1415 . TRADES DIRECTORY, 1910. BRO Simons, Wells & Co. 9 Mincing lane E C Australian Mutnal Shipping Co. Ltd. FoundWalt.Edmnd.&Oo.150 Leadenhall st E C Langridge Hy. & Co. 16 Great St. Hclen's E Ci Smith Erlmund Warwick:, !l \1:iucing lane E C 7 Fenchurch avenue E C Frang~pulo A. & Oo. 21! Great St. Hclen's E C §Law, Leslie & Co. 32 Great St. Helen's E C Speller ErnestVictor&Oo. 70~0racechrch.st E C Balch1n W. Limited, 'l Fenchurch hldngs E C Freeland J. & A. B.13 Greftt dt. Hclen's E C li§~'Lawtber', Lat.ta & Oo. Billiter buildings E Ci ThorneLt d1 I<'ehr, 22 St. ~ary Axe E C Banaz Natale, Bury st. chmbrd. Bury st E C Fulton John & Co. 4 St. Mary Axe E C Lee Etlward Field & Co. 65 Fenchurch st E' Ci Tolme & Run~e. ·H :iiiucmg lane E C 11 llarnett Bros. Exchange chambers, St. ::'dary li§Furneaux Sidney & Co. 26 Gt. St.Helen's E C LehmannSigmundAlex. &Co. 8t-\Fnchrch.st E G Wheatlcy H. P. & Co. 34 Great St.Heien'sE C Axe EC II§Furness, Withy & Co. Lim. 4 Fenchurch II§Lennard J. & OCJ.Ltd. 138Leadenhall stE Ci & The llaitic E C Bates FraR. Wailer, 57 Gracechnrch ~t E C avenue E C & 38 Lime street E C II~Lid~ett John&Sons,6 Lime streeu squareE G Wood Chas. E. H Mincing lane E C liBeatley Thomas Gage & Son, 53 Leadenhal! Galbr'lith Hill Thomas Skinner & Co. 23 IILindaay, Dendix & Co. 11 Lea.denball st E C Wynter, Roberts & Co. 9 Mincing lane E C street E lr Dill iter street E C t•+§li Lloyd, Lowe Ltd.7 East India avenueE Ci §I: Bell Bros. & Co. 30 Gt. St. He! en's E C Galbraith Gcorge Fredk. 14 Harp lane E C Lotinga Alfred, 86 Leadenhall street E C Robinson Gco. 4 rne An fray, Le Havre I, Bell J. & Co. 22 Leaden hall street E C ~ lalbraith,Pembroke&.Co.34Le:J.denball st E C §!:Low Andrew, Son& Co. 15 Gt. St. Helen's E C ~t§IIBethell, Gwyn & no. Billiter buildings E C IIGee Charles & Co. 17 Gracechurch st E C Lowick Hy. Wm. & Oo. 32 Gt. Ht. Helen's E C Brokers-Provision. 11 Binks Edgar S. 150 Lead~nhaU street E C Gallatly, Hankey & Co. Dock ho. Billitcr st E C 11 \IcAllum Wm. & Co. 31 Great St.Helen'sE G §Birt, Potter~ llughe~Ltd.2 Fenchurch av-E C &51 Pall mall SW; &7 llrazennosest. Man· 11 McCarthy Robert Jl.looro & Oo. 120 l!'en· all() A•un'I-Pr()'l)ilion; &e Rroken--Canned Blaf'k, Moore & Oo. 5 E:l8t India avenue E C chester; 22 Water st. Liverpool; 82 Mite hell church street E C (}nod.,; "'·"" Prr.,!no· Merchant1. Blane & Co. 47 Lea<l.enhall street E C street, Gh.. qgow; Dock house, Plaine van McOullach J. W.&Co.87 A.,&8SA,Leadnhl.st E C Blond ell Jules, 33 D lrough IIigh street SE Blichfeldt & Co.l6 Water la. Gt. Tower st E C Schoonbeke, Antwerp; 8 Rue de la Repub­ 11 :lfcDowall John & Co, 1 Lloyd's av-enue E C DouglaB~ Henry, 4.-IA, Tooley street SE Blyth Henry David & Co. 3-1 Lime street E C lique, Marseille.~&Alsterdam li.lt 15, Hambur~ McFadane Waiter & Co. 30 Gt. St. Helen's E C Francis Eri win. 45 rooley street S E ti,Boret H. D. 9 Rilliter •quare E C 11 §Gibson E. A. & Co. 9D to :J8 Leaden hall street §liMcGregar, Gow & Co. 4. Lime street E C; Gillanders James, 41 Too1ey street SE DoRS:tlini & Co. Ltd. 4 Cullum street E C E C & Tb.e Baltic E C entrance also, 1 East India avenue E C McCutcheon Willia.m & Son. 33 Tooley ~t SE Bovey FraukHerhert&Co. 25 St. i\far_vAxe E C Gilders Cecil Ed ward, 66 Mark lane E C Mcllwraith, McEacharn & Co. Proprietary Nicholls firm. 17 to 25 Tooley street SE Bov-ey John & Robert, 7 Fcnchurch aven E C 11 Gi.llespie, Crass & Co. 9 &ll Fencburch av E C Limited, Bill iter square buildings E G Nickson Geo.&Ju. & Oo. Ltd. 67 Toolcy stS E Bowring C T.& Co.Ltd. Winchester house E C Wllovcr Brothcrs,88 Bishopsgate st. wthn E C Macknight & Oo. 11 Fenchurch buildingsE C O'Ryan John W. & Son, 3!) Great Tower Bt E. C Brandt Waldemar, 5 Foyle st. .;undedand §Goodchild John & Co. 88 B'enchurch st E C McMillan James, 46 Leadennall street E C Pa~e Samuel & Son, Montrtgue chambers. Branfoat Jo;;eph Jopling, 120 Bi~hopsgate I:Gordon R. & eo. 36 Lim~ street E C 11 \fango & Co. 49 Lime street E C Moutague close, BoroughS E street within f C Gasman & Smith, 150 LeadeJ.hall street E C Marden William & Co. 5 East India. av-en E C Sorensen & Co. Ltd. 49 Tooley street SE Brett & Beanfov, 6fl Fenchnrchstreet E C §:i<lourlay H. B. & A. 38 Leadenhall street E C ~ ~ttMarshall Arthur & Son, 101 Leaden ball Trengrouse H. & Co. 51 to 55 Tooley st S E tBritish '\.mst€r,lam ~1aritime Agency Ltd. Grant J. & R. 23 Billitcr street E C stre0t E C 150 & 151 Fenchurch street E C-T A Green Frederick & Co. 13 Fenchurch av-enue UMatthews & Lufi, 52 Leadenhall street E C "11izzenmast"; r }I 3277 London Wall E C & 28 Cockspur street SW Mattb.ews, Wrightson & Co. 55 & 56 Bishops· Brokers-Publicans', Britisl1 & Northern Shipping Agency Ltri. tGriffiths, Tate & Co. 5 Fenchurch street E C gaw street witb.i'l E C Su Publicans' Broker1. (The), 5 L\oyd's av nue, Fenchurch st E C Gronsund Johs. & Co. 26 Seething lane E C Mead, Son & Hussey, St. Dunsta.n's buildings, Brown E!lwm rnos.&Oo.2:1Gt.St. Helen'M E G tHackett,A.usen<l.er&Co.l9St.Dunstn.'s hl E C St. Dunstan's hill E C Brokers-Rice. 11§ Brown James & A1ex. 64 Le:tdenhall st E C §E!acquoil John P. & Co. 50 & 51 Lime st E C Medhunt Wm. Richard, 2 3 Gt. St. Helen's E C Anderson, Fairley& Brown,36&37Mncn!l', la E C 11~8rown, Jenkinson & Co. 4 Lloyd's av E C ~Ball .T ohn, jun.&Co.31&~2CJrutchedfri;trs E' C 'IMeikiereid G. B. & Son.l55 Fenchurcn stE C Bartlett F. E .•~ Co. 1 Great Tower street E C Brow ne, Geveke & Co. 1O'l Fenchurcb st E C Hamilton John & Co. 11 Fenchurch bldgs E C Miles Alex.Rof(ers&Co. 39 Bishps5t.st.wnE C: Bell Herbert Mau0.P.&Co.13~ Fench,rch ~t E C ~!I Bruce David & Ca. Billiter builtlings E C Ha.msh(lr William & Co. 52 Lime street E G Minne Alfred, 6 LlrJy,l's aveaue E C Colman A. & Co. Dunster hn, Mincing la E C §'iBucknall Brothers, 'l3 Lear\en hall street E C Harland & Oo. 43 St. Mary Axe E C t§Montgomerie & Workman, 36 Gracech.st E C Harvey Sydney & Co. 48 Mark lane E C- & 50 & 51 Lime street E C IIHarley & Co. 6 Lime street square E C Morel Limited, Leadennall buildings E C T A. "Oryzahar, London " B11dcl Charles, 7il to75 Lower ThameR st E C 11 !:far-per H. G. & Co. 14 St. Mar}' Axe E C Morgau ];]van & Oo. 12 St. Mary Ax:e E C King Arthur & Co. Billiter buildings E C Bu !man Richard & Son, 11 -"t. Mary Axe E C ~liHarris & Dixon Ltd. 81 Gracechurch st E C MorisonBruce&Oo.4Broadst.b<l.gs. L'pool st E C Kinze & Co. 12 Ma•k lane E C flBurgess&Co.Ltrl. 5'l & 6() GracechurchstE C H>J.rrower & Co. 23 Lime street E C Morison, Pollexfen & Blair Ltd. 34 Leaden- Rebentiscb Hu'l'o & Oo. 14 Mincing lane E C l :algary & Co. 2, 3 & 4 Billit er av-enue E C Harrowing Ho here &Co. Exchang-e chambers, hall otreet E C Tbompson BrothP-rs & Co. 2!l Mincing la E C IICampbell & Co. 6 Crosby square E C 24 St. Macy Axe E C ; he:J.d officJ, Whitby •tll :'do~eley & Macleod, Bill iter buildings E C Wimble Charle~. Sons & Co. 21.Mincing laE C Capel-Cure E. & Co. Ltd. 153 & 155 Leaden- H L'lal:mst Bldmd. & Co. Billiter house E C '\MOSS H. E. & CO. 43 t:lt. M:ary Axe E C ball street E C IIH!lthor Steamship Co. Lttl. 38 Leadenhall Moxon, Salt & Co. 101 Leanenball street E C Brokers-R uas1a. l§Capper, Alexander & C'..o.57 &58 Lea!ln hl. st E C street E C il Muller Wm. H. &Co.( Land. )Ltd.32 Bury st E C ~lif1a.yzcr, Irvine & Co.Ltrl.ll:i Leadenhl.stE C Haviside T. & Oo. 23 Loadenball street E C li Mussenden & Co. 18 Callum street E C &e also Brolcer1-0it &c. tO:J:;ItJhaplin H. & Co. 9 Fenchurcn street E C Hay man Henry Daniel & Co. 81 Gracechurch Nelson, Donktn & Co. 38 Gt. St. Helen's E C llfarl&ed thno t o.re Tallow Broken. Oharterinl{ OJmp1.uy (The), 7 Oallum st E C street E C & Lloyd's E C Nichols T. & C. 32 St. Mary A.xe E C tAnning & Cobh, 39 Lime street E C & Ohristensen & Oo. 10 London street E C 11 Hedley Jn. Hobson, Caxt•m bo. Tothill stSW Norris & Joyner,Billiter house, Billiter stE C Stoney lane, Tooley street S E Christengen Alfred, 16 Water lane, Great Heiestad J acob P.
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