USOO706045OB1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,060,450 B1 Tabin et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 13, 2006 (54) SCREENING ASSAYS FORAGONSTS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS ANTAGONSTS OF THE HEDGEHOG Niswander, L., S. Jeffrey. G.R. Martin, and C. Tickle. A SIGNALING PATHWAY positive feedback loop coordinates growth and patterning in the vertebrate limb. Oct. 13, 1994. Nature. vol. 371. pp. (75) Inventors: Clifford Tabin, Cambridge, MA (US); 609-612. Valeria Marigo, Milan (IT); Philip W. Forbes, A.J. Y. Nakano, A.M. Taylor, and P.W.Ingham. Ingham, Summertown (GB); Andrew Genetic analysis of hedgehog signalling in Drosophila P. McMahon, Lexington, MA (US) embryo. 1993. Development Supplement. 115-124.* (73) Assignees: President and Fellows of Harvard Bowie et al., “Deciphering the Message in the Protein College, Cambridge, MA (US); Sequences: Tolerance to Amino Acid Substitutions”, Sci Imperial Cancer Research Technology ence 247: 1306-1310. 1990.* Ltd., London (GB) Creighton, T.E. 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