Social Assessment of the National Horticulture and Livestock Project (NHLP) Final Report December 7, 2012 Commissioned by: Horticulture and Livestock Project, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Samuel Hall is a research and consulting company with headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan. We specialise in perception surveys, policy and socio-economic research, evaluations and impact assessments for governmental and non-governmental organisations. Our teams of technical experts, practitioners, and researchers have years of field and research experience in Afghanistan. This has allowed us to i) acquire a firm grasp of the political and socio-cultural context of development in Afghanistan; ii) design data collection methods and statistical analyses for monitoring, evaluation and planning of programs; iii) apply cross-disciplinary knowledge in providing integrated solutions for policy interventions. For more information, visit www.samuelhall.org or contact us at [email protected]. Samuel Hall Consulting Kabul: +93 796 606 028 Paris: +33 666 48 88 32 [email protected] 1 ACRONYMS AAA Action Aid Afghanistan ACD Association for Community Development ACF Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger) ACTED Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development ADEO Afghanistan Development and Educational Organization AHDAA Agency for Humanitarian and Development Assistance for Afghanistan AKF Aga Khan Foundation AMI Aide Médicale Internationale (International Medical Aid) ANCC Afghanistan National Re-Construction Co-ordination ARCS Afghan Red Crescent Society ASAP Afghanistan National Re-Construction Co-ordination AWRC Afghan Women's Resource Center BDN Bakhtar Development Network BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee CADG Central Asia Development Group CAF Care of Afghan Families CAID Christian Aid CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CDC Community Development Council CHA Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CoAR Coordination of Afghan Relief CORDAID Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid CRDSA Coordination of Rehabilitation and Development Services for Afghanistan CRS Catholic Relief Services DACAAR Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees DAI Development Alternatives, Inc. DAIL Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock DWHH Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action) EC European Commission ECHO European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office ESSF Environmental and Social Safeguard Framework ESSP Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FEWSNET Famine Early Warning Systems Network SOCIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE NHLP – DECEMBER 2012 2 FFS Farmer Field School FGD Focus Group Discussion FOCUS Focus Humanitarian Aid GPFA Global Partnership for Afghanistan GMS Gender Mainstreaming Strategy HAPA Help Alleviate Poverty in Afghanistan HLP Horticulture and Livestock Project ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IDEA-NEW Incentives Driving Economic Alternatives – North, East and West IRC International Rescue Committee IRD International Relief and Development JDA Joint Development Associates JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KII Key Informant Interview MADERA Mission d'Aide au Développement des Economies Rurales en Afghanistan MAIL Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock MC Mercy Corps M&E Monitoring and Evaluation ME Mission East MOPH Ministry of Public Health MRAA Mailan Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan MRRD Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation Development NAC Norwegian Afghanistan Committee NADF National Agriculture Development Framework NCA Norvegian Committee for Afghanistan NHLP National Horticulture and Livestock Project NPO/RRAA Norwegian Project Office/Rural Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan NRC Norwegian Refugee Council PIN People In Need PM&E Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation ROP Roots of Peace RWDOA Rehabilitation and Welfare Development Organization for Afghanistan SAB (Belgium) Solidarités Afghanistan Belgique SC Save the Children SCA Swedish Committee for Afghanistan SDF Sanayee Development Foundation SFL Students For Liberty SHA Swiss Humanitarian Aid SOCIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE NHLP – DECEMBER 2012 3 UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund VARA Voluntary Association for Rehabilitation of Afghanistan WASSA Women Activities and Social Services Association WB World Bank WDOA Welfare and Development Organization for Afghanistan WFP World Food Programme WHH Welthungerhilfe (former German Agro-Action) WHO World Health Organization WVI World Vision International SOCIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE NHLP – DECEMBER 2012 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 7 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 12 Scope and Approach ..................................................................................................................... 15 Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 22 Chapter 1. Social Assessment of the Future NHLP .................................................................. 27 1) Social Diversity and Gender ........................................................................................................ 28 1.1. The most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups of people in rural Afghanistan ... 28 1.2. Gender in the context of rural Afghanistan ............................................................................ 33 1.3. Potential impact of NHLP on vulnerable and disadvantaged groups .......................... 36 1.4. Potential Impact of NHLP on women ........................................................................................ 36 2) NHLP Stakeholders and the Conditions of their Participation ....................................... 38 3) Social Impact and Potential Social Risks ................................................................................ 41 3.1. Food security ....................................................................................................................................... 41 3.2. Hygiene and health ........................................................................................................................... 41 Chapter 2. Building the Social Strategy of NHLP: Mitigation & Management ................ 42 1) Public Information and Communication Campaign ........................................................... 42 2) Strengthening social inclusion ................................................................................................... 43 3) Promoting local participation and ownership ..................................................................... 44 4) Minimizing other social risks ..................................................................................................... 44 Chapter 3. Social Monitoring & Evaluation .......................................................................... 46 1) General Principles .......................................................................................................................... 46 2) Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation .................................................................................. 47 3) Social Monitoring & Evaluation for NHLP .............................................................................. 49 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................... 52 Annexes ............................................................................................................................................ 54 1) 23 Provincial Profiles .................................................................................................................... 54 2) Main Provincial Actors (including NSP coverage) ........................................................... 101 3) Main Natural Disasters by Province ..................................................................................... 103 4) Provincial Profile Data sources .............................................................................................. 105 5) Key Informant Interviews ........................................................................................................ 108 6) Field Work Timeline ................................................................................................................... 111 7) Qualitative Survey – Part 1 ....................................................................................................... 113 8) Qualitative Survey – Part 2 ....................................................................................................... 122 9) Focus Group Guides .................................................................................................................... 126 9.1. Focus Group 1: Subsistence Farmers .......................................................................................... 127
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