Composition and Performance Records of the Applicant Year Date of No. Title Length Instrumentation Venue Performer composed performance The Legend of Rmdax Tasing 1 2021 4'07” flute, percussion duet 02/03/21 Golden Hearts publications 《白石傳說》 Blooming Flowers 2 2021 4'01” vibraphone solo 08/02/21 Golden Hearts publications 《花》 The Imagery of Luan Tan 3 2021 5'24” piano solo 05/05/21 Golden Hearts publications 《亂彈意象》 Nyainqentanglha 4 2021 5'00” Double bass solo 04/08/21 Golden Hearts publications 《念青唐古拉》 Northern Light 5 2021 2'45” piccolo solo 01/13/21 Golden Hearts publications 《北極光》 Morning Sunshine at the 6 Temple 2020 8'02” guitar solo TBD Phasma-Music label, recorded in Poland. Michalis Sourinos (guitar) 《晨曦》 5/21/21 Grand Theater of National Taichung Theater 7 Nuwa《女媧》 2020 11'10” 10 percussionists 5/22/21 National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) Ju Percussion Group 5/27/21 NationalConcert Hall, Taipei Obsession, A Hakka Caprice ChoLiang, Lin (violin), NTSO 8 2020 8'03” Violin, orchestra 12/11/20 National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) 《情迷山歌子》 (orchestra), Madeline Tsai conducting Sound from the Earth NTSO orchestra with Yeh Cheng-Te 9 2020 20'15” symphony orchestra 10/17/20 Democracy grassland in Wufeng, Taichung. 《來自泥土的聲音》 conducting Ma Hsio-Pei (flute), Yi-Wen Guan Nice Day flute, harp, cello, piano & 10 2020 3'43” 11/7/20 National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) (harp), Chu-Han Huang (piano), Pin- Jazz drum 《美好的一天》 Jie Huang (cello), Yu-Jia (jazz drum) Tea Mountain Caprice 11 2020 11'28” symphony orchestra TBD NTSO commission 《茶山隨想曲》 TaipeiCivic Symphonic Band, Lian- Musical Landscape of Tainan 2/21/21 Metropolitan Hall, Taipei. 12 2019 8'26” symphonic band Chang Kuo conducting. (2/21/21) 11/13/21 Tainan Culture Center 《府城音畫》 Tainan Symphonic Band (11/13/21) Iwona Glinka(flute), 13 Myth 2019 2'06” flute,clarinet duet June/21 Decibel Studio recorded, PHASMA-MUSIC 《神話》 Yannis Samprovalakis(clarinet) 1 Year Date of No. Title Length Instrumentation Venue Performer composed performance 14 Hope《冀》 2019 12'30” Erhu, flute, piano 5/11-18/20 Chiesa di San Giovanni di Malta, Venice the Neo-Classic Chamber Ensemble ExQuartet-Monika Sawczuk (1 vln.), Vivid Formosa Academy of Arts in Stettin, Poland Lukasz Gorewicz (2 vln.), Grzegorz 15 2019 7'30” string quartet 8/15/20 《樂躍福爾摩沙》 PhasmaMusic recorded and released. Sadowski (viola), Tomasz Szczesny (cello) Vivid Formosa National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) 16 2019 7'30” cello quartet 9/1/2019 Hotshot Cello Choir 《樂躍福爾摩沙》 recital hall Swing Machu Picchu Saxophone quartet, Publishing by GHP (Golden Hearts Publications) in 17 2019 3'30” not yet 《搖擺天空之城》 marimba, percussions Japan Fantasy Journey 18 2019 3'15” woodwind quintet 9/20/19 Kaohsiung City Music Hall, Taiwan. Yang-Min Junior Woodwind Quintet 《奇幻旅程》 Love Song of a Warlord Marcelo de la Puebla (guitar), Lin-Lin 19 2019 6'30” pipa, guitar duet TBD 《英雄的戀歌》 Yu (pipa) Publishing by GHP (Golden Hearts Publications) in 20 Circle 2018 4'45” Saxophone quartet TBD 《圓》 Japan North/South Consonance 2018–2019 Concert, 21 Scourge《殤》 2018 4'40” piano solo 2/10/19 National Opera Center’s Placido Domingo Hall, Max Lifchit (piano) New York, NY Publishing by GHP (Golden Hearts Publications) in 22 2018 4'30” flute solo TBD Somber Flute《吹笛》 Japan Tweet Tweet Birds 23 2018 2'00” flute solo 11/15/19 Phasma-Music label, recorded in Poland. Iwona Glinka (flute) 《百鳥鳴》 Three Sceneries of Taiwan Breezy Oceans (3'36"), At the Temple (5'14”), and 24 2018 11'33” guitar duet not yet 《台灣三景》 Tung Blossoms (2'43") Butterfly Lovers Violin violin and Chinese 25 Concerto 2017 14'00” not yet orchestra 《蝶戀花小提琴協奏曲》 2 Year Date of No. Title Length Instrumentation Venue Performer composed performance Jamestown, Rhode Island, with a new CD release 26 Yearning《相思》 2016 5'41” piano solo 11/05/17 "The American Music Series CD vol. 3" by Martin Jones (piano) MahinMedia 27 Snow on the River《江雪》 2016 5'27” piano solo 11/10/16 Radford University, Virginia Martin Jones (piano) National Taiwan Symphony orchestra with Chung-Hsin Hall, Taichung, Taiwan 28 Knot 2016 30'00” 5/26-27/17 Orchestra, 《結》 percussions (4) Northern Miao-Li Art Center, Miao-Li, Taiwan Kai-Hsi Fan conducting Spring Kaleidoscope Sinfonietta Sensation Piano Quartet concert, Quei Lih Chen, Ting Wen Shao, Nam 29 2016 6'40” two pianos (eight hands) 12/12/17 《春日萬花筒》 Tainan Culture Center, Tainan, Taiwan Yeung, and Shun-Cheng Yang Colorful Leaves 30 2016 6'00” guitar solo TBD RCS contemporary guitar project Marco Ramelli (guitar) 《秋葉》 Guitar Concerto No. 1 (Remembrance of Pedro Ribeiro Rodrigues (guitar) and 31 Hometown) 2015 15'08” guitar, symphony orch. 7/1/2018 PARMA Recordings, recorded in Croatia Croatian Chamber Orchestra Miran Vaupotić conducting 《第一號吉他協奏曲-思鄉》 Dreaming of My Mirror The Alumni Concert, CD produced by Prof. Yann- Giulia Kuo (soprano), Tina Shao 32 2015 3'48” soprano and piano 10/28/17 《夢見我的鏡》 Jong Hwang, Tainan University of Technology (piano) For My Hometown The Alumni Concert, CD produced by Prof. Yann- Giulia Kuo (soprano), Tina Shao 33 2015 2'11” soprano and piano 10/28/17 《寫佇土地的心肝頂》 Jong Hwang, Tainan University of Technology (piano) Gateway Through the Mirror The Alumni Concert, CD produced by Prof. Yann- Giulia Kuo (soprano), Tina Shao 34 2015 3'41” soprano and piano 10/28/17 《鏡是一片門》 Jong Hwang, Tainan University of Technology (piano) Golden River The Alumni Concert, CD produced by Prof. Yann- Giulia Kuo (soprano), Tina Shao 35 2015 3'29” soprano and piano 10/28/17 《金色的曾文溪》 Jong Hwang, Tainan University of Technology (piano) The Alumni Concert, CD produced by Prof. Yann- Giulia Kuo (soprano), Tina Shao 36 2015 3'11” soprano and piano 10/28/17 Mist《迷霧》 Jong Hwang, Tainan University of Technology (piano) The Children in the Mirror The Alumni Concert, CD produced by Prof. Yann- Giulia Kuo (soprano), Tina Shao 37 2015 3'20” soprano and piano 10/28/17 《鏡內底的囡仔》 Jong Hwang, Tainan University of Technology (piano) 3 Year Date of No. Title Length Instrumentation Venue Performer composed performance Distant Memory 38 2015 4'00” guitar solo 10/04/15 Gang Shan Culture Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Yi-Fang Ko (guitar) 《遙遠的記憶》 CD release by Ven. Master Tsung Heart Sutra chorus, cello, di, 09/18/16 Xuanzang Temple by Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan 39 2015 4'02” Tzu Shih, Hsinchu Shimen Children marimba, percussion (4) 04/27/15 SoundCloud release 《抄心経入禪定》 (Choir), synthesizer CD release by Ven. Master Tsung Compassion of the Buddhist soprano, violin, flute, 09/18/16 Xuanzang Temple by Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan 40 2014 2'45” Tzu Shih, Man-Fei Liao (soprano), percussion (4) 05/14/14 YouTube release 《悲愍群生天竺取経》 synthesizer Kaohsiung City Music Hall, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 12/15/16 Nat'l Sun-Yat Sen Univ. Cello Choir (mov. 3) Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Saga of an Assassin 05/23/15 Tsinghua University String Ensemble 41 2014 8'00” cellos (8) Taichung City Seaport Art Center, Taichung, 12/21/14 Min-Yuan Lin's Hotshot Cello Choir 《荊軻》 Taiwan Kaohsiung City Music Hall, Kaohsiung, 12/12/14 Min-Yuan Lin's Hotshot Cello Choir Taiwan Music Mansion, Providence, Rhode Island Docking Overnight by Maple 02/11/17 Megan Koch (cello), Verdant Vibes Colorado Mesa University, Gand Junction, CO, 42 Bridge 2014 7'02” cello solo 10/07/15 concert, Kristen Yeon-Ji Yun (cello) USA Dept. Chinese Music, Tainan Nat'l Univ. of 04/27/14 Chien Hui Yang (cello) 《楓橋夜泊》 the Arts Ghost Dance 43 2013 7'00” violin, flute, cello not yet 《鬼之舞》 Sheu Pettit Duo (Connie Sheu, Adam 03/12/16 Los Angeles Valley College, Valley Glen, CA Pettit), Rainfall at the Harbor 05/30/15 Score publication 44 2013 4'00” guitar duet Flexible Persona (guitar duet) 10/15/14 Teatro Municipal de Santiago, Santiage, Chile 《雨落海港》 Eugenio González, Patricio Araya 07/07/14 Isidora Zegers recital hall, Santiago, Chile Eugenio González, Patricio Araya Guitar Ensemble of Chile (guitar Enchanted Island 10/15/14 Teatro Municipal de Santiago, Santiage, Chile 45 2013 9'00” guitars (8) octet) Guitar Ensemble of Chile 07/07/14 Isidora Zegers recital hall, Santiago, Chile 《奇幻島海之嶼》 (guitar octet) The Spring of Tai-Ba-Lang Hsiao-Yen Cheng (db), Meng-Feng 46 2013 7'06” guitar, contrabass 08/20/13 National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan 《太巴塱之春》 Su (gtr) Summer Afternoon 8/13/13 Chartres-Dimanche music salon, Shanghai, China 47 2013 2'00” guitars (2) Ye Fan, Gilbert Imperial 《夏曰午後》 8/14/13 Shanghai Concert Hall, China Shining Star 8/13/13 Chartres-Dimanche music salon, Shanghai, China 48 2013 3'00” guitars (2) Ye Fan, Gilbert Imperial 《星星的誕生》 8/14/13 Shanghai Concert Hall, China 4 Year Date of No. Title Length Instrumentation Venue Performer composed performance Ancestral Tune Tao Yuan Symphonic Band (Amy 49 2012 9'30” wind symphonic band 11/26/13 Jhongli Arts Hall, Taiwan 《祖韻》 Chang cond.) Dance of Fireflies Harold Lobb Concert Hall, Conservatorium of 50 2012 3'10” marimba solo 11/11/12 David Lockeridge 《螢火之舞》 Music, University of Newcastle, Australia Misty Tango 06/22/11 Hsinchu Municipal Performance Hall, Taiwan Sophia Lin (flute), Meng-Feng Su 51 2011 8'00” flute, guitar 《迷霧探戈》 07/24/11 National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan (guitar) Reflections violin (2), double bass, 10/27/11 Hsinchu Municipal Performance Hall, Taiwan 52 2011 9'00” Yen Ensemble 《影中影》 guitar, percussion 11/09/11 National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan Taichi 53 2011 5'30” guitar, alto guitar not yet commissioned Aranjuez Guitar Duo 《太極》 Autumn Mood a cappella, percussion 54 2010 6'05” not yet submitted to American Composer Forum 2012 《秋怨》 (2) Three Songs of Tang Poems 55 2010 11'00” voice, piano 11/22/11 submitted to American Composer Forum 2012 Dr.
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