NCAA College Baseball World Series was noled with a cancel at Omaha, Nebraska. Stanford University won this championship again. They were the 1987 winner as well.(Fig. 7) In July the National Sports Collectors Convention was held in Atlantic City. New Jersey and a special baseball cancel was used. (Fig. 8) Another San Diego cancel was used al a stamp show and honored the San Diego* *'^' * sports teams, the Padres and the Chargers (football). (Fig. 9) \|n|,.|.V,|.- 1(1] '• HONORING ) 1988 Roberto San Diego^- S \ ^Aaamonta SPORTS TEAMS *** ^ AM Cl/:c STADIUM Fi&.l ttOMMAN nii»MfrWt 377 BONNIE FlHAf Av BOruFSTE** NY >«*'« Flft. IO 1 6 6 rxn xx ii xixxxxxxrxxxrxx niitixmA x r <%4» a flai*, it, *9«8 AVrrH^nf, .M * //JIT* MAJORLE*GUE BASEBALL xxxxxxxxxxx x x xx xxxxx: rxsafi Fis.ll A baseball cancel was used in Bristol, which is on the border of Tennessee and Virginia.The cancel notes the 5lh Street Owls and Jake Boyd. I have no information about the meaning of the cancel. (Fig 10) A special postal station was provided at Shea Station, home field of the New York Mcts. Ihe game that day honored Tom Seaver, the great pitcher who wore number 41 (Fig. 11). The last Sunday of July is the annual induction ceremony for the Baseball Hall of xziiriinixiiiixxiiiiiriiiiirrxriiir INDUCTION DAY STA. Mi .R Ht«.. Neman ftu«.hp1i»y IT' Bonr.l.. Bra*. Ave<H.*< 0,., npstsar, N\ UflP iiinimiiiiiiirniiiiriirrriiiiiri FIG. 12. 167 Fame.This year only Willie Stargell, the great Pittsburgh Pirate, was inducted.(Fig. 12) In August the I I years old and under World Series was once again held in Tarkio, Missouri (Fig. 13 ). • .. On August 8 baseball history was noted with a cancel (Fig. 14) used at Wriglcy Field, > home field of the Chicago Cubs. This was the last Major League field to employ artificial lights for night-time baseball. The game was rained out before the 5th inning so it had to be completely replayed on another dale. IL&JfNDER DmSION xjl!«£ WoP'iLgfRlES STATION 2/iJiKIOJSlio6449i - ATKU5TJC CO. AUGUST 1 . 1988 AU6UST 1 -AUGUST 7. loaf- rlr.S Hr. nip P.fle *<P"i r. NV 146 1 H Fi6.13 WRK3LEY FELD STA^?} FIRST NIGHT CAME FIRSTS Chicago. L 60613 Flnt pitch thrown by Rick Sutcliffe to AUQ. 8, 1988 Phil Bradley. It wai • ball. Tha flrft fou> ball came on tha second 'FIRST NIGHT GAME. pitch. tha flnt homarun was on tha fourth pitch to Bradley. It MII hit ovar tha left center-field fane*. THE FIRST NICHT CAME IN THE HISTORY OF WRICLEY FIELD WAS A RAIN OUT.THE Catchar Damon Barryhlll caught thai CAME WITH THE PHILLIES WENT TO THE fir »t ball and threw It Into tha Cuba dugout. Jody Davli caught It and BOTTOM OF THE FOURTH INNING WHEN ran tha length of tha dugout to that THE RAINS CAME. THE CUBS WERE AHEAD all tha teammate! could touch It. 3 TO I BUT THE CAME WAS CALLED AFTER A J HOUR AND IO MINUTE DELAY. FV..I4 168 Hr.» »n. 277 Bonnl« 8r«# Avtw I •nrhiil'., I" Hril« Fit. IS A baseball and a bat are featured on a cancel (Fig. 15) noting a "corn boil" in Cobb. Wisconsin. I assume this celebrates the corn harvest but 1988, due lo drought, was not a good year for most of the nation's farmers. The East Coast National Baseball Card Show was held in White Plains, New York and a cancel used at the show featured a baseball card.( Fig. 16) jjMJJJJJJJJJJJJJIM^HXMXXWHlMJHJa BASEBALL =CARD SHOW STATION IS-NEWYOPK-10602 RontMfi »u^h#fiky 777 eonnl* •>»« Avenue tocrwitfr, *TT 14618 tfeXX4EZXXX^*«aBt Fi&.lti 169 Roberto Cawranta SPALIWG e\rmjBjK co.
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